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雏鸡卵黄囊炎和脐炎又叫雏鸡脐带炎,俗称大肚脐病,是鸡胚胎与孵化的幼雏体内大肠杆菌、沙门氏杆菌、变形杆菌及葡萄球菌等多种病原菌感染引起的传染病,又是雏鸡出壳后常发生的疾病,主要发生于1~2周龄的雏鸡。本病对鸡的生长发育危害极大,发病率和死亡率均高(死亡率10%~40%),耐过康复雏鸡发育不良,开产日龄拖后,产蛋率仅维持在60%~70%左右,一般无产蛋高峰期。  相似文献   

奇异变形杆菌为革兰氏阴性杆菌,是一种常见的条件致病菌。奇异变形杆菌是具有细胞迁徙生长现象的兼性厌氧菌,对生长环境要求不高,普遍存在于泥土、水和机体消化道中,有周鞭毛,运动活泼。奇异变形杆菌广泛存在于人和动物的肠道中,该菌是引起临床泌尿系统感染的重要病原菌。奇异变形杆菌可引起家禽感染,可穿透种蛋壳,造成鸡胚死亡、卵黄感染以及雏鸡、鸽死亡等,引起山羊和猪腹泻。在狐狸、水貂、等主要引起消化道、呼吸道、泌尿生殖道的感染及体表溃烂等症状。  相似文献   

岭南黄鸡快,慢羽品系的生产性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
岭南黄鸡快、慢羽新品系雏鸡在出壳后24小时内利用羽速自别雌雄的准确率达94.1%,快羽C系和慢羽D系0,4,8,12周龄的平均体重及12周龄的料肉比的差异均不显著(P>0.05);12周龄存活率快羽C系为95.03%,明显高于慢羽D系的88.76%。  相似文献   

湖南鸡隐孢子虫感染情况调查及雏鸡人工感染试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对湖南省5县(市)8个鸡场的348只鸡进行了隐孢子虫感染的调查,并用25只雏鸡作了隐孢子虫的人工感染试验。调查表明:4个县(市)有鸡隐孢子虫感染,感染率为2.8~25.0%,总感染率为12.1%,其中2~4周龄鸡为3.6%,8~40周龄鸡为15.1%,伊莎鸡、AA鸡、罗曼鸡、艾维茵鸡、泰国肉鸡分别为21.9%、13.6%、9.1%、5.4%和0;10只阳性鸡器官粘膜涂片检查盲肠、法氏囊、直肠的染虫率分别为100%、60%和40%,气管、十二指肠和小肠中段未查到虫体。雏鸡人工感染试验表明:经鼻腔和眼结膜感染潜隐期均为5天;经口感染潜隐期为4天,第8~19天排出卵囊数较多,第12天排卵囊达到最高峰,显露期为21天。  相似文献   

鸡白痢是由鸡白痢沙门菌引起的以2-3周龄雏鸡下痢和败血症为特征的传染病。本病发病率和病死率很高,是危害雏鸡成活率的因素之一。1流行特点白痢病最常发生于鸡,且肉用品种的发病率和病死率较高,蛋用品种的抵抗力较强。  相似文献   

1流行病学 鸡曲霉菌病是严重危害家禽生产的真菌性疾病。其主要病原有烟曲霉、黄曲霉、黑曲霉等,其中致病力最强的是烟曲霉菌。霉菌繁殖很快,抵抗力极强,在常温下能存活数年。当这些霉菌存在于饲料、垫草及饲养环境中时,空气中飞扬的孢子被雏鸡吸入后,在肺部和气囊繁殖,引起炎性病变,并产生毒素,造成鸡严重呼吸困难和毒性反应。本病在雏禽中常呈急性暴发,而成年禽则多为散发。本病全年均可发生,潮湿、闷热和多雨季节多发。各种日龄的鸡均可感染,发病率在25%-80%,死亡率可达25%-100%,但主要感染1-3周龄的雏鸡,3周龄以后的鸡较少发生,症状较轻,常因得不到及时的治疗而成为弱雏。  相似文献   

雏鸡白痢是由沙门氏杆菌属中的鸡白痢杆菌引起的一种传染病。病鸡和带菌鸡为主要传染源。除鸡可感染外,火鸡、珍鸡、野鸡和多种鸟类也可感染。本病主要发生在1~3周龄的雏鸡,尤其是10周龄以前的雏鸡的发病率和致死率较多。  相似文献   

鸡奇异变形杆菌病是近些年养鸡业新发的一种细菌病,病原为奇异变形杆菌,主要发生于1月龄内的雏鸡,日龄越小越易感,成年鸡感染后耐过,主要通过消化道和呼吸道传播,应激对本病的发生有促进作用,感染鸡主要表现全身症状;预防本病必须把好病从口入关,加强环境的消毒,提升鸡场管理水平,做好鸡群的防应激工作,恩诺沙星、庆大霉素、头孢喹肟、头孢噻呋等对本病有较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

正鸡白痢是由鸡白痢沙门氏菌引起的禽类的一种急性或慢性传染病,属国家规定的二类动物疫病。本病呈世界性分布,各种品种的鸡对本病均易感,以2~3周龄以内雏鸡的发病率与病死率为最高,成流行性。成年鸡感染后呈慢性或隐性经过,但可长期带菌,成为本病的主要传染源,种鸡感染后可经种蛋垂直传播造成更大范围的流行。一向存在本病的鸡场,雏鸡的发病率为20%~40%,但新传入本病的鸡场,发病率显著增高,病死率也比  相似文献   

雏鸡脐炎又叫雏鸡脐带炎,是鸡胚胎与孵化的幼雏体内大肠杆菌、沙门氏杆菌、变形杆菌及葡萄球菌等多种病原菌感染引起的一种传染病,又是雏鸡出壳后常发生的病。本病对鸡的生长发育危害极大,发病率和死亡率均高(死亡率30%~100%),耐过康复雏鸡发育不良,开产日龄拖后,产蛋率仅维持在60%~70%左右,一般无产蛋高峰期。肉仔鸡患脐炎后增重缓慢,不能按时出栏,饲料报酬低,经济效益低下。  相似文献   

鸡源致病性奇异变形杆菌的分离鉴定与遗传进化分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
徐睿  李颜桃 《中国畜牧兽医》2018,45(9):2550-2558
为了解鸡源奇异变形杆菌的耐药情况、致病力和遗传特征,本试验从凉山地区分离得到2株细菌(YLF1、WS),通过培养特征、镜检特征和16S rRNA序列测定对分离菌进行鉴定及致病性试验;采用(K-B)法检测分离菌对14种常用抗生素(包括β-内酰胺类、头孢烯类、氨基糖苷类、四环素类、氟喹诺酮类、大环内酯类)的敏感性;并与GenBank中公布的21种不同来源的变形杆菌16S rRNA基因序列进行遗传进化分析。结果表明,YLF1、WS菌株均具有迁徙性和β-溶血生长特征,镜检为革兰氏阴性长短不一的杆菌或球菌,经16S rRNA基因鉴定与GenBank中奇异变形杆菌同源性均在99%以上,YLF1、WS菌株确定为奇异变形杆菌,均表现为多重耐药,耐药率分别为78.6%(11/14)和71.4%(10/14);雏鸡致死率均为80%;YLF1、WS菌株与日本人体分离株、中国新疆黄牛分离株和中国广东土壤分离株同源性最高,达99.9%;与来自中国河南、中国新疆及印度的鸡源奇异变形杆菌同源性较高(98.9%~99.3%),遗传关系密切。表明凉山地区鸡群中存在奇异变形杆菌感染,分离株有较高的致病力和较强的耐药性,也提示分离菌可能来源于环境、感染鸡或其他动物,同时存在人畜共患的潜在危险。  相似文献   

M Brugh 《Avian diseases》1992,36(4):968-974
Avian influenza (AI) virus A/chicken/Alabama/7395/75 (H4N8), a putatively non-pathogenic virus associated with a self-limiting outbreak of severe disease in commercial layers, was selectively passed in chickens or in cell cultures and then in chickens to determine whether virus with increased pathogenicity would emerge. When 20 derivatives of the parental virus were each inoculated intranasally and intratracheally in leghorn hens, mortality rates ranged from zero (0/24) to 25% (6/24); mortality was 4% (1/24) for hens inoculated with the parental virus. Many virus reisolates (51/144) from hens that died exhibited high pathogenicity, killing at least six of eight intravenously inoculated 4-week-old chickens. Most derivatives examined produced plaques in trypsin-free cell cultures more efficiently than the parental virus, but the highest plaquing efficiencies observed (10%) were lower than would be expected (100%) for highly pathogenic subtype H5 or H7 AI viruses. These results confirm that the Alabama H4N8 virus can acquire increased pathogenicity upon passage in chickens and suggest that it may have acted alone in producing the severe disease observed in laying chickens in Alabama.  相似文献   

In order to study the prophylactic and metaphylactic effect of antomicrobial growth promoters and ionophorous anticoccidials on the incidence of Cl. perfringens enterotoxaemia in chickens, experimental attempts were performed with 675 chickens in 27 trials. The birds were intraduodenally infected with Cl. perfringens type A (ATCC 3624). The following antimicrobial growth promoters and ionophore anticoccidials were used either on their own or in combination: avilamycin, narasin, monensin and tylosin. While infected and non-medicated trials showed an average incubation period of 1 week, clinical symptoms occurred 2-4 days later in infected and medicated birds. Avilamycin medicated birds had the longest incubation period. In the infected and non-medicated trials, a mortality rate of 16%-36% was noted within 3 weeks post infection. The avilamycin trials showed a mortality rate of 0-8% (0-2 birds died) and the narasin and monensin a mortality rate of 0-8%, respectively. In the combination groups (monensin + avilamycin or narasin + avilamycin), the mortality rate ranged from 0 to 4%. Tylosin showed a very good metaphylactic/therapeutic effect against Cl. perfringens enterotoxaemia. Following infection, medicated birds showed a significantly better bodyweight gain than the chickens, whose feeds had not been supplemented. From epidemiological point of view, the systematic prevention of coccidiosis is a key in the control of Cl. perfringens enterotoxaemia in chickens.  相似文献   

When monoflora chickens with Lactobacillus acidophilus or Streptococcus faecalis were inoculated with Clostridium perfringens either in broth culture or resuspended in Gifu anaerobic medium broth or supernatant fluid, few or no chickens died. Approximately 50% of germ-free chickens died after inoculation of C. perfringens culture, whereas no conventional birds died after inoculation of broth culture. C. perfringens in the contents of duodenum from germ-free chickens numbered about 10(4) colony-forming units (CFU)/g after inoculation 10(8) CFU broth culture per bird, but in gnotobiotic and conventional chickens this organism decreased or was not detected. When C. perfringens was cultured in intestinal contents collected from germ-free chickens, C. perfringens proliferated but alpha toxin was not detected. These findings indicate that the pathogenicity of C. perfringens was suppressed by L. acidophilus or S. faecalis administered previously or inhibited by normal intestinal flora.  相似文献   

Very virulent infectious bursal disease virus (vvIBDV) causes high mortality in chickens but measures to reduce the mortality have not been explored. Chickens (8–9 weeks) were treated with 3 agents before and during vvIBDV inoculation. Dexamethasone treatment reduced the mortality of infected chickens (40.7% vs. 3.7%; p < 0.001), but treatment with aspirin or vitamin E plus selenium did not affect the mortality. The bursa of Fabricius appeared to have shrunk in both dead and surviving chickens (p < 0.01). The results indicate that dexamethasone can reduce mortality in vvIBDV-infected chickens and may provide therapeutic clues for saving individual birds infected by the virus.  相似文献   

旨在对我国流行的4种血清型(4、8a、8b和11型)禽腺病毒-I群(fowl adenovirus, FAdVs)对鸡胚和鸡的致病性进行研究,选取12日龄SPF鸡胚和10日龄SPF鸡感染4种血清型FAdVs,对SPF鸡胚和鸡的死亡率及鸡胚胚体质量进行统计;对感染鸡的大体剖检变化、组织学变化进行观察和病毒载量进行研究。结果显示,FAdV-8b和FAdV-11感染SPF鸡胚后其死亡率高于45%,FAdV-8a感染后胚体质量降低最严重,FAdV-4感染后对胚体质量影响最小;FAdV-4感染SPF鸡死亡率高达53.3%,其他组鸡无死亡;除肝出现肿胀、变性、出血和炎性细胞浸润外,4种病毒感染SPF鸡后分别造成不同组织器官的严重损伤,FAdV-4感染出现心包积液、FAdV-8a感染肌胃出现糜烂、FAdV-8b感染导致腺胃肿胀和FAdV-11感染导致胰腺坏死,各损伤组织均出现实质细胞坏死和炎性细胞浸润;4种病毒感染SPF鸡均出现免疫器官的组织学损伤,其中,FAdV-8a、-8b 和-11感染鸡引起的免疫器官内淋巴细胞缺失和损伤较FAdV-4更为严重;组织病毒载量结果显示,FAdV-4感染鸡心和肾病毒载量最高,FAdV-8b和FAdV-11感染鸡胰腺病毒载量高于FAdV-4感染组,且FAdV-4感染鸡心、肝和肾病毒载量在感染后第5天高于第3、7天,除FAdV-8a感染组外,病毒载量与各组织损伤情况相一致。综上表明,4种血清型FAdVs中,FAdV-11对SPF鸡胚的致死性最强,FAdVs对SPF鸡的致死率最高,尽管FAdV-8a、-8b 和-11不致死SPF鸡,但对SPF鸡胚、SPF鸡的消化系统和免疫系统损伤较为严重,这将会造成鸡胚孵化率降低、鸡生长发育缓慢和易于继发其他病原感染。  相似文献   

Histocompatible B13/B13 white specific-pathogen-free leghorn chickens were used to investigate the effect of coinfection with Cryptosporidium baileyi and the HPRS 16 strain of Marek's disease virus (MDV) in chickens and to assess the pathogenicity of C. baileyi when MDV is given before or after the parasite. Groups of chickens concurrently infected with C. baileyi orally inoculated at day (D)4 and MDV inoculated at hatching (C4M0 group) or at D8 (C4M8 group) were compared with relevant control groups inoculated with only C. baileyi at D4 (C4 group), only MDV at hatching (M0 group) or at D8 (M8 group), and an uninoculated control group (UC group). The chickens were kept in isolator units until the end of the experiment at D62. Our results showed a considerable synergistic effect in concurrently infected chickens and more severe consequences when chickens received MDV before C. baileyi infection. In fact, except for a slight transitory weakness, the chickens in C4 group remained free of overt clinical signs and there was no mortality. However, coinfection with both pathogens induced more lasting or permanent oocyst shedding. Severe clinical cryptosporidiosis with weakness, anorexia, depression, growth retardation, and chronic and severe respiratory disease causing death occurred in all chickens in the C4M0 group between D12 and D43 and in 67% of the chickens in the C4M8 group between D17 and D57. Eighty-two percent and 33%, respectively, died before the development of specific Marek's disease lesions. Mortality rates were 27% and 33% in the M0 and M8 groups, respectively. The presence of MDV enhanced the establishment of more lasting cryptosporidial infection in the respiratory tract, esophagus, crop, proventriculus, and kidneys (only in C4M0 group) as well as in bursa of Fabricius, ceca, and cloaca. Serologic analysis showed that chickens with chronic cryptosporidiosis in the C4M8 group had an increased level of C. baileyi-specific immunoglobulin A. Our results may explain some cases of mortality in chickens naturally infected with MDV and Cryptosporidium.  相似文献   

Serum protein alterations in chickens contact-exposed to Marek's Disease Virus (MDV) were studied by crossed immunoelectrophoresis. Total protein values of infected chickens were initially, i.e. in the 4th week, low and later not significantly changed from those of the controls. In all infected chickens a significant increase was seen in the IgG components. Three of 6 infected chickens showing a prolonged period of clinical illness presented the most pronounced changes in other serum proteins, moderate or drastic decrease of albumin and alpha-1 lipoproptein and marked increase of arc 24 glycoprotein. Ceruloplasmin and C3 complement beta-1-C and beta-1-A were also increased in infected chickens. No such changes were seen in sera from control chickens. The significance of these changes with reference to previous work and induced pathology is discussed.  相似文献   

从山东省某一地区发病肉鸡中分离到一株细菌,根据培养特性、形态学特性、生化特性及药物敏感性等鉴定所分离的菌株为奇异变形杆菌。采用自行研制的奇异变形杆菌诊断抗原,通过平板凝集试验对河南、山东、广西等省(自治区)共26个鸡场的739份血清样品进行了奇异变形杆菌病的血清学调查。结果表明70日龄以下商品代和父母代肉鸡抗体阳性率较低(6.85%),70日龄以上父母代肉种鸡阳性率较高(20.10%)。回归分析表明,鸡奇异变形杆菌抗体阳性率与日龄呈显著正相关(r=0.954)。  相似文献   

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