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The pilot study included serum analysis of ionized calcium, copper, zinc, various hormones and amino acid profiles from dogs affected with panosteitis, as well as protein electrophoresis performed on bone biopsies. Results of these analyses are as follows: ionized calcium, copper, zinc and hormones (parathyroid hormone, IGF-1, T3 and T4) were within reference ranges. Eleven of 23 serum amino acids from panosteitis-affected dogs were found to be significantly increased (P = 0.05). SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis performed on bone biopsies, which were pretreated with SDS, resulted in a double band of 39,000 D molecular weight in all panosteitis-affected dogs. Similar studies in control dogs resulted in a single band in this region. Attempts at amino acid sequencing from the N-terminal of the proteins in this double band region were unsuccessful. A chemical interference at the N-terminal end of these proteins was suspected. The composition of this double band is as yet unknown. The etiology of panosteitis could therefore not be definitively verified. However, it does appear that protein- or amino acid metabolism is affected in dogs with panosteitis.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), characterized by chamber dilatation and myocardial systolic and diastolic dysfunction, is one of the most common heart diseases in dogs. The aetiology of the myocardial hypokineis is seldom known in the individual case of DCM, although several theories concerning genetic, nutritional, metabolic, inflammatory, infectious, or drug- or toxin-induced myocardial disease have been discussed. DCM is often referred to as being breed-specific for Boxers, Doberman Pinschers, English Cocker Spaniels and other breeds. Review of reports on histopathologic findings in canine DCM reveals two histologically distinct forms of DCM; (1) cardiomyopathy of boxers and of Doberman pinschers, corresponding to the "fatty infiltration-degenerative" type, and (2) the form seen in many giant, large- and medium-sized breeds, including some boxers and Doberman pinschers, which can be classified as the "attenuated wavy fiber" type of DCM. The classification of canine idiopathic DCM according to histologic findigns seems superior to classification suggesting breed-specific syndromes, as some breeds (i.e. boxers and Doberman pinschers) may be affected by both diseases. However, ante mortem aetiological diagnosis of DCM is difficult. DCM carries a poor prognosis in dogs, and few prognostic indicators have been identified.  相似文献   

猪圆环病毒病(Porcine Circoviral Disease, PCVD)首次爆发后的几年里,加拿大和北美养猪业似乎并没有遭到太大的损失.然而,从2004年下半年起,猪圆环病毒已经传遍整个北美大陆的猪群.那么问题是"为何"预防该病的措施只能慢慢地出台呢?  相似文献   

From progeny lists of 30 Dutch Warmblood sires, 586 3-year-old females by these stallions were randomly selected, each progeny group aimed at 20 animals for statistical reasons. The front feet of the sires and female progeny were examined radiographically using lateromedial and dorsopalmar upright pedal projections. The radiological features associated with navicular disease were classified 0–4 using a standardised classification, grades 3 and 4 representing the more severe changes. The shape of the proximal articular border of the navicular bone outlined on the dorsopalmar view was classified 1–4: l=concave; 2=undulating; 3=straight; 4=convex. A significant shape-grade association was found, the highest grades 3 and 4 incidence associated with shape 1 and the lowest grades 3 and 4 incidence demonstrated by shape 4. In shapes 1 and 2, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 features were mainly characterised by inverted flask-shaped channels. In shape 3, navicular bones grades 3 and 4 were dominated by enthesiophytes. These findings indicate an apparent shape predisposition to radiological changes associated with navicular disease. The shape of the navicular bone in the offspring was on average the same as the sire, indicating an hereditary element in navicular bone shape.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial associated diarrhoea (AAD) is the most commonly recognised adverse effect of antimicrobial treatment in horses, although its incidence is probably low given the frequency of antimicrobial administration. Clinical signs vary from transient self‐limiting diarrhoea to rapidly fatal toxic enterocolitis. AAD prolongs the duration of hospitalisation, increases diagnostic and therapeutic costs, and was associated with a lower case survival rate than other types of acute diarrhoea in one study. Virtually all antimicrobials have been implicated in AAD, but some pose a greater risk than others.  相似文献   

Infectious respiratory disease in dogs is a constant challenge because of the involvement of several pathogens and environmental factors. Canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV) is a new coronavirus of dogs, which is widespread in North America, Japan, and several European countries. CRCoV has been associated with respiratory disease, particularly in kenneled dog populations. The virus is genetically and antigenically distinct from enteric canine coronavirus; therefore, specific tests are required for diagnosis.  相似文献   

Although the omentum remains an enigmatic organ, research during the last decades has revealed its fascinating functions including fat storage, fluid drainage, immune activity, angiogenesis and adhesion. While clinicians both in human and veterinary medicine are continuously exploring new potential omental applications, detailed anatomical data on the canine omentum are currently lacking, and information is often retrieved from human medicine. In this study, the topographic anatomy of the canine greater and lesser omentum is explored in depth. Current nomenclature is challenged, and a more detailed terminology is proposed. Consistent arteries that are contained within folds of the superficial omental wall are documented, described and named, as they can provide the anatomical landmarks that are necessary for unambiguous scientific communication on the canine omentum. In an included dissection video, the conclusions and in situ findings described in this study are demonstrated.  相似文献   

Relationships between onset latency and peak-to-peak amplitude of magnetic motor evoked potentials (MMEP) after transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), together with the electroencephalographic parameters bispectral analysis index (BIS) and the autoregressive model with exogenous input (ARX)-derived auditory evoked potential index (AAI) were explored during different sedative and hypnotic drug combinations in six dogs. TMS was performed under sedation with acepromazine/methadone or medetomidine and after a single bolus injection of propofol or etomidate. Data for BIS and AAI were continuously collected during the periods of treatment with the hypnotic drugs. Changes in BIS and AAI during both periods were not statistically correlated with changes in onset latencies and peak-to-peak amplitudes of MMEP after TMS. Therefore, both electroencephalographic techniques are of limited use in titrating sedation and anaesthesia during TMS in the dog.  相似文献   

This article is the second in a review series about infectious disease diagnostics and summarises serological testing techniques, diagnostic test validation and result interpretation. It highlights the requirement for results to be interpreted with testing limitations in mind and in conjunction with the case's clinical presentation. With these foundations, the treating clinician should always be well placed to deal with equine infectious diseases.  相似文献   

Since 1981 a highly contagious viral disease causing high morbidity and low mortality in racing pigeons has spread over Europe. The virus belongs to the avian paramyxovirus sero group I. Clinical signs include watery droppings, polydypsia and neurologic signs in a high proportion of infected animals. Definitive diagnosis can be made by virus isolation in cell cultures or chicken embryos, and virus identification by haemagglutination and haemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests. The HI test, using sera from suspected animals, is a useful clinical tool to confirm the diagnosis. The most important differential diagnosis is salmonellosis. Good immunity against this disease can be acquired by subcutaneous vaccination with an inactivated oil adjuvant poultry NDV-vaccine. For the benefit of pigeon racing a plea is made for compulsory vaccination in countries in which the disease is endemic.  相似文献   

Mast cells (MCs) are well known for their neoplastic transformation in solitary and multiple cutaneous mast cell tumours (MCTs), as well as visceral and systemic mastocytosis. Dogs have a unique risk of developing cutaneous MCTs, and they account for 7% to 21% of all canine skin tumours. The aetiology of canine MCTs is unknown but is probably multifactorial. This article reviews up-to-date knowledge on the pathogenesis, the clinical presentation, the clinical prognostic factors, the diagnostic workup including clinical staging, cytological findings, histological findings and the various grading systems which have been evaluated based on morphology, the assessment of proliferation markers and other factors such as vessel density. Furthermore, detailed information about current treatment protocols for canine cutaneous MCTs is provided.  相似文献   

Orthopaedic injury is common in the racing Thoroughbred and is a cause of both economic loss to the industry, as well as being an obvious welfare issue. Fatal injuries sustained during racing are an obvious major concern and it is important that all is done to reduce their frequency. As a consequence of the importance of these causes of horse morbidity and mortality, the Horserace Betting Levy Board in the UK has invested considerable resources into research in recent years in this area in an attempt to decrease the frequency of such injuries. This review summarises current knowledge relating to epidemiological investigations relating to fractures, falling and fatalities in the racing Thoroughbred. Studies identify the importance of track surface conditions, the importance of pre-existing orthopaedic pathology, as well as issues relating to the horse's past training and racing experience as important determinants of both injury and death. Such findings can now be used to develop interventions to reduce racehorse injury and death for the benefit of both the industry and the horse.  相似文献   

The records of 25 Golden Retrievers with idiopathic epilepsy were reviewed. One goal was to identify objective aspects enabling a realistic prognosis prior to treatment. In half the dogs seizures occurred for the first time at the age of one to three years and were mostly generalised. The character, feeding habits and confinement of the dogs played a minor role in the clinical manifestation of the fits, but they were seen mostly during sleep in two thirds of the dogs. Because of the long follow-up period some important findings were made. At the beginning of the standardized long-term therapy with phenobarbital a success was observed in two thirds of the dogs, while after four years the symptoms worsened significantly in about half the dogs. We found no better success rate in castrated dogs. Dogs responded well to therapy if treated as early as possible.  相似文献   

In this investigation the Western blot test was treated as a method verifying results of the IFA, commercial ELISA and standardized ELISA tests (described in Part I). The verifying investigations were performed on 82 serum samples, which in the commercial ELISA were positive in 36 cases, dubious in 31 cases and negative in 15 cases as well as on 5 serum samples obtained from horses infected with Leptospira spp., which in the ELISA commercial were dubious (total of 87 sera samples). The antigens, against which the immunological response in horses was directed, were also established. The Milenia--Blot--Borrelia IgG test (MIDBO IgG-Kit 30 Tests: DPC Bierman GmbH) was used in the investigation. In view of species differences, rabbit anti-horse IgG (whole molecule) alkaline phosphatase conjugate, no A6063 SIGMA-ALDRICH was used interchangeably. Also the control sera were substituted with the horse control sera. It was demonstrated that the Western blot test is the most reliable in the serological diagnosis of B. burgdorferi infection in horses. The commercial ELISA and standardized ELISA tests represent a lower diagnostic value than the Western blot test, although similar to each other, while the value of the IFA is minimal. In the Western blot test antigens were established against which the immunological response in horses in mostly directed. In the sera evaluated in this test as positive the presence of antibodies, mainly against antigens with the following molecular weights: 41 kDa, 62/60 kDa, 93 kDa, 72 kDa, 34 kDa (OspB), 66 kDa was noted. At the same time, antibodies contained in the sera accepted as negative, in 55.5% cases also reacted with the antigen of 41 kDa. It points to its minimal specificity. On the basis of the results obtained it is recommended that serological examination of horses should be with the ELISA and that positive or dubious results should be verified with the Western blot test.  相似文献   

The clinical and ancillary diagnostic findings in equine sinnasal disease were studied. The diagnoses in 277 referred (1984-1996) cases of equine sinonasal disease included the following (% all cases): 67 cases (24.2%) primary sinusitis, 61 (22.0%) dental sinusitis, 37 (13.4%) sinus cysts, 22 (7.9%) sinonasal neoplasia, 21 (7.6%) progressive ethmoid haematoma, 17 (6.1%) sinonasal trauma, 13 (4.7%) sinonasal mycosis, 11 (4.0%) rostral maxillary cheek tooth infection, 7 (2.5%) sinonasal polyps, 7 (2.5%) cases of nasal epidermal inclusion cysts and 14 (5.1%) miscellaneous sinonasal disorders. Many disorders showed similar clinical signs including nasal discharge (present in 88% of all cases) and facial swelling (46%). Most disorders were chronic, with a median duration of signs of 12 weeks (range 3 days- 6 years) prior to referral. Sinus cysts and sinonasal neoplasia were significantly (P<0.05) more frequently associated with gross distortion of the nasal passages and facial bones than the other sinonasal disorders. Endoscopic changes were detected per nasum in 91% of cases, but contributed to the exact diagnosis in only 20%. Radiography revealed abnormalities in 81% of cases but was diagnostically useful in only 36%. Sinoscopy was diagnostically useful in 70% of the 61 cases where used.  相似文献   

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