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Multiple shoots were obtained from nodal segments of mature trees of Elaeagnus angustifolia L. cultured on MS medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) supplemented with 0, 0.88 or 2.22 micro M N(6)-benzyladenine. When nodal segments taken from the in vitro proliferated shoots were cultured under the same conditions, additional multiple shoots were obtained. Rooting of the in vitro propagated shoots was achieved on full strength MS medium or on MS supplemented with 2.46 micro M indole-3-butyric acid. Regenerated plantlets were acclimatized and successfully transplanted to soil.  相似文献   

Thomas SC  Winner WE 《Tree physiology》2002,22(2-3):117-127
Ontogenetic changes in gas exchange parameters provide both insight into mechanisms underlying tree growth patterns, and data necessary to scale environmental impacts on young trees to predict responses of older trees. We present a quantitative review and meta-analysis of field measurements of gas exchange parameters in saplings and mature trees of 35 tree species (seven conifers, seven temperate deciduous trees, and 21 tropical evergreen trees). Data for saplings were obtained in both understory environments and open areas or large gaps. We also present data on ontogenetic changes in photosynthesis for Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco and Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg., species of particular interest because of their large maximal heights and long life-spans. Among tree species, there is evidence for both ontogenetic increases and ontogenetic decreases in photosynthetic capacity on a leaf area basis (A(area)). Overall, A(area) is generally higher for upper-canopy leaves of adult trees than for saplings, especially in temperate deciduous trees. However, the pattern for photosynthetic capacity on a leaf mass basis (A(mass)) is the reverse of that observed for A(area). Saplings of both conifers and broad-leaved trees, even when acclimated to low-light conditions, characteristically have a higher A(mass) than adult trees. This pattern is driven largely by an ontogenetic increase in leaf mass per unit area (LMA), as found in 100% of studies reviewed. Data for Pacific Northwest conifers, although including measurements on some of the tallest trees studied, did not differ greatly from patterns found in other tree species. We conclude that ontogenetic changes in LMA are the single most consistent difference between saplings and adult trees, and that changes in LMA and related aspects of leaf morphology may be critical to understanding both variation in gas exchange during tree growth, and stage-dependent responses of trees to environmental change.  相似文献   

Three superior clones of Eucalyptus grandis hybrids were micropropagated through several steps. Five-year-old trees were girdled to induce juvenile sprouts. Cultures were attempted from mature branches and sprouts. Branches from mature trees were 100% contaminated while sprouts were only 40% contaminated. Pre-initiation hormone free medium and dark environment were used to screen for contaminants and to reduce production of phenolic compounds. Initiation of auxillary buds was achieved with modified MS plus 0.05 mg/l NAA and 0.5 mg/l BAR High multiplication rates were obtained on auxin-free medium with 0.6 mg/1 BAR Elongation of shoots was best on media with high auxin (2.5 mg/l of IBA) and cytokinin (1–1.5 mg/l of zeatin). Continual subculture on the multiplication medium improved rooting significantly. Up to 98% rooting was achieved on 1/4 MS with 2 mg/l IBA. Rooted propagules were successfully transferred to a mist greenhouse with 82% survival, and then to greenhouse conditions.  相似文献   

本文以提高桦木板材物理、力学性能指标,扩大其使用用途为目的,着重研究了桦木中施加强化剂后对其显微结构,物理、力学性能的影响,为今后扩大其木材利用率提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   

We evaluated the performance of covered and impregnated birch plywood (BP) in the outdoor environment. Fungal growth, crack formation, and surface hydrophobicity were regularly assessed over 36 months. After 2 months, uncovered BP was severely colonised by disfiguring fungi. During the test period, the surface of plywood with better coatings (solvent- or water-based) was not overgrown or was overgrown slightly with fungi, no cracks were formed, and the surface hydrophobicity was stable. Similar results were observed for laminates with phenol and melamine film. Plywood impregnated with copper and organic biocides, with retention conforming to Use Class 3 (EN 335:2013), did not protect the plywood from crack formation within several months and the severe growth of disfiguring fungi within a year. The blue stain fungus Aureobasidium pullulans was identified for all overgrown test variants. No rot fungi were detected after a 36-month exposure.  相似文献   

Managing birch woodlands for the production of quality timber   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CAMERON  A. D. 《Forestry》1996,69(4):357-371
Interest in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and downy birch(Betula pubescens Ehrh.) has greatly increased in recent yearspartly as a result of pressures to restore and expand nativewoodlands but also due to renewed interest in birch as a treecapable of producing quality timber. Despite the many advantagesof birch as a commercial timber tree—ease of establishment,fast growth on good sites, high value timber and a short rotation,it has a poor reputation in Britain largely as a result of thepoor form of the existing, mainly unmanaged resource. The followingpoints need to be considered if stands of quality birch treesare to be produced in an economical timescale. (1) Sites: silverbirch needs good sites that are relatively well drained withlight mineral soils. Downy birch does well on moist to wet sites.(2) Regeneration: natural regeneration through a shelterwoodis the preferred system of regenerating birch as some overheadprotection is beneficial to germination success. About 20–40seed trees should be left per hectare. Good ground preparationand control of grazing are essential. The vast majority of seedlingsare recruited in the first year of the regeneration cycle thereforeplanting should be considered if the initial regeneration successis poor. Direct seeding is also a successful method of regeneration.Birch readily regenerates naturally into suitably prepared openareas next to existing birch woods but these should not be toobig, e.g. gaps or strips 20–60 m wide have been suggestedin the literature. (3) Maintenance: density of regenerationneeds to be reduced to about 2500–3000 stems ha–1by the time the trees are about 3–6 m tall. Birch seedlingsmust always be taller than the competing vegetation. (4) Thinning:thinning should begin when the mean height of the stand is about8–10 m. At this point at least half the number of treesshould be removed with the emphasis on retaining dominants andco-dominants of good form. The aim is to maintain about halfthe height of the tree as living crown to sustain a high rateof growth. Additional thinnings will be required at intervalsof 5 to 7 years and final thinning should leave around 300–500stems ha–1. (5) Rotation: a rotation of 40–50 yearsis possible on good sites and perhaps 50–55 years on lessfavourable sites.  相似文献   

The CO_2 released from respiring cells in woody tissues of trees can contribute to one of three fluxes:efflux to the atmosphere(E_A),internal xylem sap transport flux(F_T),and storage flux(DS).Adding those fluxes together provides an estimate of actual stem respiration(R_S).We know that the relative proportion of CO_2 in those fluxes varies greatly among tree species,but we do not yet have a clear understanding of the causes for this variation.One possible explanation is that species differ in stem radial CO_2 conductance(g_c).A high g_c would favor the E_A pathway and a low g_cwould favor the F_Tpathway.However,g_chas only been measured once in situ and only in a single tree species.We measured g_cusing two methods in stems of Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.(ash)and Betula platyphylla Suk.(birch)trees in situ,along with R_S,E_A,F_T and DS.Stem radial CO_2 conductance was substantially greater in ash trees than in birch trees.Corresponding to that finding,in ash trees over 24 h,E_Aconstituted the entire flux of respired CO_2 ,and F_Twas negative,indicating that additional CO_2 ,probably transported from the root system via the xylem,was also diffusing into the atmosphere.In ash trees,F_T was negative over the entire 24 h,and this study represents the first time that has been reported.The addition of xylem-transported CO_2 to E_A caused E_Ato be 9% higher than the actual R_Sover the diel measurement period.Birch trees,which had lower g_c,also had a more commonly seen pattern,with E_A accounting for about 80% of the CO_2 released from local cell respiration and F_T accounting for the remainder.The inorganic carbon concentration in xylem sap was also lower in ash trees than in birch trees:2.7 versus 5.3 mmol L-1,respectively.Our results indicate that stem CO_2 conductance could be a very useful measurement to help explain differences among species in the proportion of respired CO_2 that remains in the xylem or diffuses into the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Weih M  Nordh NE 《Tree physiology》2005,25(9):1197-1206
Pot experiments are often performed to assess plant physiological traits and relationships among growth traits under controlled environments. However, the reliability of pot studies for predicting the growth and performance of trees in the field has rarely been rigorously assessed. We evaluated the suitability of pot experiments for predicting field performance, measured as shoot biomass production, by investigating determinants of growth in hybrid willows (Salix spp.) grown under various environmental conditions in the field, and by comparing the data with the results from a corresponding pot study. Biomass production in six hybrid willow clones, bred for use as bio-fuels, was assessed in three field trials located in central and southeastern Sweden throughout the first 3-year cutting cycle. The determinants of biomass productivity, measured as biomass allocation and nitrogen (N) economy, were identified in one of the field trials. Key traits for shoot biomass production in the field were total leaf area and total amount of N; plant N losses by shed leaves were only partly controlled by leaf-litter N concentration. These key traits were also obtained from the pot study and related to shoot biomass production and abscission-leaf N loss in the field. Total leaf area and total N pool of plants grown in pot experiments were good predictors of long-term biomass production in the field, whereas shoot biomass production, specific leaf area and tissue N concentration of pot-grown plants were less suitable as predictors of field performance. Relationships between the key traits and shoot biomass production were clone-specific, indicating the need for analysis of growth traits at the clone level if field performance of trees is to be evaluated based on data from pot studies. Nutrient loss components are important for tree performance in the long term and evaluations of nutrient loss characteristics at the individual-tree level should focus on nutrient pools lost rather than on nutrient concentrations in abscised plant parts.  相似文献   

The establishment of biomass plantations with short-rotation forestry principles is one of the after-use options for cutaway peatlands. We studied biomass production and carbon sequestration in the above- and below-ground biomass of 25 naturally afforested, 10–30 years old downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) stands located in peat cutaway areas in Finland. Self-thinning reduced the stand density from 122,000 trees ha?1 (stand age of 10 years) to 10,000 trees ha?1 (25–30 years), while the leafless above-ground biomass increased from 17?Mg ha?1 up to 79–116?Mg ha?1. The total leafless biomass (including stumps and roots) varied from 46 to 151?Mg ha?1. The mean annual increment (MAI) of the above-ground biomass increased up to the stand age of 15 years, after which the MAI was on the average 3.2?Mg ha?1a?1. With below-ground biomass, the MAI of the stands older than 15 years was 4.7?Mg ha?1. The organic matter accumulated in the O-layer on the top of the residual peat increased linearly with the stand age, reaching 29.3?Mg ha?1 in the oldest stand. The O-layer contributed significantly to the C sink, and the afforestation with downy birch converted most of sites into C sinks.  相似文献   

Adult trees of Pinus armandii var. amamiana (PAAm) and P. thunbergii grown in the field were inoculated with 100000 or 1000 of the nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus to evaluate their susceptibility to pine wilt disease. PAAm trees inoculated with 100000 nematodes started to show disease symptoms 2 weeks after inoculation, and all died within 29 weeks. Although the PAAm trees inoculated with 1000 nematodes tended to show delayed disease symptoms compared with those inoculated with 100000 nematodes, all of them died within 33 weeks after inoculation. All P. thunbergii trees inoculated with 1000 nematodes had died 6 weeks after inoculation. In the nematode-inoculated PAAm trees, death of branches distal to the nematode inoculation site was the first visible symptom, followed by the systemic discoloration of needles, whereas the whole tree wilted simultaneously in P. thunbergii trees. In nematode-inoculated PAAm trees, the period from inoculation to death was longer than that in P. thunbergii. These results suggest that adult PAAm trees are susceptible to pine wilt disease, but are less vulnerable than P. thunbergii.  相似文献   


Growing markets for chopped firewood have created alternative uses for the by-products of sawmills. Based on empirical data and simulated results, the potential of birch (Betula pendula Roth, Betula pubescens Ehrh.) from commercial thinnings for combined industrial production of sawn timber and firewood billets was investigated. In the simulations, different sawing patterns were used for logs intended to combine production of sawn timber and billets for chopped firewood (‘sawlogs’), and for logs intended only to firewood production (‘firewood logs’). Finally, economical feasibility analysis was done concerning the differences between the sawmills’ traditional business concept and the novel concept combining sawn wood and firewood production. The bucking results for the volume yield of different timber assortments varied only slightly between the different bucking options, i.e. the combinations of timber assortments. The main differences in the volumes of timber assortments were due to the stand type where the birch trees were sampled (planted, naturally regenerated, mixed birch–spruce). In the sawing procedure, the output of sawn timber varied between 24% and 42% of the log volume in the sawlogs, depending on the log diameter class. As the volume yield of sawn timber and firewood billets was counted together in the case of sawlogs, the log consumption was c. 1.75 m3 of roundwood per 1 m3 of sawn timber and firewood billets. In the case of the firewood logs, the log consumption rate was considerably lower, only c. 1.35. The economic calculations showed that using the firewood approach in sawing may increase the net added value of products by €1.9–5.4 m?3 of logs, depending on their diameter class. As a conclusion, parallel production of sawn timber and firewood from logs from the first and second commercial thinning of birch-dominated stands is a concept that could work as an alliance between a sawmiller and a firewood entrepreneur. The concept could be competitive compared with both traditional sawmilling and production of chopped firewood.  相似文献   

以来自重庆市和浙江省千岛湖的4个种源34个柏木优树家系2年生苗为材料,研究家系和种源间苗期生长性状的差异性。结果表明:苗高与地径在家系和种源间均存在极显著差异,家系间变异系数分别为11.37%和18.89%,种源间变异系数分别为7.25%和12.58%,说明柏木的苗高与地径在家系和种源间存在较为丰富的变异,具有选育潜力。按15%的入选率,筛选出5个柏木苗期速生优良家系丰05、丰03、丰04、丰01和忠13。5个优良家系平均苗高和地径分别为79.04 cm和9.99 mm,高出参试家系平均苗高和地径的15.43%和31.37%,比对照高19.94%和49.15%。  相似文献   

To clarify the pathogenicity of Bursaphelenchus nematodes to adult pine trees, inoculation experiments using six species of B. xylophilus group nematodes and ca. 10‐year‐old trees of Pinus thunbergii were conducted. Trees inoculated with an avirulent isolate (C14‐5) of B. xylophilus did not die during the survey, but showed a decline in oleoresin exudation compared with the controls. Fifteen months after the inoculation, a small number of B. xylophilus survived in a tree inoculated with B. xylophilus C14‐5. Trees inoculated with B. mucronatus, B. doui, B. luxuriosae, B. conicaudatus and Bursaphelenchus sp. NK224 (undescribed) showed no decline in oleoresin exudation and no external symptoms of wilt. However, 9 months after the inoculation, a small number of B. luxuriosae survived in a tree inoculated with the nematodes, although four other nematode species were not isolated from trees inoculated with them. These results were approximately consistent with our previous results (Kanzaki, N.; Aikawa, T.; Maehara, N.; Ichihara, Y., 2010, J. For. Res.; in press), in which an avirulent isolate (OKD‐1) of B. xylophilus and B. luxuriosae caused water flow inhibition without external symptoms in 3‐year‐old seedlings. Therefore, to examine the pathogenicity of the nematodes to pines, it is useful to use 3‐year‐old seedlings in inoculation experiments when adult trees cannot be used.  相似文献   

园林苗木容器栽培是一种十分有效的栽培方式,必将成为苗木栽培的主要方式.本文从园林苗木容器栽培的城市环境功能方面阐述了容器栽培相比于露地栽培的独到优势,以期进一步推动我国园林苗木容器栽培产业的发展.  相似文献   

Distance-independent individual tree growth models based on about 30,000 observations from the National Forest Inventory and the Norwegian Forest Research Institute have been developed for the main tree species in Norway. The models predict 5-year basal area increment over bark for trees larger than 5 cm at breast height. Potential input variables were of four types: size of the tree, competition indices, site conditions, and stand variables including species, mixtures and layers. The squared correlation coefficient (R2) varied from 0.26 to 0.55. The accuracy of the models was tested by comparing the individual tree models with Norwegian diameter increment models. The accuracy is similar, but individual tree models forecast diameter distributions directly. The inclusion of species mixture and layer as variables increases the reliability of the models in mixed and in uneven-aged stands.  相似文献   

Bursaphelenchus mucronatus is a parasitic nematode of pine that is widely distributed in the natural pine forests of Asia and Europe. It has a very similar morphology and biology to that of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, the causal agent of pine wilt disease, but has generally been considered to be non‐pathogenic to pine. However, in some provinces of China, B. mucronatus has been isolated from dead pine trees rather than B. xylophilus. Previous studies have shown that B. mucronatus can induce the death of pine seedlings under glasshouse conditions. To investigate the virulence of B. mucronatus, 2‐year‐old seedlings of Pinus massoniana and Pinus elliottii were inoculated with one of six isolates of B. mucronatus under field conditions in April 2014 and their condition was monitored over a year. The virulence of the six B. mucronatus isolates differed on the three host species: P. elliottii seedling mortality ranged from zero to six of the 18 inoculated seedlings, whereas P. massoniana seedling mortality ranged from four to 12 of the 18 inoculated seedlings. Three B. mucronatus isolates that appeared to cause different levels of mortality among the seedlings were used to inoculate 12‐year‐old Pinus thunbergii trees in August 2014. The trees were monitored for a year, during which time between 4 and 12 of the 18 inoculated trees in each treatment wilted and died. The average monthly temperature during the test period appeared to be similar to that of the historical average in the test areas; however, both study sites experienced above‐average rainfall. This study demonstrated that B. mucronatus has potential virulence on pine trees and provided experimental evidence that high temperatures or drought stress is not essential for the virulence of B. mucronatus.  相似文献   

Individual tree models(ITMs) are classified as growth and production models for projecting current and future forest stands. ITMs are more complex than other growth and production models, show a higher level of detail and, consequently, produce a better modeling resolution. However, the accuracy and efficiency of ITMs have not been properly assessed to date. In this study, we estimated the growth in height, diameter, and individual tree volume of a Eucalyptus urophylla plantation by applying an ITM. We used a continuing forest inventory dataset in which 1554 individual trees within 29 permanent plots were measured in the field over a 6-year period(24 to 72 months). Each individual tree volume was estimated for future tree age. To achieve this, we adjusted the model to predict the height and diameter growth, and the probability of mortality as a function of the competition index. The ITM accuracy was assessed based on the analysis of variance results and, subsequently, the multiple mean comparison test at the 5% significance level. The tree volumes predicted by the ITM for the forest stand aged 72 months,beginning at ages 24, 36, 48, and 60 months, were compared to the field measured tree volume acquired from the 72-month forest inventory that was used as the reference age. Estimated and observed tree volumes were similar when the estimation was based on the 48-month forest plots. These results might help to reduce financial costs of forest inventory because the ITM produces accurate future predictions of forest stand stocks. Our estimated ITM for Eucalyptus plantations using measurement intervals up to 2 years is recommended because it significantly reduced the projected volume discrepancy compared to the field measurements.  相似文献   

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