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We investigated the physiological and psychological responses of ten healthy male volunteers to a single heavy floor-impact sound generated by dropping an automobile tire from heights of 50, 100, and 150cm in a wooden house. Blood pressure and peripheral blood flow were measured simultaneously, and sensory evaluation was conducted using the semantic differential method. The results obtained were as follows: (1) the systolic blood pressure increased and the peripheral blood flow decreased when the subjects heard the heavy floor-impact sound; (2) the heavy floor-impact sound caused the subjects to feel uncomfortable, but there was no significant change in sharp and monotonous feelings; and (3) for the heavy floor-impact sound for 100cm and that for 150cm, the subjects showed no difference in comfortable feeling, but we detected differences in the variations of both the systolic blood pressure and the peripheral blood flow.Part of this research was presented at the 48th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Shizuoka, April 1998.  相似文献   

To clarify the visual effects of room interior with wooden materials on humans, pulse rate, blood pressure, and brain activity were measured while the subjects were exposed to visual stimuli using actual-size model rooms. The wood ratios (the ratio of the area covered with wooden material to the whole area of the ceiling, walls, and floor) of the rooms were 0%, 45%, and 90%. Subjective evaluation was also conducted. In the 0% room, diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly, but the observed change in the autonomic nervous activity was relatively small. In the 45% room, a significant decrease in the diastolic blood pressure and a significant increase in pulse rate were observed. This room tended to have the highest scores in subjective “comfortable” feeling. The 90% room caused significant and large decreases in systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure at the beginning of the test, but the large coverage of wood appeared to cause a rapid decrease in brain activity and an increase in pulse rate. The present study demonstrated that a difference in wood ratio in the interior caused different physiological responses, especially in the autonomic nervous activity, by using actual-size rooms for the first time.  相似文献   

Patterns of above- and below-ground biomass allocation in seedlings of nine common cloud forest (CF) tree species of western Mexico were examined under varying controlled light conditions using artificial shade houses. We analysed the relationships between vital rates (growth and survival) and four morphological traits (SLA, biomass allocation to stems, leaves and roots). We hypothesised that these traits represent differentiation axes in the way seedlings face the heterogeneous light regime typical of the CF understorey. For all species, traits between the different light levels, i.e. allocation to leaves, roots and stems differed among light levels. Five species had the largest SLA in the lowest light levels at the end of the experiment (Citharexylum, Dendropanax, Fraxinus, Quercus and Magnolia). Juglans was the only species with a large SLA at the highest light level (377.47 cm2 g−1). In contrast, light levels did not cause any significant variation in SLA of Persea and Simplococarpon at the end of the experiment. The relative height growth rates (RHGR) of the seedlings of five species were significantly different between light levels (P < 0.05). Overall, all species grew better in the highest light levels. The RHGR of three species were correlated positively with SLA. In turn, allocation to stem, leaves and root biomass were strongly correlated with the RHGR of five species (e.g. Citharexylum, Dendropanax and Fraxinus). Survival did not vary significantly between treatments in any species, only in the case of Simplococarpon (P < 0.05) and was correlated with all morphological variables. For this species, Peto and Peto's test showed a significantly larger survival of seedlings in the highest light level. The mean responses of these species based on all traits to the controlled light variation did not differed significantly. Our results show that these species display a wide range of resource allocation patterns when exposed to the varying light conditions that may be found in the forest understorey and highlight the role of morphological traits in this variation.  相似文献   

Saplings of 19 valuable rain forest timber species representative of three successional status groups (early secondary, late secondary and climax) were grown in a polyhouse to examine their responses to three light intensity/quality treatments and nitrogen supply. Solar radiation was modified using painted polyethylene sheet to mimic natural light environments across a rain forest vertical column as follows: 1. Transparent plastic, 80% of full sunlight, R:FR = 0.95, 2. Blue shade, 14% of full sunlight, R:FR = 0.69; 3. Green shade, 7% of full sunlight, R:FR = 0.50. Transparent plastic conditions promoted an increase in stem height and diameter (i.e., growth), leaf thickness and gas exchange per unit leaf area. Additional nitrogen availability enhanced growth and specific leaf area (i.e., leaves were thinner), particularly in the full sun environment and on early secondary and late secondary successional species, but did not influence photosynthetic rate. Successional status of the species did not affect photosynthetic rate although early secondary successional species grew faster and had fewer branches than species of the other successional groups. We recommend that for a successful mixed stand the high-light requiring species should be planted first, with increased nitrogen supply, and the shade tolerant species should be introduced later with no extra nitrogen supply required.  相似文献   

We investigated non-structural carbohydrates(NSC) levels and components(starch,glucose,fructose and sucrose) in the leaves of three typical co-occurring forestfloor plants,moss Eurhynchium savatieri(ES),fern Parathelypteris nipponica(PN) and forb Aruncus sylvester(AS) in a 30-year-old Chinese pine(Pinus tabulaeformis)plantation forest on the eastern Tibetan Plateau.We also explored their responses to three gap creation treatments(control and two gap creations of 80 and 110 m2) based on NSC levels.PN had the highest leaf NSC level of the three plants,with AS second and ES lowest.Starch was the predominant component of NSC and the contents of glucose were higher than those of fructose or sucrose for all three species.The NSC level of ES in intermediate gaps was significantly higher than at control sites.PN also had higher NSC levels in both small and intermediate gaps than in control sites.But the differences between treatments were not obvious for AS.Our results suggest that ES and PN benefit from gap formation while the two species have different NSC response sensitivities to gap size,but the leaf NSC level of AS is less sensitive to the disturbance.  相似文献   

Background: Forest ecosystem functioning is strongly influenced by the absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), and therefore, accurate predictions of APAR are critical for many process-based forest growth models. The Lambert-Beer law can be applied to estimate APAR for simple homogeneous canopies composed of one layer, one species, and no canopy gaps. However, the vertical and horizontal structure of forest canopies is rarely homogeneous. Detailed tree-level models can account for this heterogeneity but these often have high input and computational demands and work on finer temporal and spatial resolutions than required by stand-level growth models. The aim of this study was to test a stand-level light absorption model that can estimate APAR by individual species in mixed-species and multi-layered stands with any degree of canopy openness including open-grown trees to closed canopies. Methods: The stand-level model was compared with a detailed tree-level model that has already been tested in mixed-species stands using empirical data. Both models were parameterised for five different forests, including a wide range of species compositions, species proportions, stand densities, crown architectures and canopy structures. Results: The stand-level model performed well in all stands except in the stand where extinction coefficients were unusually variable and it appears unlikely that APAR could be predicted in such stands using (tree- or stand-level) models that do not allow individuals of a given species to have different extinction coefficients, leaf-area density or analogous parameters. Conclusion: This model is parameterised with species-specific information about extinction coefficients and mean crown length, diameter, height and leaf area. It could be used to examine light dynamics in complex canopies and in stand-level growth models.  相似文献   

Group retention is a forest harvesting technique designed to sustain biodiversity and mitigate concerns regarding clearcut logging. It is characterized by retained forest patches that vary in number, size, spatial arrangement, and habitat attributes. We used birds to compare community composition and species abundance among clearcut, group retention, and uncut control forest treatments, and evaluated species’ responses to percentage retention. The bird community in group retention was more similar to that in control forests than it was to the community in clearcuts. The probability of occurrence for many bird species typical of uncut control forests was related positively to percentage retention. A preliminary analysis of plot-level effects (i.e., amount of forest sampled) suggests that patch size may be more important than total amount of retention.  相似文献   

A series of available phosphorus (Olsen) levels ranging from 10 to 40 ppm were achieved in a semi-arid soil. The influence of the levels of phosphorus on the symbiotic interaction between two subtropical tree species, Acacia nilotica and Albizzia lebbeck, and a mixed inoculum of indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi was evaluated in a greenhouse study. The extent to which the plant species depended on AM fungi for dry matter production decreased as the levels of soil P increased, but the degree of this decrease differed in the two species tested. Acacia nilotica colonized by AM fungi showed a significant increase in shoot P and dry matter at a soil P level of 10 ppm whereas in Albizzia lebbeck, such increase occurred at 20 ppm. Mycorrhizal inoculation response disappeared beyond soil P levels of 25 ppm in Acacia nilotica and 30 ppm in Albizzia lebbeck. Levels of soil P greater than 25 ppm suppressed AM fungus colonization in both species. Soil P levels of 30 and 40 ppm and 40 ppm caused negative mycorrhizal dependencies (MD) in Acacia nilotica and Albizzia lebbeck respectively. Values of MD for both species were negatively correlated with soil P levels. Based on the MD values, regression equations were developed to predict MD for given levels of available P.  相似文献   

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