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The release of mercury from volcanic eruptions on the Island of Hawaii has been well documented, but the dispersion characteristics have not previously been studied in detail. Samples of lichens were collected from around the island, and subsequent analysis showed levels ranging from < 8 to 59 µg Hg g-1. The distribution of the accumulation of mercury clearly shows that there is a major input from the active eruption sites, but that this is significantly modified by variations in wind patterns. Superimposed on this regional distribution are two localised sites where the mercury accumulation is exceptionally high; this is attributed to the release of steam from the circulation of shallow ground waters.  相似文献   

降水对春小麦产量贡献率的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用黑龙江省国营农场 40余年资料 ,用多元正态回归方法建立了春小麦产量与土壤有机质含量、降水量、气温间关系的计算机模型 ,研究结果表明该地年降水量对春小麦产量最大贡献率为 2 4kg/hm2 ·mm ,拔节~开花期 (约 50d)降水量 <80mm时对春小麦产量最大贡献率为 45kg/hm2 ·mm ,灌浆期 (约 2 0d)降水量 <10mm时对春小麦产量最大贡献率为 3 6kg/hm2 ·mm。  相似文献   


The influence of pH upon the availability of sulfate‐sulfur in sphagnum peat moss was studied. Samples of sphagnum peat moss amended with 0, 1.41, 2.82, 3.81 and 5.64 g/L Ca(OH)2, had pH values of 2.8, 3.7, 4.7, 5.8 and 7.0, respectively. Sulfate was extracted from peat samples with a 0.15% CaCl2.H2O or a 500 mg P/L (as Ca(H2PO4)2.H2O) extractant and quantified with a Dionex QIC ion Chromatograph. Sulfate availability from the CaCl2‐extracted solutions was greatest at pH 4.7 and 5.8, but highest at pH 4.7 only for the P‐extracted solutions, in which no measurable extracted sulfur was found at pH levels greater than 4.7.  相似文献   

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution - Choice of sampling strategy or criteria for selection of aerosol concentration data from a time series record can lead to errors in estimating periodic...  相似文献   

A regression model of wet deposition on rainfall amount for non-seasalt sulfate (nss-SO4 2?) and nitrate (NO3 ?) was applied to a data set obtained through a nationwide survey from April 1989 to March 1993. Wet-only samples on a biweekly basis were collected at 29 sites over Japan. Reparameterized bivariate lognormal distribution was employed to describe the joint distribution of concentration (C) and rainfall amount (R) for each site. Ranges of geometric mean (μD) of biweekly deposition (D = C. R) for each site were 0.54–2.90 meq m?2 for nss-SU4 2?, and 0.21–1.36 meq m?22 for NO3 ?; that of biweekly rainfall amount (μR) was 24.1–78.0 mm. Urban or industrialized areas had high values of μD for these ions. Ranges of estimates of the slope of the regression equation of log(D/μD) on log(R/μR), were 0.45–0.99 for nss-SO4 2?, and 0.35–0.86 for NO3 ?; thus estimates of the slope for nss-SO4 2? tend to be larger than those for NO3 ?. The present analysis, consequently, statistically clarified some differences between the two ions in deposition processes which is understood in the light of current knowledge of atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

The physics of land drainage is developed from the application of Darey's law to the water movement produced as a result of the conditions at the boundaries of the groundwater region in a given drainage situation. The physical understanding of the groundwater problem so obtained allows land drainage to be considered as an engineering operation founded on rational scientific principles and allows recommendations to be made concerning the design of installations. However, for theory to be applied in many field situations, a greater understanding of the soil-water physics of heterogeneous soils, of fissured soils and of swelling soils is required.  相似文献   

Landmines are one of the most environmentally destructive aftermaths of war facing the world today. The barely chronicled global landmine problem has transcended both humanitarian and sociological concerns to bring about environmental damage. Disruption of land's stability, pollution and loss of biodiversity constitute major ecological repercussions of landmine crisis. This review qualitatively integrates ecological, social, economic and political variables that play a role in creating and perpetuating a serious land degradation problem in landmine‐affected regions. Through a mail survey and interview with professionals working in areas related to landmines, peace research, environmental management and law and extensive archival research this review tries to unravel the many facets and causal links in the ecological and socio‐politico‐economic problems. This paper highlights the complexity of the landmine problem and interrelationships between the issues surrounding the degradation and management of landmine‐affected environments. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ancient valley agriculture in the northern Negev highlands was based on the principle of directed collection of water and eroded material from the slopes and their consequent flow towards the valleys. The stones on these slopes were therefore removed and/or collected into piles known as ‘grape mounds’. The aim of this study was to understand the contribution of stone cover and slope‐facing to biological activity in soil. Soil samples from a depth of 0–5 mm from the soil surface were collected during the study period (December 1994–March 1996) from northern and southern hill slopes, from under limestones and between stones. Soil moisture, organic matter, chlorophyll‐a and soil respiration were determined. The results obtained in field and laboratory studies demonstrated differences between the northern and southern slopes. The stone cover on the northern slope made up 33 per cent and in the southern slope 23 per cent, stone size ranging from 15–50 cm2 and 15–35 cm2, respectively. Soil moisture content varied from 12 per cent in December 1994 on both slopes to one‐quarter of the initial value during the dry period. Organic matter content reached a maximal level of 14 per cent and 16 per cent on the northern and southern slopes, respectively. Values of chlorophyll‐a on both the northern and southern slopes were 0.38 μg g−1 dry soil during the wet season, decreasing to 0.05 μg g−1 dry soil during the dry period. Soil samples from under the stones on both slopes produced high levels of CO2, ranging between 50 and 100 μg CO2 g;−1 dry soil h−1, whereas in the control samples the levels ranged between 30 and 70 μg CO2 g−1 dry soil h−1. In conclusion, the stone cover apparently plays an important role in the maintenance of biological activity through its contribution to slope biotope stability. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - Acid soils often have low P availability limiting plant growth, which is addressed by application of inorganic fertilizers and neutralizing agents. However, little...  相似文献   

A model deciduous forest soil (Schaffenaker loamy sand) was treated for 8 mo in the greenhouse in 25 cm reconstructed columns with simulated throughfall at pH 6.0 or 4.0, and SO4 2? levels of 12.8 or 24.8 mg L?1. Red oak seedlings grown in the microcosms showed no growth or foliar element response to the treatments. Sulfate loading had a greater impact on soil and leachate chemistry than pH. Higher available soil P in the A, horizon was associated with the pH 6.0 and high SO4 2?2 treatment combination. High SO4 2? loading also reduced exchangeable K+ in the A1?. Other soil horizons were unaffected by either treatment. Leachate chemistry was not significantly altered by througfall pH, but significantly greater export of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Al3+, and NO3 ?, and lower SO4 2? loss, occurred with low SO4 ? input. Comparatively half as much NO3 ? loss was associated with high SO4 2? deposition. The high rate of NO3 ? leaching appeared responsible for greater equivalent mass loss of cations from the low SO4 2? treatment. Leachate removal of SO4 2? approximated input after 8 mo. The capacity of this soil to adsorb SO4 2? appeared relatively limited in the absence of normal element cycling. The sulfate component of simulated deciduous forest throughfall was shown to have a potentially greater impact than pH on ion leaching from forest soil. Additional consideration of the role of SO2? 4 deposition, in the context of throughfall rather than incident precipitation, is warranted in studies of acidic deposition effects on internal forest soil processes.  相似文献   

Samplers designed to collect bulk atmospheric fallout were located at three sites around Lake Carl Blackwell, Oklahoma in order to gather data regarding the atmospheric contribution of P to the Lake. Based on the data collected, it was determined that the atmosphere is a definite source of P to Lake Carl Blackwell. It was also concluded that P quantities, as a general trend, increased as the volume of precipitation increased and that atmospheric contributions vary with sampler location. Based on the average annual atmospheric P contribution and the average calculated surface area and lake volume, it was determined that the atmosphere can become a significant non-point source of P to this aquatic system.  相似文献   

Marginal habitats such as hedgerows or roadsides become especially important for the conservation of biodiversity in highly modified landscapes. With concerns of a global pollination crisis, there is a need for improving pollinator habitat. Roadsides restored to native prairie vegetation may provide valuable habitat to bees, the most important group of pollinators. Such roadsides support a variety of pollen and nectar sources and unlike agricultural fields, are unplowed, and therefore can provide potential nesting sites for ground-nesting bees. To examine potential effects of roadside restoration, bee communities were sampled via aerial netting and pan trapping along roadside prairie restorations as well as roadsides dominated by non-native plants. Management of roadside vegetation via the planting of native species profoundly affected bee communities. Restored roadsides supported significantly greater bee abundances as well as higher species richness compared to weedy roadsides. Floral species richness, floral abundance, and percentage of bare ground were the factors that led to greater bee abundance and bee species richness along restored roadsides. Traffic and width of roadside did not significantly influence bees, suggesting that even relatively narrow verges near heavy traffic could provide valuable habitat to bees. Restored and weedy roadside bee communities were similar to the prairie remnant, but the prairie remnant was more similar in bee richness and abundance to restored roadsides. Restoring additional roadsides to native vegetation could benefit pollinator conservation efforts by improving habitat on the millions of acres of land devoted to roadsides worldwide, land that is already set aside from further development.  相似文献   

A population of peculiar rock wallabies (Macropodidae: Petrogale) became established in the Ko'olau Range, Oahu, in 1916. The few available specimens differ from known Australian forms in skull characters, size, and electrophoretic profile. The population seems largely confined to ca 7·0 ha in one valley from ca 150–400 m, on a mean slope of 60°. There were ca 53 (range 27–94, p = 0·05) individuals in a grid of 1·5 ha, indicating a population of 247 (126–439) animals. The sex ratio was 1:3 males:females. Fifty per cent of females over 89 cm were carrying or nursing joeys during November. Seemingly old, blind, post-reproductive individuals of both sexes were present and all individuals appeared robust. There was no significant size difference between the sexes. The taxonomic status of these animals is under study.  相似文献   


Forms of metals in soils control their availability to plants and animals and affect the environment differently. To evaluate shifts of metal forms as affected by organic amendments, a sequential extraction procedure was used to fractionate calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) in two Hawaii soils amended with three organic wastes. The designated forms are water‐soluble, exchangeable, sorbed, organically bound, carbonate, and residual fractions. The soils, a Mollisol (Waimanalo series) and an Ultisol (Paaloa series), were incubated at 25°C±2°C at field capacity with either chicken manure, sewage sludge, or green manure (cowpea leaves) at 0, 5, and 20 Mg#lbha‐1 for one or five months. Organically bound metals decreased with time because of organic matter decomposition. Iron was mostly residual, but water‐soluble Fe also increased in the acid Paaloa soil. Unlike Fe, most forms of Ca and Mg were transformed to the exchangeable form in 5 months. There was no significant change of Mn forms during the 5‐month incubation. Virtually all organically bound Zn shifted to carbonate and residual forms in the neutral Mollisol (pH 6.2), but shifted to carbonate and exchangeable forms in the acid Ultisol (pH 4.5). The solubilities and exchangeabilities of the five metals in the two soils treated with sewage sludge were not significantly different from those treated with cowpea green manure or chicken manure during the 5‐month incubation. The results suggest that the additions of sewage sludge, chicken manure, or cowpea green manure to Hawaii soils at 20 Mg#lbha‐1 do not have environmentally significant impacts in terms of Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, and Zn. On the other hand, the amendments may decrease Ca and Mg deficiencies in highly weathered, nutrient‐poor soils such as Ultisols and Oxisols of the tropics.  相似文献   


Growing evidence of positive crop responses to gypsum or phosphogypsum (PG) application in acid soils strongly support the use of these amendments as an ameliorant of subsoil acidity. Although gypsum improves Ca availability in subsoils, its role in alleviation of Al toxicity needs careful attention. In the current study, either PG, CaSO4.2H2O or CaCl2.2H2O was added (to supply 12 mM Ca) to solutions containing 40 μM Al at pH 4.1 + 0.1. Solution pH was gradually raised to 4.5, 4.8 and then to 5.3 at various time intervals during 25 d aging of the solutions at 25 + 1OC.

Concentration of Al measured by aluminon method without preacidification and preheating, referred to as “reactive Al”; in this paper, was 16 μM in 2 g L‐1PG solution without added Al. This accounted 38% of total soluble Al in PG solution. Addition of 2 g L‐1PG to solution containing 40 μM Al, resulted in only 42% of total Al in solution present in forms reactive with aluminon. According to MINTEQ speciation model, Al in solution was present as an entirely complexed form with F. An increase in solution pH up to 5.3 had no effect on measured concentration of reactive Al or predicted distribution of Al species.

Addition of CaSO4.2H2O to 40 μMAl solutions had no effect on the concentration of reactive Al within pH 4.1 ‐4.8, however, up to 62% of total Al was in a form complexed with SO4 2‐, as predicted by MINTEQ model. The concentration of reactive Al decreased by 60% at pH 5.3. Addition of CaCl2.2H2O also had no effect on the concentration of reactive Al within pH 4.1 ‐ 4.8. Nearly 73 ‐ 94% of total Al was present in Al3+form. An increase in pH to 5.3, decreased the concentration of reactive Al by 27%. The results suggest that ion‐pairing of Al with Fwould appear to be a possible mechanism for alleviation of Al toxicity by PG at pH range 4.1 ‐ 5.3. With regard to CaSO4.2H2O, at pH 4.1 ‐ 4.8 ion‐pairing with SO.4 2‐appears to be possible mechanism for the alleviation of Al toxicity. In addition, at pH 5.3 a considerable decrease in reactive Al was evident which would further alleviate Al toxicity.  相似文献   

NaCl胁迫对葡萄幼苗根际pH值及营养成分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用多隔层根际培养的方法,研究了NaCl胁迫下赤霞珠葡萄幼苗根际土和非根际土的pH值以及主要营养成分的变化。结果表明,NaCl处理对赤霞珠葡萄幼苗的生长造成了不同程度的抑制。不同NaCl处理下,葡萄幼苗根际土壤pH均低于非根际土,各层土壤的pH随盐胁迫程度加深而增高;水溶性K+在根际含量较低,水溶性Na+ 和Ca2+在根际富集。非盐渍条件下,葡萄幼苗根际碱解氮增高,而在盐胁迫下下降。在4 g/kg NaCl胁迫下,葡萄根际有效磷降低,其它处理下升高;而水溶性Mg2+ 则相反。试验结果还表明,Na+的存在阻碍了根系对多种矿质营养的吸收和利用,影响了葡萄的正常生理活动,不同程度地限制了葡萄根系的生活力和吸收能力。在Na+的作用下,K+、Ca2+、Mg2+的迁移和吸收受到不同程度的影响,与对照相比,各层土壤中的几种离子的含量均有所变化。  相似文献   

S. Yin  Y. Xie  M.A. Nearing  C. Wang 《CATENA》2007,70(3):306-312
The 30-min rainfall erosivity index (EI30) is commonly used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation for predicting soil loss from agricultural hillslopes. EI30 is calculated from the total kinetic energy and the maximum 30-min rainfall intensity of a storm. Normally, EI30 values are calculated from breakpoint rainfall information taken from continuous recording rain gauge charts, however, in many places in China and other parts of the world the detailed chart-recorded rain gauge data relative to storm intensities are not readily available, while hourly rainfall is readily available. The objective of this study was to assess the accuracy of EI30 estimations based on 5-, 10-, 15-, 30-, and 60-min time-resolution rainfall data as compared to EI30 estimations from breakpoint rainfall information. 456 storm events from five soil conservation stations in eastern China were used. The values of EI30 based on the fixed-time-interval data were less than those calculated from breakpoint data. The average conversion factors (ratio of values calculated from the breakpoint data to those from the fixed-interval data) for the five stations decreased from 1.105 to 1.009 for the estimation of E values, from 1.668 to 1.007 for I30 values, and from 1.730 to 1.014 for EI30 values as the time resolution increased from 60 to 5 min. The maximum 30-min rainfall intensity was the major source of error in estimating EI30 for 60-min fixed-interval data, while storm kinetic energy played a proportionately more significant role as the fixed-interval data decreased from 60 to 5 min.  相似文献   

J. Dick    B. Kaya    M. Soutoura    U. Skiba    R. Smith    A. Niang  & R. Tabo 《Soil Use and Management》2008,24(3):292-301
The yield and flux of nitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from continuous cereals (with and without urea), legumes/cereal in rotation and cereal/legume in rotation all with or without organic manure was monitored from January 2004 to February 2005. All treatments except continuous cereals had phosphate added. The cereal grown July–October in 2003 and 2004 was pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum) and the legume was a bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ). The 10 m × 10 m plots were established in a semi-arid climate in Mali. The addition of organic manure and both inorganic fertilizers increased yield and N2O emissions. Continuous cereals treated with both organic manure and urea emitted significantly less N2O (882 g N/ha per year) than plots receiving no organic manure(1535 g N/ha per year). Growing N-fixing crops in rotation did not significantly increase N2O emissions. This study supports the new practice of growing cereal and legumes in rotation as an environmentally sustainable system in semi-arid Mali.  相似文献   

Crop breeding research by international agricultural research centers usually serves public sector crop breeding, but does it still have a role when research and development have shifted to the private sector? This paper explores this question for vegetables in India using data from 27 private companies and 9 public organizations. We focus on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)—two of India’s most important vegetables, and the role of international germplasm received from the World Vegetable Center. Results show that as the role of the private sector in vegetable breeding increased, and with it the share of hybrids in the market, the role of international agricultural research shifted from the provision of ready-made varieties to the provision of specific resistance traits. Still, international germplasm continued to be used in varietal development with 11.6 t (14 % of the total market) of hybrid tomato seed and 15.0 t (13 %) of hybrid chili pepper seed sold in 2014 containing international germplasm in its pedigree. We estimate that over half a million farmers use such seed. We conclude that for tomato and chili pepper, international breeding needs to focus on pre-breeding research, capacity strengthening of smaller seed companies, and the delivery of open-pollinated varieties for marginal environments.  相似文献   

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