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The character of a bark beetle outbreak, planning system, and implementation of IPM measures in a forest affected by intensive decline connected with honey fungus (Armillaria sp.) is described. It is possible to distinguish two levels of outbreak in the study area. The first level is characterized by spruce mortality connected with yellowing of spruce and presence of plant pathogens, mostly Armillaria sp. Forest stands have disperse infestations of bark beetles. Identification of infested trees and salvage cutting in time are problematic. In case of late processing of infested trees, the second level of outbreak could become manifest. The populations of bark beetle increase. Beetles could attack relatively healthy trees. The classical outbreak with forest edges and spot infestations starts. The identification of infested trees is easier. The application of pheromone trap barriers is effective. Thus, the second level of outbreak could be easily managed. The planning of IPM measures is concerned with localization of various pheromone trap systems in particular forest stands. It is based on field survey, data acquisition, estimation of swarming bark beetle population, and information of pheromone system effectiveness.  相似文献   

The character of a bark beetle outbreak, planning system, and implementation of IPM measures in a forest affected by intensive decline connected with honey fungus (Armillaria sp.) is described. It is possible to distinguish two levels of outbreak in the study area. The first level is characterized by spruce mortality connected with yellowing of spruce and presence of plant pathogens, mostly Armillaria sp. Forest stands have disperse infestations of bark beetles. Identification of infested trees and salvage cutting in time are problematic. In case of late processing of infested trees, the second level of outbreak could become manifest. The populations of bark beetle increase. Beetles could attack relatively healthy trees. The classical outbreak with forest edges and spot infestations starts. The identification of infested trees is easier. The application of pheromone trap barriers is effective. Thus, the second level of outbreak could be easily managed. The planning of IPM measures is concerned with localization of various pheromone trap systems in particular forest stands. It is based on field survey, data acquisition, estimation of swarming bark beetle population, and information of pheromone system effectiveness.  相似文献   

Pathogen occurrence was studied in 16099 adult specimens of 10 different bark beetle species, which live associated on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Beetles (mainly Ips typographus L. and Pityogenes chalcographus L.) were collected from 6 different localities in Austria (4 secondary spruce stands and 2 natural forest type stands, 9 sampling plots in total) in elevations between 400m and 1600m. Various viral, protozoan, and fungal pathogens could be diagnosed with a light microscope in the examined beetles. Numerous pathogen species were known from former studies, some pathogens were totally new or could be found in a new host species beside their type host. The most dominant pathogen species were Protozoa, Gregarina cf. typographi, Malamoeba cf. scolyti, and Chytridiopsis cf. typographi. Over the whole investigation period, the highest pathogen diversity with eight pathogen species was found in I. typographus. Differences were observed in the pathogen complex of each beetle species from the different collection sites and in different years of investigation. Several species showed an overlapping in their host range and infected various bark beetle species. Furthermore, pathogen occurrence and prevalence differed in bark beetles from 4 different sampling plots in an area (one locality) within a distance of a few kilometres.  相似文献   

Eight species belonging to the Family Cruciferae were classified to lafminer resistant, tolerant and susceptible on the basis of leafminer infestation. They were analyzed for the glucosinolate content and correlated with leafminer infestation. Total glucosinolate content in general and sinigrin content in particular appeared to have the ability to repel the attack ofLiriomyza brassicae, while gluconapin appeared to attract them. The percentage of infestation, the number of mines and the number of living larvae were estimated for evaluating the glucosinolate efficacy againstL. brassicae on cabbage.  相似文献   

Eight species belonging to the Family Cruciferae were classified to lafminer resistant, tolerant and susceptible on the basis of leafminer infestation. They were analyzed for the glucosinolate content and correlated with leafminer infestation. Total glucosinolate content in general and sinigrin content in particular appeared to have the ability to repel the attack ofLiriomyza brassicae, while gluconapin appeared to attract them. The percentage of infestation, the number of mines and the number of living larvae were estimated for evaluating the glucosinolate efficacy againstL. brassicae on cabbage.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous work has characterised pyrethroid resistance in pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus F.) as principally an oxidative mechanism. Piperonyl butoxide (PBO) can synergise this resistance in the field, but its effects on the honey bee are thought to be unacceptable. RESULTS: A field trial in Poland was conducted to show that a mixture of PBO and tau‐fluvalinate at the registered rate gave increased and longer‐lasting control of resistant pollen beetle. Four days after spraying with tau‐fluvalinate, only 20% of pollen beetles were controlled, compared with 70% if the tau‐fluvalinate/PBO mixture was used. No detriment to honey bee health was observed using the same mixture. CONCLUSIONS: PBO, if used in conjunction with a pyrethroid of relatively low bee toxicity, can successfully overcome pyrethroid resistance in pollen beetle without incurring an increased loss of honey bees, even if they are present at the time of spraying. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Strategies targeting the biological control of the cherry bark tortrix (=CBT), Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli) in North America have also included the search for potentially useful native hymenopterous parasitoids of the pest in Europe. The search for such agents undertaken in the central-east Europe (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary) resulted in determination of several ichneumonid species (Campoplex cf. dubitator Horst., Liotryphon sp., Lissonotus sp., Pimpla spuria (Grav.), Pimpla turionellae (L.), and some others, and a braconid (Apanteles britannicus Wilk.) in 2001–2002.  相似文献   

Strategies targeting the biological control of the cherry bark tortrix (=CBT), Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli) in North America have also included the search for potentially useful native hymenopterous parasitoids of the pest in Europe. The search for such agents undertaken in the central-east Europe (Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary) resulted in determination of several ichneumonid species (Campoplex cf. dubitator Horst., Liotryphon sp., Lissonotus sp., Pimpla spuria (Grav.), Pimpla turionellae (L.), and some others, and a braconid (Apanteles britannicus Wilk.) in 2001–2002.  相似文献   

Distribution of the cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli) (=CBT) was determined by detecting the presence of their frass tubes on the trunk of rosaceous shrubs and trees throughout the Czech Republic. Tree disjunctive areas of CBT were indicated in the country. The overall distribution of CBT approximates the annual isothermes 8–9°C and 10–11°C, but a number of zonal exceptions were also determined. The occurrence of CBT on sweet cherry, Prunus avium (L.) was the key target association, but P. armeniaca L., P. cerasus L., P. divaricata Ledeb., P.domestica L., P. persica L., and P. serrulata Lindley were also identified on the distributional map.  相似文献   

Distribution of the cherry bark tortrix, Enarmonia formosana (Scopoli) (=CBT) was determined by detecting the presence of their frass tubes on the trunk of rosaceous shrubs and trees throughout the Czech Republic. Tree disjunctive areas of CBT were indicated in the country. The overall distribution of CBT approximates the annual isothermes 8–9°C and 10–11°C, but a number of zonal exceptions were also determined. The occurrence of CBT on sweet cherry, Prunus avium (L.) was the key target association, but P. armeniaca L., P. cerasus L., P. divaricata Ledeb., P.domestica L., P. persica L., and P. serrulata Lindley were also identified on the distributional map.  相似文献   

为揭示天敌昆虫趋光性中光源因子与虫源因子的作用,采用室内多向行为选择方法研究光波长、刺激时长和性别结构对龟纹瓢虫Propylea japonica趋光性的影响。结果显示:在365~630 nm波长范围内,光波长对龟纹瓢虫雌雄性比为1∶1的两性种群的趋光性有显著影响,其对365 nm处紫外光的趋光率最高,为27.90%;对625~630 nm处红光的趋光率最低,为6.50%。在120 min范围内,光刺激时长对龟纹瓢虫雌雄性比为1∶1的两性种群的趋光性有显著影响,且该影响与光波长有关。利用紫外光刺激龟纹瓢虫雌雄性比为1∶1的两性种群5 min时的趋光率(41.07%)显著高于其它刺激时长处理,且其它处理之间均无显著差异。随着光刺激时长的增加,龟纹瓢虫雌雄性比为1∶1的两性种群对紫外光、蓝光短波长的趋光率降低,对红光和黑暗处理的趋光率增加。在紫外光、蓝光、绿光及橙光处理下性别结构对龟纹瓢虫有显著影响,雌性单性种群偏嗜紫外光和绿光;雄性单性种群偏嗜绿光和橙光;雌雄性比为1∶1的两性种群偏嗜紫外光、蓝光和橙光。表明光波长是龟纹瓢虫趋光性的核心诱因,性别结构及光刺激时长具有重要的协同调控作用。  相似文献   

Several species of fungi and oomycetes including Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Phytophthora and Pythium have been reported as root pathogens of apple where they contribute to a phenomenon known as apple replant disease. In South Africa, little is known about specific species in these genera and their pathogenicity toward apple. Therefore, these aspects were investigated along with the development and optimization of qPCR tests for detection and quantification of the most virulent oomycete species. In eight investigated orchards, the oomycete Phythophthora cactorum was widely distributed, while nine Pythium species were differentially distributed among the orchards. Pythium irregulare was the most widely distributed and the most virulent species along with P. sylvaticum, P. vexans and Ph. cactorum. Seven binucleate Rhizoctonia anastomosis groups (AGs) were also differentially distributed among the orchards, with the majority appearing to be non-pathogenic while certain AG-I and AG-F isolates exhibited low virulence on apple. In the genus Fusarium, F. oxysporum was widely distributed, but isolates were non-pathogenic. Fusarium solani and F. avenaceum were less frequently encountered, with only some isolates having low virulence. qPCR data obtained from seedling roots inoculated with the most virulent Pythium species (P. irregulare, P. sylvaticum and P. vexans) and the genus Phytophthora were not always reproducible between trials, or isolates of the same species. In general, seedling growth inhibition was associated with the presence of a low amount of pathogen DNA (±40 fg μl−1 to 2 pg μl−1) in roots. Pythium irregulare, although having the lowest DNA concentrations in roots, was the only species for which a significant negative correlation was found between seedling weight and pathogen DNA concentration.  相似文献   

The metabolism of α-pinene, a major monoterpene in Pinus spp. in the United States, has been examined utilizing microsomal fractions from larval and adult Dendroctonus terebrans and rat liver. Under hydroxylating conditions, both insect and rat liver microsomes convert α-pinene into α-pinene oxide and several other undentified products. α-Pinene oxide was identified by mass spectrometry. α-Pinene is an inducer of cytochrome P-450 in rat liver microsomes and its effect on the pattern of α-pinene metabolism is very similar to β-naphthoflavone. No increase in cytochrome P-450 was observed when insects were treated with α-pinene; however, the quantity of α-pinene metabolic products was increased by α-pinene pretreatment. The role of cytochrome P-450 linked reactions in the production of insect pheromones via the α-pinene epoxide intermediate is discussed.  相似文献   

Frequent windthrow in the strict reserves of spruce in the Kopaonik National Park provides much material favorable for the development of Ips typographus (L.) and Pityogenes chalcographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Therefore it was assumed that the abundance of these bark beetles in the reserves was high and that they dispersed to the surrounding spruce forests. To verify this opinion, their population levels were monitored in the strict reserve Jankove Bare and the adjoining spruce forests over the period 2006–2008. I. typographus parasitoids were identified and the parasitism percent was determined in spruce forests around the reserves. Throughout the monitoring period, the abundance of I. typographus and P. chalcographus was found to be lower in the reserve than in the surrounding spruce forests. Five species of I. typographus parasitoids and a low parasitization percent were identified in spruce forests surrounding the reserve.  相似文献   

Bacterial wilt in cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) was observed in Kerala state of India. Infected plants showed wilting wherein all leaves roll or curl upward towards the midrib centre, turn yellow, and the whole plant finally dies; the collar region shows water-soaked lesions initially and turns dark brown eventually; copious quantity of bacterial exudate is observed on the cut end of the pseudostem. The bacterium was identified as Ralstonia solanacearum based on a panel of phenotypic characters such as fluidal white colony on Kelman’s medium, biovar assay and biolog assay (BiologGN), and genotypic characters such as Multiplex-PCR based phylotyping, sequences of 16S rDNA, 16-23S intergenic region, and recN gene. Collectively these tests revealed that the R. solanacearum infecting cardamom belong to biovar 3 and phylotype 1 confirming its Asian origin. Upon soil inoculation, the bacterium caused typical wilting of the cardamom plants in three weeks and ginger plantlets in two weeks. Cross transmissibility of the bacterium was observed in cardamom and ginger wherein the plants succumbed to wilt when R. solanacearum from either of the host was inoculated. BOX-PCR fingerprinting revealed that the strain is identical (100%) to a ginger strain of R. solanacearum, which is widely prevalent in the Indian sub-continent. Furthermore, Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST) based strain comparison confirmed that cardamom and ginger strain were identical to each other at 11 loci. Apart from striking phenotypic and genotypic (allelic) similarities, geographical origin, and cross transmissibility of the cardamom strain of R. solanacearum strongly suggest that the new occurrence of wilt of cardamom in India could have an origin in bacterial wilt of ginger. Perusal of records on Ralstonia-induced bacterial wilt in crop plants, particularly among the Zingiberaceae family, reveals that this is a new report of bacterial wilt disease in small cardamom.  相似文献   

树栖真菌对扩散型松材线虫生活史的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 松材线虫病是一种涉及多个生物因子的复杂病害系统,其病原松材线虫的生活史受媒介昆虫、寄主、树栖真菌和伴生细菌等多种因素影响。利用感染松材线虫病的马尾松林内的两种优势内栖真菌的3个菌株,松球壳孢(Sphaeropsis sapinea)E11、MHS7.3和小孢拟盘多毛孢(Pestalotiopsis microspora)M32,接种于松褐天牛模拟蛹室,研究松褐天牛蛹期和羽化过程松材线虫种群动态,以及松褐天牛携带扩散型松材线虫的动态变化。结果表明,天牛发育处于蛹期时,松材线虫主要以扩散型三龄幼虫(J)附着于天牛体表;发育至羽化期时,松材线虫主要以扩散型四龄幼虫(J)位于天牛体内。不同优势内栖真菌接种处理下,松褐天牛携带的扩散型幼虫数量的大小顺序为:小孢拟盘多毛孢M32>松球壳孢E11>松球壳孢MHS7.3,这与模拟蛹室中松材线虫种群的大小顺序是一致的,表明松褐天牛携带的线虫数目与蛹室中线虫种群的大小关系密切。在松褐天牛携带的J、J和扩散型幼虫(J+J)占线虫种群比例方面,松球壳孢E11和MHS7.3均大于小孢拟盘多毛孢M32,显示不适宜繁殖的真菌能促进群体内更多个体转化为扩散型虫态。J在蛹期的第二天即从天牛体内分离得到,但数量极少,随着J在羽化前达到最大值,J也开始大量出现,预示着较大J种群数量可能是J大量发生的基础条件之一。研究结果表明在松材线虫的扩散过程中,松林优势树栖真菌对媒介天牛携带的松材线虫数量产生显著影响。  相似文献   

Summary  The Russian wheat aphid (=RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) is an exotic expansive aphid on the small grains determined in the Czech republic since 1993 (1995). Determination of RWA flight patterns by suction air traps (= SATs) between 1994-1998 indicated some banker, less important, or indicated RWA distribution areas. A comparison of the RWA monitoring by SATs and by crop samples in areas more or less distant from individual SAT locations manifested a high silmilarity of RWA evidence in its overall distribution and area-influenced population numbers. Owing to geographic area-dependent features of its life-cycle (holocycly) and host plant preferences, RWA seems to be most injurious to spring barley. In spite of the role of SATs in aphid forecasting, RWA samples are recommended to be taken also from the crops at the early ripening stage as the respective SAT evidence reflects only the emigration of the alate aphids originating from the decreasing populations. In general, RWA detection by SATs was either simultaneously or successively found to reflect the RWA presence in the more or less distant crops. The 30km perimeter of a SAT is agreed to be representative for mon-toring RWA populations in a sampled area.  相似文献   

The Russian wheat aphid (=RWA), Diuraphis noxia (Kurdj.) is an exotic expansive aphid on the small grains determined in the Czech republic since 1993 (1995). Determination of RWA flight patterns by suction air traps (= SATs) between 1994-1998 indicated some banker, less important, or indicated RWA distribution areas. A comparison of the RWA monitoring by SATs and by crop samples in areas more or less distant from individual SAT locations manifested a high silmilarity of RWA evidence in its overall distribution and area-influenced population numbers. Owing to geographic area-dependent features of its life-cycle (holocycly) and host plant preferences, RWA seems to be most injurious to spring barley. In spite of the role of SATs in aphid forecasting, RWA samples are recommended to be taken also from the crops at the early ripening stage as the respective SAT evidence reflects only the emigration of the alate aphids originating from the decreasing populations. In general, RWA detection by SATs was either simultaneously or successively found to reflect the RWA presence in the more or less distant crops. The 30km perimeter of a SAT is agreed to be representative for mon-toring RWA populations in a sampled area.  相似文献   

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