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Fifty-five fall-born, Simmental-crossbred, male calves were allotted at birth to one of five treatments: bulls castrated at 5 mo and implanted from birth to slaughter (ST); bulls implanted from birth to slaughter (BI-BS); bulls implanted from birth to weaning (BI-BW); bulls implanted from weaning to slaughter (BI-WS) and non-implanted control bulls (CB). Implanted calves received 36 mg of zeranol at approximately 100-d intervals. Calves were fed a high-concentrate diet from 8.1 mo of age to an average slaughter age of 17 mo. Longissimus steaks (LS) were evaluated for palatability traits by both a trained sensory panel (TSP) and a take-home consumer panel (CP). Conclusions from both panels were similar. The TSP found LS from ST to be juicier (P less than .05) than LS from all bull groups, and to be more tender (P less than .05) than LS from BI-BW and BI-WS. The CP found LS from ST to be juicier, more tender and more acceptable (P less than .05) than LS from BI-BW, BI-WS and CB. Steaks from BI-BS were more tender (P less than .05) than LS from BI-WS and CB. Steaks from BI-BS and BI-BW had lower (P less than .05) shear values than LS from CB, but LS from ST had lower (P less than .05) shear values than LS from all bull groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The influence of growth potential or growth path on the tenderness of the longissimus muscle was investigated using 117 Angus and Angus-cross bulls and steers raised on pasture over two successive years. Growth rate for a period of 100 d from a weight of about 200 kg was used to identify the faster-growing two-thirds of cattle within the gender groups, half of which were grown fast to a slaughter weight of 530 kg at 16 to 18 mo of age (the Fast group), whereas the other half were restricted in growth (the Restricted group) so they attained a similar final weight as the slower-growing third (the Slow group) at about 26 mo of age. The Restricted group was included to determine whether the tougher meat expected from the Slow group relative to the Fast group (based on previous results) was due to the greater age of the Slow group or to their slower early growth rate. Beef from the Fast group was tenderer than that from both the Slow and Restricted groups based on sensory panels (P < 0.05) and objective measures (P < 0.05), indicating that the early growth-rate potential was less important than the differences in age or the patterns of growth for the Slow and Restricted groups. Improved tenderness for the Fast group was associated with more intramuscular fat (P < 0.05) and higher myofibrillar fragmentation indexes (P < 0.05). Patterns of tenderness differences between treatment groups were similar for bulls and steers, but beef from bulls was tougher (P < 0.001) than that from steers. The more tender beef from steers was associated with a slightly lower ultimate pH (P < 0.001), higher myofibrillar fragmentation indexes (P < 0.001), and more intramuscular fat (P < 0.001). Ultimate pH affected beef tenderness (P < 0.01), but adjustments to a constant pH did not decrease differences between treatment and gender groups. The higher growth rates (P < 0.01) and leaner carcasses (P < 0.01) of bulls compared with steers were consistent with other studies. Increases in age of 8 to 10 mo may be associated with less tender beef for cattle finished on pasture, and beef from bulls is likely to be less tender than that from steers.  相似文献   

The effect of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) on plasma cortisol and on gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)-induced release of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and testosterone was determined in nine Holstein bulls and 12 Holstein steers. Treatments consisted of animals receiving either GnRH (200 micrograms, Group G), ACTH (.45 IU/kg BW, Group A) or a combination of ACTH followed 2 h later by GnRH (Group AG). Group G steers and bulls had elevated plasma LH and FSH within .5 h after GnRH injection and plasma testosterone was increased by 1 h after GnRH injection in bulls. In Group A, plasma cortisol was elevated by .5 h after ACTH injection in both steers and bulls, but plasma LH and FSH were unaffected. In Group A bulls, testosterone was reduced after ACTH injection. In Group AG, ACTH caused an immediate increase in plasma cortisol in both steers and bulls, but did not affect the increase in either plasma LH or FSH in response to GnRH in steers. In Group AG bulls, ACTH did not prevent an increase in either plasma LH, FSH or testosterone in response to GnRH compared with basal concentrations. However, magnitude of systemic FSH response was reduced compared with response in Group G bulls, but plasma LH and testosterone were not reduced. The results indicate that ACTH caused an increase in plasma cortisol, but did not adversely affect LH or FSH response to GnRH in steers and bulls. Further, while testosterone was decreased after ACTH alone, neither ACTH nor resulting increased plasma cortisol resulted in decreased testosterone production in the bull after GnRH stimulation.  相似文献   

To investigate certain physiological aspects of the mode of action of zeranol or Ralgro on growth, behavior and carcass quality of young bulls, concentrations of 19 blood components and weights of eight organs were determined. Experimental animals consisted of 36 untreated steers, 36 untreated bulls, 36 bulls implanted with zeranol at 3 mo of age and subsequently at 5, 8 and 10 mo and 36 bulls implanted with zeranol at 6 mo of age and subsequently at 9 and 11 mo. In addition, half of the animals in each group were subjected to moderate pre-slaughter stress (mixing and trucking 160 km); the other half was subjected to minimum pre-slaughter stress (no mixing and 4 km transport). Concentrations of cortisol, urea nitrogen and albumin in serum were higher (P less than .01) and those of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (AP) and creatinine were lower (P less than .05) in steers than in intact males. Concentrations of GOT, LDH, and creatinine were higher (P less than .05) in implanted than those in control males. Pre-slaughter stress had a significant effect on several traits measured in blood or serum. Thyroid glands were smaller (P less than .01) in steers than in control and implanted males. Testes were smaller (P less than .01) in the zeranol-implanted than in untreated males. Results indicate that zeranol had only a minor effect on the 19 blood components studied, but it did reduce testicle size. Castration had a major impact on several of the blood components. Pre-slaughter management had a significant effect on several blood components.  相似文献   

Eight bulls and steers (research animals) and 18 bulls (surgical patients) were anesthetized with guaifenesin and thiopental or thiamylal and for 90 minutes with halothane. Arterial blood pressure and heart rate were recorded in all animals. Cardiac output, plasma glucose and lactate concentrations, PCV, plasma proteins and plasma thromboxane B2 values were determined before (control) and every 15 minutes during anesthesia in the research animals. Plasma catecholamine concentrations were measured in 3 of the research animals and 3 of the surgical patients. Arterial pressure, heart rate, and plasma thromboxane B2 and catecholamine concentrations were also measured immediately after the trachea was intubated. All animals, except one, were hypertensive during anesthesia. Heart rate during anesthesia was significantly increased, compared with control measurements, and cardiac output was decreased. Plasma glucose and lactate values significantly increased when the animals were restrained on their sides. Plasma glucose concentrations remained increased during anesthesia, but lactate decreased. Packed cell volume and plasma proteins were unchanged by the induction of anesthesia. Plasma norepinephrine concentration was unchanged during anesthesia, and epinephrine concentration was decreased. Endotracheal intubation caused a transient significant increase in arterial pressure, heart rate, and thromboxane B2 and a nonsignificant increase in norepinephrine.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition of total lipid extracts of muscle and adipose samples from crossbred bulls (N = 34) and steers (N = 35) was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Samples of semitendinosus, triceps brachii and longissimus muscle and of subcutaneous and perinephric adipose tissue were excised from the right side of each carcass. In addition, thin-layer chromatography was utilized to obtain phospholipid and triacylglycerol fractions from total lipid extracts of semitendinosus and longissimus muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue from 10 bull and steer cohorts (N = 20). The most prominent sex condition effect was in percentage of total poly-unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Bull tissues contained higher (P less than .01) percentages of PUFA than those of steers at all sampling sites. This reflected higher percentages of linoleate (C18:2), linolenate (C18:3) and arachidonate (C20:4) in bull tissues. Most of the PUFA were present as phospholipids in muscle samples. The fatty acid composition of muscle phospholipids was similar regardless of sex condition or muscle sampled. Total lipid extracts of semitendinosus and triceps brachii muscles of both bulls and steers contained from 6 to 10% more unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) compared with M. longissimus. Muscle triacylglycerols contained relatively high percentages of saturated fatty acids (SFA). Semitendinosus and longissimus samples from steers contained higher (P less than .05 and P less than .01, respectively) percentages of total SFA than those from bulls. Steer samples contained slightly higher percentages of palmitic acid (C16:0) compared with bulls at all sampling sites, and this difference was significant for M. longissimus. The fat:lean ratio of muscle tissue is the major factor that determines fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Calpastatin activity measured at 24 h postmortem in bovine longissimus muscle (PMLD24) is correlated with Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) measurements, an objective measure of tenderness. A live-animal measurement of calpastatin activity that correlates with 24-h postmortem activity would provide information for selection programs without the expense of progeny testing. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of calpastatin activity measurements obtained on tissue samples from live animals and to determine the relationship among various calpastatin activity measures and tenderness determined by WBS and sensory panel. Biopsies (approximately 10 g) were obtained surgically 2 d before slaughter from the supraspinatus muscle on the anterior surface of the scapula (LISH0) from contemporary purebred Angus bulls (n = 12) and steers (n = 17). Biopsies from a subset of these cattle (n = 12) were refrigerated at 4 degrees C to simulate the postmortem cooling process for 24 h (LISH24) prior to extraction. A rib section anterior to the 12 and 13th rib interface was collected from all animals at the commercial abattoir between 22 and 23 h postmortem for PMLD24, sensory panel, and WBS measurements. A postmortem shoulder muscle sample (PMSH24) was collected at the same time. Calpastatin was extracted from all muscle samples using a heated calpastatin activity protocol. Sensory panel tenderness, WBS, LISH0, LISH24, and PMSH24 were not different between bulls and steers. However, PMLD24 values were significantly different. Significant partial correlations were found between WBS and sensory panel tenderness (-.55), between WBS and PMLD24 (-.43), and between LISH24 and PMLD24 (.78). Therefore, similar calpastatin activity values are possible with ante- and postmortem tissue samples, suggesting the possibility of using measurements from live-tissue biopsies from other than the longissimus muscle to predict end product tenderness.  相似文献   

《Livestock Science》2006,99(1):13-19
The aim of this trial was to evaluate the influence of castration on fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat. Twenty-four bull calves of Mertolenga breed were randomly assigned to two groups: castrates and intact males. Castration was done at weaning (6 to 8 months of age). After weaning, all animals grazed a rye-grass pasture through 1 year and were then placed in a feed-lot and fed a finishing diet. Three animals of each treatment were slaughtered after a period of 0 (pasture only), 50, 100 and 150 days of feed-lot feeding. All the animals were subjected to the same feeding and management regimes. Fatty acid composition of the intramuscular fat was analyzed in samples of muscle Longissimus lumborum taken after 7 days of ageing.After adjustment for equal intramuscular fat, entire males had significant higher values of C17:0, C18:1trans, C18:2n−6, P/S, n  6/n  3 and C18:2n−6/C20:4n−6 ratios and lower values of C16:0 and C18:1cis-9, indicating that castration has an effect on the fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat of Longissimus lumborum.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary energy restriction on serum insulin, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), growth hormone, (GH), cortisol, plasma urea nitrogen (PUN) and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentrations was examined. Angus bulls and steers (10 mo) were allotted to two groups of 12 animals and assigned a treatment order. In a switchback design, animals in order 1 were fed a high grain diet, then fasted, while order 2 animals were fasted, and then fed. Animals were allowed 60 hr to acclimate between treatments. Serum and plasma were obtained at 20 min intervals and 60 min, respectively, for 6 hr after feeding and for the last 6 hr of a 30 hr fast. Serum was assayed for insulin, IGF-I, GH, and cortisol (total and free). Plasma was assayed for PUN and NEFA. Mean insulin (ng/ml) differed between fed (.95 +/- .08) and fasted (.26 +/- .08) animals (P less than 01). Both mean total and free cortisol (ng/ml) were lower in fed (11.48 +/- .99) (1.06 +/- .12) than in fasted (17.10 +/- .93) (1.62 +/- .12) animals, respectively (P less than .01). Animals in order 1 differed in mean IGF-I (ng/ml) between fed (199.0 +/- 8.0) and fasted (116.5 +/- 7.2) treatments (P less than .01). Mean IGF-I for animals in order 2 was 146.7 +/- 7.2 in fed and 213.9 +/- 7.2 in fasted animals (P less than .01). Mean GH did not differ between treatments. Mean PUN and NEFA were higher in fasted than in fed animals (P less than .01). Except for % free cortisol (P less than .05), the hormones did not differ between bulls and steers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Vitamin D3 supplementation of beef steers increases longissimus tenderness.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The objectives of these experiments were to determine 1) the effectiveness of supplemental vitamin D3 (VITD) on altering plasma and muscle calcium levels, 2) whether VITD supplementation improves Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) values of steaks from feedlot beef steers, and 3) the tenderness response curve of longissimus steaks from steers supplemented with VITD. In Exp. 1, 20 crossbred steers were assigned randomly to one of four treatment diets consisting of either 0, 2.5, 5.0, or 7.5 x 106 IU of VITD per day for 10 d. Blood samples were obtained daily during this supplementation period and 5 d thereafter (d 11 to 15). Between d 6 and 13, a linear increase (P < .01) in ionized plasma calcium concentrations was observed in steers supplemented with VITD. Compared to unsupplemented steers, serum calcium concentrations of the steers receiving 7.5 x 106 IU of VITD per day were increased 8 to 48%. In Exp. 2, longissimus samples from crossbred steers (n = 118) that were supplemented with either 0 or 5 x 106 IU of VITD per day for 7 d were obtained and aged for 7, 14, or 21 d. Following the initial 7-d postmortem aging period, VITD supplementation lowered (P < .01) WBS (.58 kg) and increased sensory tenderness rating (.6 units) compared to cuts originating from unsupplemented steers. In Exp. 3, 44 steers were supplemented with either 0 or 7.5 x 106 IU of VITD per day for 10 d immediately prior to slaughter. Results indicated that plasma and longissimus calcium concentration were higher (P < .05) for steers that received supplemental VITD. Compared with unsupplemented cuts, VITD supplementation improved WBS of cuts aged for either 7 or 14 d (P = .02 and P = .07, respectively). Sensory panelists rated samples from VITD supplemented steers as more tender than their unsupplemented counterparts. Activation of calpain proteases could be responsible for the observed tenderization due to the supplementation of VITD.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to estimate variance components, heritability, and repeatability of ultrasound longissimus muscle area (ULMA) measures. Data included 4,653 serial ULMA measures from 882 purebred Angus bulls and heifers. Animals were born over a 4-yr period from 1998 to 2001. Each year, bulls and heifers were ultrasonically scanned four to eight times, with a 4- to 6-wk interval between scans. Initially, data were subdivided by scan session across years and were analyzed in a multitrait model (MTM). Data pooled across years and scan session were then analyzed using random regression models (RRM) to estimate trends in genetic parameter estimates. Additive direct genetic variance increased with advancing scan session ranging from 8.67 cm4 at the first scan (mean age = 35 wk) to a maximum of 19.48 cm4 at the sixth scan (mean age = 56 wk). Heritability of ULMA increased from 0.35 at first scan to a maximum of 0.48 at the fourth scan (mean age = 50 wk). Additive direct genetic variance and heritability values at about 1 yr of age (fifth scan) were 18.24 cm4 and 0.45, respectively. Estimates from RRM also showed an increase in sigma(a)2 and h2 with age. Trends in sigma(pe)2 estimates, although tending to fluctuate, also increased with age. Additive direct genetic variance at 1 yr of age ranged from 15.8 cm4 to 17.0 cm4 for the different models. Heritability of yearling ULMA measures ranged from 0.40 to 0.42 and repeatabilities ranged from 0.80 to 0.84. For the range of ages used in the current study, both MTM and RRM showed close to maximum heritability values at around 1 yr of age. Therefore, phenotypic differences in yearling ULMA between Angus cattle are better indicators of genetic differences than earlier measurements. Angus breeders could, therefore, use ULMA measures made at around 1 yr of age to select next generation parents.  相似文献   

Interrelationships among concentrations and maturation of intramuscular collagen, serum concentration of hydroxyproline and testosterone and meat tenderness were determined in growing bulls and steers. Sixty-four Charolais X Angus bulls were assigned to sex treatment groups (intact or castrate) and slaughter groups (9, 12, 15 or 18 mo of age). Animals were bled at 30-min intervals via intrajugular catheters between 0600 and 1400 beginning 48 h before slaughter. Serum concentrations of testosterone were determined in each sample from bulls and from four samples from steers; serum hydroxyproline was determined in the last sample from both sexes. Testosterone mean values for the collection period were calculated. Samples of the longissimus, semitendinosus and infraspinatus muscles secured within 45 min postmortem were analyzed for intramuscular collagen concentration, percent soluble collagen and collagen thermal shrinkage temperature. Tenderness of loin steaks was determined by Warner-Bratzler shear test. Serum concentrations of hydroxyproline and testosterone were higher (P less than .01) in bulls than steers. Age effects were noted for both hydroxyproline (P less than .01) and testosterone (P less than .06). Total intramuscular collagen was greater (P less than .01) in bulls than steers and was different (P less than .01) among muscles, but the muscle differences were not uniform over all ages (P less than .05). Percent soluble collagen declined (P less than .01) with age and was different (P less than .01) among muscles. Interaction of age and muscle (P less than .01) and age and sex (P less than .05) also were noted for percent soluble collagen.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A 2-yr experiment was conducted to compare carcass characteristics and meat palatability attributes of steers ((3/4) British, (1/4) Continental) finished postweaning as calves or yearlings. Calves and yearlings of the same contemporary group were designated to a finishing system at weaning. Calves (n = 73) were finished in the feedlot (191 d) on a high-concentrate diet. Yearlings (n = 84) grazed crop residues after weaning, followed by spring and summer pasture grazing, and concluded with a short finishing period (91 d) in the feedlot. All steers were fed to a constant, fat thickness endpoint of 1 cm. The M. longissimus lumborum steaks from each production system were aged for 7, 14, or 21 d for Warner-Bratzler shear force determination and for 7 or 14 d for in-house sensory panel evaluation. Insoluble, percent soluble, and total collagen were determined. Yearlings produced heavier (P < 0.001) carcasses with larger (P < 0.001) LM areas and lower (P < 0.001) marbling scores and quality grades. Calves possessed greater amounts of total collagen (P < 0.001), with a significantly greater percentage of soluble collagen compared with yearlings (39.72 vs. 24.38%). Calves produced steaks with lower (P < 0.001) shear force values and greater (P < 0.001) sensory ratings for flavor. The USDA Choice steaks from the calves were more (P < 0.001) tender and more (P < 0.050) palatable than Choice steaks from yearlings, and USDA Select steaks from calves were rated more tender (P < 0.001), juicy (P = 0.012), and desirable (P < 0.001) than Select steaks from yearlings. As expected, increasing aging time from 7- to 14- to 21-d produced steaks with lower (P < 0.001) shear force values, regardless of the production system. Risk probabilities showed 1.24% of the steaks from calf-finished steers and 21.22% of steaks from yearling-finished steers to be tough. Sensory rating probabilities showed the steaks from the calves were most likely to be desirable for tenderness, whereas steaks from the yearlings were most likely to be undesirable for tenderness, juiciness, flavor, and overall acceptability. Thus, calf-finished steers produce carcasses superior in quality and palatability compared with those from yearling-finished steers. However, yearling-finished steers can produce tender beef with extended aging.  相似文献   

A genome scan was conducted using 196 microsatellite DNA markers spanning 29 autosomal bovine chromosomes and Warner-Bratzler shear force collected at d 2 and 14 postmortem on steaks from the longissimus muscle of 294 progeny from one Brahman x Hereford bull mated to Bos taurus cows to identify QTL for beef tenderness. One QTL was identified and located 28 cM (95% confidence interval is 17 to 40 cM) from the most centromeric marker on BTA15. The QTL interacted significantly with slaughter group. The difference in shear force of steaks aged 14 d postmortem between progeny with the Brahman paternally inherited allele vs those with Hereford was 1.19 phenotypic standard deviations (explained 26% of phenotypic variance) for one slaughter group and was not significant for three other slaughter groups. Apparently, unknown environmental factors present for three of the four slaughter groups were capable of masking the effect of this QTL. The sensitivity of the QTL effect to environmental factors may complicate utilization of markers for genetic improvement. Future research to elucidate the cause of the QTL x slaughter group interaction may lead to improved strategies for controlling variation in meat tenderness via marker-assisted selection, postmortem processing, or live animal management.  相似文献   

Feedlot performance and testicular and pituitary function were assessed in cattle actively immunized against GnRH. In Trial 1, 50 steers were either unimmunized (n = 10), actively immunized against keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH; n = 10), or immunized against a GnRH-KLH conjugate (n = 30). Fifteen of 30 steers immunized against GnRH-KLH received a secondary immunization 8 wk after primary immunization. Antibodies against GnRH were not evident in unimmunized steers or steers actively immunized against KLH. Antibodies against GnRH were noted in all immunized animals (n = 30) within 6 wk of primary immunization and anti-GnRH antibody concentrations became maximal 20 to 24 wk after immunization. The increasing anti-GnRH titer in immunized steers was associated with decreasing serum concentrations of LH. Serum concentrations of LH were depressed (P less than .05) within 8 wk of primary immunization and reached a nadir by wk 20. The patterns of increase in GnRH titer and decrease in serum concentrations of LH did not differ (P greater than .05) in animals receiving primary immunization alone or primary and secondary immunization. Feedlot performance and carcass quality were not affected (P greater than .05) by immunization against KLH or the GnRH-KLH conjugate. In Trial 2, 60 bull calves (mean weight = 325.2 +/- 2.8 kg) were randomly assigned to a 2 x 3 factorial experiment. The two classes (n = 30) were 1) unimplanted and 2) implanted with Synovex-S. The three treatments (n = 20) were 1) intact control, 2) actively immunized against GnRH, and 3) castrate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A fast, reliable and sensitive radioimmunoassay method using either 3H-hexoestrol or a 125I-hexoestrol derivative as the competitive radioligand has been developed for the measurement of residues of hexoestrol in faeces. The blank value for untreated cattle was 113 +/- 98 pg/g faeces, the intra-assay coefficient of variation 10.8 per cent, interassay coefficient of variation 11.1 per cent and recovery of 3H-hexoestrol added to faeces was 58.7 per cent. The concentration of hexoestrol in faeces was measured in 18 steers and 14 bulls at regular intervals after implantation of 36, 45 and 60 mg of hexoestrol. Residues were detected in all samples up to 104 days after implantation and in nine out of 13 samples taken 111 to 153 days after implantation. Residues of hexoestrol were also measured in edible tissues and body fluids of 14 bulls and eight steers slaughtered between 90 and 153 days after implantation of 45 mg hexoestrol. The percentages of samples containing residues were 82, 73, 64, 82 and 27 per cent for bile, urine, liver, kidney and muscle, respectively.  相似文献   

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