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正哺乳动物卵巢中含有大量的腔前卵泡,但是在发育到有腔卵泡前大约99.9%的卵泡都走向闭锁、退化,这无疑是动物繁殖领域内巨大的浪费。卵母细胞是体外受精、胚胎移植、动物克隆和转基因等胚胎生物技术研究和开发不可或缺的材料,然而卵母细胞来源十分匮乏成为其发展的一个制约性因素,无疑腔前卵泡的体外培养技术为其提供了一个有效途径。目前,在动物卵泡体外培养实验中仅有小鼠的原始卵泡经培养后,卵母细胞发育成熟并获得了活体后代。  相似文献   

本研究旨在掌握驴的发情周期及其卵泡发生与排卵的规律,以便准确把握驴人工授精时间,提高受胎率。实验选取无生理疾病的50头母驴,通过B超检查,准确掌握驴发情、卵泡发生与排卵状况,并进行鲜精人工授精实验。结果表明:驴发情周期平均为23.3 d,其中非发情时间为14.4 d,发情时间为7.9 d;发情周期内,排卵时卵泡的平均直径为43.4 mm;排单卵的比例为78%,其中左侧卵巢排卵的比例为66.67%,右侧卵巢排卵比例为33.33%,排双卵比例为16%,其中左侧卵巢排卵的比例为87.5%,右侧卵巢排卵比例为12.5%,没有出现两侧卵巢同时排卵的情况,卵泡退化或未排卵比例为6%;通过准确掌握输精时间,情期受孕率达到85%,极显显著高于目前水平64.6%(P0.01)。本研究采用外观鉴定结合B超法,提高了驴发情、排卵的鉴定准确性,提高了人工授精成功率,为驴胚胎移植、卵细胞体外发育等研究奠定了一定基础。  相似文献   

腹腔镜手术与开腹手术相比具有手术视野清晰、出血量少、手术切口小、对机体影响小、疼痛反应轻和术后恢复快等特点,在国外已广泛应用到动物临床疾病诊疗、畜牧生产及胚胎移植等领域,如牛的腹腔探查、牛肾活检、人工授精、牛皱胃左方变位的腹腔镜下校正、子宫扭转的早期诊断等;马急腹症的辅助诊断、隐睾的摘除、脾肾韧带和脾胃韧带的间隙闭合术等;犬的隐睾摘除,卵巢、子宫全切和胚胎移植等。目前腹腔镜技术在羊的应用范围比较狭窄,主要集中在繁殖领域的几个方面。1在获取卵母细胞中的应用未成熟的卵母细胞是转基因羊产生和早期繁殖的起点。…  相似文献   

哺乳动物腔前卵泡的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物的卵巢中,含有数万个卵泡.其中绝大部分为原始卵泡、初级卵泡和次级卵泡等腔前卵泡。然而能发育到成熟并排卵的卵泡为数甚少,约99.9%的卵泡在腔前卵泡阶段闭锁、退化,这无疑是动物遗传和育种资源的极大损失。目前,卵母细咆是休外受精胚胎移植、性别控制、胚胎分割、动物克隆和转基凶等胚胎生物技术研究和开发必不可少的材料,卵母细胞来源匮乏成为制约这些技术研究进展的主要因素,因此卵巢腔前卵泡的开发无疑是解决这一难题的有效途径。本文介绍了腔前卵泡研究的历史和现状以及最新的研究情况.目的是为有关的研究工作提供有益的启示和参考。  相似文献   

超数排卵在实际生产中提高了胚胎移植技术对单胎动物的繁殖率,但是,超数排卵的结果存在很大的差异性。影响超数排卵结果的因素有很多,如牛的自身因素,超数排卵方法的选择,所使用促性腺激素的种类,激素的质量,环境因素等。文章以牛自身卵巢活动对超数排卵的影响为出发点,综述了牛正常卵巢活动及卵泡活动对超数排卵影响的研究进展,包括卵泡波动力学,卵泡波发育过程中促性腺激素的作用;分析了卵巢对促卵泡素(FSH)及促黄体素(LH)的特异应答性机制,对各个卵泡波进行了比较,根据卵泡波动力学理论列举了几种切实可行的同步卵泡波的超排方法,对超数排卵结果差异性的原因做了补充说明。  相似文献   

腹腔镜技术指应用腹腔镜对腹腔内器官进行观察或实施操作的技术。由于腹腔镜技术与其他传统方法相比具有对动物损伤小、有较高的准确性、可以减少手术的盲目性等优点,所以在动物繁殖方面也有广泛的应用。1动物繁殖技术方面的应用1.1在人工授精中的应用1.1.1发情鉴定检查者将腹腔镜经套管送入动物腹腔后,把送气管装在套管的送气阀门上,先送入少量气体,把光缆连接在镜头的光缆接口上,打开电源开关,通过目镜观察物镜是否在腹腔内,确定无误后再继续向腹腔通气,直至胃和肠管前移,腹腔后部和骨盆腔出现空间,清楚地看到生殖器官后,即停止送气,进行…  相似文献   

超数排卵(superovulation)简称超排,指在母畜发情周期中的适当时间为其注射促性腺激素.使其卵巢上有比自然状态下更多的卵泡发育并排卵的技术。用激素处理动物进行超数排卵是进行胚胎移植、转基因、克隆等研究的基础之一,通过超数排卵可以获得大量整齐、优质的卵子或受精卵。尽管目前超排的方法已被广泛应用.但超排产生的胚胎有15%~20%(或更高的比率)不能用于移植。  相似文献   

幼畜胚胎体外生产技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼畜超排是根据性成熟前幼畜(1~2月龄)卵巢对生殖激素敏感,卵泡发育很少发生闭锁的特殊生理特点而发明的一项高效率生产卵母细胞的新技术。该技术是集幼畜超排、体外受精、胚胎移植等技术为一体的胚胎生物技术体系。作者从幼畜超排、体外受精和胚胎移植等方面阐述了目前幼畜体外胚胎生产技术的现状及发展前景。  相似文献   

羊超数排卵的方法及影响其效果的因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用外源促性腺激素诱发母畜卵巢多个卵泡发育并排出具有受精能力的卵子的方法称为超数排卵(superovulation),简称"超排".超排是胚胎移植的重要的技术环节,对于提高优良母畜的繁殖力和品种改良具有重要意义,同时也为动物克隆和转基因动物生产提供卵子和胚胎来源.目前,尽管超排的方法已广泛应用,但超排的效果还不稳定,影响了胚胎移植的进一步推广和应用.  相似文献   

豪猪雌性生殖器官的解剖研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
为了解雌性豪猪的生殖生理,为其发情鉴定、催情技术、人工授精、胚胎移植、体外受精等人工繁殖技术方面的研究提供基础依据,对成年雌性豪猪的生殖器官进行了系统解剖研究。结果表明,雌性豪猪的性腺没有明显的季节性变化,但是在发情周期的不同时期卵巢有不同的变化,当母豪猪发情后,卵巢表面有成熟的卵泡,使整个卵巢体积增大,发情期过后,则卵巢相对缩小。其它生殖器官也都具有各自的解剖特征。  相似文献   

A laparoscopic technique was used to observe in situ the ovaries of llamas and alpacas. Use of this technique results in minimal surgical stress and allows repetitive observation of various reproductive stages in the same animal. Ovarian follicular activity before and after breeding, time of ovulation, corpus luteum formation and regression, early embryo death, failure of ovulation, and the early events of pregnancy can be assessed quickly and safely. For 1,291 laparoscopies performed, postsurgical disturbance was not observed, and animals were released from the clinic 1 hour after laparoscopy.  相似文献   

中国养鹅业经过20世纪末约十年的高速发展后出现了增长缓慢的趋势,原因除了中国畜牧用地限制、疫病危害和人力成本上涨等因素外,缺乏技术创新和突破也是主要原因.鹅人工授精技术是一项先进的繁殖技术.鹅人工授精技术的完善和应用,不但可以提高优秀公鹅的配种效率,而且可以加快鹅育种的遗传进展.如果精液冷冻保存成功,鹅人工授精技术还可以用于保种和克服配种时间和空间的限制.鹅的育种落后和繁殖率低是制约养鹅业发展的瓶颈,鹅人工授精技术的应用将对养鹅业发展起到巨大推动作用.作者对近几年鹅精液收集、精液保存、精液品质评估和输精方法等方面的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

Assisted reproductive techniques (ARTs), such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, and cryopreservation of gametes/zygotes, have been developed to improve breeding and reproduction of livestock, and for the treatment of human infertility. Their widespread use has contributed to improvements in human health and welfare. However, in dogs, only artificial insemination using frozen semen is readily available as an ART to improve breeding and control genetic diversity. A recent priority in sperm cryopreservation is the development of alternatives to egg yolk, which is widely used as a component of the sperm extender. Egg yolk can vary in composition among batches and is prone to contamination by animal pathogens. The latter can be a problem for international exchange of cryopreserved semen. Low-density lipoprotein and skim milk are promising candidates for use as extenders, to ensure fertility after artificial insemination. Although not tested for its effects on fertility following artificial insemination, polyvinyl alcohol may also be a useful alternative to egg yolk as an extender. The development of cryopreservation techniques for canine embryos lags behind that for other mammals, including humans. However, given the success of non-surgical embryo transfer in 2011, studies have sought to refine this approach for practical use. Research on sperm cryopreservation has yielded satisfactory results. However, investigation of other approaches, such as cryopreservation of oocytes and gonadal tissues, remains insufficient. Techniques for the efficient induction of estrus may aid in the development of successful canine ARTs.  相似文献   

[目的]为了便于集中配种或胚胎移植。[方法]采取了三种方法:一次PG改进法、CI-DR+PMSG+PG+LHRH-A3法、PMSG+PG+LHRH-A3法处理三种不同饲养管理条件下的黄牛,诱导同期发情。[结果]表明四次处理的同期发情率分别为100%、100%、98.8%、82.4%,人工授精或胚胎移植受胎率分别为27.3%、80%、76.5%、59.2%。[结论]从经济角度表明一次PG改进法、PMSG+PG+LHRH-A3法是比较切合实际,也比较理想的同期发情方法,效果也比较理想。  相似文献   

The technique of embryo transfer was used to investigate the maternal transmission of scrapie in sheep. Embryo donor ewes were experimentally infected with scrapie (all eventually developing the disease) and artificially inseminated six months later with semen from an uninfected scrapie-susceptible ram. Embryos were harvested five and six days after insemination and transferred by laparoscopy, unwashed, into recipient ewes which had been genetically selected for very low susceptibility to scrapie. Six of the 26 lambs born to these recipients developed scrapie.  相似文献   

This study aims to assess the efficiency of in vivo oocyte and embryo recovery after a recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) treatment in rabbit does. Females were distributed in two experimental groups: donor does were treated with rhFSH (superovulation group) for 3 days prior to artificial insemination (embryo recovery) or ovulation induction (oocyte recovery) and does without treatment remained as the control group. Mature oocytes or embryos were collected with the laparoscopy technique 16 h after ovulation induction (oocytes) or 72 h after artificial insemination (embryos). Up to four recoveries were performed with each doe. Recovery efficiencies differed significantly between embryos (84%) and oocytes (58%). Yet, the recovery rates for the superovulation and control groups did not differ. The rhFSH group was associated with a significant increase (p < 0.05) in the number of oocytes and embryos recovered in comparison with the control group (10.2 ± 1.0 and 14.3 ± 1.2 vs 6.0 ± 2.7 and 8.4 ± 2.3 for oocytes and embryos, respectively). Results from this study indicate that repeated in vivo oocyte and embryo recovery from rhFSH superovulated does maximizes the number of oocytes or embryos collected from the same female.  相似文献   

流式细胞仪分离精子研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文概述了近年来用流式细胞仪分离动物X、Y精子的研究进展、存在的问题和应用前景。流式细胞仪分离精子的研究已经取得了很大进展 ,在某些动物 (如牛 )分离的精子已开始用于人工授精。尽管该技术还存在许多亟待解决的问题 ,但随着流式细胞仪的改进和与各项辅助生殖技术 (如手术授精、体外受精、胞质内精子注射、低剂量精子人工授精 )结合 ,性别分离精子必将在实践中得到广泛的应用 ,产生巨大的社会和经济效益  相似文献   

China was one of the first countries to use artificial insemination (AI) in equids, and it achieved international recognition for its widespread application of AI to commercial horse breeding. This article reviews the history of equine AI in China. The technique originated from the high demand for horses to be used in agriculture, transportation, and the military. Artificial insemination was identified as an ideal tool for Chinese horse breeding to improve the productivity of native horses, especially during 1950-1970. Presently, AI is still practiced commonly in China, and it includes the use of fresh semen and transported cooled semen. The use of frozen semen has also been resumed to broaden the range of elite Sporthorse stallions and to preserve threatened or endangered native breeds. Accurate prediction of the optimum time for insemination depended mainly on transrectal palpation of the mare's ovaries. In addition to controlled methods of insemination, factors like volume and number of spermatozoa in the inseminate and timing and frequency of insemination were optimized to accomplish high fertility rates in the field. Production of hinnies and mules for agricultural labor and donkeys for meat and hide gelatin stimulated a nationwide upsurge of research into the reproductive physiology of and AI technology in donkeys. In the future, there will be further increases in the use of traditional and modern AI techniques in the breeding of Chinese equids.  相似文献   

To identify the time characteristics of ovulation, 5 bitches were evaluated during heat by ultrasonography, laparoscopy and hormonal assay. Blood collections for progesterone and oestradiol 17-β assys and ultrasonography were performed every day and laparoscopy every other day. At ultrasonography, ovaries appeared as anechoic structures about 5 days before the estimated LH peak and gradually increased in size. The greatest changes were observed between days 2 and 4 post-LH peak: echogenicity varied greatly from one animal to another and from one day to the following going from totally anechoic to mixed hypo and hyperechogenicity. Then from day 6, ovaries always appeared as hypoechoic structures assimilated to corpora lutea. At laproscopy, small follicies were seen as early as day 10 before the LH peak. Their size slowly increased to become large protubering follicies around the day of LH peak (day 0). At day 1, corpra luta were observed for the first time and were present in all animals by day 5. During that period preceeding day 5, some ovaries had both corpora lutea and follicies clearly visible on their surface. In one animal, haemorrhagic foci were observed at day 3. Neither ultrasonography, nor laparoscopy allowed precise determination of the time of ovulation. Indeed, follicle collapses was never observed, but changes in echogenicity and in the appearance of the ovaries observed by laparoscopy, suggested that ovulation occurred between days 2 and 4 when progestrone concentrations were 12.6 ± 6.2 and 32.1 ± 10.9 nmol/L, respectively.  相似文献   

西藏日喀则黄牛是乳、肉、役兼用的小型地方原始品种,简称西藏牛,该牲畜品种适应高原气候,耐粗饲,管理较为粗放,抗逆性较强,但是由于该黄牛品种个体较小,性成熟较晚,整体的生产性能低下,严重影响到养殖户的经济效益。目前在西藏日喀则昂仁县黄牛人工授精技术已初步形成体系,人工授精率逐年上升,但是在具体的操作中,由于很多技术人员存在诸多不规范的行为,黄牛的受胎率时好时坏,严重影响品种改良进程。该文主要论述影响西藏昂仁县黄牛人工受精率的因素,提出相应的工作措施。  相似文献   

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