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Abstract – In-stream habitat was measured and trout density was estimated in Merrick Brook (105 habitat units) and the Tankerhoosen River (135 habitat units), Connecticut to determine relationships between habitat use of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta and woody debris. In each habitat unit, woody debris was inventoried, and length, width, depth, area, width : depth ratio and undercut bank area were estimated. Trout abundance was estimated by snorkeling. Multiple regression was used to test relationships between trout density and principal components describing habitat unit variables. In Merrick Brook, habitat unit size and shape explained most of the variability in density of brook trout (<130 and ≥130 mm) and brown trout (<150 mm) among habitat units, although principle components describing large woody debris or fine woody debris contributed significantly to variations in density of brook trout (≥130 mm) and brown trout (<150 and ≥150 mm). In the Tankerhoosen River, fine woody debris explained most of the variability in density of brook trout (<130 and ≥130 mm), followed by habitat unit size and shape. Both large woody debris and fine woody debris contributed significantly to variations in density of brown trout (≥150 mm). These results suggest that woody debris is an important component of wild trout habitat above that provided by habitat unit shape and size alone.  相似文献   

I examined the effects of extreme hypoxia and water level fluctuations on the distribution and movement of an air-breathing clariid catfish, Clarias liocephalus, in a papyrus swamp in western Uganda. Monthly records of the distribution and relative abundance of C. liocephalus across 28 swamp stations were used to examine seasonal trends in habitat use and movement. My results suggest that dissolved oxygen did not directly limit use of, or dispersal through, the papyrus swamp. C. liocephalus were found at most stations in the dry season, and there was no significant relationship between the number of stations used per month and mean monthly dissolved oxygen levels. In addition, there was no evidence for a significant effect of oxygen on the relative abundance of fish among stations during the driest months, or during peak flood conditions. However, relative abundance was positively correlated with water depth during the dry season. Fish from deeper habitats exhibited fewer injuries and lower rates of disappearance than fish from shallower waters. This may reflect the risk of aerial predation for surfacing fish. A comparison of habitat use and movements of C. liocephalus with the only other fish species found in the papyrus swamp, Barbus neumayeri, supports the idea that respiratory mode can affect the use of hypoxic papyrus swamps. B. neumayeri, is a small water-breathing cyprinid that uses aquatic surface respiration in response to severe hypoxia. The air-breathing capabilities of C. liocephalus permitted more widespread use of swamp waters than B. neumayeri. This study demonstrates that an understanding of the respiratory mode of fish species may be useful in predicting patterns of habitat use.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Knowledge of the movements and diel behaviour of the European catfish ( Silurus glanis ), the largest European freshwater fish, is limited to anecdotal information. In a preliminary telemetry study of European catfish, the spring diel movement patterns of five adult catfish were examined. After intraperitoneal insertion of the acoustic tags, the positions of the fish were recorded automatically in the Flix Reservoir (River Ebro, NE Spain). A marked nocturnal mobility pattern was observed throughout the study. During daytime, the catfish were consistently located in the littoral zone and spent extended periods of the day hidden in concealed habitats. Catfish movements were in a radial pattern, with upstream and downstream excursions followed by returns to a previously occupied location. Significant individual variations in movement pattern were observed among the tagged fish and within the 24 h cycle for each fish. Mean instantaneous swimming speed was 0.17 body lengths per second (BL·s−1) at night but 0.09 BL·s−1 during the daytime.  相似文献   

Fertilizability of cryopreserved and cadaveric fish spermatozoa was attempted in the freshwater catfish Pangasius sutchi. Cryopreservation of spermatozoa was done with three cryoprotectants for short time storage (30 days). Whereas the spermatozoa obtained from the cadaveric fish were stored at ?20°C (30 days) without any cryoprotectants. Cryoprotectant toxicity assay showed maximum motility of 88.53 ± 2.01% and viability of spermatozoa (96.19 ± 4.92%) with 15% of Dimethyl acetamide (DMA) at 15 min equilibration time. Whereas Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) (15%) registered moderate level of motility and viability 79.23 ± 2.02% and 80.89 ± 2.1%, respectively. However, the methanol (MeOH) (20%) resulted in low percentage of motility (58.6 ± 0.9%) and viability (68.6 ± 0.9%). Scanning electron micrographs further showed no significant deformity on the surface topography of spermatozoa of cadaveric fish as well as cryopreserved with DMA (15%). The results indicated that 15% of DMA with hanks balanced salt solution (HBSS) extender at a dilution ratio of 1:10 at ?80°C proved to be suitable for cryopreservation of spermatozoa in P. sutchi. This may be due to the osmolality of HBSS similar to seminal plasma of P. sutchi. Further studies on motility, viability and fertility potential of spermatozoa revealed 73.62 ± 1.61%, 88.34 ± 1.05% and 54 ± 2.2%, respectively, with DMA (15%). On the other hand, cadaveric fish sperm registered 57.12 ± 2.32%, 63.45 ± 0.94% and 25.33 ± 1.53% of motility, viability and fertilizability respectively. Thus, this study augments the feasibility of using cryopreserved as well as cadaveric fish spermatozoa for the seedling production in the fresh water catfish P. sutchi.  相似文献   

The demographics (e.g. hatch time, growth and mortality) and habitat (macrohabitat and mesohabitat) use of age‐0 blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus (Lesueur) were evaluated in the un‐impounded reach of the middle Mississippi River during 2003–2010. Each year, island complexes and adjacent main river habitats were trawled, and 7,373 age‐0 blue catfish (10–144 mm total length) were collected. Blue catfish hatch timing varied slightly across years and generally began in June and ended in August. Age‐0 blue catfish growth rates and instantaneous mortality rates differed among years. Catch rates of age‐0 blue catfish were highest in side channels and around islands, whereas main channel habitats were infrequently occupied. Regarding mesohabitat use, age‐0 blue catfish frequently occupied low velocity areas (i.e. 0.3–0.4 m/s) of shallow depth (i.e. 1–4 m) and sand substratum. This study has provided insight into age‐0 blue catfish population dynamics and has highlighted the importance of specific habitat characteristics in large rivers that may aid in recruitment of this species.  相似文献   

Data sets with increased spatial and temporal resolution can help researchers and resource managers quantify representative distributional patterns of mobile sportfish. In this research, first, we illustrate patterns of sportfish distribution using individual (percent of population, residence time, number of movements) and combined distributional metrics. Second, we apply these metrics to one highly mobile fish species, the blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus), across a range of spatial (whole reservoir, region, site) and temporal (year, month, diel period) scales. Specifically, we tracked 123 acoustically tagged blue catfish with a 20‐receiver array in Milford Reservoir, KS, USA. When we integrated metrics, four site‐specific distributional patterns emerged: (a) a large, active multi‐site fish aggregation, (b) localised site fidelity, (c) transitional sites and (d) rarely used locations. These patterns would not have been detected using a single metric as each measurement revealed a different piece of the distribution story. For example, if we had only quantified percent of population, we could identify fish location, but not whether individual fish spent time at a location or were just passing through. Our examination of multiple scales also provided a novel context for interpreting site‐specific patterns. As an illustration of this insight, using conventional approaches, we would have observed heterogeneity, but we would not have detected fish aggregations, in which individual fish either remained or repeatedly returned to a site. In summary, our results show the advantage of setting the entire ecosystem as the study boundary to integrate multiple responses using a spatially and temporally extensive data set.  相似文献   

Transfer of the stenohaline catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis from tap water (TW) to deionized water (DW) resulted in an increase in the glomerular filtration rate, urine volume and osmolar and free water clearance. In a closed system, where the DW was renewed only once a day, no change in the plasma osmolality was evident for up to 14 days. When DW was renewed four times a day for 25 days, a significant reduction in the plasma osmolality was observed within 24h. When the fish were transferred back to TW, plasma osmolality increased to normal freshwater level within 24h. These observations suggest the existence of highly efficient branchial mechanisms for active uptake of salts from an exceedingly dilute ambient medium. The fact that prolactin-secreting cells as well as corticotrophs in the pituitary of the fish in DW were highly stimulated suggests the involvement of the hormones in the adaptive responses of the catfish to DW.  相似文献   

Abstract – During 6 November to 24 December 2000, 23 tigerfish [( Hydrocynus vittatus ), 30–54 cm] were tagged with radio transmitters in the Zambezi River (Namibia) to record habitat utilisation during low, rising and high water levels. The fish were tracked, on average, every fourth day during 23 November to 18 May. Two movement patterns were detected. Approximately 50% of the fish moved <1000 m among tracking surveys, staying within 'defined' home ranges. The remaining fish showed consistent site fidelity for periods, with long distance movements (>1000 m) to new areas among residency periods. Overall, mean distance moved between tracking surveys was 1447 m. Home range size varied among individuals, with a 95% probability of localisation within an average area of 276,978 m2. The fish utilised a mean river stretch of 18,836 m (range = 90–71,840). All the fish were recorded in the main stem, and on average, 95% of the fixes were in the main stem during low water. However, the fish used temporary flooded areas to an increasing extent during the rising and high water period, but did not undertake long-distance migrations into the floodplains. Fish were sometimes near vegetation, but were never recorded into or under vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We used radio telemetry to measure the habitat use and movements of 20 tagged pikeperch (44–59 cm) in the hydropeaking Pyhäkoski Reservoir, Finland, during June 1999–2000. The hydrological conditions in the 8-km-long reservoir were measured and then modeled over eight discharge rates between 30 and 700 m3 · s−1. Pikeperch preferred relatively low water velocities and deep water depths especially during the winter. During the summer, pikeperch moved actively in different parts of the reservoir. No relationship was found between hydroelectric plant operations and distances moved by pikeperch during the summer. Movements peaked in autumn but decreased during the winter to a restricted area. After 1 year of monitoring, 4 out of 20 tagged pikeperch remained in the Pyhäkoski Reservoir, three had died when descending from hydroelectric dams, 10 had descended downstream to other reservoirs or sea, two were captured by local fishermen, and one fish's signal was lost for unknown reasons.  相似文献   

Wild fish are confronting changing pathogen dynamics arising from anthropogenic disturbance and climate change. Pathogens can influence animal behaviour and life histories, yet there are little such data from fish in the high north where pathogen dynamics may differ from comparatively southern regions. We aimed to compare the pathogen communities of 160 wild anadromous brown trout in two fjords in northern Norway and to determine whether pathogens influenced area use or return to spawn. Application of high-throughput qPCR detected 11 of the 46 pathogens screened for; most frequently encountered were Ichthyobodo spp., Flavobacterium psychrophilum and Candidatus Branchiomonas cysticola. The rate of returning to freshwater during the spawning season was significantly lower for the Skjerstadfjord fish. Piscichlamydia salmonis and F. psychrophilum were indicator species for the Skjerstadfjord and pathogen communities in the two fjords differed according to perMANOVA. Individual length, Fulton's condition factor and the time between first and last detection of the fish were not related to the presence of pathogens ordinated using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). However, there was evidence that pathogen load was correlated with the expression of smoltification genes, which are upregulated by salmonids in freshwater. Correspondingly, percentage of time in freshwater after release was longer for fish with greater pathogen burdens.  相似文献   

African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) (initial body weight: 34.8 ± 4.8 g) and vundu catfish (Heterobranchus longifilis) (initial body weight: 39.1 ± 8.2 g) fingerlings were stocked at densities of 4, 6 or 8 fish m− 3 in traditional fish ponds (whedos) constructed in the floodplain of the Oueme River (South Benin, West Africa), for 70 days from March to June 2005. Fish were fed twice a day with 34% crude protein feed formulated with locally available ingredients. The effects of stocking density were evaluated in growth responses, gross production and body composition. Water quality variables were similar (p > 0.05) in all compartments. Temperature and pH were at the optimum level for fish. Dissolved oxygen ranged from 0.9 to 1.2 mg l− 1 during the experiment and secchi disc transparency was low (< 14 cm). In both species, growth responses increased with the increasing density, significantly in African catfish stocked at density of 8 fish m− 3 compared to the other densities (4 and 6 fish m− 3) but not significantly in vundu catfish. Production data ranged from 3.1 ± 0.5 to 22.8 ± 4.5 t ha− 1 year− 1 in African catfish and from 6.1 ± 1.2 to 15.1 ± 3.1 t ha− 1 year− 1 in vundu catfish. Production increased with increasing stocking densities but only significantly (p < 0.05) between the density of 8 fish m− 3 and the other densities. In both species, carcass fat increased with increasing density (p < 0.05) while carcass protein and moisture decreased (p > 0.05). These results are important because they indicate that, as far as growth rate and production are concerned, African catfish is more profitable than vundu catfish for culture at high density in whedo.  相似文献   

The nematode Panagrellus redivivus (Linné) has been suggested as a source of live food in the rearing of larval fish and shrimp species. This study tested the use of P. redivivus in the early rearing of the bottom‐feeding catfish Synodontis petricola (Matthes). A comparison of feeding rates of 5000–10 000 nematodes larva−1 day−1 showed that fish receiving 5000 nematodes larva−1 day−1 grew faster than those fed a dry diet, but slower than treatments fed 200 and 600 Artemia larva−1 day−1. Enrichment of nematodes with SuperSelco® improved fish growth relative to a non‐enriched control treatment, with both treatments receiving 5000 nematodes larva−1 day−1. In the first two trials, feeding commenced 2 days after hatching. In the third study, fish were fed nematodes 6 days after hatching and there was no difference in growth between Artemia‐fed fish (600 Artemia larva−1 day−1) and fish fed 5000 nematodes larva−1 day−1. Thus, it is suggested to feed S. petricola at a nematode density of at least 10 000nematodes larva−1 day−1 in order to achieve growth comparable to that of fish fed Artemia, or, alternatively, to feed 5000 nematodes larva−1 day−1 to improve growth relative to that achieved with a dry diet. Furthermore, nematodes may be enriched with essential fatty acids to improve the growth of S. petricola larvae.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry was used to examine the behavioural responses of fish to dynamic environmental and operating conditions in a fossil-generating power station discharge canal on Lake Erie. A series of seven underwater antennas continuously monitored the movements of 10 common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and 10 channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), in the 550-m discharge canal between 23 December 1997 and 1 May 1998. Common carp residency values were higher (47.71±8.51%) than those of channel catfish (10.15±2.82%). While resident in the discharge canal, channel catfish spent more time in the upper reaches and were more active than carp. Carp spent more time in the lower reaches of the channel, and made more frequent movements between the canal and Lake Erie. Overall residency decreased significantly during the study period. Aside from significant negative correlations between common carp residency and daily mean influent temperature ( r = −0.53), daily discharge mean ( r = −0.30) and minimum water temperature ( r = −0.47), and positive correlations to daily mean cooling water flow ( r = 0.38), the activity and residency of tagged individuals were independent of environmental and operating conditions. There was no relationship between the total length of each fish, and any of the residency or activity indices. The implications of extended fish residency in heated discharges and the utility of radiotelemetry as a monitoring procedure are discussed.  相似文献   

The mobility patterns of two native species, barbel, Barbus barbus (L.) and chub, Squalius cephalus (L.), and of one non‐native fish species, the catfish Silurus glanis (L.), were assessed on a 35.5‐km reach of the Upper Rhône River, a strong flowing river with notable thermal regime alterations. An active acoustic tracking technique adapted to large rivers allowed (1) the identification of longitudinal home ranges, movements and preferred habitat at large scale, and (2) the analysis of the influence of discharge and water temperature on the movement patterns of the fish. The active fish‐tracking system recorded 1,572 fish localisations over 7 months on a weekly basis for 80% of the tagged fish (37 barbel, 23 chub and 13 catfish). Compared with the catfish, barbel and chub showed wider longitudinal home ranges, more movements >1 km and higher interindividual variability. The catfish preferred artificially heated habitats with less morphological diversity. The three species were more often localised in river sections with high density of woody debris. The results suggest that habitat degradation is more damaging for cyprinids in large modified rivers, while the catfish seemed less, impacted.  相似文献   

Due to a recruitment decline of more than 90% in 30 years, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) has been classified by IUCN as critically endangered. Although the species has been studied intensively to obtain knowledge to improve management, studies about the resident yellow stage are relatively scarce. In this study, 52 large female yellow eels were tagged with acoustic transmitters in a Belgian polder system and tracked by a network of 23 automatic listening stations. We studied both circadian and seasonal movement patterns and the effect of environmental variables on these patterns. Large female yellow eels were most active at night in late summer and early autumn. A generalised linear mixed model showed that their movement is only slightly influenced by environmental variables. Moreover, as yellow eels show high site fidelity (i.e., the majority was detected only in the habitat type of their catch‐release location), they do not encounter many human‐induced connectivity problems in polder systems, which makes these systems highly suitable as eel growth habitat. These results can contribute to an effective eel management regarding habitat protection and restoration.  相似文献   

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