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<正> 海马是一种海产经济鱼类,也是一种名贵的中药。明代李时珍在《本草纲目》中记载:“妇人难产,带之于身甚验。临时泡茶饮服,并手握之即易产。”它有滋阴补肾、祛风散结、消炎退热、止血镇疼、生肌强心等功能。对于治疗神经性疾病,也有特殊疗效。  相似文献   

在人工养殖条件下 ,研究大海马 (HippocampuskudaBleeker)幼鱼的生长特性及其成活率。结果表明 ,大海马幼鱼的最大增长率为 1 5 88% ,最大增重率为 52 94% ,最小增长率为 2 80 % ,最小增重率为 8 0 5 % ,群体增重倍数为 7 2 0 ,幼鱼的平均日增长率和日增重率分别为 0 44mm/d和0 0 0 5 2g/d。大海马幼鱼体长与日龄的关系式为L =1 5 2 8+0 40 6 5T ,体重与日龄的关系式为W=1 865× 1 0 -4 T1 6872 ,体重与体长的关系式为W =6 884× 1 0 -6L2 762 2 。大海马幼鱼的成活率为90 4%。  相似文献   

大海马在人工养殖条件下的生长速率   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
报道了在人工养殖条件下,大海马(Hippocampus kuda Bleeker)的体长与体重的相对生长率、生长比率及生长速度与饵料、水温等环境因子的关系。结果表明,大海马生长高峰期为5~11月,群体体长月平均增长率为12.20%,体长特定增长率为15.92%;体重月平均增重率为15.87%,体重特定增重率为27.70%,群体增重倍数为13.8。大海马体长呈逻辑斯蒂曲线增长,关系式为L=192.3460/(1+e  相似文献   

游克仁 《海洋渔业》1994,16(4):169-170
<正> 在我国东海和南海海域中,生活着一种非常奇特的鱼类——海马。它的外形很古怪:头部象马,尾部细长而卷曲,体形侧扁,全身无鳞,呈黑褐色,躯体由许多环节组成,在一些环节上还生有小突起。由于它的体表披着坚硬的环状骨板,看起来就象穿着甲胄的战马,又有点象传说中的龙,所以,人们又称它为“龙落子”。  相似文献   

环境因子对三斑仔海马生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三斑海马(Hippocam pus trimaculatus)是亚热带品种,在我国主要分布于南海。因其可作贵重药材,故经济价值较高。  相似文献   

海马人工养殖技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海马(Hippocampus spp.)有很高的药用和观赏价值,但是由于过度开发和其生境的严重破坏,许多种类已成为濒危物种,因此,通过人工养殖生产来补充市场需求和恢复自然资源显得十分迫切。但是由于目前海马的养殖成本高、存活率低等问题,制约了其养殖业的发展。本文旨在综述国内外海马主要品种的人工养殖技术的研究现状,以期为海马人工养殖技术的提升提供参考资料。  相似文献   

海马(Hippocampus),又名落龙子,隶属于刺鱼目、海龙科。海马虽无食用价值,但药用价值很高,乃珍贵的中药材。海马性温、味咸、甘,具有补肾壮阳、温通血脉、镇静安神、舒筋活络等功效,主治阳痿、遗尿、虚喘、难产、症积、疔疮、肿毒等。从古至今,一直受到人们的喜爱,有“北方人参  相似文献   

海马(Hippocampus SP)又名落龙子(图见彩中插2),为海龙鱼目、海龙鱼科、海马属,全球约有35种,是一种经济价值很高的药用兼海水观赏鱼类。由于海马独有的身姿和能模拟环境变换多彩的体色及特有的繁殖方式,而成为水族观赏新宠深受人们的喜爱。笔者近年来进行了海马幼苗培育的试验探索,  相似文献   

海马(Hippocampus sp.)是一种海产经济鱼类,也是一种名贵的中药,向有“南方人参”之称。明代的李时珍在《本草纲目》中写道:“妇人难产,带之于身甚验,临时泡沫饮服,并手握之即易产”。它有滋阴补肾、祛风散结、消炎退热、止血镇痛、强心催生等功能,同时对治疗神经性疾病有特殊疗效。  相似文献   

有益微生物在大海马健康养殖中的应用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
实验用复合微生物由芽孢杆菌(Bacillusspp.)、红螺菌(Rhodospirillumspp.)、硝化细菌(Nitrobacterspp.)和硫化细菌(Thiobacillusspp.)组成,菌量比例分别为61.5%、27.3%、5.8%和5.4%。向大海马养殖池每10d使用1次,用量5mL/m3,菌液密度(2.0~2.5)×109/mL。结果表明,应用复合微生物的试验组溶解氧比对照组(不加菌)提高了32.7%,氨氮、亚硝酸盐和硫化物含量则分别降低了76.9%、97.1%和93.3%。对照池的浮游藻类优势种为蓝藻、甲藻和隐藻,分别占浮游植物总量的35.3%、22.3%和19.6%;试验池的浮游藻类优势种为绿藻和硅藻,分别占69.0%和26.8%,其藻类多样性指数比对照组增大了1.2倍。试验池的异养菌增长率为55.3%,而对照池的异养菌增长率达274.6%。试验期间,水温23~26℃,试验组的芽孢杆菌的数量从0.15×103CFU/mL急剧增至55.63×103CFU/mL,但对照组的仍保持在(0.13~0.38)×103CFU/mL的水平。而试验组弧菌数量比对照池的降低了2个数量级。  相似文献   

The biochemical composition of wild and cultured seahorses Hippocampus kuda Bleeker and Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach was analysed in this study. The crude protein contents (% dry weight) of wild seahorses were high: 72.7±2.5% in H. kuda and 78.5±4.2% in H. trimaculatus . The crude lipid contents (% dry weight) of wild and cultured seahorses (1.1±0.1 vs. 1.4±0.2 for H. kuda and 1.2±0.1 vs. 1.2±0.2 for H. trimaculatus ) were low and did not differ significantly ( F 3, 12=1.461, P =0.12). The essential amino acids and flavour-enhancing amino acids in wild seahorses were higher than those in cultured seahorses, although the essential amino acid index in wild and cultured H. kuda and H. trimaculatus were generally low. The total amino acid content decreased with growth in cultured H. trimaculatus ( F 3, 12=14.927, P <0.05). The poly-unsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contents in wild and cultured H. kuda and H. trimaculatus were 21.69%, 37.72%, 21.39% and 33.89% respectively. The fatty acid content in seahorses first decreased and then increased with growth both in wild and in cultured H. trimaculatus . The PUFA/saturated fatty acid ratio was 1.31 in cultured H. kuda and 0.87 in cultured H. trimaculatus . The trace metal concentrations in the wild seahorses were relatively low. The results presented in this study provide biochemical information necessary for understanding the medicinal value of H. kuda and H. trimaculatus and for elucidating the potential dietary requirements for their culture.  相似文献   

The seahorse has been used for thousands of years as an important traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in China. Many species of wild seahorse have become endangered, but demand for them continues to grow rapidly. Therefore, it is urgent to cultivate seahorses to relieve the strain on natural populations and meet the market demand for this TCM. In this study, medicinal components of wild and cultured yellow seahorses (Hippocampus kuda Bleeker) were analysed and compared. Different parts of the body (cortex and bone), male and female specimens, and seahorses of different ages were analysed. Crude protein, crude fat, trace elements, calcium, amino acid, fatty acid, steroid and cholesterol content were measured. The results showed that moisture content accounted for 70% of wet weight and ash content increased with growth. Crude protein and fat contents were higher in cultured seahorses than in wild specimens, and the content of Zn in cultured seahorses (93.26 ± 10.44%) was significantly higher than that of same‐aged wild seahorses (74.20 ± 3.83%). Amino acid and fatty acid contents of cultured seahorses also were higher than those of wild seahorses. These findings show that cultured seahorses can also be used in TCMs and that 1‐year‐old cultured seahorses have the best properties.  相似文献   

选取体质良好、活力强的大海马(Hippocampus kuda Bleeker),体重(3.075 g±0.16 g)、体全长(11.55 cm±0.31cm)。设置18℃、23℃、28 3℃个实验组和1个对照组(CT组:自然变温),每组3个重复,实验周期28 d。结果显示,大海马在23℃时生长速率最快,摄食活跃;28℃大海马反应最迅速(5.8 s±0.74 s),摄食量最大(153.92 g±10.33 g),活动频繁,泳速大;而18℃和自然变温条件下对食物的反应不敏感,多缠绕在附着物上,摄食时呈聚集式分布;23℃和28℃时,相对活跃,会主动游向饵料摄食,摄食效率较高。综上所述,温度的改变对大海马的生长速率及摄食行为均有一定影响;在适宜温度下,大海马的活力大,摄食量多,生长速率相对较快。本研究旨在为大海马饵料开发和养殖环境优化提供科学数据。  相似文献   

大海马(HippocampuskudaBleeker)育苗池为水泥池,规格为4.0m×6.0m×1.6m,分设正常池与水华发生池,各设3个平行池,每池养殖幼海马约1000尾,测定水体水华发生时水体细菌数量和理化因子变化的规律。结果显示,当水温高于24℃时,育苗池易发生水华,形成水华的优势藻为铜绿微囊藻(Microcysticaeruginosa)。正常育苗池水体中异养细菌总量平均比水华池的高出近1个数量级。正常池和水华池表层异养细菌变动范围分别为2.50×103~7.23×104CFU/mL和4.75×102~6.90×103CFU/mL,水华池比正常池减少了60%~99%;底层异养细菌变动范围则分别为4.75×103~7.53×104CFU/mL和6.25×102~1.50×104CFU/mL,水华池比正常池降低了73%~97%。水华池与正常池底层异养细菌数量的差异极显著(P<0.01)。两组池表层弧菌数量变动范围分别为0.85×102~7.19×103CFU/mL和0.33×102~8.92×102CFU/mL,水华池比正常池减少5%~93%;底层弧菌数量变动范围则分别为8.30×102~1.16×104CFU/mL和0.53×102~2.04×103CFU/mL,水华池比正常池降低2%~97%。水华发生池的底层和表层的细菌数量与正常池的差异均显著(P<0.05)。同时,水华池平均水温比正常池约低1℃,溶解氧(DO)比正常池的降低了22%~33%;而水华池中的氨氮含量则为正常育苗池的1.41~2.34倍。水华发生时,育苗池表层和底层水体中弧菌数量比正常池的分别减少了61%~87%和82%~93%。  相似文献   

池养大海马的摄食_生长和生态转换效率   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕军仪 《水产学报》2002,26(1):61-66
对大海马 (平均体长 92 .82± 2 .0 5 2 6mm ,平均体重 6 .6 9± 0 .4 5 70g)在养殖条件下 (放养密度为 2 0 0ind·m-3 ,溶解氧保持在 5 .5mg·L-1以上 ,生物耗氧量低于 3mg·L-1,pH值 7.5~ 8.2 ,透明度 5 0~ 85cm ,盐度 15 .2~ 2 6 .5 )的摄食、生长和食物生态转换效率进行了定量研究。通过系统取样 ,测量海马的全长、体重和消化道内食物重量 ,计算其增长速度、摄食率、消化道排空率、生态转换效率等数值 ,发现大海马的摄食每天有两个摄食高峰 ,即 12 :0 0和 18:0 0 ,晚上不摄食或很少摄食。大海马的日摄食量为 16 .6 342± 0 .782 0g·(10 0g) -1,日摄食率为 1177.2 5cal·ind-1,排空率 0 .14 4 4g·(10 0g) -1·h-1,食物转换效率 2 0 .0 4 % ,能量转换效率 31.4 2 %。体长日平均增长速度和日均增长率分别为 1.176 6mm和 1.2 7% ;体重日平均增重速度和日均增重率分别为0 .182 0g和 2 .2 7%。通过多元回归分析建立摄食率与体重及温度的相关关系 ,得出下列关系式 :C =6 .75 4 4+0 .30 14T +0 .2 190W (F =83.5 96 3,F0 .0 1=18.0 0 ,F >F0 .0 1)。  相似文献   

This study examined the feeding selectivity of Hippocampus kuda juveniles under captive conditions and evaluates different food organisms that could be used to improve hatchery‐rearing of this species. Newly born H. kuda were reared for 10 days in 60‐L capacity tanks and fed rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis), zooplankton (mostly Pseudodiaptomus annandalei and Acartia tsuensis) alone or both food sources. The size and amount of food ingested increased as seahorses grew. Selective feeding of seahorses appeared to change as they develop, preferring copepod adults over nauplii and rotifers. A. tsuensis was highly selected by juveniles over P. annandalei. Specific growth rate in terms of body weight (SGR‐BW, 15% day–1) was the highest and mortality rate (9% at day 10) the lowest in seahorses fed a mixed food sources. Slowest growth rate (0.3% day–1) and highest mortality rate (60% at day 7) were observed in seahorses fed rotifers alone. These results indicate that copepods are suitable food for seahorse juveniles, but a mixture of food organisms in the rearing tank environment enhances survivorship and growth of H. kuda, thus potentially providing a source of cultured rather than wild specimens for characterizing the life history of this threatened species.  相似文献   

The microenvironment of bacteria associated with the gastrointestinal tract of an animal influences the host in many ways, including the metabolism of several nutrients. Isolation, molecular characterization and enzymatic activities of culturable bacteria associated with the gastrointestinal tract of hatchery‐reared oceanic yellow seahorse, Hippocampus kuda, were investigated in the present study. 16S rRNA sequencing of bacterial isolates yielded 10 different bacterial genera belonging to two major groups: proteobacteria (62.9%) and firmicutes (37.03%). The predominant microbial flora belonged to the genera Vibrio spp., Enterovibrio sp. and Bacillus spp. Burkholderia cenocepacia, hitherto unreported from the gastrointestinal tract of marine fish, was retrieved from the seahorse gut, albeit in small numbers. Enzymatic studies indicated that the bacterial isolates possess the ability to degrade lipids, cellulose, xylan, starch and proteins. Lipase activity was exhibited by a majority of the isolates (70.4%), indicating that the bacterial flora associated with the intestinal tract of seahorses is capable of digesting foods rich in lipids. The possible implications for the role of these bacteria in the digestion and physiological processes are discussed. To our knowledge, this is the first time that the characterization and enzymatic activities of bacteria associated with the intestinal tract of farmed seahorses have been reported.  相似文献   

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