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Hemolivia mauritanica (Sergent et Sergent, 1904) infections were found in 14% (n= 14) of Testudo graeca Linnaeus, 1758 tortoises in Bulgaria and in 92% (n = 26) of those in Turkey. Hemolivia mauritanica-like gametocytes were found in 81% (n = 47) of wild Testudo marginata Schoepff, 1792 tortoises in Greece. Parasitaemia intensity (the percentage of infected red blood cells found in approximately 104 cells) was 0.03-22.4% in T. graeca and 0.06-12.27% in T. marginata. On the other hand, all blood samples from 40 Bulgarian, 38 Greek, and 18 Croatian specimens of Testudo hermanni Gmelin, 1789 were negative.  相似文献   

We studied the prevalence and distribution of Hepatozoon infections in small rodents from Finland and other areas in northern Europe. Hepatozoon infections were more common in voles (Arvicolinae) than mice (Murinae) and more prevalent in voles of the genus Clethrionomys than in voles of the genus Microtus. Transmission electron microscopical examination of Hepatozoon erhardovae Krampitz, 1964 from bank voles Clethrionomys glareolus (Schreber) showed that intracellular lung meronts were located in alveolar septa. Meronts consisted of varying numbers of merozoites packed with amylopectin vacuoles inside electron-lucent parasitophorous vacuole. The size of the meronts was approximately 19 x 14 microm. Monozoic or dizoic cysts were frequent findings in the lung alveoles; the size of cysts was approximately 10 x 6 microm. Gametocytes were found inside eosinophilic granulocytes in the capillaries of lung tissue. Ultrastructurally, micronemes, microtubules, mitochondria, nuclei and lipid droplets were visible.  相似文献   

During October 2003, a specimen of Amblyrhynchotes honckenii (Bloch, 1795) was captured at low tide, with a hand net, in a rock pool at Koppie Alleen, De Hoop Nature Reserve, South Africa. This fish was heavily parasitized by unidentified gnathiid praniza larvae, caligid copepods identified as Caligus tetrodontis Barnard, 1948, cymothoid isopods identified as Cinusa tetrodontis (Schioedte et Meinert, 1884), and the blood protozoan Haemogregarina koppiensis Smit et Davies, 2001. Giemsa-stained blood smears from this fish revealed new and unusual stages of merogony for H. koppiensis that included small, rounded, likely intraerythrocytic merozoites arranged in circles of eight around the host nucleus. Host cells appeared ghost-like and enlarged compared with normal erythrocytes. Identical merozoites, usually in clusters of up to 16, were also observed free of host cells. The pattern of merogony seen in H. koppiensis is unusual for a fish haemogregarine.  相似文献   

Mabuya vitatta (Olivier) (Scincidae) and Agama stellio (L.) (Agamidae) were infected with Hemolivia mariae Smallridge et Paperna, 1997 by ingestion of tick viscera from Amblyomma limbatum Neumann, fed as nymphs on naturally infected Australian sleepy lizards, Tiliqua rugosa Gray. The unnatural infection apparently interfered with the developmental schedule of the parasites. Transmission electron microscopic images of merogonic stages were obtained, as well as images of early developing gametocytes. Tissue and intraerythrocytic meronts were bound by a hardened wall. Intraerythrocytic gametocytes were lodged in a parasitophorous vacuole, which was filled with granular material, and were bound by a two-membrane wall. Small and large osmiophilic bodies were located in a sub-pellicular position. With differentiation, the wall membranes tightened with the parasitophorous vacuole wall, and the osmiophilic bodies disappeared. The outer parasite membrane consolidated into a thick encasing with distinct sutures. Late infection in A. stellio comprised gametocytes only.  相似文献   

Haemogregarina bigemina Laveran et Mesnil, 1901 was examined in marine fishes and the gnathiid isopod, Gnathia africana Barnard, 1914 in South Africa. Its development in fishes was similar to that described previously for this species. Gnathiids taken from fishes with H. bigemina, and prepared sequentially over 28 days post feeding (d.p.f.), contained stages of syzygy, immature and mature oocysts, sporozoites and merozoites of at least three types. Sporozoites, often five in number, formed from each oocyst from 9 d.p.f. First-generation merozoites appeared in small numbers at 11 d.p.f., arising from small, rounded meronts. Mature, second-generation merozoites appeared in large clusters within gut tissue at 18 d.p.f. They were presumed to arise from fan-shaped meronts, first observed at 11 d.p.f. Third-generation merozoites were the shortest, and resulted from binary fission of meronts, derived from second-generation merozoites. Gnathiids taken from sponges within rock pools contained only gamonts and immature oocysts. It is concluded that the development of H. bigemina in its arthropod host illustrates an affinity with Hemolivia and one species of Hepatozoon. However, the absence of sporokinctes and sporocysts also distances it from these genera, and from Karyolysus. Furthermore, H. bigemina produces fewer sporozoites than Cyrilia and Desseria, although, as in Desseria, Haemogregarina (sensu stricto) and Babesiosoma, post-sporogonic production of merozoites occurs in the invertebrate host. The presence of intraerythrocytic binary fission in its fish host means that H. bigemina is not a Desseria. Overall it most closely resembles Haemogregarina (sensu stricto) in its development, although the match is not exact.  相似文献   

Eimeria dorcadis Mantovani, 1966 is redescribed from dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas (L.)) from Saudi Arabia. Oocysts were detected in 7 out of 22 faecal samples (32%) using floatation method. The sporulated oocysts are cylindrical, slightly flattened at the micropylar pole, measure in average 32 x 19 microm (27-36 x 16-24 microm), length/width ratio being 1.7 (1.5-2.1). Oocyst wall is 1.2 microm thick, smooth, double-layered; outer layer is slightly thicker, light blue in colour; inner layer brownish, with micropyle in the inner layer and apparently continual outer one, measures 2.2 microm, but lacks a micropylar cap. The sporocyst elongate-ellipsoidal, measures 14 x 8 microm (12-17 x 6-9 microm), length/width ratio being 1.8, with sporocyst residuum as circular compact, coarse, refractile granules. Stieda body is present, while substieda body is absent. Sporozoites banana-shaped, measure 11 x 2.5 microm, each with a large spheroidal refractile body at the wider pole. Sporulation time is 2-3 days at 25 +/- 2 degrees C.  相似文献   

Isospora carliae sp. n. is described from the blue-throated rainbow skink Carlia rhomboidalis (Peters), from Daintree Forest, North Queensland, Australia. Oocysts are ellipsoidal, 16.8-21.0 x 12.6-15.4 microm in size, with their two sporocysts, 9.0-14.0 x 7.0-9.24 microm in size, positioned along the wide axis. Sporozoites contain a distinct refractile body and are accompanied by a residuum. All endogenous development occurs within the host-cell nucleus. Nuclei are sometimes invaded by several merozoites, but only infections by a single parasite persist. Nuclei lodging meronts, mature microgamonts and premature macrogamonts have an elongate shape. Some meronts exhibit a membrane-bound cytoplasmic inclusion that contains many micronemes.  相似文献   

Coprological examination of New Caledonian geckoes of the genus Rhacodactylus Fitzinger, 1843 revealed two new species of coccidia. Isospora leachiani sp. n. from R. leachianus (Cuvier, 1829) has oval, colourless oocysts, measuring 21-26 x 16-18.5 microm. Sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 11-12.5 x 6.5-8 microm, with distinct Stieda and substieda bodies. Oocysts of Isospora sykorai sp. n. from R. ciliatus (Guichenot, 1866) are elongately oval to cylindrical, 20-23.5 x 11-14 microm; sporocysts of this species are ellipsoidal, 10-11.5 x 7-8 microm, with a slightly pointed end and Stieda and substieda bodies. Infected geckoes did not exhibit any alteration of their health status.  相似文献   

Spinicauda dugesii sp. n. (Heterakoidea, Heterakidae), parasite of the gut of the lizard Podarcis dugesii Milne-Edwards, 1829 (Reptilia, Lacertidae) from Madeira Island is described. Males of the new species are characterized by their narrow lateral alae, and curved and very chitinized spicules of the same length: females by their thick-shelled, almost round and embryonated eggs. At the external wall of the host's gut, parasitic cysts of this nematode with immature stages inside were also observed.  相似文献   

Eimeria jamescooki sp. n. was recovered from the skink Cryptoblepharus virgatus (Garman) found on the grounds of James Cook University, Townsville (type locality), North Queensland, Australia. Oocysts were 17.5-25.0 (22.1 +/- 1.9) x 15-22.5 (17.7 +/- 1.6) microm and sporocysts 6.25-10.0 (7.9 +/- 1.15) x 3.75-6.25 (5.3 +/- 1.0) microm in size. Endogenous stages are described from histological material examined by light microscope and by transmission electron microscope. Both merogony stages and gamonts were found to develop in the cytoplasm of the anterior gut mucosal epithelium. Meront progeny were comprised of 10 to 21 merozoites. Premature macrogamonts were elongate; some host cells contained two elongate macrogamonts. Unique to the presently described species were the Golgi "plaques" and an enclosure of tubuli. Mature macrogamonts and young oocysts ranged in size from 14 x 7 to 21 x 11 microm and contained two types of wall-forming bodies, canaliculi and amylopectin granules. Differentiating microgamonts conformed in fine structure with that observed in other eimerians. Their sizes increased from 15.4 x 4.2 to 28 x 8.4 microm while dividing to over 70 nuclei, which formed a corresponding yield of microgametes.  相似文献   

Coprological examination of 71 samples from a breeding colony of veiled chameleons, Chamaeleo calyptratus Duméril et Duméril, 1851, revealed a presence of two species of coccidia. In 100% of the samples examined, oocysts of Isospora jaracimrmani Modry et Koudela, 1995 were detected. A new coccidian species, Choleoeimeria hirbayah sp. n., was discovered in 32.4% of samples from the colony. Its oocysts are tetrasporocystic, cylindrical, 28.3 (25-30) x 14.8 (13.5-17.5) microm, with smooth, bilayered, -1 microm thick wall. Sporocysts are dizoic, ovoidal to ellipsoidal, 10.1 (9-11) x 6.9 (6-7.5) microm, sporocyst wall is composed of two plates joined by a meridional suture. Endogenous development is confined to the epithelium of the gall bladder, with infected cells being typically displaced from the epithelium layer towards lumen. A taxonomic revision of tetrasporocystic coccidia in the Chamaeleonidae is provided.  相似文献   

Parasitological examination of faeces of 26 snakes kept in Bio-Ken Snake Farm, Watamu, Kenya revealed new species of Eimeria Schneider, 1875 in Telescopus semiannulatus Smith, 1849. Oocysts of Eimeria arabukosokokensis sp. n. are cylindrical 26.8 (25-29) x 15.1 (14-16) microm with smooth, bilayered oocyst wall and a single polar granule. The broadly ellipsoidal sporocysts average 9.3 (8.5-10) x 7.1 (6.5-7.5) microm and possess single-layered wall composed of two plates joined by longitudinal suture. Caryospora cf. regentensis Daszak et Ball, 2001 is reported from Dendroaspis angusticeps (Smith, 1849) and two additional forms of Caryospora Léger, 1904 are reported and morphologically characterised from a single specimen of Psammophis orientalis Broadley, 1977. Systematic status of Caryospora spp. in sub-Saharan Psammophis Boie, 1827 is discusses and all species reported by various authors to date are suggested to be treated as species inquirendae until more detailed data on these parasites and their hosts are available.  相似文献   

Endogenous development of Choleoeimeria rochalimai (Carini et Pinto, 1926) Lainson et Paperna, 1999 in the gall bladder of Hemidactylus mabouia (Moreau de Jonnes, 1818) from Belém, Brazil is reported at the fine structural level. Meronts and gamonts develop in the epithelial cells of the gall bladder. Infected cells become enlarged and displaced above the epithelial layer. Developing merozoites, dividing meronts and succession of developing microgamonts from initial nuclear division up to final microgamete differentiation are described. In addition towall forming bodies, mature macrogamonts possess a large inclusion or cisterna with fine granular contents.  相似文献   

Parasitological examination of two ornate Nile monitors Varanus ornatus (Daudin, 1803) imported from Benin revealed the presence of a new species of Caryospora. Oocysts of Caryospora varaniornati sp. n. are spherical to slightly subspherical, 12.0 (11-12.5) x 11.5 (11-12) microm, without amicropyle and oocyst residuum, and occasionally possessing one small polar granule. Sporocysts are broadly ellipsoidal, 8.8 (8.5-9.5) x 6.7 (6.5-7) microm; a lentil-like Stieda body is present, ca. 0.5 x 1 microm; substieda body not visible. Experimental infection of a closely related host, Varanus niloticus (L.), did not lead to the oocyst excretion despite the fact that one of the experimentally inoculated monitors was immunosuppressed by dexamethasone. Histological examination did not reveal stages of coccidian development. Therefore, it is possible that C. varaniornati is strictly host specific.  相似文献   

Groups of female BALB/c mice infected by intravenous injection with 50 erythrocytes containing Plasmodium berghei Vincke et Lips, 1948 were sacrificed on days 3 through 12 after infection. Rheumatoid factor-like IgM (RF-IgM) and parasite-specific IgG levels were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in serum specimens and in culture medium removed from spleen cell cultures established at sacrifice. All four mouse IgG subisotypes were recognized by RF-IgM molecules induced by Plasmodium berghei infection, and in this regard, the parasite-induced RF-IgM response resembled that induced by lipopolysaccharide polyclonal activation. Plasmodium berghei infection resulted in a biphasic RF-IgM response, with infected animals demonstrating significantly increased levels of RF-IgM early in the infection and significantly decreased levels late in the infection, compared to uninfected control mice. The decreased levels of RF-IgM observed late in infection correlated with increasing parasitaemia levels, and were primarily due to a decrease in RF-IgM specific for mouse IgG2a. Late infection levels of RF-IgM specific for IgGI, IgG2b, and IgG3 were not significantly different from those of control animals.  相似文献   

Archived blood smears from 32 of 113 fishes in 18 families and 12 orders, trawled from deep North Atlantic waters off the Cape Verde Islands in 1999 and over the Porcupine Seabight in 2001 were found to harbour haematozoans. These included four species of haemogregarines (Adeleorina, Haemogregarinidae) and a species of trypanosome (Trypanosomatina, Trypanosomatidae) located in Porcupine Seabight fishes. Also present were Haemohormidium-like structures of uncertain status found in samples from this location and from the Cape Verde Islands. Although material was limited, two of the haemogregarines were provisionally named Desseria harriottae sp. n. from Harriotta raleighana Goode et Bean (Chimaeriformes, Rhinochimaeridae), and Haemogregarina bathysauri sp. n. from Bathysaurus ferox Günther (Aulopiformes, Bathysauridae). The two remaining haemogregarines were identified as Desseria marshalllairdi (Khan, Threlfall et Whitty, 1992) from Halosauropsis macrochir (Günther) (Notacanthiformes, Halosauridae), and Haemogregarina michaeljohnstoni (Davies et Merrett, 2000) from Cataetyx laticeps Koefoed (Ophidiformes, Bythitidae). The name H. michaeljohnstoni was proposed to replace Haemogregarinajohnstoni Davies et Merrett, 2000 from C. laticeps and to avoid confusion with Hepatozoon johnstoni (Mackerras, 1961) Smith, 1996 from varanid lizards, originally named Haemogregarina johnstoni Mackerras, 1961. The trypanosome formed a mixed parasitaemia with D. harriottae in H. raleighana and was provisionally named Trypanosoma harriottae sp. n. No blood parasites had been described previously from cartilaginous fishes of the Holocephali, making the finds in H. raleighana unique. Haemohormidium-like structures were located in erythrocytes in one fish, Coryphaenoides armatus (Hector), among the Cape Verde Islands samples and in 12 species of fishes from the Porcupine Seabight; all these hosts were bony fishes. Finally, the haemogregarine species listed in the genus Desseria Siddall, 1995 were reassessed. Of the original list of 41 species, 30 were retained and 5 species added, including D. harriottae, so that the genus now contains 35 species.  相似文献   

In the present study, the tissue reaction of the brain, skeletal muscles and heart in experimental C. bovis infection of the reindeer is described. There is non-purulent cysticercal leptomeningites with formation of multinucleate symplasms in the cerebral meninges, and lymphocytic encephalitis in the superficial layers of the cerebral cortex. The tissue reaction around the morphologically differentiated cysticercus in the meningeal location is similar to that in muscle cysticercosis of cattle. In muscles and heart, larvae die very soon after infection and they are resorbed in the course of formation of fibroplastic granulation tissue around them. C. bovis reaches the infective stage in cerebral localization only. The authors suppose that this phenomenon is due to a certain degree of immunological tolerance in the brain.  相似文献   

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