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This series of three papers describes a straightforward, systematic approach to the investigation of canine pruritus. Those dermatoses which regularly present with this symptom are discussed, with emphasis being placed on clinical signs, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. In this first paper, the author discusses the preliminary investigation of the itching dog.  相似文献   

This series of three papers describes a straight forward, systematic approach to the investigation of canine pruritus. Those dermatoses which regularly present with this symptom are discussed, with emphasis being placed on clinical signs, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. This second paper details the parasitic infestations and bacterial and clinically similar conditions which may result in pruritus.  相似文献   

Clinical signs of hip dysplasia include lameness, gait abnormalities, reluctance to exercise, and pelvic limb muscle atrophy with compensatory shoulder muscle hypertrophy. Because these clinical signs are not pathognomonic for CHD, a thorough orthopedic and neurologic examination is recommended for all patients with suspected CHD. Specific maneuvers, including the Barlow, Ortolani, and Barden's signs are useful to characterize the degree of coxofemoral laxity, both as screening tools in young puppies and as diagnostic aids in clinically lame dogs. None of the signs are definitive diagnostic tests for CHD, but they should be performed as sequential maneuvers in the veterinarian's workup for suspected CHD. Pelvic radiography is mandatory to definitively diagnose CHD but should not be the first step in the workup, because other diagnoses may be missed or concurrent conditions may coexist with dysplasia.  相似文献   

Canine immune-mediated polyarthritis (IMPA) is a diagnosis of exclusion based predominantly on clinical signs, characteristic joint fluid analysis, and elimination of potential joint infection. Ultimately, an appropriate and sustained response to immunosuppressive therapy may become the final diagnostic criterion used. Identifying associated disease processes, including breed-specific syndromes, remote infection, inflammation, drug exposure, vaccine exposure, or neoplasia, as well as initial response to therapy, is often an important contributor to prognosis. This review article is the second of a two part series and focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of immune-mediated polyarthritis. The first article in this series, published in the January/February 2012 issue, concentrated on the pathophysiology of IMPA.  相似文献   

As herpetoculture becomes more commonly practiced, many of the dermatologic problems discussed in this article will be encountered less frequently. Many of the problems result from a general lack of knowledge regarding proper nutrition, husbandry, and the overall needs of reptiles within a captive environment. As reptiles become more a part of the mainstream pet population, information about their care will undoubtedly become more accessible, and as more captive-raised reptiles become available in the pet trade, many of the dermatoses currently associated with wild-caught animals will become less common.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism is recognised as an important endocrine disorder of dogs, and a frequent differential for numerous presenting complaints. Its diagnosis has never been straight forward as results suggestive of hypothyroidism can occur for a variety of reasons in dogs with normal thyroid function (euthyroid). As a consequence, the accurate investigation of hypothyroidism has been hindered by the potential inclusion of a number of cases not truly hypothyroid. In recent years, the development of newer diagnostic tests, e.g. free thyroxine, canine thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroglobulin autoantibodies, has significantly improved our ability to reliably differentiate hypothyroidism from other clinically similar disorders. This has led to a marked increase in our knowledge of the phenotypic, genotypic and aetiological aspects of this disorder in dogs.  相似文献   

Canine ureteral ectopia--a review. 2. Incidence, diagnosis and treatment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All but one of the cases of canine ureteral ectopia reported in the literature have occurred in bitches, where the main presenting sign was incontinence since birth. Positive contrast radiography is considered to be the best confirmatory procedure. For unilateral cases, excision of the ureter and associated kidney is considered to be the method of choice if the opposite kidney has normal function. Where both ureters have ectopic openings, uretero–vesical anastomosis has to be undertaken. The surgical problems of creating a competent uretero–vesical junction are discussed. Résumé. Tous les cas-à l'exception d'un seul-d'ectopie urétérale canine rapportés dans la revue, se sont produits chez des chiennes où le principal symptǒme se manifestant était une incontinence d'urine depuis la naissance. On considère qu'une radiographie de contraste positif est la meilleure procédure de confirmation. Pour des cas unilatéraux, l'excision de l'uretère et du rein associé est considérée comme méthode de choix si le rein opposé fonctionne normalement. Une anastomose vésico-urétérale doit ětre entreprise là où les uretères ont tous deux des ouvertures ectopiques. On discute des problèmes chirurgiques de créer une jointure compétente vésico-urétérale. Zusammenfassung. Aile Fàlle, ausser einem, von Hunde-Harnleiter-ektopie worùber man in der Literatur berichtete, kamen in Hùndinnen vor, bei denen das Hauptanzeichen-Inkontinenz von Geburt her-war. Positive Kontrast Durchleuchtung wurde als bestes bestǎtigendes Verhren angesehen. Fur unilatérale Fàlle, Exzision des Ureters und der verbunden Niere wird als Wahlmethode angesehen, wenn die andere Niere normal funktioniert. Wo beide Ureteren ektopische Offnungen haben, muss uretero-vesikale Anastomose vorgenommen werden. Die chirurgischen Problème eine hinreichende ureterovesikale Verbindung zu schaffen wurden besprochen.  相似文献   

Botulism is a syndrome of neuromuscular weakness caused by the toxins of Clostridium botulinum. Whilst it can affect most mammals, the horse appears to be one of the more susceptible species. Intoxication can occur via ingestion of preformed toxins in spoiled foodstuffs, ingestion of spores with colonisation in the intestinal tract or the contamination of wounds by C. botulinum. Food‐borne botulism is the most common worldwide, usually associated with spoiled roughage. Both individual cases and outbreaks have been reported, with generally a poor prognosis. Many affected horses succumb to recumbency and death/euthanasia shortly after onset of signs. Botulism should be considered a differential diagnosis for any horse displaying dysphagia or symmetrical neuromuscular weakness.  相似文献   

Meningiomas are the most common primary brain tumours in dogs and cats. There are several morphological phenotypes of this extra-axial neoplasm and they show predilections for certain anatomical locations. There have been a number of attempts to apply the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification for human meningiomas to dogs and cats and to obtain a universal classification scheme for domestic animals. Recently, certain enzymes involved in tumour growth have been recognised as biological markers and have been related to degrees of malignancy. The secondary effects of meningiomas have also been investigated, and vascular endothelial growth factor and peritumoural oedema have been reported to reduce survival rate. Breed and age predisposition are recognised in both dogs and cats and the presenting clinical signs are quite consistent. Magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography are the techniques of choice for the presumptive diagnosis of meningiomas in domestic animals but advanced imaging techniques are constantly being developed and applied. Treatment methods for meningiomas involve a combination of de-bulking surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and detailed accounts of several treatment protocols have been reported.  相似文献   

Coccidiosis due to an Isospora ohioensis-like organism was diagnosed in a 10-week-old pup. The pup had diarrhea, dehydration, and weight loss before it died 7 days after onset of clinical signs. Lesions were limited to the intestinal tract. Beginning in the distal end of the small intestine and extending through cecum and colon were mild histiocytic proliferation in the lamina propria and multifocal cryptitis. Numerous meronts and gamonts of an unidentified coccidium were in or near the lesions. Parasites were in the villous epithelium, lamina propria, and intestinal glands of the distal one-half of the small intestine, cecum, and colon. It was concluded that infection was due to an unidentified coccidium with oocysts structurally similar to those of I ohioensis.  相似文献   

The developing embryo/fetus bears antigens which are foreign to the mother and it could be expected that immune rejection of the conceptus would occur. One of the reasons why the fetus is not rejected is because a depression of the maternal immune response takes place during pregnancy. Serum from pregnant animals of several species has been shown to contain a factor, early pregnancy factor (EPF), which is immunosuppressive. EPF has been detected as early as six hours after mating and its detection could aid diagnosis of early pregnancy in all species.  相似文献   

Clinical approach to a patient with acute abdominal distress involves decision making: whether to take a patient to surgery, or manage the patient medically. A thorough and systematic approach requires the use of diagnostic imaging modalities, including radiology and ultrasonography, performing diagnostic peritoneal lavage or abdominal paracentesis techniques, and bloodwork evaluation, including complete blood count and serum biochemistry profiles. In some cases, the results of diagnostic tests may lead to surgical versus medical management, particularly when a patient fails to respond to medical management alone. In other cases, such as GDV syndrome, penetrating abdominal wounds, pyometra, or uncontrolled abdominal hemorrhage, rapid surgical management is necessary for patient survival. This article describes a systematic approach to a small animal patient with acute abdomen.  相似文献   

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