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The Norwegain mountains have had a central role in the subsistence agroecosystems by providing vast biological resources for humans and their livestock since 4000–3500 BP as indicated by paleoecological records. Later with the development of the summer farming system the use of the mountains was intensified. This long-term use of the mountains has shaped a montane cultural landscape by livestock grazing, mowing for hay, fuel collection and a variety of other uses. The result is a significant increase of the grassland areas at the expense of the forest. Those semi-natural grasslands and heathlands with specific biological diversity have until recently dominated the mountains but are today decreasing due to forest invasion – which in turn is a result of changes in human land use. The present paper focuses on changes in landscape pattern and differences in landscape development in two mountain valleys with summer farming activities, in Mid-Norway, over the period 1960s–1990s, and seeks to interpret the changes in relation to differential land use and environmental factors. This study contributes examples from human shaped ecosystems in mountains where the fragmentation of semi-natural habitats is addressed. A set of landscape pattern indices commonly used in landscape ecological studies is also used here, and their ecological relevance in the present context is dealt with. The implications of changed land use for biodiversity conservation in those mountains and the relationships to future sustainable agriculture is also briefly discussed.  相似文献   



Resilience in fire-prone forests is strongly affected by landscape burn-severity patterns, in part by governing propagule availability around stand-replacing patches in which all or most vegetation is killed. However, little is known about drivers of landscape patterns of stand-replacing fire, or whether such patterns are changing during an era of increased wildfire activity.


(a) Identify key direct/indirect drivers of landscape patterns of stand-replacing fire (e.g., size, shape of patches), (b) test for temporal trends in these patterns, and (c) anticipate thresholds beyond which landscape patterns of burn severity may change fundamentally.


We applied structural equation modeling to satellite burn-severity maps of fires in the US Northern Rocky Mountains (1984–2010) to test for direct and indirect (via influence on fire size and proportion stand-replacing) effects of climate/weather, vegetation, and topography on landscape patterns of stand-replacing fire. We also tested for temporal trends in landscape patterns.


Landscape patterns of stand-replacing fire were strongly controlled by fire size and proportion stand-replacing, which were, in turn, controlled by climate/weather and vegetation/topography, respectively. From 1984 to 2010, the proportion of stand-replacing fire within burn perimeters increased from 0.22 to 0.27. Trends for other landscape metrics were not significant, but may respond to further increases proportion stand-replacing fire.


Fires from 1984 to 2010 exhibited tremendous heterogeneity in landscape patterns of stand-replacing fire, likely promoting resilience in burned areas. If trends continue on the current trajectory, however, fires may produce larger and simpler shaped patches of stand-replacing fire with more burned area far from seed sources.



Ecological impacts of past land use can persist for centuries. While present-day land use is relatively easy to quantify, characterizing historical land uses and their legacies on biodiversity remains challenging. Southern Transylvania in Romania is a biodiversity-rich area which has undergone major political and socio-economic changes, from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to two World Wars, communist dictatorship, capitalist democracy, and EU accession—all leading to widespread land-use changes.


We investigated whether present-day community composition of birds, plants, and butterflies was associated with historical land use.


We surveyed birds, plants, and butterflies at 150 sites and classified those sites as forest, arable land, or managed grassland for six epochs using historical maps from the 1870s, 1930s, and 1970s, satellite imagery from 1985 to 2000, and field visits in 2012. Sites were labelled permanent if they had the same land use at all epochs and non-permanent otherwise. We used clustering and PERMANOVA based on community similarity to test for associations between community composition and land-use history.


We found significant differences (p = 0.030) in bird communities between permanent and non-permanent forest sites, and permanent and non-permanent grassland sites (p = 0.051). No significant associations were found among plants or butterflies and land-use history.


Bird communities were associated with historical land use, though plants and butterflies were not. Historical land-use change in our study area was likely not sufficiently intense to cross relevant ecological thresholds that would lead to legacy effects in present-day plant and butterfly communities.

Understanding what features of the landscape affect species distribution is critical to effectively implement conservation strategies. This study investigates how a boundary analysis framework can be used to characterize the spatial association between boundaries (i.e., spatial locations of high rates of change) in bird species?? distributions and landscape features at the regional scale. The study area covers 92,000?km2 in southern Ontario (Canada) and extends from the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence biome to the southern Canadian Shield biome. Landcover composition was derived from Ontario Land Cover data (1991?C1998; 7 types) and elevation data were derived from the Canada3D digital elevation model. Bird distributions were estimated using indicator kriging based on point counts obtained from the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas data (2001?C2005; 60 species). Boundaries were delineated for both data types using a 10?×?10?km cell resolution. Spatial boundary overlap statistics were used to quantify the spatial relationship between landscape features and bird boundaries and tested using a randomization procedure. There was significant positive association and spatial overlap between delineated landscape feature boundaries and bird boundaries. The number of spatially overlapping cells between the two boundary types was 67 out of 164 (41?%) and 76?% of cells were within 11.42?km of each other. These results were statistically significant (P?<?0.001) and suggest a strong spatial relationship between high rates of change in landscape features and bird species?? distributions at the regional scale. A boundary analysis framework could be used to identify boundary shifts in response to climate change and anticipate changes in species distributions.  相似文献   


Functional connectivity of semiaquatic species is poorly studied despite that freshwater ecosystems are amongst the most threatened worldwide due to habitat deterioration. The Neotropical otter, Lontra longicaudis, is a threatened species that represents a good model to evaluate the effect of landscape-riverscape features on genetic structure and gene flow of freshwater species.


We aimed to assess the spatial genetic structure of L. longicaudis and to evaluate the landscape-riverscape attributes that shape its genetic structure and gene flow at local sites (habitat patches) and between sites (landscape matrix).


We conducted the study in three basins located in Veracruz, Mexico, which have a high degree of ecosystem deterioration. We used a non-invasive genetic sampling and a landscape genetics individual-based approach to test the effect stream hierarchical structure, isolation-by-distance, and isolation-by-resistance on genetic structure and gene flow.


We found genetic structure that corresponded to the latitudinal and altitudinal heterogeneity of the landscape and riverscape, as well as to the hierarchical structure of the streams. Open areas and steep slopes were the variables affecting genetic structure at local sites, whereas areas with suitable habitat conditions, higher ecosystem integrity and larger streams enhanced gene flow between sites.


The landscape-riverscape characteristics that maintain functional connectivity of L. longicaudis differed between the upper, middle, and lower basins. Our results have important implications for the conservation of the species, including the maintenance of larger suitable areas in Actopan and the necessity to improve connectivity in Jamapa, through the establishment of biological corridors.




To prevent the area of arable land from crossing the limit of 120 million ha arable land red line, China’s government proposed a linked urban–rural construction land policy. This policy helps to protect the arable land but will impact the rural landscape.


The objective is to evaluate the effect of the linked urban–rural construction land policy on rural landscape in the future.


We performed a simulation method to predict the rural landscape pattern changes in Tianjin during 2005–2020 using a cellular automata and multi-agent system model under the scenarios with or without implementing this policy. The landscape metrics were calculated for both scenarios to find the effects caused by this policy.


Following this policy, the Total Area and Large Patch Index of arable land decreased slowly. 65.50% of the occupied arable land can be compensated. For rural settlements, the Mean Patch Area increased to 2.87 times that in 2005. Number of Patches reduced greatly, and 1053 of the total rural settlements distributed along the periphery of Tianjin were reclaimed for arable land during 2005–2020. Aggregation Index increased greatly.


According to the simulation model, the policy is effective on slowing down the loss of total arable land and the process of large arable land fragmentation. The increasing degree of aggregation of rural settlements is beneficial to the optimal allocation of resources and rural centralized management. However, as the rural settlements gather to urban construction land, they are more vulnerable to urban issues.

This study aimed at capturing the spatial variability of landscape patterns and their trajectories of change from 1950 to 2000 within a watershed, which is representative of areas of intensive agricultural use. After an analysis of landscape features changes for the entire watershed based on aerial photographs, hierarchical clustering analysis provided a typology of landscape patterns for the cadastral lots. Following that, the trajectory of change of each lot was characterized (nature, importance, direction, rate of change). Seven types of landscape patterns are distinguished by the relative importance of different classes of landscape features and 51 trajectories of change were identified for the lots. The analysis shows that although the majority of lots were subjected to a homogenization of their landscape patterns since 1950, this trend is not entirely uniform and that since 2000 it occurs alongside trends towards diversification of certain landscape features on some lots. Furthermore, nearly a third of the lots are not following the main trajectories of change detected. Thus, the results suggest that extrinsic forces (policies, technologies) that are directing main changes in areas of intensive agricultural use toward uniformity could be modulated by internal forces (uses and values of the population). A better understanding of theses internal forces seems crucial to manage landscapes. From a methodology standpoint, although the hierarchical clustering analyses appear useful for understanding the spatial and temporal variability of landscape patterns, particular attention must be given to validating the typology chosen to characterize them.  相似文献   



Multi-scale approaches to habitat modeling have been shown to provide more accurate understanding and predictions of species-habitat associations. It remains however unexplored how spatial and temporal variations in habitat use may affect multi-scale habitat modeling.


We aimed at assessing how seasonal and temporal differences in species habitat use and distribution impact operational scales, variable influence, habitat suitability spatial patterns, and performance of multi-scale models.


We evaluated the environmental factors driving brown bear habitat relationships in the Cantabrian Range (Spain) based on species presence records (ground observations) for the period 2000–2010, LiDAR data on forest structure, and seasonal estimates of foraging resources. We separately developed multi-scale habitat models for (i) each season (spring, summer, fall and winter) (ii) two sub-periods with different population status: 2000–2004 (with brown bear distribution restricted to the main population nuclei) and 2005–2010 (with expanding bear population and range); and (iii) the entire 2000–2010 period.


Scales of effect remained considerably stable across seasonal and temporal variations, but not the influence of certain environmental variables. The predictive ability of multi-scale models was lower in the seasons or periods in which populations used larger areas and a broader variety of environmental conditions. Seasonal estimates of foraging resources, together with LiDAR data, appeared to improve the performance of multi-scale habitat models.


We highlight that the understanding of multi-scale behavioral responses of species to spatial patterns that continually shift over time may be essential to unravel habitat relationships and produce reliable estimates of species distributions.



The role of agricultural landscapes in biodiversity conservation is an emerging topic in a world experiencing a worrying decrease of species richness. Farm systems may either decrease or increase biological diversity, depending on land-use intensities and management.


We present an intermediate disturbance-complexity model (IDC) of cultural landscapes aimed at assessing how different levels of anthropogenic disturbance on ecosystems affect the capacity to host biodiversity depending on the land matrix heterogeneity. It is applied to the Mallorca Island, amidst the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot.


The model uses the disturbance exerted when farmers alter the Net Primary Production through land-use change as well as when they remove a share of it (HANPP), together with Shannon–Wiener index (H′) of land-cover diversity. The model is tested with a twofold-scalar experimental design (1:50,000 and 1:5000) of a set of landscape units along three time points (1956, 1989, 2011). Species richness of breeding and wintering birds, taken as a biodiversity proxy, is used in an exploratory factor analysis.


The results clearly show that when intermediate levels of HANPP are performed within intermediate levels of complexity (H′) in landscape patterns, like agro-forest mosaics, great bird species richness and high socio-ecological resilience can be maintained. Yet, these complex-heterogeneous landscapes are currently vanishing due to industrial farm intensification, rural abandonment and urban sprawl.


The results make apparent the usefulness of transferring the concept of intermediate disturbance-complexity interplay to cultural landscapes. Our spatial-explicit IDC model can be used as a tool for strategic environmental assessment of land-use planning.

Land use history has altered natural disturbance dynamics, causing widespread modifications of the earth’s forests. The aim of this study is to reconstruct a regional, spatially-explicit, fire and logging history for a large southern boreal forest landscape (6,050 km2) of eastern Canada. We then examined the long-term influence of land use history, fires, and physiographical gradients on the area’s disturbances regimes, present-day age structure and tree species composition. Spatially-explicit fire (1820–2005) and logging (1900–2005) histories were reconstructed from forestry maps, terrestrial forest inventories and historical records (local newspapers, travel notes, regional historical reviews). Logistic regression was used to model the occurrence of major boreal tree species at the regional scale, in relation to their disturbance history and physiographical variables. The interplay of elevation and fire history was found to explain a large part of the present-day distribution of the four species studied. We conclude that human-induced fires following the colonization activities of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries have increased fire frequency and the dominance of fire-adapted species at lower elevations. At higher elevations, the low historical fire frequency has fostered the dominance of fire-sensitive species. Twentieth-century forestry practices and escaped settlement fires have generated a forest landscape dominated by younger forest habitats than in presettlement times. The expected increase of wildfire activity in North America’s eastern boreal forest, in conjunction with continued forest management, could have significant consequences on the resilience of boreal forests.  相似文献   

Urban environments are often characterized by extensive paved surfaces, exacerbating the urban heat island effect. At the same time, limited root space due to underground infrastructure poses a challenge for planting new trees in these areas. Trees in planters have emerged as popular design elements, offering innovative and sustainable greening solutions, particularly in urban environments with limited rooting space. However, growing conditions in planters may strongly impact tree growth and the provision of environmental ecosystem services (ES). In this 3-year study, we analyzed tree growth and ecosystem services (cooling by shading, CO2-fixation) of London plane (Platanus x hispanica Münchh.) and small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) in four planting treatments: in-ground (G), planters in the ground (PG), non-insulated plastic planters (P), and insulated planters (PI). We also recorded soil temperature throughout the experiment and implemented soil drought conditions by reducing soil irrigation for half of the trees after one year. Our findings revealed higher thermal fluctuations in soil temperature within non-insulated plastic planters (P), reaching a maximum of 45 °C, surpassing the critical temperature threshold for plant growth (>38 °C). In contrast, insulated planters (PI) effectively mitigated soil temperatures, staying below 33.8 °C. When planted in the ground (G), P. x hispanica exhibited a significantly higher stem diameter increment (52–66%) compared to other planting treatments, aligning with the provision of ecosystem services. However, T. cordata trees showed a more moderate response to planting treatments in terms of growth and ecosystem service provision. Furthermore, the implementation of soil drought conditions resulted in a reduction of up to 34% in stem diameter increment for P. x hispanica and up to 25% for T. cordata. Our results underscore the necessity of tree species-specific knowledge about growth responses to different planting treatments for effective urban planning perspectives, as the provision of ecosystem services may be influenced differently.  相似文献   



Although logging has affected circumboreal forest dynamics for nearly a century, very few studies have reconstructed its influence on landscape structure at the subcontinental scale.


This study aims to document spatiotemporal patterns of logging and fire since the introduction of logging in the early twentieth-century, and to evaluate the effects of these disturbances on landscape structure.


We used historical (1940–2009) logging and fire maps to document disturbance patterns across a 195,000-km2 boreal forest landscape of eastern Canada. We produced multitemporal (1970s–2010s) mosaics providing land cover status using Landsat imagery.


Logging significantly increased the rate of disturbance (+74 %) in the study area. The area affected by logging increased linearly with time resulting in a significant rejuvenation of the landscape along the harvesting pattern (south–north progression). From 1940 to 2009, fire was the dominant disturbance and showed a more random spatial distribution than logging. The recent increase of fire influence and the expansion of the proportion of area classified as unproductive terrestrial land suggest that regeneration failures occurred.


This study reveals how logging has modified the disturbances dynamics, following the progression of the logging frontier. Future management practices should aim for a dispersed spatial distribution of harvests to generate landscape structures that are closer to natural conditions, in line with ecosystem-based management. The challenges of defining sustainable practices will remain complex with the predicted increase in fire frequency, since this factor, in combination with logging, can alter both the structure and potentially the resilience of boreal forest.


Net photosynthesis, dark respiration and chlorophyll content were studied in plants of Codiaeum when transferred” from a glasshouse to photon flux densities 6, 18, or 66 μE m?2s?1 in growth rooms. The diurnal patterns of daily net photosynthesis and dark respiration were recorded during the first 12 days and 3, 7, 11 and 19 weeks after the transfer. Only plants transferred to 66 μE m?2s?1 reached a positive total net photosynthesis per day within the first 12 days. This was achieved only between the 12th day and 3 weeks when transferred to 6 μE m?2s?1. The rate of net photosynthesis increased until the 11th week and then declined, while dark respiration decreased until the 11th week and then increased. The diurnal patterns of net photosynthesis and dark respiration changed significantly with time of acclimatization. The rate of change in daily net photosynthesis and dark respiration was highest in the plants transferred to the lowest photon flux density. Changes in chlorophyll content of the leaves were similar to those in net photosynthesis.  相似文献   


Single foliar sprays of paclobutrazol (PP333) at 300, 1000 or 3000 mg H applied at three different stages from full bloom to petal-fall in a year of average initial sets . and fruit size were equally effective in thinning ‘Conference’ pear, increasing the proportion of large fruits at harvest, but decreasing their absolute numbers. Sprays applied nine days after petal-fall reduced initial sets less effectively and, applied 21 days after petal-fall, were ineffective. Thinning was completed within 25 days after petal-fall. Shoot extension was initially retarded at all three concentrations, but later increased, so that the total growth made during the season was not reduced. Single foliar sprays at 300 or 1000 mg l?1 applied at 70% full bloom in a year of heavy set and small fruit size increased the numbers of large fruits in the >55 mm size category by 66% and decreased those of fruits <55 mm by a similar amount. The increase in the yield of fruits >55 mm and decrease of unsaleable <45 mm fruits was equivalent to about 3 and 2 t ha?1 respectively from a total average yield of about 17.5 t ha?1. In the same experiment, similar sprays counteracted the stimulation in the production of small fruits by sprays of gibberellic acid (GA) applied on the same day, but did not increase the harvest of large fruits. Sprays of paclobutrazol at 30 or 100 mg l?1 applied two weeks after petal-fall and then on three successive occasions at two-week intervals inhibited total extension growth per shoot during the season without affecting initial or final sets, fruit size or flower bud production. Single sprays applied at 100 mg l?1 in July reduced total extension per shoot almost as effectively as the repeated sprays. For more effective control of ‘Conference’ shoot growth, paclobutrazol may have to be sprayed later in the season than commercially recommended. Applied as a blossom thinner, paclobutrazol may increase the yield of large fruits only in years of heavy set and small fruit size, requiring that applications be delayed until set can be judged.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》1986,29(4):347-358
In the subtropical banana-growing areas of South Africa, there is a pronounced and consistent tendency for fruit to be oversupplied in the spring (September–November) and undersupplied in the autumn (March–May). Under identical soil, planting material and general management conditions, a crop-timing trial with ‘Williams’ banana was established at Burgershall Research Station, Eastern Transvaal, to compare the effects of planting date (September, December, March), time of first sucker selection (5 and 10 months after planting) and density (1666 and 1250 plants ha−1) on yield and harvest season over 3 crop cycles.Cumulating the yield/ha/annum for the plant crop and first ratoon cycles, there was a small but significant decrease (4%) as planting date was delayed from September to December, and a larger significant reduction in yield (18%) with delay from December to March planting. While cumulative yield/ha/annum for plant crop plus first ratoon increased significantly (19%) at the higher density of 1666 plants ha−1, no differences occurred as a result of sucker selection treatment.March-planted bananas were harvested during the undesirable spring period, and this effect was largely carried over into the first ratoon and second ratoon cycles. December planting was optimal and September planting intermediate from a crop-timing viewpoint. Cumulating all 3 crop cycles, 50% of the total bunch harvest could be timed during the autumn from December planting at a density of 1666 plants ha−1. From September planting, the proportion of autumn-harvested fruit could also be increased by delaying the selection of the first ratoon sucker until at least 10 months after planting. Results demonstrated the in-field potential for overcoming the natural banana shortage in South Africa during autumn.  相似文献   



Past human land use has received increasing attention as an important driver of ecosystem change also in seemingly natural landscapes. Quantification of historical land use is therefore critical for assessing the degree of human impact and requires integration of ecology, history and archaeology.


This study aims to assess and compare levels of resource use by different actors during 355 years across a large landscape of northern Sweden.


Data on resource use derived from case studies were extrapolated using demographic data to estimate harvested resources at the landscape scale. Here, we examined the use of the key-specie Scots pine by native Sami peoples and farmers and through commercial logging, and reconstructed historical forest conditions in order to interpret harvest levels and sustainability.


We show that (1) the pre-industrial use of Scots pine resources in Pite Lappmark was sustainable from a landscape perspective, and (2) that the early commercial logging, in contrast, was not sustainable. Large and old Scots pine trees were logged at a very high rate, reaching up to 300 % of the annual ingrowth.


We suggest that historical landscape studies should incorporate analysis at different spatial scales, as such an approach can mirror the overall use of resources. Only then can land use data be applied across larger spatial scales, function as reference values and be compared to those of other regions, time-periods and types of human impact.

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