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The climate-related problems that affect animal production in tropical countries have encouraged seeking solutions to increase herd productivity and one alternative is the use of breeds adapted to high-temperature environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature on 77 Caracu and Nelore males submitted to three different environments: morning period (8:00 to 10:00 AM), afternoon in the sun, and afternoon in a shaded environment (11:00 AM to 1:00 PM). The following physiological parameters were measured in each treatment: heart and respiration rates, rectal and dorsal surface temperatures, and cortisol level. The data were analyzed with the MIXED procedure (SAS) and the model included the fixed effects of treatment (morning, sun, and shade), breed (Nelore and Caracu), month of measurement (December and February), and the interaction between effects. A higher dorsal surface temperature was observed in animals of both breeds in the sun treatment compared with the shade treatment. Caracu animals had a higher dorsal surface temperature than Nelore animals, which probably caused the higher rectal temperature observed in the sun treatment compared with the shade treatment in both breeds over the 2 months of the study. All physiological parameters measured in this study were efficient to detect the thermal stress in both breeds. Despite the variations in rectal temperature observed during the treatments, the animals of the two breeds exhibited no significant changes in heart rate, respiration rate, and cortisol level for the maintenance of thermal homeostasis. In conclusion, both breeds were considered tolerant to sun exposure, demonstrating adaptation of these animals to high-temperature environments, without evidence of harm to its health and welfare.


The remnant of ultimobranchial (UB) body in the thyroid gland of adult buffalo was studied. This remnant appeared in the form of irregular and elongated follicles of various size and shape with folded lumen. These structures occupied a peripheral location beneath the capsule, as well as being embedded mostly in the vascular connective tissue of the thyroid. Calcitonin cells were predominantly localized in the UB follicles. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that surface of most UB follicular cells was almost flat and polyhedral or hexagonal in shape. Other follicles possessed cells with dome shaped apical surface demarcated by a shallow intercellular depression. The luminal surface of the follicular cell lining was studded with microvilli that appeared with various density and length and were numerous at the cellular borders. Interestingly, most of UB follicular cells were provided with single cilium, projecting over the cell surface. Notably some UB follicles presented various stages of apocrine activities.  相似文献   

Semen quality, testis size and efficiency of sperm production in Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus) and hybrids with Bos indicus and Bos taurus were determined. Mean (+/- SEM) daily sperm production per gram of testis parenchyma (DSPG) in six purebred Bali bulls was 12.2 +/- 0.7 x 10(6). F1 B sondaicus cross B taurus bulls and F1 B sondaicus cross B indicus bulls were sterile. Spermatogenesis was arrested at the late primary spermatocyte stage. In 11 B sondaicus cross B indicus crosses, mean DSPG was lower than in the purebred B sondaicus, although four (one 1/4 B sondaicus, one 3/4 B sondaicus, one 5/8 B sondaicus inter se and one 3/8 B sondaicus inter se) exhibited DSPG levels similar to the foundation stock. Semen from those crossbreeds which exhibited complete spermatogenesis was more variable in terms of spermatozoal concentration, percentage of spermatozoa exhibiting progressive motility and levels of spermatozoal abnormalities. In crossbreeds where sperm production was reduced or absent, there was seminiferous epithelial dysfunction, manifested as an increased frequency of degenerative late pachytene and diplotene primary spermatocytes and germinal cells occurring later in the cycle, or in extreme cases, as complete arrest of spermatogenesis at the late primary spermatocyte stage.  相似文献   

Yield, butterfat, protein, lactose and solids-not-fat of milk from mature dams (n = 128) representing eight Bos taurus and Bos indicus X Bos taurus breed types were evaluated approximately 60, 105 and 150 d postpartum. Breed type was a significant source of variation in milk yield at each stage of lactation. Average 24-h milk yields (kg) were: Hereford, 7.3; Red Poll, 9.1; Hereford X Red Poll, 9.1; Red Poll X Hereford, 9.1; Angus X Hereford, 8.6; Angus X Charolais, 9.3; Brahman X Hereford, 7.3 and Brahman X Angus, 8.3. Daily yields of Brahman X Angus dams increased as lactation progressed, while production levels of other breed types remained approximately the same or declined. Hereford-Red Poll crosses showed significant heterosis in 24-h milk production and component yields at 150 d. Breed type effects also were significant for lactose yield throughout lactation. Sex of calf influenced (P less than .05) milk yield at 60 and 105 d postpartum and yield of protein and solids-not-fat at 105 d. Mastitis caused a reduction (P less than .01) in percentage of lactose but had no effect on milk yield. Residual correlations between yield traits and preweaning average daily gain were all positive and significant, with values ranging from .22 to .45. Breed type was a major source of variation in milk traits of beef-type Bos taurus and Bos indicus X Bos taurus dams.  相似文献   

Reproductive traits and preweaning growth of progeny from young Hereford, Red Poll, Hereford X Red Poll, Red Poll X Hereford, Angus X Hereford, Angus X Charolais, Brahman X Hereford and Brahman X Angus dams were evaluated. First-calf heifers were mated with Red Angus bulls; Santa Gertrudis sires were used for each cow's second and third breeding season. Herefords, Red Polls and Hereford-Red Poll crosses were below average in percentage of calves weaned, whereas Angus-sired and Brahman-sired dams exceeded the overall mean. Angus X Charolais (P less than .10), Brahman X Hereford (P less than .01) and Brahman X Angus (P less than .10) dams weaned a higher percentage of calves than straightbred Herefords. None of these breed types differed from young Angus X Hereford females in reproductive performance. Angus X Charolais calves ranked highest in 180-d calf weight, exceeding progeny from both Hereford (P less than .01) and Angus X Hereford (P less than .10) dams. Brahman X Hereford dams weaned heavier (P less than .05) calves than Herefords, but their progeny did not differ at weaning from those reared by Angus X Herefords. Calves from Brahman X Angus dams weighed 12.7 kg less (P less than .01) than Angus X Hereford progeny. Analysis of the Hereford-Red Poll diallel showed evidence of (P less than .10) maternal heterosis in 180-d calf weight.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A deterministic model was developed that accounted for all biological inputs and outputs for a theoretical herd of F1 females at age equilibrium mated to produce three-way terminal-cross calves and for the required proportion of straightbred cows needed to produce replacements. Two Bos indicus x Bos taurus vs two Bos taurus x Bos taurus types of crossbred cows were compared in the production environment of south-central Nebraska. The four types of F1 females were from Hereford (H) or Angus (A) dams and by H or A (HA), Pinzgauer (Pz), Brahman (Bm), or Sahiwal (Sw) sires. The crossbred females were assumed mated to Red Poll (R) sires for their first calving and to Simmental (S) sires thereafter. Two evaluations of efficiency for each of the four breeding systems were total cow and calf feed energy input 1) per unit of only weaned calf weight output (CALFEFF, Mcal/kg) and 2) per unit of weaned calf plus .55 x cull cow weight output (TVALEFF, Mcal/kg). Results for a terminal age of 7 yr in systems using HA, Pz, Bm, and Sw crossbred cows, respectively, were 64.9, 64.5, 60.9, and 59.3 Mcal/kg for CALFEFF and 45.7, 46.4, 44.1, and 43.7 Mcal/kg for TVALEFF. Changing terminal age to 11 yr reduced CALFEFF about 6% but increased TVALEFF about 7%, because total inputs increased more than output value (10 vs 3%) from 7 to 11 yr terminal ages. These results suggest differences in efficiency among these breed crosses favoring the Bos indicus crossbred cows by over 4% in this particular environment.  相似文献   

A 2-yr study was conducted at the Range Cattle Research and Education Center, University of Florida – Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) (Ona, FL), to evaluate differences in the metabolism of Cu and Se of Angus (Bos taurus) and Brahman (Bos indicus) cattle. Thirty-two pregnant beef cows (n = 8 Brahman and 8 Angus/yr) were enrolled in the study in the first trimester of gestation. This study consisted of three phases: 1) restriction (day 0 to 90), 2) supplementation (day 91 to 150), and 3) calving. During all three phases, cows were individually fed and housed in partially covered drylot pens. During the restriction and supplementation phases, cows were provided a 1.5 kg/d of a grain-based concentrate supplement, which was fortified with flowers of S (50 g of supplemental S/cow daily; restriction phase) or Cu and Se (100 and 3 mg/d of Cu and Se, respectively; supplementation phase). Blood and liver samples were collected from all cows at 30 d intervals and from both cows and calves within 24 h of calving. Colostrum and milk samples were collected at calving and 7 d after birth. All data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS, where cow and calf were the experimental unit. During the restriction phase, a breed × day effect (P = 0.03) was observed where Brahman had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus cows in all sampling days. For liver Se concentration, a tendency (P = 0.07) for a breed effect was observed where Angus cows tended to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman. During the supplementation phase, breed (P < 0.001) and day (P < 0.01) effects were observed, where Brahman cows had greater liver Cu concentration than Angus. For liver Se concentration, a day effect (P < 0.001) was observed, where liver Se concentration increased (P < 0.001) from day 90 to 120 and remained unchanged (P = 0.86) until day 150. At calving, no effects of breed (P = 0.34) were observed for liver Cu concentration of cows; however, Brahman calves tended (P = 0.09) to have greater liver Cu concentration than Angus calves. For Se liver concentration at calving, Angus cows tended (P = 0.07) to have greater liver Se concentration than Brahman cows; however, no breed differences (P = 0.70) were observed for liver Se concentration of calves at birth. In summary, substantial differences in multiple indicators of Cu and Se status were observed between Angus and Brahman cattle, implying that Angus and Brahman cattle possibly have different mechanisms to maintain adequate Cu and Se status.  相似文献   

Amount of circumocular pigmentation and incidence of ocular squamous cell tumors were evaluated in dams representing diverse cattle breed types. Each dam was examined twice annually during a specific stage in the life cycle (3.5 to 9.5 years old). Overall, 28.3% of dams in the herd developed at least 1 ocular squamous cell tumor. Breed groups differed (P less than 0.01) in amount of circumocular pigmentation and incidence of tumors. Results indicate that losses from ocular squamous cell tumors in beef herds can be sharply reduced by judicious choice of breed types.  相似文献   

This paper describes the origin of the dorsal intercostal arteries of 24 young male and female Zebu cattle in Costa Rica. Percentages of the various patterns are given. Their possible significance is given.  相似文献   

Females representing Hereford, Red Poll, F1 Hereford x Red Poll, F1 Red Poll x Hereford, F1 Angus x Hereford, F1 Angus x Charolais, F1 Brahman x Hereford, and F1 Brahman x Angus breed types were evaluated from birth until 10 yr of age. Of 308 females born alive, 35.7% died or were culled because of injury, serious illness, or reproductive failure. Breed types differed (P less than .01) in total number of mating seasons per cow and total number of progeny born and weaned. Values for lifetime total number of calves weaned were as follows: Hereford, 4.54; Red Poll, 5.45; Hereford x Red Poll, 4.45; Red Poll x Hereford, 5.49; Angus x Hereford, 5.98; Angus x Charolais, 5.57; Brahman x Hereford, 6.96; and Brahman x Angus, 6.22. Brahman crosses (P less than .01) and Angus x Charolais (P less than .10) exceeded Hereford dams in lifetime total number of calves weaned but did not differ from Angus x Herefords. Analysis of the Hereford-Red Poll diallel showed no evidence of heterosis in life span traits. Results indicate that breed type was a major source of variation in reproductive life span of beef-type females. F1 Bos indicus crosses and Angus x Herefords were outstanding in longevity.  相似文献   

朊蛋白(prion protein,PRNP)基因编码朊蛋白,是引起疯牛病的主效基因。本研究利用PCR方法首次从杂交牛(大额牛×云南黄牛)基因组中扩增了PRNP基因,GenBank登录号为HQ875337。PCR产物直接双向测序表明,该序列包含杂交牛PRNP基因795 bp的开放阅读框(ORF),编码264个氨基酸前体蛋白。生物信息学分析结果发现,该蛋白包含1个信号肽、3个α螺旋、2个β折叠、6个八肽重复序列、1个疏水区域、1个二硫键和1个糖基磷脂酰肌醇锚定位点。与已报道的其他牛PRNP基因进行序列比对分析,核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性均在97%以上。  相似文献   

Feedlot traits, carcass traits and distribution of commercial cuts of crossbred intact male progeny (n = 556) from young and mature Hereford, Red Poll, Hereford X Red Poll, Red Poll X Hereford, Angus X Hereford, Angus X Charolais, Brahman X Hereford and Brahman X Angus dams were evaluated. First-calf heifers were bred to Red Angus bulls; Santa Gertrudis sires were used for each cow's second and third breeding seasons. Calves from these young dams were slaughtered at 13 mo. Calves of mature dams were all sired by Limousin bulls and slaughtered at 12 mo. Dam breed was a major source of variation in most bull traits. Progeny of Brahman-cross dams were inferior (P less than .01) in daily gain, final weight, carcass weight and in edible cuts/day of age compared with progeny from Bos taurus dams. Intact male progeny of Angus X Charolais dams ranked highest in longissimus area, cutability, and edible cuts/day of age. The range of dam breed means in percentage of steak, roast, bone-in cuts (chuck short ribs and back ribs), short plate and thin cuts, and lean trim was just over 1%. Greater variation among dam breeds existed in fat measurements. Analyses in which Hereford-Red Poll diallel data for young dams and mature dams were combined showed positive maternal heterosis for dressing percentage (P less than .05), carcass weight (P less than .05), carcass weight/day of age (P less than .05), estimated carcass fat (P less than .05), fat thickness (P less than .01) and marbling score (P less than .01). Reciprocal effects were inconsequential. Results illustrate the importance of dam breed-type effects in formulating breeding strategies for commercial beef herds.  相似文献   

Twenty kidneys of 4 years old Bos taurus cattle and 26 kidneys of 2—4 years old Bos indicus (Zebu cattle) of East African Shorthorn breen were examined lobe by lobe after fixation. The cortex and medulla with subunits were measured and compared in the two sub-species. The width of the cortex was about the same in both. The outer and inner stripes of the outer medullary zone were significantly broader in Bos taurus whereas outer inner zone was significantly broader in Bos indicus. The width of the entire medulla was greater in Bos taurus.  相似文献   

Mature dams representing Hereford, Red Poll, F1 Hereford x Red Poll, F1 Red Poll x Hereford, F1 Angus x Hereford, F1 Angus x Charolais, F1 Brahman x Hereford and F1 Brahman x Angus breed types were evaluated. All cows were bred to Limousin sires to produce two-way or three-way-cross progeny. Mature Brahman x Hereford dams produced a higher (P less than .05) percentage of live calves than Herefords, but dam breed differences in percentage of calves weaned relative to the number of cows exposed for mating were not statistically significant. Progeny of Angus x Charolais and Red Poll dams were outstanding in weaning weight, but Hereford and Brahman-cross calves were below average. Planned comparisons showed that Angus x Charolais calves were heavier (P less than .01) at weaning than Hereford (23.0 +/- 3.8 kg) or Angus x Hereford (9.6 +/- 3.2 kg) progeny. Mature Angus x Hereford mothers weaned heavier calves than did Brahman x Herefords (7.4 +/- 3.2 kg, P less than .05) or Brahman x Angus (10.9 +/- 3.0 kg, P less than .01). Analysis of the Hereford-Red Poll diallel showed evidence of maternal heterosis in calf weaning weight (4.0 +/- 2.6 kg, P less than .05), but there was no difference in the percentage of calves weaned by crossbred vs straightbred dams.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Twenty-six kidneys of 2–4 years old Bos indicus (zebu cattle) and twenty kidneys of 4-year old Bos taurus were examined under the light microscope. The renal tubular epithelial heights and diameters were smaller in zebu than in Bos taurus. The Bos indicus kidney had fewer vascular bundles in the outer medullary zone and a smaller number of capillaries per vascular bundle, hence a lower renal blood flow than in Bos taurus. The Bos indicus proximal tubules had broader brush borders than those of Bos taurus. The smaller renal corpuscles with smaller glomerular filtration surface and low renal blood flow are responsible for low glomerular filtration rate and urinary flow, enabling their kidneys to retain more water than those of Bos taurus.  相似文献   

Yaks and indigenous Qaidam cattle and cattle‐yak crosses (C × Y) graze on the Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau (QTP) throughout the year, but yaks are raised at higher elevations than cattle. Yaks do not receive supplementary feed whereas cattle require supplementary feed during harsh winter. We hypothesized that yaks would cope with the severe conditions of the QTP better than cattle and utilize the pasture more efficiently. We also hypothesized that differences between species would be pronounced in winter, when conditions are particularly harsh. To test these hypotheses, seasonal rumen fluid parameters of yaks, C × Y and cattle (n = 3 for each) were examined. Rumen fluid was collected in summer and winter from each genotype 2, 5 and 12 hr after a day of grazing. Concentrations of total volatile fatty acid (VFA), acetate, propionate, isobutyrate and isovalerate were greater in yaks than in cattle in summer (p < 0.05), while propionate concentration was lower in yaks than in cattle in winter (p < 0.05). Concentrations of ammonia and urea were greater (p < 0.001) in yaks than in cattle (p < 0.001) in summer, whereas, concentrations of free amino acids (AA) were greater in cattle than in yaks in summer and winter (p < 0.001). Concentrations of total VFA, acetate, propionate and butyrate decreased linearly (p < 0.05), whereas concentrations of isobutyrate and isovalerate increased linearly for yak and C × Y with sampling time (p < 0.05) in summer. In summer, concentrations of isobutyrate and isovalerate were greater in yaks than in cattle (p < 0.05). In conclusion, rumen fermentation characteristics of yaks showed that they coped better than cattle or C × Y in the harsh climate as we hypothesized. However, in contrast to our hypothesis, this emerged only in summer, when pasture was plentiful and not in winter, when pasture was scarce.  相似文献   

Production data were collected on mature cows produced by mating Angus and Hereford (pooled AH), Brahman (Bh) and Boran (Br), and Tuli, a tropically adapted Bos taurus, sires by AI or natural service to Angus and Hereford cows. These cows were mated to Charolais bulls for the purpose of this study. Within each sire breed of cow, cows were assigned randomly to one of three feeding rates, 49 or 76 g of DMI/ BW0.75 or ad libitum (10 to 12 cows/feeding rate group), with weekly individual animal feed consumption recorded. Lactation yields were recorded via the weigh-suckle-weigh protocol at approximately 14, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168, and 196 d postpartum for each cow/calf pair. Means for milk yield at peak lactation, total milk yields, calf birth weight, age-adjusted weaning weights, preweaning daily gain, and feed efficiency were estimated. Peak yield (kg/d) for Bh (10.3 +/- 0.36) was greater (P < 0.05) than for Tuli (9.0 +/- 0.31). Total yield (kg, 212 d) for Bh (1802 +/- 68) was greater (P < 0.05) than for Tuli (1532 +/- 59). Birth weight of AH (44 +/- 0.9) was heavier than for Bh and Br (P < 0.05). Preweaning daily calf gain (g/d) and adjusted weaning weight (kg) of Bh (813 +/- 28, 212 +/- 6.1) and Br (766 +/- 24, 202 +/- 5.1) differed (P < 0.05) from AH (589 +/- 24, 169 +/- 5.2) and Tuli (634 +/- 24, 176 +/- 5.3). Efficiency estimates (grams of adjusted weaning weight/kilograms DMI of the cow) for Bh (88 +/- 2.5) and Br (85 +/- 2.1) exceeded (P < 0.05) those for Tuli (74 +/- 2.1) and AH (73 +/- 2.1). Bos indicus breed crosses exhibited greater peak and total yield, lower birth weight, greater daily gain and adjusted weaning weight, and higher feed efficiency than did Bos taurus breed crosses (P < 0.05). Total yield, daily gain, adjusted weaning weight, and feed efficiency were higher (P < 0.05) for cows sired by bulls from tropically adapted breeds, and the peak yield was less (P < 0.10). Tuli exhibited lower total yield and birth weight than did Angus/Hereford (P < 0.05). The efficiency of crossbred Tuli cows did not differ from Angus/Hereford F1 females, but neither equaled the efficiency of crossbred cows produced using Bos indicus breeds.  相似文献   

The genetic variation at four milk protein loci αs1‐casein (CSN1S1), β‐casein (CSN2), κ‐casein (CSN3) and β‐lactoglobulin (LGB) was investigated in 358 animals belonging to seven populations well adapted to hot climatic conditions, reared in Africa and Italy. Bos taurus (Somba, Lagune and Modicana), Bos indicus (Sudanese Zebu Peul, Azaouak and Adamawa), and B. taurus × B. indicus (Borgou) were studied by adapting different molecular methodologies to evaluate their genetic variability. All loci were polymorphic and a new CSN2 synonymous variant, named A2′, was detected and characterized. Noteworthy differences in the distribution of alleles and haplotypes were observed between zebuine and taurine cattle showing that milk protein polymorphism is suited for discriminating B. taurus from B. indicus efficiently, and also taurine breeds. Milk protein loci, being positively selected loci, can also provide information about the occurrence of germplasm particularly useful for breeding strategies and production improvement.  相似文献   

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