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The composition of baled silage frequently differs from that of comparable conventional silage. A factorial experiment was conducted with three wilting treatments (0, 24 or 48 h) × three ensiling systems [unchopped grass in bales, unchopped grass in laboratory silos (LS), precision-chopped grass in LS] × six stages of ensiling to (i) confirm that the fermentation of unchopped grass in LS could be used as an adequate model for baled silage fermentation, (ii) quantify the differences between baled silage and silage made from precision-chopped herbage across a range of dry-matter contents and (c) quantify the fermentation dynamics within the various treatments. The onset of fermentation as evidenced by the accumulation of fermentation products and the decline in pH were slower ( P  < 0·05) in baled silage compared with silage made from precision-chopped herbage. Furthermore the pH ( P  < 0·001) and overall concentration of fermentation acids ( P  < 0·01) were lower while ammonia-N concentration was generally higher in baled silage, making it more conducive to the activities of Clostridia , Enterobacteria and yeast. Numbers of Enterobacteria were higher ( P  < 0·001) in baled silage in the early stages of ensilage and persisted in baled silage at the end of the storage period. The implications of a slower onset of fermentation in baled herbage are greater in farm practice, as the fermentation would be further restricted by a more extensive wilting of the herbage prior to ensiling.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the polyethylene stretch‐film barrier to air infiltration is the major factor affecting the preservation of silage in bales. Three separate experiments investigated the effects of the number of layers of stretch‐film cover, film colour, stretch extent, film type and frequency of bale handling on gas composition, surface mould growth and conservation characteristics of baled grass silages. Monitoring gas composition in bales during ensiling proved useful for assessing the success with which wrapped bales were stored anaerobically. Under good storage conditions the early stages of ensiling were characterized by the rapid reduction of O2 concentration in the bale and the creation of a CO2‐rich environment. However, wrapping bales in only two layers of stretch‐film failed to create the anaerobic conditions required for a successful fermentation and the inhibition of visible fungal growth. In contrast, a minimum of four layers of stretch‐film were required to achieve suitably anaerobic conditions, but the additional benefits of applying more layers were relatively small. Under temperate climatic conditions with moderate solar radiation, film colour had little effect on the gas composition in baled silage. Likewise, the extent of stretching applied to the film at wrapping and film type had no influence on gas composition, baled silage quality or mould development. However, frequent mechanical handling of bales after wrapping had a negative effect on gas composition and surface mould growth, and thus should be kept to a minimum.  相似文献   

The aim of the investigation was to determine the influence of variations in thickness and colour of agricultural plastic film on silage preservation conditions and grass silage quality. For this purpose, 30 cylindrical plastic containers (mini‐silos; 0·3 m3) were filled with chopped grass and covered with five films of different thickness and colour: 90 μm, white; 125 μm, green; 150 μm, black; 200 μm, green and 200 μm, white. Four replications of each film type were placed in the open air. Two replications were housed indoors and exposed to an ‘artificial sky’ in a test apparatus. The surface temperature of the films was found to be strongly dependent on film thickness and colour. Results of the chemical analysis of silages did not reveal any significant influence of the films. This was also the case when restricting the analysis to the uppermost silage layer. The results showed that under the conditions of this experiment, well preserved forage can be produced with films of differing colour, as well as of lesser thickness.  相似文献   

An Italian ryegrass and hybrid ryegrass sward was harvested on 11 May 1994. The mean dry‐matter (DM) content of the herbage was 197 g kg–1 fresh matter (FM), and mean nitrogen and water‐soluble carbohydrate contents were 20 and 272 g kg–1 DM respectively. Approximately 72% of total nitrogen (TN) was in the form of protein‐nitrogen. The herbage was treated with either no additive, formic acid (3·3 l t–1) (Add‐F, BP) or inoculant (2·3 l t–1) (Live‐system, Genus) and ensiled in 100 t silos. Changes in effluent composition with time showed that silage fermentation and protein breakdown were delayed by treatment with formic acid. Formic acid and inoculant treatments also inhibited amino acid catabolism during ensilage. All silages were well fermented at opening with pH values < 4·0 and ammonia‐N concentrations of ≤ 50 g kg–1 TN after 120 d ensilage. Treatment had an effect on protein breakdown as measured by free amino acid concentration, with values of 21·5, 18·2 and 13·2 mol kg–1 N at opening (191 d) for untreated, formic acid‐treated and inoculated silages respectively. Amino acid catabolism occurred to the greatest extent in untreated silages with significant decreases in glutamic acid, lysine and arginine, and increases in gamma amino butyric acid and ornithine. The silages were offered ad libitum without concentrate supplementation to thirty‐six Charolais beef steers for a period of 69 d (mean live weight 401 kg). Silage dry‐matter intakes and liveweight gains were significantly (P < 0·05) higher on the treated silages. Silage dry‐matter intakes were 7·42, 8·41 and 8·23 kg d–1 (s.e.d. 0·27) with liveweight gains of 0·66, 0·94 and 0·89 kg d–1 (s.e.d. 0·058) for untreated, formic acid‐treated and inoculated silage‐fed cattle respectively. In conclusion, additives increased the intake of silage and liveweight gain by the beef steers, and it is suggested that this may be caused in part by the amino acid balance in these silages.  相似文献   

The effects of offering a range of grass silages and mixtures of grass and maize silages on the intake of beef cattle were studied. Four grass silages (GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4) were used. Grass silage 1 was ensiled from a second regrowth in mid‐late September and treated with an inoculant additive. Grass silages 2, 3 and 4 were ensiled, without additive, from a primary regrowth harvested in early July, late May and mid‐June respectively. Wilting periods were 8, 30, 36 and 36 h for GS1, GS2, GS3 and GS4 respectively. Grass silages 1, 2 and 3 were precision chopped and ensiled in bunker silos, while GS4 was ensiled in round bales. The DM content (g kg?1) and starch concentration (g kg?1 DM) of the three maize silages (MS1, MS2 and MS3) used were 256 and 128, 256 and 184, and 402 and 328 for MS1, MS2 and MS3 respectively. Seventy‐two Charolais and Limousin cross‐bred steers were used in a changeover design with two 4‐week periods. The study consisted of sixteen treatments incorporating the four grass silages fed alone and with the three maize silages arranged as a 4 × 4 factorial design. The grass silage and maize silage mixtures were offered in a ratio of 0·60:0·40 (DM basis) once daily using individual Calan gates. All silages were offered ad libitum with 3 kg per head per day of a concentrate supplement. Dry matter and metabolizable energy (ME) intakes were highest with diets based on grass silage GS4 compared with diets containing the other grass silages. Metabolizable energy intakes of diets containing no maize silage, and those based on MS1 and MS2, were similar (P > 0·05) but lower than that of diets containing MS3. Only limited increases were found in DM and ME intakes with the inclusion of maize silage in grass silage‐based diets while offering high‐quality grass silage (assessed in terms of DM content, and fibre and N concentrations) promoted high voluntary intakes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify and quantify fermentation end‐products, detected with chromatographic techniques, that were negatively related to intake of grass silage by cattle. Further, the aim was to verify the intake‐depressing effect of these compounds in a feeding trial. A set of twenty‐four silages that had been used in a previous study to model variations in intake owing to fermentation quality was reanalysed with liquid and gas chromatography. Known and unknown chromatogram peaks were subjected to a regression analysis to determine which were negatively related to intake. Compounds were identified and quantified using a liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry system; acetic acid (AcA), caproic acid and tryptamine were chosen for verification. Growing steers were offered wilted silage with these three compounds added, separately or as a mixture, in proportions similar to the maximum values detected in the silages of the previous study. Dietary addition of AcA, either separately or mixed with the other two compounds, reduced silage dry matter (DM) intake. However, the reduction in silage DM intake equalled the amount provided by the added substances, so that no differences in total DM intake were observed for any of the dietary treatments.  相似文献   

Abstract Two experiments were carried out in consecutive years to examine the influence of cutting date and restricting fermentation by carboxylic acid treatment on the nutrient intake from grass silage by beef cattle. In year 1, four cutting dates during July and August after a primary growth harvest and, in year 2, five cutting dates of primary growth between mid‐May and early July were examined. Herbage was ensiled either untreated or treated with high levels of acid additive (‘Maxgrass’, mean 8·6 l t?1). Ninety‐six (year 1) or forty‐eight (year 2) continental cross steers were used in partially balanced changeover design experiments with each silage type either unsupplemented or supplemented with 4·5 (year 1) or 5·5 (year 2) kg concentrates head?1 d?1. Silage digestibility declined significantly between initial and final harvest dates (P < 0·001), whereas silage dry‐matter (DM) and digestible energy (DE) intakes were significantly higher in the initial compared with final harvest dates in both years of the study (P < 0·01). Similarly, silage DM and DE intakes, and total DM intakes, of acid‐treated and unsupplemented silages were greater than those of untreated and concentrate supplemented silages, respectively (P < 0·001). The results indicate that earlier cutting dates, and addition of acid to herbage before ensiling, can increase silage DM intake by beef cattle.  相似文献   

A field experiment with maize for silage was conducted to assess the effects of mineral nitrogen (N) fertilizer application rates (0, 50, 100, 150 kg ha?1), slurry application rates (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and the use of an understorey with perennial ryegrass on nitrate (NO3)‐leaching losses. Leachate was collected using ceramic suction cups. Soil mineral N (SMN) was determined to a depth of 90 cm at the end of the growing season. Higher levels of N supply with mineral fertilizer or slurry resulted in higher leaching losses. The grass understorey significantly reduced the losses. The amount of N lost to the groundwater was positively related to SMN at the end of the growing season, with leaching losses representing less than 0·45 of SMN on average. Leaching losses were positively related to the N surplus, which was calculated from the difference between N input (N from fertilizer, slurry and atmospheric deposition) and N output (N removed with maize herbage mass and bound in the understorey biomass in spring). In view of the large variation in weather conditions between the experimental years, it is suggested that for the sandy soils in this experiment N‐leaching losses under maize can be estimated satisfactorily from SMN and the calculated N surplus.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted from 1998 to 2001 to measure the performance and environmental effects of a maize crop (Zea mais L.) in a continuous production system with and without a grass understorey (Lolium perenne L.), with varied N inputs. The experiment was located on a sandy soil in northern Germany and comprised all combinations of slurry application rate (0, 20, 40 m3 ha?1) and mineral N fertilizer (0, 50, 100, 150 kg N ha?1). Understorey treatments included maize with and without perennial ryegrass. Net energy (NEL) yield of maize increased with mineral N application rate but reached a plateau at high rates. Increase in yield of dry matter because of mineral N fertilizer was lower with increased slurry application rate. Neither slurry and mineral N application nor a grass understorey affected NEL concentration of maize, whereas crude protein (CP) concentration increased with increase in application of slurry and mineral N fertilizer. Nitrogen supply by slurry or mineral fertilizer had no effect on the amount of N in the grass understorey after the harvest of maize. The average amount of N bound annually in the understorey was 60 kg N ha?1. The reduced biomass of the understorey because of enhanced maize competition was compensated for by an increased CP concentration in the grass. The grass understorey affected the NEL yield of maize negatively only at very low levels of N input but increased the N surplus at all levels.  相似文献   

Forty‐eight high‐yielding dairy cows of the Swedish Red breed were used to examine the effects of providing pea–oat silage (P), grass–clover silage (G) and a 0·50:0·50 mixture of the silages (M) ad libitum in diets with two concentrate levels (7 or 10 kg d?1). A 9‐week experiment, including a 2‐week pre‐experimental period in which the cows were all fed the same diet, and an in vivo apparent digestibility study were conducted comparing the six dietary treatments (M7, M10, P7, P10, G7, G10). Intake and digestibility of the diets and milk production and live weight of the cows were measured. The G silage [11·3 MJ ME kg?1 dry matter (DM)] was first‐cut grass herbage wilted for 24 h prior to addition of an additive, containing formic acid, propionic acid and ammonia, at 4 L t?1 fresh matter (FM). The P forage was cut when the peas were at pod fill and ensiled directly with 6 L t?1 FM of the same additive. The main hypothesis tested, that cows fed the M silage would produce more milk than the cows fed either the P or the G silages, was confirmed. The cows fed the M7 dietary treatment had similar milk yield and milk composition to cows offered the M10, G10 and P10 dietary treatments, and cows offered the G7 and P7 dietary treatments had lower milk and milk protein yields. This suggested that a mixed ration of pea–oat bi‐crop and grass–clover silage has a concentrate‐sparing effect, and that the use of pea–oat bi‐crop and grass–clover silage as a mixed ration for high‐yielding dairy cows can be recommended.  相似文献   

Biogas production from grassland biomass harvested during landscape management may help to maintain species‐rich grassland biotopes, but extensive management and late harvests often result in low‐quality biomass. Biogas production from the vegetation of Alopecuretum pratensis, Molinietum caeruleae and Caricetum gracilis, three typical grassland biotopes in north German nature reserves, was investigated in relation to harvest date. In addition, the A. pratensis vegetation was investigated for ensiling and the application of bacterial silage additives. Results indicate that biogas production might be a reasonable utilization pathway for grassland biomass from landscape management if the first cut occurs up to late summer. Methane yields of grassland biomass decreased substantially with later harvest, from up to 309 lN kg?1 organic dry matter (ODM) in May to below 60 lN kg?1 ODM in February, in correlation with increasing crude fibre contents. Caricetum gracilis vegetation was the least suitable feedstock for biogas production. It showed a rapid decline in methane yields with later harvest and 25% lower methane yields compared with other types of grassland vegetation. Application of silage additives is recommended for adequate preservation of grassland biomass from landscape management by ensiling. Addition of homofermentative lactic acid bacteria improved acidification during ensiling if sufficient fermentable sugar was available. The use of inoculant and molasses enhanced methane yields by 3–55%. Additional carbohydrate source is necessary to ensure proper ensilage when grasses are harvested after late autumn.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to analyse the competitive interactions between Bromus willdenowii Kunth. (BW = prairie grass) and a perennial C 3 grass Dactylis glomerata L. (DG = cocksfoot) through morphogenetic traits, during pasture establishment. Four combinations of species (pure BW, pure DG, DG flanked by BW and BW flanked by DG plants), with and without winter nitrogen fertilization, were factorially arranged in a complete random block design. Data were recorded on three tiller age cohorts of the central target plant: the main stem and those that appeared 20 and 30 days after fertilization (daf). Leaf elongation rate (LER) of the older tillers was the only variable affected by nitrogen addition. Annual neighbours, which showed higher LER than perennial ones, caused a decrease in leaf lifespan in the younger tillers and a delay in the leaf appearance rate on the main stem and on 20‐daf tillers, and the tiller appearance rate. Annual neighbours controlled leaf and tiller dynamics and therefore restricted the vertical and horizontal space occupation of the target plant. These results reinforce the advantage of using a low seeding rate for the annual species to avoid negative effects on perennial grass establishment and persistence.  相似文献   

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