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Analysis of whole blood samples from 174 cattle and, 174 sheep from 3 geographical regions of New Zealand over a 10 month period showed a mean (range) thiamine level of 122 nmol/l (71-237 nmol/l) for cattle and 118 nmol/l (67-227 nmol/l) for sheep. Regional and seasonal differences were noted with levels tending to rise over the summer period. A reference range of 75-185 nmol/l is proposed for both cattle and sheep to cover these variations. Levels below 50 nmol/l are considered indicative of deficiency.  相似文献   

Analysis of whole blood samples from 174 cattle and 174 sheep from 3 geographical regions of New Zealand over a 10 month period showed a mean (range) thiamine level of 122 nmol/l (71–237 nmol/l) for cattle and 118 nmol/l (67–227 nmol/l) for sheep. Regional and seasonal differences were noted with levels tending to rise over the summer period. A reference range of 75–185 nmol/l is proposed for both cattle and sheep to cover these variations. Levels below 50 nmol/l are considered indicative of deficiency.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study retrospectively investigated the effect of breed and season on the lambing/kidding dynamics, growth performance, neonatal viability, and weaning...  相似文献   

石河子紫泥泉种羊场绵羊球虫种类调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对石河子紫泥泉种羊场的绵羊球虫种类及感染现状进行了调查,共发现艾美耳球虫11种,分别是小型艾美耳球虫(E.parva)、似绵羊美耳球虫(E.ovinodalis)、巴库艾美耳球虫(E.bakuensis)、颗粒艾美耳球虫(E.granulosa)、阿撒他艾美耳球虫(E.ahsata)、槌型艾美耳球虫(E.intricata)、韦不里吉艾美耳球虫(E.weybridgensis),对各虫种卵囊进行了测量和形态描述。  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and accuracy of detection of oestrus using a novel oestrus detection strip (ODS) and a camera-software device (CSD) with typical farm management practices of visual observation and use of tail paint in dairy cattle at pasture. METHODS: Dairy cows (n = 480) in a seasonal-calving herd managed at pasture under typical commercial conditions in New Zealand were stratified by age, body condition score and days in milk, then randomly allocated to one of two groups prior to the planned start of mating (PSM). Tail paint was applied to all cows and oestrus detected by visual observation of oestrous behaviour and removal of paint, by farm staff. One group (n = 240) was fitted with ODS and also monitored for signs of oestrus using a CSD, while the Control group (n = 240) was monitored using tail paint and visual observations only. Cows detected in oestrus were artificially inseminated (AI), and pregnancy status determined using rectal palpation and ultrasonography, 51-52 days after the end of a 55-day A period. Results of pregnancy diagnosis were used to confirm the occurrence of oestrus, and the sensitivity, specificity, predictive value and accuracy of detection of oestrus compared between oestrus detection methods. RESULTS: The sensitivity and accuracy of oestrus detection in the Control group, using visual observation and tail paint, were low. Compared with the Control group, detection of oestrus using the ODS and CSD resulted in greater sensitivity (85% vs 78%; p = 0.006), specificity (99.6% vs 98.0%; p < 0.001), positive predictive value (PPV; 88% vs 51%; p < 0.001) and overall accuracy (99.0% vs 98.0%; p < 0.001). Negative predictive value (NPV) did not differ significantly between groups (99.4% vs 99.3%; p = 0.28). Pregnancy rate to first service was higher in the CSD group than in the Control group (72% vs 39%; p < 0.05). Use of the CSD significantly increased the cumulative proportion of cows pregnant to AI over the breeding period (p = 0.044). CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The ODS and CSD was satisfactory for detection of oestrus in seasonal calving dairy herds grazing on pasture and could improve the sensitivity and accuracy of detection of oestrus in herds where these are low.  相似文献   

一种羊场暴发山羊蠕形螨病的诊治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蠕形螨又称脂蠕或毛囊虫,属蠕形螨科Demodicidae,蠕形螨属Demodex。寄生于家畜及人的毛囊和皮脂腺内,引起皮肤病。贵州黑山羊患该病很少见报道。笔者受聘于都匀市良畜良繁基地种羊场担任主管兽医师期间,即遇见为数不少的山羊患该病。  相似文献   

养殖肉用山羊投资少、见效快,不仅能有效地开发利用草山草坡资源,而且能充分利用农闲地、退耕地种植的优质牧草。传统的山羊饲养是以放牧为主,一些地方由于过度放牧,使生态平衡遭到破坏。当前,舍饲养羊已成为养羊户选择的一种饲养模式。一、充分考察当地草料资源筹建规模商品羊场如全部买草养羊,要注意亏损。针对这样的情况,有两条途径可以解决秸秆价格高的问题,一是种植鲁梅克斯、墨西哥玉米、皇竹草等高产牧草,二是大力开展玉米秸秆青贮,70%的饲草用青贮玉米秆代替,但青贮耗料玉米秸秆的价格不得突破0.04元/公斤的收购价。如果建规模种羊…  相似文献   

The present study evaluates blood GSHPx activity in 18 sheep flocks at range, to identify those seasons with the highest risk of selenium deficiency. Samples were taken from 1108 15-day-old lambs during the two usual lambing periods in this geographical area (autumn-winter and spring-summer). The overall mean values in the first period (146.69 +/- 3.41 i.u./g Hb) was higher than in the second one (107.50 +/- 3.53 i.u./g Hb). This may be explained by the special features of the climate in the Mediterranean area, which allow an optimum growth of grass from October to May. Therefore, the lambs born in spring-summer are from pregnancies in months when feeding is based only upon grazing. However, lambs born in autumn-winter comes from ewes gestating during the summer, when supplementation with cereal grains is given. As a conclusion, lambs born in spring-summer in this area are at higher risk to selenium-deficiency related disorders.  相似文献   

This paper considers (potentially) harmful consequences of transgenesis for farm animal welfare and examines the strategy of studying health and welfare of transgenic farm animals. Evidence is discussed showing that treatments imposed in the context of farm animal transgenesis are by no means biologically neutral and may compromise animal health and welfare. Factors posing a risk for the welfare of transgenic farm animals include integration of a transgene within an endogenous gene with possible loss of host gene function (insertional mutations), inappropriate transgene expression and exposure of the host to biologically active transgene-derived proteins, and in vitro reproductive technologies employed in the process of generating transgenic farm animals that may result in an increased incidence of difficult parturition and fetal and neonatal losses and the development of unusually large or otherwise abnormal offspring (large offspring syndrome). Critical components of a scheme for evaluating welfare of transgenic farm animals are identified, related to specific characteristics of transgenic animals and to factors that may interact with the effects of transgenesis. The feasibility of an evaluation of welfare of transgenic farm animals in practice is addressed against the background of the objectives and conditions of three successive stages in a long-term transgenic program. Concrete steps with regard to breeding and testing of transgenic farm animals are presented, considering three technologies to generate transgenic founders: microinjection, electroporation and nuclear transfer, and gene targeting including gene knockout. The proposed steps allow for unbiased estimations of the essential treatment effects, including hemi- and homozygous transgene effects as well as effects of in vitro reproductive technologies. It is suggested that the implementation of appropriate breeding and testing procedures should be accompanied by the use of a comprehensive welfare protocol, specifying which parameters to monitor, at which stages of the life of a farm animal, and in how many animals. Some prerequisites and ideas for such a protocol are given. It is anticipated that systematic research into the welfare of farm animals involved in transgenesis will facilitate the use of the safest experimental protocols as well as the selection and propagation of the healthiest animals and, thereby, enable technological progress that could be ethically justified.  相似文献   

A semi-automatic unit for handling pigs through a weigher is described. Two crates are used in series, the first being a handling crate where identification is done before the pigs are loaded one at a time into the weigh crate. The latter has pneumatically operated gates and a floor which senses the presence of a pig. Using electronic weight averaging, the unit enables one man to weigh about 100 pigs/h without assistance. With a second man, throughputs of about 200 pigs/h are possible. Similar principles are applied to sheep and cattle weighing. Possible future developments are discussed.  相似文献   

Development and survival of Haemonchus contortus larvae were studied from December 1987 to November 1988 during three different periods (dry season, first and second rainy seasons) on an experimentally infected pasture at Bunia (Ituri, Za?re). Whatever the season, eggs developed into infective larvae within six days and the largest number of larvae on the herbage occurred between the 12th and the 18th day post deposition. However, the two rainy seasons were the most favourable for transmission because of the high number of larvae on the pasture and the increased survival of these larvae after 4 weeks.  相似文献   

A sudden outbreak of perinatal mortality in piglets occurred between May and August 1991 in a 60-sow piggery near Palmerston North. None of the piglets born to the 30 sows which farrowed during this period of time survived more than a few days and all live-born piglets appeared weak. Three newborn live piglets were humanely killed and at necropsy had marked diffuse subcutaneous oedema, the only gross and histological anomalies detected in the extensive range of tissues examined. Serological tests of sows were negative for leptospiral, porcine herpes viral (Aujeszky's), porcine parvoviral, encephalomyocarditis viral and Brucelh suis infections. No viral agents were recovered on cell culture from pooled piglet tissues. Liver selenium levels were normal, but Vitamin E values (0.8, 0.8 and 0.6 μmol/kg respectively) seemed low according to the recently established range of 0.9-1.4 μmol/kg for normal unsuckled piglets in New Zealand(1). No Vitamin E/selenium deficiency syndromes had been recognised previously in this herd.  相似文献   

The population density and level of infection of terrestrial molluscs, and the output by sheep of first stage protostrongylid larvae, were assessed monthly during a 1-year study. Muellerius capillaris was the predominant protostrongylid (approximately 80% of the larval output); Neostrongylus was also found. Eobania vermiculata, Cernuella virgata and Trochoidea elegans were the most common molluscs. Juveniles were less infected than adults. Banded E. vermiculata had a lower intensity of infection than unbanded ones. Nearly 75% of protostrongylid larvae harboured by molluscs on the studied pasture were found in E. vermiculata. The infectivity of pasture was at its lowest in the dry and hot period (June-September). Infection of snails was primarily related to temperature and the importance and frequency of rains, and secondarily to larval excretion in sheep faeces.  相似文献   

Bighorn sheep currently occupy just 30% of their historic distribution, and persist in populations less than 5% as abundant overall as their early 19th century counterparts. Present-day recovery of bighorn sheep populations is in large part limited by periodic outbreaks of respiratory disease, which can be transmitted to bighorn sheep via contact with domestic sheep grazing in their vicinity. In order to assess the viability of bighorn sheep populations on the Payette National Forest (PNF) under several alternative proposals for domestic sheep grazing, we developed a series of interlinked models. Using telemetry and habitat data, we characterized herd home ranges and foray movements of bighorn sheep from their home ranges. Combining foray model movement estimates with known domestic sheep grazing areas (allotments), a Risk of Contact Model estimated bighorn sheep contact rates with domestic sheep allotments. Finally, we used demographic and epidemiologic data to construct population and disease transmission models (Disease Model), which we used to estimate bighorn sheep persistence under each alternative grazing scenario. Depending on the probability of disease transmission following interspecies contact, extirpation probabilities for the seven bighorn sheep herds examined here ranged from 20% to 100%. The Disease Model allowed us to assess the probabilities that varied domestic sheep management scenarios would support persistent populations of free-ranging bighorn sheep.  相似文献   

Faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and in vitro egg hatch assay (EHA) was performed on Indian Karakul (3/4 crosses of Karakul with Malpura, Marwari and Sonadi) transported from arid region campus, Bikaner, where resistance was reported in 1996. FECRT revealed that fenbendazole and levamisole were 100% effective in reducing the egg counts. LC50 value on EHA was 0.074 +/- 0.015 microg thiabendazole ml(-1). The faecal culture examination revealed the presence of Haemonchus contortus only. It was concluded that H. contortus was fully susceptible to both benzimidazole and levamisole.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted to determine the seasonal effects on the availability, chemical composition and digestibility of a grazing dry-land lucerne pasture, as measured on samples either collected by hand or with oesophageally fistulated (OF) sheep. The pasture was monitored monthly for a period of thirteen months. An overall mean amount of 647 kg DM ha?1 of material was monitored during the experimental period. Lucerne, as a percentage of the total DM availability was relatively low (approximately 19%), probably due to the preference of sheep to select lucerne in spite of the other available material. Both the crude protein (CP) content and the organic matter (OM) digestibility of the samples showed a seasonal tendency with higher values during the winter and lower values during the summer. Mean OM, CP, organic matter digestibility (OMD), acid detergentfibre (ADF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) contents of 91.7%, 10.7%, 57.5%, 47.1% and 74.0%, respectively, were obtained with hand-clipped samples, while the corresponding composition of samples collected by OF sheep was 83.1%, 21.0%, 64.7%, 38.2% and 58.4%, respectively. The sheep were able to select forage samples with a higher CP content than those collected by hand throughout the year. This was, however, not the case with the organic matter digestibility of the samples during the growing season July to October. The CP content of fistula extrusion samples (f) could be predicted from hand-clipped samples (h) from the linear relationship, CPf = 10.51 + 0.97CPh (r = 0.59). The study provided figures on the chemical composition and digestibility of dryland lucerne pasture at grazing in a Mediterranean environment.  相似文献   

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