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Observations of tabanid feeding on mares and foals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The occurrence of tabanid feeding between mares and foals was observed. When mares and foals were observed freely moving within a pasture situation, foals had 2.43% (4 flies in 77 observations vs 297 flies in 139 observations) of the tabanid feeding occurrences of the mares. This difference in tabanid burden varied due to herd size, herd location, and tabanid species. Lower tabanid burden of foals was indicated as a practical protective mechanism against pathogenic agents mechanically transmitted by tabanids, such as equine infectious anemia virus.  相似文献   

Fifteen unweaned thoroughbred foals, born on a stud farm to vaccinated mares, were clinically monitored during their first six months of life and repeatedly tested for equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) and equine herpesvirus type 4 (EHV-4). Nasopharyngeal swabs and blood samples were collected and screened respectively by PCR and seroneutralisation to detect the presence of the virus, explore its role as a possible cause of respiratory disease, and to assess the efficiency of the pcr for the diagnosis of this disease. The foals were divided into three groups on the basis of their clinical signs and whether they had seroconverted to EHV-1 and/or EHV-4: first, foals with no clinical signs of disease that had not seroconverted; secondly, foals with clinical signs that had seroconverted, and thirdly, foals with clinical signs that had not seroconverted. The results indicated that the viruses circulated on the stud farm despite stringent vaccination regimens against them, and confirmed their association with respiratory disease. The absence of significantly different pcr results among the three groups of foals showed that the pcr was effective in confirming the circulation of the viruses on the premises without being particularly helpful as a diagnostic tool.  相似文献   

The study was based on the documentation of the Napajedla Stud Farm of the English Thoroughbred horse for 1888-1972. Evaluating the effect of the age of stallions on their fertility (leaving aside the variability of the age of their mothers), such an effect was found to be significant only in four out of the 26 studs evaluated. In 65% of the selected stallions, the correlation coefficients were found to be negative, but without statistical significance. However, the objective of the study was to evaluate stallions and mares parallelly as to their age variability and fertility. The relationships of the effect of the age of the stallion and of the mare on fertility were evaluated by different modificatons of the value chi2. The prerequisite for the analyses of the effect of different stallion age at a constant age of mares was the calculation of the global chi2 used jointly for the evaluation of the variable age of stallions and mares. The result are varied and report on the individuality of the effect of stallions, giving no clear basis for generalizing any fertility-decreasing tendency with the higher age of the parents. The problem is analyzed from the physiological viewpoint.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize concentrations of leptin, IGF-I, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in the blood serum of mares pre-and postpartum, in the milk serum of mares postpartum, and in the blood serum of their foals. Nine pregnant Quarter Horse mares and their offspring were used in this study. Once weekly between 1000 and 1200 h for 2 wk before their predicted parturition date, mares were weighed, assigned a BCS, and blood was sampled via jugular venipuncture. Within 2 h of parturition and before the foals nursed (d 0), blood samples were obtained from the mares and foals, and a milk sample was collected from the mares. Blood from the foals and blood and milk from the mares were collected again at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, and 61 d postpartum. Mares and foals also were weighed and assigned a BCS on d 0, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, and 61. Additionally, on d 5, 33, and 61, ultrasound images of fat depth and area of the LM immediately cranial to and parallel with the last rib on the left side of the foals were measured to characterize changes in fat depth and LM area over time. There were no changes in mare blood concentrations TSH (P = 0.15), nor were there any changes in foal blood concentrations of leptin (P = 0.54) or TSH (P = 0.10) during the trial period. Mare blood concentrations of IGF-I tended to change over time (P = 0.07), whereas leptin changed over time (P < 0.001), initially decreasing and then remaining relatively stable after d 5. Foal blood concentrations of IGF-I increased initially, peaked at d 19, and stabilized thereafter (P < 0.001). Milk concentrations of leptin and TSH were greatest on d 0 and decreased over time (P < 0.007), reaching nadir concentrations at d 61. Milk concentrations of IGF-I also changed over time (P = 0.02), being greatest on d 0 and undetectable by d 12. There was no difference in BCS (P = 0.94) in mares over time, but there was a difference between pre- and postpartum BW (P < 0.001) due to foaling. However, no differences were detected in pre- (P = 0.70) or postpartum BW (P = 0.76) of mares over time. Mean ultrasonic fat depth and LM area increased (P < 0.04) as the foals aged, as did BCS and BW (P < 0.001). Recognizing changes in metabolic hormones surrounding the time of parturition in the mare and foal provides a basis for further determination of the role, if any, these hormones play in the milk, as well as in the neonate.  相似文献   

Because the reproductive performance of mares is lower than that of any other domesticated species, hormone therapy is important in ensuring fertility and proper management of pregnancy. Current techniques of hormone therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Plasma fibronectin concentrations were measured in clinically healthy mares and their neonatal foals, using a modified human fibronectin competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Ranges of plasma fibronectin were established in clinically healthy horses, and the assay was reliable and reproducible. Plasma fibronectin concentrations were similar in mares and foals, both before and after colostrum ingestion.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The purpose of these studies was to examine the response of Thoroughbred foals and yearlings to different influenza vaccines and vaccination regimes. The horses' antibody levels against haemagglutinin, an established correlate of protection were measured by haemagglutination inhibition. The first study investigated the extent to which maternal antibodies interfered with the humoral response to a subunit vaccine. The findings suggest that repeat vaccination in the face of maternal antibodies may induce tolerance as defined by serological testing. The second study compared the immune response elicited by a subunit immune stimulating complex (ISCOM) vaccine, an inactivated whole virus vaccine and the same product containing equine herpesviruses and equine reoviruses in addition to equine influenza virus. The monovalent vaccine induced a significantly better response than the ISCOM or the multivalent vaccine. The final study demonstrated that the inclusion of an additional booster vaccination, between the second and third vaccination recommended by the vaccine manufacturers and required under the rules of racing in certain countries, is of benefit to young horses. Since these studies were performed, several of the vaccines have been updated with more recent virus strains in line with WHO/OIE recommendations. However, the general principles investigated in the studies remain relevant to these vaccines.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to compare the growth rates of normal thoroughbred foals to previously reported growth rates1 and to compare growth rates of normal foals with foals diagnosed with cervical vertebral malformation (CVM). Fifty-six foals from two foals crops were used, and eight of these foals were diagnosed with CVM. Growth rate analysis of the CVM foals had to be restricted to the period prior to diagnosis because once these foals were diagnosed, they were treated differently from the normal foals. Body measurements taken at 7 day intervals were body weight, wither height, hip height, and heart girth. For statistical analysis, data were broken down into 30 day intervals. Results showed that the growth rates for normal thoroughbred foals have not changed in the past fifteen years. The CVM foals tended to be heavier and taller during some time intervals than the normal foals, but there were no significant differences between the two groups in any of the skeletal growth measurements. Body weight gain was faster in CVM foals from 31–60 d (p<.01), 121–150 d (p<.01), and 211–240 d (P –.05).  相似文献   

Testicular diameters and monthly blood samples were obtained from 83 stallions aged 4 to 22 years that were maintained on Central Kentucky Thoroughbred stud farms. The effects of age, season, and exposure to increased photoperiod (16 hours light/day, December 15 to April 1) on testicular diameters and plasma concentrations of FSH, LH and testosterone were studied.The results indicated that Thoroughbred stallions show distinct seasonal and age related changes in most of the reproductive parameters studied and that exposure of such stallions to increased photoperiod produced significant alterations in these changes. Although lighting stimulated testicular growth and testosterone secretion early in the breeding season such changes were short lived. Lighted stallions appeared to become refractory to the lighting program since both testicular size and plasma testosterone concentrations were significantly reduced by June.  相似文献   

Early pregnancy loss in the mare is a major cause of infertility and economic loss. To study this important problem, sequential ultrasound examinations were completed on breeding farm mares (n = 404 pregnancies). The incidence of pregnancy loss between Week 2 and Week 8 post ovulation was 42 losses out of 404 pregnancies.(10.4%) More (p<0.05) pregnancies were lost at 2–4 weeks post ovulation than at 4–6 or 6–8 weeks post ovulation (23/42 vs 9/42 or 10/42). The number of days from detection of pregnancy loss until the subsequent ovulation was higher (p<0.01) for mares in which pregnancy loss was detected at 6–8 weeks post ovulation than for mares in which pregnancy loss was detected at 2–4or 4–6 weeks post ovulation (21.1 ± 3.90 days vs 12.7 ± 1.59 or 9.5 ± 1.05 days,respectively). Thirty-one of 45 mares which lost pregnancies were again bred. Sixty-five percent (20/31) of these mares again became detectably pregnant but forty percent (8/20) of thesepregnancies were subsequently lost.  相似文献   

Intakes of milk and milk nutrients were determined for 8 foals at 11-18 days of age and for 10 foals at 30-44 days and 60-74 days of age while sucking grazing mares. Water intakes (sources other than milk) of the foals were determined at 30-44 days and 60-74 days of age. Five of the 10 mares were fed a protein supplement (24% crude protein) in addition to grazing during the stud season. The protein supplement did not influence foal intakes of milk and milk nutrients, milk composition, weight gains of the mares or the growth rate of the foals. Foal milk intakes increased (P less than 0.05) from 16.9 kg/day at 11-18 days to 18.1 kg/day at 60-74 days of age. The water intakes of the foals increased (P less than 0.01) from 3.9 kg/day at 30-44 days to 5.5 kg/day at 60-74 days of age. Total fluid intakes per kg foal liveweight were 246, 202 and 172 g at 11-18, 30-44 and 60-74 days of age, respectively. For each kg of weight gain, foals consumed 12.8, 15.7 and 16.4 kg milk at 11-18, 30-44 and 60-74 days of age. Stage of lactation had a significant effect on the total solids, lactose and protein content of milk. The fat and gross energy content of milk remained constant.  相似文献   

On a thoroughbred stud four foals were born with greatly enlarged thyroids and leg weakness. Two foals died within 18 hours of birth, the others subsequently recovered. An enlarged thyroid was also evident in one of the resident mares. The thyroids from the dead foals were hyperplastic. Feed analyses showed that the mares had an iodine intake of about 83 mg daily, 8-8 ppm of the dietary dry matter, due almost entirely to the high iodine content of a proprietary compound horse nut which had been fed at the daily rate of 12 lb per head. It was concluded from the histology of the thyroids, the high intake of iodine, the lack of response to treatment with potassium iodide and the elevated levels of serum protein bound iodine that the condition of the foals on the stud was caused by an excess of iodine fed to the mares during pregnancy.  相似文献   

A unilateral malformation of the eye of a thoroughbred foal is described. The specific form of the tiny lens we named, "lenticulus". It is correlated with a maximal unchangeable mydriasis. The bulb shows physiological size. A brown-black pigmented mass inhibited (internal) inspection and examination of the middle and rear part of the eye. Special emphasis is laid on the insecure behaviour of the foal. A connection with an iridocyclochoroiditis, which was treated in the mare about a year ago, and the pathological changes in the eye of the foal is not evident.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Previous surveys of reproductive efficiency in British Thoroughbreds included only mares and stallions standing on studfarms in and around Newmarket. The present study was widened to compare Flatrace (FR) (Group A) and National Hunt (NH) (Group B) mares and stallions on studfarms throughout England. OBJECTIVES: To assess the influences of mare type, status and age, and veterinary manipulations on reproductive efficiency parameters. To compare the inherent fertility of stallions, based on singleton and twin pregnancy rates and pregnancy loss rates, in Groups A and B Thoroughbred breeding stock. METHODS: Managers of 24 FR and 9 NH public studfarms were asked to complete a questionnaire for each mated oestrous cycle shown by 2321 Group A and 1052 Group B mares throughout the 2002 mating season. Parameters such as per cycle singleton and twin pregnancy rates, and pregnancy loss rates were noted, and the success of hormone treatments to induce oestrus and ovulation assessed. The number of matings per oestrus and per pregnancy were recorded, together with the incidence and effectiveness of uterine and other veterinary treatments. The inherent fertility of 84 Group A and 43 Group B stallions in the study, as measured by the singleton and twin early pregnancy rates and the pregnancy loss rates recorded in the mares they mated, was also estimated. RESULTS: Per cycle early pregnancy (Days 13-16) was 63.2% for Group A and 65.3% for Group B mares; and 10.3% and 13.1%, respectively, of those pregnancies were twins or triplets. Early, middle and late pregnancy loss rates were 7.2% vs. 8.0% (Days 15-42), 3.6% vs. 6.1% (Days 42-1st October) and 2.7% vs. 2.1% (October-foaling), respectively. Matings per oestrus and per early pregnancy were significantly higher in Group B vs. Group A mares. For stallions that mated > or = 30 mares, overall early pregnancy rates per cycle in mares mated ranged from 30-89% across the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS: No major differences in reproductive efficiency were identified between FR and NH mares and stallions. Increasing mare age was the single biggest limiting factor to an otherwise high rate of fertility in well-managed English Thoroughbreds. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: This study identified factors that influence reproductive efficiency in the Thoroughbred.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the changes in Ca, P, Mg, Na, K, S, Cu, Fe and Zn concentrations of milk during the lactation in pasture-fed Thoroughbred mares and then calculate the dietary mineral requirements of the sucking foal and the lactating mare. PROCEDURE: Milk was sampled on days 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 28 and at various times between 55 to 65, 85 to 95 and 135 to 150 days after parturition from 21 pasture-fed mares. The concentrations of macro- and micro-elements in the milk were determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry. RESULTS: Concentrations (mg/L) of these elements were highest in colostrum (Mg 302, Na 561, K 955, S 1035, Cu 0.76, Fe 0.79 and Zn 5.5) except for Ca (1245) and P (895), which where highest on day 7. The mean milk mineral element concentrations (mg/L) over days 55 to 150 were Ca 843, P 543, Mg 47, Na 120, K 590, S 219, Cu 0.19, Fe 0.34 and Zn 2.1. The mean plasma element concentrations (mg/L) over the same period were Ca 120, P 77.1, Mg 17.0, Na 3110, K 168, S 983, Cu 1.1, Fe 1.5 and Zn 0.49. Concentration gradients between plasma and milk were observed and, in the case of Ca, P, Mg, K and Zn, their concentrations in milk were greater than those in plasma, while a reverse situation was observed for Na, S, Cu and Fe. CONCLUSION: With the exception of Ca and P, the highest concentrations of mineral elements were observed in the colostrum. The nursing foal should have access to good pasture or creep feed, because the intakes of Ca, P and Cu from milk may be less than optimum to meet the daily mineral element requirements.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of equine herpesviruses (EHV) 1-5 in the nasal secretions (NS) of a cohort of 12 mares and their foals from birth to 6 months of age, estimate the prevalence of EHV-1-5 infection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of selected foals, and investigate phylogenetic relationships amongst the various strains of EHV-2 and 5. Virus-specific PCR assays were used to detect EHV-1-5 in NS and PBMC. A homologous portion of the glycoprotein B (gB) gene of the various strains of EHV-2 and 5 was sequenced and compared. EHV-2, 4, and 5 were all detected in NS from the horses, but only EHV-4 was associated with respiratory disease (P=0.005). EHV-2 and 5 infections were both common, but foals shed EHV-2 in their NS earlier in life than EHV-5 (P=0.01). Latent EHV-2 and 5 infections were detected in the PBMC of 75 and 88%, respectively, of the foals at approximately 6 months of age. The strains of EHV-2 shed in the NS of individual horses were more genetically heterogeneous than the strains of EHV-5 (95.5-99.3% versus 98.8-99.3% nucleotide identity, respectively). One-month-old foals typically shed strains of EHV-2 that were identical to those infecting their dams whereas older foals often shed virus strains that were different from those of their dams. Although herpesvirus infections were ubiquitous in this cohort of horses, there were distinct clinical consequences and clear epidemiological differences between infections with the different viruses.  相似文献   

The reproduction rate of horses is one of the lowest within domestic livestock despite advances the veterinary medicine. Infertility in horses may be due mainly to the lack of suitable selection criteria in the breeding of horses. However, acquired infertility due to genital, bacterial infections may occur. Mycoplasmas have been implicated in genital disorders and infertility of many species including humans and horses. However, their role as commensals or pathogens of the genital tract of horses is still not determined. Bacteriological examinations made on the fossa glandis, urethra, penis and semen of stallions, showed the presence of different Mycoplasma species. Therefore our study aimed to find the prevalence of Mycoplasma species and a possible association with fertility problems in Danish riding horses. Eighty semen samples from stallions and 19 vaginal swab samples from mares were tested by PCR for presence of mycoplasmal DNA. The vaginal swab samples were also cultured in the Mycoplasma specific medium. None of the samples were positive for presence of genital mycoplasmas during the screen. The lack of genital mycoplasmas observed in this study may be due to a very extensive use of artificial insemination of modern sport horses.  相似文献   

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