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Patterns of shoot elongation of 2-yr seedlings from native North American populations of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir were compared to those of Argentine land races originating from unknown provenances. The comparisons were conducted in Moscow, Idaho (USA), and suggested that the ponderosa pine land race was descended from a California provenance at low or middle elevations but that the growth potential of the land race was only mediocre in comparison to eight native populations. The Douglas-fir land race exhibited a relatively high growth potential in comparison to 19 native provenances and undoubtedly originated from a mild coastal environment. The results provide concrete recommendations for upgrading the growth potential of the Argentine land races by importing germ plasm of specific provenances.  相似文献   

Five-year survival of 2-0 bareroot Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings was increased by three types of shading (cardboard shadecards placed to the south or east of seedlings, and bottomless styrofoam cups inverted around the seedling base) on two south-facing sites in southwest Oregon. On the drier site, seedlings survived well without shading (89% unshaded, 98% shaded), but on the wetter site, where seedlings were stressed more, shading was more beneficial (62% unshaded, 89% shaded). Shading did not affect growth. Seedlings grew more in 5 years on the drier than the wetter site, likely as a result of better handling and planting practices, less browsing by deer, and better weed control.  相似文献   

Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] seedlings were evaluated- by three measurements of seedling quality — root growth potential or RGP, vigor, and plant moisture stress or PMS — and the results were correlated with subsequent field performance. Measurements made by each method were significantly (p 0.05) correlated with first- and second-year survival and terminal height growth. Seedlings from lots that grew many new roots during a 28-day interval in a growth room (RGP evaluation) or that survived for 6 weeks in the growth room and initiated rapid budburst (vigor evaluation) or whose plant moisture stress values remained fairly constant during 1 week after potting (PMS evaluation) had the greatest field survival and height growth.The RGP evaluation was the best predictor of first-year height growth, while the vigor evaluation was the best predictor of first- and second-year survival. All evaluations predicted second-year height growth equally well.These results demonstrate that all three evaluations can be successfully used to predict field performance of Douglas-fir seedlings. Each has its advantages and limitations, and none can be considered best. The one used should be selected on the basis of time constraints, equipment and resources available, and specific objectives, such as whether it is considered more important to estimate field survival or growth.When this research was conducted, both authors were affiliated with the Department of Forest Science, College of Forestry, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA. Mention of commercial products does not imply endorsement by Oregon State University. This is Paper 2145 of the Forest Research Laboratory, Oregon State University.  相似文献   

A system for examining the effects of hardwood density and cover of herbaceous components on mean size in newly established loblolly pine plantations was developed using a site preparation study located in the piedmont province of Georgia (USA). Multispecies density models were derived to predict the sum of crown heights for eight important hardwood species using both the current or age 1 number of rootstocks and herbaceous vegetation to account for intra- and interspecific effects. The predicted sums of crown heights for the woody species were then used as predictors of mean height, diameter, and volume for loblolly pine. A seemingly unrelated regression procedure was used to compensate for correlations in error components within each system of equations that result from using predicted crown heights as regressor variables. The effects of varying sweetgum density and andropogon cover on the inter-related components of the systems based on current and age 1 competition were examined for mean height and mean diameter of the planted loblolly pines. The cumulative impacts of associated vegetation on loblolly pine growth and the relative sensitivity of height and diameter to competing vegetation were demonstrated.  相似文献   

Prescribed fire is an important tool in the management of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) forests, yet effects on bark beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) activity and tree mortality are poorly understood in the southwestern U.S. We compared bark beetle attacks and tree mortality between paired prescribed-burned and unburned stands at each of four sites in Arizona and New Mexico for three growing seasons after burning (2004–2006). Prescribed burns increased bark beetle attacks on ponderosa pine over the first three post-fire years from 1.5 to 13% of all trees, increased successful, lethal attacks on ponderosa pine from 0.4 to 7.6%, increased mortality of ponderosa pine from all causes from 0.6 to 8.4%, and increased mortality of all tree species with diameter at breast height >13 cm from 0.6 to 9.6%. On a per year basis, prescribed burns increased ponderosa pine mortality from 0.2% per year in unburned stands to 2.8% per year in burned stands. Mortality of ponderosa pine 3 years after burning was best described by a logistic regression model with total crown damage (crown scorch + crown consumption) and bark beetle attack rating (no, partial, or mass attack by bark beetles) as independent variables. Attacks by Dendroctonus spp. did not differ significantly over bole heights, whereas attacks by Ips spp. were greater on the upper bole compared with the lower bole. Three previously published logistic regression models of tree mortality, developed from fires in 1995–1996 in northern Arizona, were moderately successful in predicting broad patterns of tree mortality in our data. The influence of bark beetle attack rating on tree mortality was stronger for our data than for data from the 1995–1996 fires. Our results highlight canopy damage from fire as a strong and consistent predictor of post-fire mortality of ponderosa pine, and bark beetle attacks and bole char rating as less consistent predictors because of temporal variability in their relationship to mortality. The small increase in tree mortality and bark beetle attacks caused by prescribed burning should be acceptable to many forest managers and the public given the resulting reduction in surface fuel and risk of severe wildfire.  相似文献   

On two silt loam flatwoods in Louisiana, use of mounds as planting sites for slash pine (Pinus elliottii Engelm. var. elliottii) was shown to be more effective than planting without mounds (untreated control) after six growing seasons in the field. Mounds formed were of two sizes: low mounds made of 550 dm3 of soil and high mounds made of 1,000 dm3 of soil. One site was in central Louisiana and had two drainage classes: a somewhat poorly drained Caddo-Messer complex and a poorly drained Caddo soil. On both drainage classes, pine survival was not affected by treatment, but the incidence of fusiform rust galls on the main stem (caused by Cronartium quercuum (Berk.) Miyabe ex Shirai f. sp. fusiforme Burdsall and Snow) was greater on trees planted on mounds. The second site was a poorly drained Caddo soil in southwestern Louisiana. At this site, there were fewer surviving pines on controls than on mounds, but the incidence of rust galls was not affected by treatment. At both sites, pines were taller and had a greater mean diameter at breast height on mounds than on controls. Mound size did not influence tree size at either site.  相似文献   

Dubois  Mark R.  Chappelka  Arthur H.  Robbins  Efrem  Somers  Greg  Baker  Karl 《New Forests》2000,20(2):105-118
In the southern USA oaks (Quercusspp.) are often favored by forest owners havingmultiple objectives for forest ownership as oaksprovide mast for wildlife, are consideredaesthetically pleasing, and are valuable for timberproducts. Regeneration and early seedling growth isa concern to those forest owners interested insustaining oaks as a component of their forests. Theeffects of tree shelters and herbaceous weed controlon second-year seedling survival, browse by deer andrabbits, and seedling growth of hand-plantedcherrybark oak (Quercus pagoda Raf.) wereexamined. The study was established on a cutovermixed pine-hardwood forest in Alabama. Fourtreatments were: weed control only, tree shelter only,tree shelter with weed control, and a controlconsisting of a seedling without a tree shelter orweed control. No significant difference in seedlingsurvival was found among the treatments after twoyears. Tree shelters were effective in preventingbrowsing. No seedlings in the tree-shelter-onlytreatment were browsed. There was no significant,difference, however, in the percentage of seedlingsbrowsed between the control treatment and the weedcontrol treatment. The use of tree shelters with weedcontrol was the most effective treatment for promoting2-year ground-line diameter, height, and stem volumegrowth.  相似文献   

First-year survival of December-planted loblolly pine seedlings sampled from 20 nurseries ranged from 36 to 86%. Various characteristics of the seedlings including root growth potential (RGP), shoot/root ratio, root weight and stem length were correlated with survival. A regression model using the number of new roots >/= 0.5 cm and the shoot/root ratio accounted for 80% of the variation in first-year survival. Alone, the number of new roots >/= 0.5 cm accounted for 76% of the variation in survival. Foliar nutrients were not correlated with survival. Seedlings with a high proportion of quiescent buds at planting had a higher RGP and better survival than seedlings with dormant (endodormant) buds. The data suggest that seedlings with dormant buds should not be planted on sites where rapid new root growth is needed for survival.  相似文献   


Actual climate models for central Europe predict prolonged summer droughts. Knowledge on how the interaction between light and water availability affects regeneration will hence be of major importance. In an experiment carried out under controlled conditions, newly emerged beech seedlings were grown in pots with sand during 54 days. Three treatments applying three different light levels (2, 9 and 43% relative light intensity) were combined with two soil water treatments (control and drought). At the end of the experiment, seedlings were separated into leaves, stem and root and the seedlings’ dry mass, leaf area and stem length was determined. Low irradiance (2%) had a strong negative effect on dry weights of seedling components, leaf area and specific leaf mass. Drought clearly affected biomass partitioning for seedlings at high irradiance levels (43%). An interaction between irradiance and drought on biomass partitioning in beech seedlings was observed at medium irradiance level (9%). Within a wide range of light levels in the forests, both light and drought may affect biomass partitioning in young seedlings.  相似文献   

A pine forest in the south of Sweden was treated with lime and wood ash. In early June, 12 months after the ash treatment and 18 months after the lime treatment, one year old Pinus syhestris L. seedlings were planted. Four months later six différent ectomycorrhizal types had infected the seedlings in all the treatments. A mycorrhizal type designated “pink”; was more than twice as common in the lime treatments as in the control and ash treatments. Piloderma croceum Erikss. & Hjorts. was significantly more abundant in limed soil than in ash treated soil. The results were compared to those from a bioassy performed in the laboratory, where P. syhestris seedlings had been grown in soil from the same forest. Similar soil pH values in the two studies resulted in different relative infection rates of the mycorrhizal types found. One additional mycorrhizal type, designated “white”; was found in the field experiment. This suggests that mycelial connections to the mature host plants may significantly alter the ability of different fungi to colonize host plant roots in competition with each other compared to when the fungi infect from propagules in the soil.  相似文献   

On two well drained Coastal Plain sites, early (4-year) and mid-rotation (12-year) performance of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) was examined in relation to mechanical site preparation, herbaceous weed control, and fertilization with diammonium phosphate (DAP). In addition, seedling grade as determined by groundline diameter (GLD) was a fourth factor evaluated. Of the four factors examined, seedling grade was the only factor to consistently improve fourth-year survival. In Alabama, seedlings with a 2.5 mm GLD averaged 62% survival while 5.1 mm seedlings averaged 83% survival. In Virginia, 1.3 mm seedlings had 73% survival and 5.1 mm seedlings had 79% survival. Calculated volume gains from increasing seedling grade suggest that a 1 mm increase in GLD could amount to an additional 7 to 12 m3/ha at age 12. Seedling size and mechanical site preparation were partly exchangeable in influencing survival and growth. Use of hexazinone on late planted seedlings increased mortality at both sites. Applications of hexazinone increased volume/ha when combined with DAP fertilization. Fertilization with DAP increased 12-year volume/ha only when weeds were controlled with hexazinone or disking.Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 9-933657.  相似文献   

Effects of different forest floor vegetation types in secondary forest and of conversion to plantation on the quality and quantity of ectomycorrhizas are mostly unknown.Betula platyphylla var.japonica seedlings were used for bioassays of ectomycorrhizal fungal inoculum using soils from four 50-year-oldB. platyphylla var.japonica forests that had different types of forest floor vegetation: two with shrub types, one with aSasa type, and one with a grass type. Seedlings were also grown in soil from a nearby monospecific plantation ofChamaecyparis obtusa. Ectomycorrhizas formed 13 to 26% of root length of seedlings grown in soil from the five different sites. The maximum percentage of ectomycorrhizal formation was obtained from the grass-type forest. The dominant type of ectomycorrhiza in the two shrub-type forest soils was the same as that in theSasa-type forest soil. The dominant types of ectomycorrhizas in the grass-type forest soil and in theC. obtusa plantation soil were different from that in the two shrub-type forest soils and in theSasa-type forest soil. The results of this investigation suggest that the type of forest floor vegetation, accompanied with changes in thickness of the A0 horizon, might affect the ectomycorrhizal fungi in the soils ofB. platyphylla var.japonica forests. Establishment of artificial plantations ofC. obtusa might change the ectomycorrhizal fungi that could associate withB. platyphylla var.japonica seedlings in soil.  相似文献   

遮光对牡丹光合及其他生理生化特性的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在大田条件下研究不同程度遮光对牡丹光合、荧光日变化及其他生理生化特性的影响。结果表明:在自然光照条件下,10:00—14:00,牡丹Pn出现光合午休现象,Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ中午时也会降到日变化的最低值,MDA和O2—.含量和POD活性较高,SOD、叶绿素总量、叶绿素b的相对含量、总酚、类黄酮、谷胱甘肽的含量都较遮光30%条件下低。遮光30%和50%条件下,Pn没有出现光合午休现象,Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ在中午时下降都较小,叶绿素总量和叶绿素b的相对含量较高。尤其是遮光30%条件下,平均Pn在一天中保持较高,总酚、类黄酮、谷胱甘肽的含量显著高于其他处理。遮光80%条件下,Pn在一天中始终处于最低水平,SOD,POD的活性和总酚、类黄酮、谷胱甘肽的含量最低,MDA含量最高,综合比较各参数发现,遮光30%最适合牡丹的生长。  相似文献   

Otsamo  Rikka 《New Forests》2000,19(1):51-68
Early performance of two dipterocarp species Anisoptera marginata and Shorea parvifolia, and a long-living pioneer species Peronema canescens (Verbenaceae) planted in artificial gaps (size 260 m2) and surrounding untreated stands was studied in a fast-growing plantation of Acacia mangium on an Imperata cylindrica grassland site in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Forty seedlings of each species were planted at one-meter intervals in lines across each of the five gaps, starting and ending under closed stand. Survival, height and diameter (d0.05) increments were measured, and the effect of gap opening on the composition and abundance of understorey vegetation (grass, shrub and native tree seedlings and saplings) was studied. 19 months after planting, average survival rates were 97% for A. marginata, 94% for P. canescens and 71% for S. parvifolia, with no statistical differences between gap and closed stand. Substantial mortality and damage of dipterocarps were caused by wild boars; minor damage by dieback (for S. parvifolia) and insect pests (for A. marginata). Early growth was clearly influenced by distance from gap centre and light conditions; the growth of seedlings was greater the nearer the seedlings were situated to centre and the higher the level of daily photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was. Gap opening increased the growth of shrub species Chromolaena odorata, but not that of Imperata grass. It also increased the density and height growth of saplings of native pioneer and secondary tree species. Seedling density increased both in closed stand and actual gaps, but was higher inside gaps.Results indicate good prospects for diversifying the composition of fast-growing forest plantations on severely degraded former forest lands and integrating slow-growing valuable species in plantation programs. Both in-depth ecophysiological studies on species-specific growth requirements, and practical oriented research on silvicultural options and economics need further studies.  相似文献   

Surveys were made at the end of the 1990 and 1991 growing seasons for root-inhabiting fungi in the genera Fusarium, Cylindrocarpon and Pythium from the roots of one year-old container-grown Douglas-fir and spruce seedlings grown under greenhouse conditions. In the 1990 survey of four nurseries, it was found that 61–97% of both Douglas-fir and spruce roots were colonized with Fusarium, Cylindrocarpon or Pythium. There were significantly (p0.05) more Douglas-fir roots than spruce roots colonized by Fusarium at all nurseries, however, there were significantly (p0.05) more spruce roots than Douglas-fir roots colonized by Cylindrocarpon and Pythium. Root colonization of Douglas-fir and spruce by the three fungal genera during 1991 varied from 0–82% at three nurseries, however, only at a south coastal nursery was there significantly (p0.05) more spruce than Douglas-fir roots colonized by Cylindrocarpon. Significantly more seedlings were infected in 1990 than in 1991. In 1991, there were few significant differences between Douglas-fir and spruce, in the percentage of seedlings with colonized roots and in the percentage of growth medium colonized by the fungi. However, there were significant differences between nurseries.  相似文献   

Excessive slash loading could pose a problem for the regeneration of the serotinous lodgpole pine especially in forests at higher elevation where soil temperature is limiting. In the past, these forests have commonly been harvested using full-tree harvesting where trees are processed at roadside; however, recently cut-to-length harvesting has become a more frequent harvesting method. In cut-to-length harvesting the harvested trees are processed in the block, as a result slash accumulation is much higher on these cutblocks. In an experimental field trial, the cone distribution, natural lodgepole pine regeneration, and the growth and establishment of planted lodgepole pine were evaluated in response to slash load, drag scarification, and mounding after cut-to-length harvesting of high elevation lodgepole pine stands in the Rocky Mountains. Twelve sites were established, each contained six plots which were randomly assigned to six treatment combinations of two slash removal (slash and slash removed) and three mechanical soil preparation treatments (no soil preparation, drag scarifying, and mounding). The slash removal reduced slash volume by more than 50% but also reduced the number of lodgepole pine cones available for regeneration by over 33%. However, soil mechanical treatments offset this effect as fewer cones were necessary to achieve high natural pine regeneration densities. Drag scarification of plots resulted in 12 times the number of pine seedlings compared to the non-prepared plots. Although slash removal did not have an effect on the number of naturally regenerated lodgepole pine seedlings, it had a positive effect on their growth performance. Conversely, planted pine seedlings had lower mortality and better growth in soils that had been mechanically prepared and had the slash removed; however, the growth effects became only apparent 4 years after planting. While slash removal and mechanical soil preparation did increase soil temperatures; the slash removal treatment had a more transient effect on soil temperatures than soil preparation. Differences in soil temperature decreased over time which appeared to be mostly driven by a warming of the soils in the plots with no soil preparation, likely a result of the decomposition of the finer slash and feathermosses. Overall, it appears that surface disturbance on these high elevation sites had a far greater effect on lodgepole pine regeneration and growth than the increased accumulation of slash as a result of cut-to-length harvesting.  相似文献   

The influence of woody and herbaceous plant competition, either alone or in combination, on microclimate and growth of planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) seedlings was examined over four consecutive growing seasons in a central Ontario clearcut. Treatments that manipulated the comparative abundance of these two plant functional groups significantly affected light availability, soil moisture, and air and soil temperature regimes. These microclimate alterations, coupled with the relative competitiveness of herbaceous and woody vegetation, corresponded to temporal changes in vegetation cover and dominance. The more rapid colonization and growth of the herbaceous plant community, dominated by bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) and ericaceous shrubs (Kalmia sp., Vaccinium sp.), resulted in this form of vegetation being a comparatively important early competitor for soil moisture. As the woody plant community, dominated by naturally regenerated trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), grew in height and leaf area, it became a comparatively strong competitor for both light and soil moisture. For all vegetation treatments combined, white pine seedling growth responses were strongly correlated with total cover of competing vegetation and its relative influence on above- and belowground microclimatic variables. Higher total cover of competing vegetation was generally associated with lower light and soil moisture availability and cooler soil temperatures. Multiple regression analyses indicated that pine seedling relative height growth increased with soil moisture content and growing season soil heat sum, while seedling relative diameter and relative volume growth increased with light availability.  相似文献   

The composition and structure of vegetation within riparian buffers prior to, and immediately post-harvesting in a managed radiata pine (Pinus radiata D.Don) forest is described and compared with riparian buffers in residual adjoining native forest on the Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. One hundred and twenty-one species (71% native) representing life forms from grasses to trees were recorded. The highest species richness, including both native and adventive (non-native) species, was found in riparian buffers in the post-harvest and native reference sites which had 18–25 species per site. Riparian buffers in mature pine plantations contained a mix of native species that was generally similar to, and not significantly reduced in species richness, from the reference native forest. Native species comprised 82–92% of the total cover in mature pre-harvest sites (irrespective of riparian width), and 99.8% in native reference sites. Compared with native forest the principal difference was a reduction of total cover in the upper tiers (5–12 m), and some increase in cover in the lower tiers. Adventive species in post-harvest sites comprised 16–67% of the total cover and were most frequently found in riparian areas highly disturbed by recent harvesting of the pines, particularly where riparian buffers were narrow or absent. Invasion by light-demanding adventives is expected to be temporary and most species are likely to be shaded out as the new rotation of pine trees develops. Radiata pine plantations in Whangapoua Forest can provide suitable conditions for the development of riparian buffer zones that will become dominated by native species, similar in richness and structure to neighbouring native forest.  相似文献   

Success of plantation establishment depends on the ability of seedlings to withstand animal browsing and competition from vegetation. This study in northwestern Tunisia examined the influence of browsing protection and vegetation control on seedling mortality, diameter, and height growth components of an evergreen sclerophyllous oak species, cork oak (Quercus suber L.) for the first 2 years after planting (2005 and 2006). Browsing protection was controlled by varying both treeshelter type (non-vented, vented, and control) and height (1.2-m and 1.8-m tall). Competing vegetation was controlled through increasing sizes of square-shaped black polyethylene mulch sheets: 0 m, 0.7 m, 1 m and 1.3 m large. Seedling mortality rate was relatively low during the first year (9%) and was not affected by any of the studied factors. During the following year, mortality was lower for seedlings in both types (non-vented and vented) of 1.2-m tall treeshelters than for unsheltered ones. Mortality was only slightly higher for 1.8-m tall shelters than for 1.2-m shelters. Compared to unsheltered seedlings, basal diameter was reduced during both seasons for seedlings inside non-vented treeshelters (1.2-m and 1.8-m tall), whereas for vented shelters it was reduced during the first year and then increased during the second year. Height growth was positively affected by tree shelters during both years. Seedlings inside non-vented 1.8-m tall shelters were the tallest having an average height of up to 140 cm at the end of the second year, while the unsheltered seedlings had only an average height of up to 42 cm. The greater height of the sheltered seedlings was attributed to the increase of: (1) the number of shoot flushes yearly established on the main stem (up to three), and (2) the length of all the growth units produced during each flush. Seedlings inside vented shelters had balanced growth with a low proportion of seedlings unable to support themselves without a stake (7%). However, non-vented shelters had unbalanced height and diameter growths resulting in both a higher height-to-diameter ratio and in a higher proportion of seedlings having stability problems (47%). Polyethylene mulch sheets did not affect early survival, seedling basal diameter, or number of shoot flushes established yearly, but did slightly improve seedling height at the end of the second season, mostly due to the significant improvement in shoot elongation of the first flush. Results suggest that both 1.8 m treeshelters and plastic mulches may enhance the growth of cork oak seedlings planted on harsh sites in northwestern Tunisia.  相似文献   

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