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Detailed chemical maps of the lunar surface have been constructed by applying a new weighted-filter imaging technique to Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 x-ray fluorescence data. The data quality improvement is amply demonstrated by (i) modes in the frequency distribution, representing highland and mare soil suites, which are not evident before data filtering and (ii) numerous examples of chemical variations which are correlated with small-scale (about 15 kilometer) lunar topographic features.  相似文献   

The optical characteristics (intensity, polarization, spectrum, and albedo) of the moon surface are compared with those of rock and meteorite powders. The only materials whose optical properties match those of the lunar surface are basic rocks containing lattice iron but little or no free iron, and then only after irradiation of these rocks by a simulated solar wind. Optical properties of chondritic meteorite powders differ from those of the moon in significant respects. The lunar crust is probably not chondritic, but is similar in composition to terrestrial iron-rich basalts. These results are independent of those from the Surveyor V alpha-scattering experiment and, in addition, provide a basis for extrapolating the Surveyor V analysis to other areas of the moon. The Surveyor V experiment has thus confirmed the value of earth-based optical techniques for the study of the structure and composition of the surfaces of other planets.  相似文献   

Jaffe LD 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1969,164(3887):1514-1516
The relation of the density of the lunar surface layer to depth is probably best determined from spacecraft measurements of the bearing capacity as a function of depth. A comparison of these values with laboratory measurements of the bearing capacity of low-cohesion particulate materials as a function of the percentage of solid indicates that the bulk density at the lunar surface is about 1.1 grams per cubic centimeter and that it increases nearly linearly to about 1.6 grams per cubic centimeter at a depth of 5 centimeters.  相似文献   

For typical solar wind conditions, lunar magnetic anomalies with dipole moments m > 5 x 10(13) gauss-cubic centimeters will strongly deflect the solar wind, producing local plasma voids at the lunar surface. The correlation of the largest observed anomalies (m approximately 10(16) gauss-cubic centimeters) with unusual, relatively high albedo surface features may therefore imply that solar wind ion bombardment is an important determinant of the optical properties of the lunar surface.  相似文献   

The ability of the lunar surface to support statically the Luna 9 copsule indicates that the surface can bear at least 5 x 10(3) dyne per square centimeter (10(-1) lb/in.(2)). Analysis of the landing dynamics, using available data, gives a lower bound of about 1 to 2 x 10(5) dyne/cm(2), but this estimate may not be conservative because of uncertainties regarding the shock-absorbing system used and the direction of the velocity vector at impact.  相似文献   

Evidence indicates that Apollo 17 sample 74001, a soil consisting of very dark spheres, is composed almost entirely of the dark mantling material that covers a large region of the southeastern boundary of Mare Serenitatis. Other Apollo 17 samples contain only a component of this material. The underlying basalt in the Taurus-Littrow valley appears to be an extension of material forming the low-albedo ring around part of Mare Serenitatis and much of the surface of Mare Tranquillitatis. The surface of this basalt region is spectrally distinct from areas with dark mantling material. These results are derived fromn telescopic and laboratory measurements of the optical properties of lunar soil. Digital vidicon color images are used to map the extent of these material units in the Taurus-Littrow region.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray spectrometers on the Apollo 15 and Apollo 16 missions have been used to map the moon's radioactivity over 20 percent of its surface. The highest levels of natural radioactivity are found in Mare Imbrium and Oceanus Procellarum with contrastingly lower enhancements in the eastern maria. The ratio of potassium to uranium is higher on the far side than on the near side, although it is everywhere lower than commonly found on the earth.  相似文献   

The magnetometer and electron reflectometer experiment on the Lunar Prospector spacecraft has obtained maps of lunar crustal magnetic fields and observed the interaction between the solar wind and regions of strong crustal magnetic fields at high selenographic latitude (30 degreesS to 80 degreesS) and low ( approximately 100 kilometers) altitude. Electron reflection maps of the regions antipodal to the Imbrium and Serenitatis impact basins, extending to 80 degreesS latitude, show that crustal magnetic fields fill most of the antipodal zones of those basins. This finding provides further evidence for the hypothesis that basin-forming impacts result in magnetization of the lunar crust at their antipodes. The crustal magnetic fields of the Imbrium antipode region are strong enough to deflect the solar wind and form a miniature (100 to several hundred kilometers across) magnetosphere, magnetosheath, and bow shock system.  相似文献   

Lunar seismic data from artificial impacts recorded at three Apollo seismometers are interpreted to determine the structure of the moon's interior to a depth of about 100 kilomneters. In the Fra Mauro region of Oceanus Procellarum, the moon has a layered crust 65 kilometers thick. The seismic velocities in the upper 25 kilometers are consistent with those in lunar basalts. Between 25 and 65 kilometers, the nearly constant velocity (6.8 kilometers per second) corresponds to velocities in gabbroic and anorthositic rocks. The apparent velocity is high (about 9 kilometers per second) in the lunar mantle immediately below the crust.  相似文献   

The lunar maria are considered to have evolved as homologous, transient, gravity-wave systems from large impact craters on a crustal layer 50 kilometers thick, fluidized from beneath by prompt, shock-induced melting inside an initially hot moon.  相似文献   

The lunar atmosphere is the likely source of excess argon-40 in lunar surface material; about 8.5 percent of the argon-40 released into the lunar atmosphere will be implanted in the surface material by photoionization and subsequent interaction with fields in the solar wind. The atmosphere is also likely to be the source of other unexpected surface elements or of solar wind elements that impact from non-solar wind directions.  相似文献   

The carbon concentration in Apollo 11 lunar fine material is of the order of 200 ppm. By far the largest single amount of this carbon appears to be in carbon monoxide. Some of this seems to be in the form of gas bubbles in the glass spheres, but most of it could be in some complex form other than gas. This result would be consistent with the idea that most of the fines passed through a high temperature and that the carbon was oxidized by mineral oxides at that time.  相似文献   

Impact has been an important rock-forming process on the moon. Electron- and ion-probe analyses of major and minor elements show that most glasses and chondrule-like particles formed by shock melting of various proportions of mainly pyroxene, plagioclase, and ilmenite. This is the first direct evidence that chondrule-like molten droplets can form in impact events. Welding and shock lithification resulted in rocks texturally similar to chondrites but composition rules out the moon as source for chondrites. Impact craters on a nickel-iron sample evidence the importance of secondary impacts by accelerated lunar matter.  相似文献   

Elemental abundances of major (Ti, Al, Fe, and Ca), minor (Na, Mn, and Cr), and trace elements [14 rare-earth elements (REE), Y, In, Cd, Rb, Cs, Ba, Co, and Sc] in lunar anorthosites separated from Apollo 11 sample 10085 coarse fines have been determined by means of instrumental and radiochemical neutron activation analysis. The REE distribution pattern of lunar anorthosites, relative to ordinary chondrites, has a positive Eu anomaly. On the assumption that (i) the lunar composition is similar to that of ordinary chondritic meteorites low in total Fe ( approximately 13 percent); (ii) lunar anorthosites are derived from highland cratering events and are representative of the highlands; and (iii) the moon differentiated into olivine, hypersthene, and basaltic and anorthositic phases, and plagioclase crysstallization began after approximately 93 percent solidification, then mass balance calculations yield approximately 30-kilometer and approximately 10-kilometer thicknesses for the lunar highlands for the melting and chemical differentiation of the entire moon and of the upper 200 kilometers, respectively. Corresponding thicknesses of the basaltic basement rocks were approximately 5 kilometers and approximately 2 kilometers, respectively. Alternatively, if the anorthosites of this study are representative of the highlands and the onset of plagioclase crystallization occurred after approximately 50 percent solidification of the initially melted moon, calculations with REE and Ba partition coefficients suggest that the REE and Ba abundances in the primeval moon were similar to those observed in basaltic achondrites.  相似文献   

Lunar soil: size distribution and mineralogical constituents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The lunar soil collected by Apollo 11 consists primarily of submillimeter material and is finer in grain size than soil previously recorded photographically by Surveyor experiments. The main constituents are fine-grained to glassy rocks of basaltic affinity and coherent breccia of undetermined origin. Dark glass, containing abundant nickel-iron spheres, coats many rocks, mineral, and breccia fragments. Several types of homogeneous glass occur as fragments and spheres. Colorless spheres, probably an exotic component, are abundant in the fraction finer than 20 microns.  相似文献   

A study of absorption bands in simulated lunar glasses resulted in the discovery of a Ti(4+)-O(2-) charge transfer band at 0.26 micrometer and two Fe(2+)-Ti(4+) bands at 0.34 and 0.42 micrometer. These results indicate that the properties of lunar soil are somewhat affected by the glass content but are controlled by other factors.  相似文献   

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