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We observed the radio emission of Callisto with a three-element interferometer at the time of the 1973 opposition of Jupiter. Special care was taken to remove the residual, unresolved contribution from Jupiter itself in the antenna side lobes. The resulting disk temperature at a wavelength of 3.71 centimeters, assuming a radius of 2500+/-75 kilometers for Callisto, was 101 degrees +/-25 degrees K. This temperature is much more consistent with emission from a simple dielectric sphere than the considerably higher temnperatures that have been reported for wavelengths of 3.5 and 8.2 millimeters.  相似文献   

Observations of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) at 2695 megahertz reveal more detail than do earlier measurements at lower frequency. The region is highly confused but there is apparently a more dense clustering of sources within the optical outline of the galaxy than without. One source (OA33) near M31 has an interesting. flat spectrum.  相似文献   

Zisk SH 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1966,153(3740):1107-1109
Maps have been made of the 2-centimeter brightness distribution of M17, Cassiopeia-A, Taurus-A, and Orion nebula with a resolution of 2.3 minutes of arc, revealing several newly resolved features. M17 is a double thermal source. Some structure appears in Cassiopeia-A, including a suggestion of a ring shape. Taurus-A exhibits a brightness map similar to that obtained in earlier low-frequency results. The central part of Orion nebula is circularly symmetric to a high degree of accuracy.  相似文献   

Plasma measurements were obtained with the Galileo spacecraft during an approximately 3.5-hour interval in the vicinity of Venus on 10 February 1990. Several crossings of the bow shock in the local dawn sector were recorded before the spacecraft passed into the solar wind upstream from this planet. Although observations of ions of the solar wind and the postshock magnetosheath plasmas were not possible owing to the presence of a sunshade for thermal protection of the instrument, solar wind densities and bulk speeds were determined from the electron velocity distributions. A magnetic field-aligned distribution of hotter electrons or ;;strahl' was also found in the solar wind. Ions streaming into the solar wind from the bow shock were detected. Electron heating at the bow shock, 相似文献   

Observations of Venus made during 1967 and 1968 at a frequency of 15.4 gigahertz set an upper limits of 5 percent for the variation of brightness temperature with phase. This negative result appears to contradict earlier detections of a phase effect. By comparison with Virg A (3C 274), which has an assumed flux density of 29 x 10(-26) watt per square meter per hertz, the brightness temperature of Venus at this frequency is 485 + 60, -40 degrees K (mean error).  相似文献   

Observations of the Galilean satellites with the radar system at the Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, show that their surfaces are highly diffuse scatterers of radio waves of length 12.6 centimeters; spectra of the radar echoes are asymmetric and broad. The geometric radar albedos for the outer three satellites-0.42 +/- 0.10, 0.20 +/- 0.05, and 0.09 +/- 0.02 for Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, respectively-show about the same relative decreases as do the optical albedos, although the latter presumably bear only on material much nearer the surface. Radii of 1420 +/- 30, 2640 +/- 80, and 2360 +/- 70 kilometers for Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto were determined from the radar data and are in good agreement with the corresponding optically derived values. Io, observed successfully only once, appears to have an albedo comparable to Ganymede's, but no radius was estimated for it.  相似文献   

The radius of Venus has been determined from radar-range data taken at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's Goldstone facility. A simultaneous intergration of the equations of motion of the solar-system fit to this time-delay data gave a value of 6053.7 +/- 2.2 kilometers. A discussion of other Venusian radius determinations is made.  相似文献   

The Pioneer Venus orbiter gamma burst detector is an astrophysics experiment for monitoring cosmic gamma-ray bursts. It is included in this planetary mission to provide a long baseline for accurately locating the sources ofthese bursts in order to identify them with specific astronomical objects. Responses to 14 gammaray burst events were examined; these events were verified from data acquired by other systems. Preliminary locations are proposed for three events, based on data from the Pioneer Venus orbiter, ISEE C, and Vela spacecraft. These locations will be improved, and additional locations will be determined by including in the analyses data from Helios B and the Russian Venera 11, Venera 12, and Prognoz 7 spacecraft.  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus orbiter dual-frequency radio occultation measurements have produced many electron density profiles of the nightside ionosphere of Venus. Thirty-six of these profiles, measured at solar zenith angles (chi) from 90.60 degrees to 163.5 degrees , are discussed here. In the "deep" nightside ionosphere (chi > 110 degrees ), the structure and magnitude of the ionization peak are highly variable; the mean peak electron density is 16,700 +/- 7,200 (standard deviation) per cubic centimeter. In contrast, the altitude of the peak remains fairly constant with a mean of 142.2 +/- 4.1 kilometers, virtually identical to the altitude of the main peak of the dayside terminator ionosphere. The variations in the peak ionization are not directly related to contemporal variations in the solar wind speed. It is shown that electron density distributions similar to those observed in both magnitude and structure can be produced by the precipitation on the nightside of Venus of electron fluxes of about 108 per square centimeter per second with energies less than 100 electron volts. This mechanism could very likely be responsible for the maintenance of the persistent nightside ionosphere of Venus, although transport processes may also be important.  相似文献   

The Pioneer Venus electric field detector observes significant effects of the interaction of the solar wind with the ionosphere of Venus all along the orbiter trajectory. Information is obtained on plasma oscillations emitted by suprathermal electrons beyond the bows shock, on sharp and diffuse shock structures, and on waveparticle interaction phenomena that are important near the boundary of the dayside ionosphere.  相似文献   

Jurgens RF 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1968,162(3860):1388-1390
Spectrum analysis of radar waves backscattered from an anulus near the limb of Venus shows that a uniform scattering model applies over regions extending from the equator to within approximately 15 degrees of the poles. These observations indicate that large polar ice caps extending to latitudes as low as 60 degrees are very unlikely.  相似文献   

Apt J  Goody R 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1979,203(4382):785-787
An image of the infrared emission from the Earth-facing hemisphere of Venus was obtained at the time the Pioneer Venus probes penetrated the atmosphere. The thermal structure of the atmosphere at the 85-millibar level included regions of rapidly varying polar features, a solar-related postdawn warm area, and a nonsolar-fixed nighttime warm area. The probes succeeded in entering each of these three thermal regions.  相似文献   

Initial observations by the Pioneer Venus mangnetometer in the sunlit ionosphere reveal a dynamic ionosphere, very responsive to external solar-wind conditions. The localtions of the bow shock and ionosphere are variable. The strength of the magnetic field just olutside the ionopause is in approximate pressure balance with the thermal plasma of the ionosphere and changes markedly from day, to day in response to changes in solar wind pressure. The field strength in the ionosphere is also variable from day to day. The field is often weak, at most a few gammas, but reaching many tens of gammas for periods of the order of seconds. These field enchantments are interpreted as due to the passage of spacecraft through flux ropes consisting of bundles of twisted field lines surrounded by the ionospheric plasma. The helicity of the flux varies through the flux tube, with lows pitch angles on the inside and very lage angles in the low-field outer edges of the ropes. These ropes may have external or internal sources. Consistent with previous results, the average position of the bow shock is much closer to the planet than would be expected if the solar wnd were completely deflected by the planet. In total, these observations indicate that the solar wind plays a significant role in the physics of the Venus ionosphere.  相似文献   

Initial observations by the Pioneer Venus magnetometer on the nightside of Venus frequently reveal moderately strong fields from 20 to 30 nanoteslas. However, there is little evidence that thesefields arise from an internal dynamo since they are mainly horizontal and vary from orbit to orbit. Determining a precise upper limit to the intrinsic moment awaits further processing. This limit is expected to be much less than 10(22) gauss-cubic centimeters.  相似文献   

Near-infrared images of Venus, obtained from a global network of ground-based observatories during January and February 1990, document the morphology and motions of the night-side near-infrared markings before, during, and after the Galileo Venus encounter. A dark cloud extended halfway around the planet at low latitudes (>+/-40 degrees ) and persisted throughout the observing program. It had a rotation period of 5.5 +/- 0.15 days. The remainder of this latitude band was characterized by small-scale (400 to 1000 kilometers) dark and bright markings with rotation periods of 7.4 +/- 1 days. The different rotation periods for the large dark cloud and the smaller markings suggests that they are produced at different altitudes. Mid-latitudes (+/-40 degrees to 60 degrees ) were usually occupied by bright east-west bands. The highest observable latitudes (+/-60 degrees to 70 degrees ) were always dark and featureless, indicating greater cloud opacity. Maps of the water vapor distribution show no evidence for large horizontal gradients in the lower atmosphere of Venus.  相似文献   

An objective grating spectrometer on Mariner 10 has measured air-glow in the wavelength range 200 to 1700 angstroms. The data reveal the presence of significant concentrations of hydrogen, helium, carbon, and oxygen atoms in the upper atmosphere of Venus. A preliminary analysis of the hydrogen data indicates an exospheric temperature of 400 degrees K. There is evidence for intense air-glow emission at wavelengths longward of 1350 angstroms; the nature of this emission is unclear, but the radiation is spatially extensive and detectable on both day and night sides of the planet.  相似文献   

Radar observations of Icarus were made in mid-June 1968, at the time of closest approach. From the data, it is estimated that the radius is between 0.3 and 0.6 kilometer and the rotation period between 1.5 and 3.3 hours. A set of round-trip Doppler shift measurements is given.  相似文献   

We have detected the neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) emission line at a cosmologically significant distance [redshift (z) = 0.18] in the rich galaxy cluster Abell 2218 with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. The HI emission originates in a spiral galaxy 2.0 h65(-1) megaparsecs from the cluster core. No other significant detections have been made in the cluster, suggesting that the mechanisms that remove neutral gas from cluster galaxies are efficient. We infer that fewer than three gas-rich galaxies were accreted by Abell 2218 over the past 10(9) years. This low accretion rate is qualitatively consistent with low-density cosmological models in which clusters are largely assembled at z > 1.  相似文献   

Initial results of observations of the solar wind interaction with Venus indicate that Venus has a well-defined, strong, standing bow shock wave. Downstream from the shock, an ionosheath is observed in which the compressed and heated postshock plasma evidently interacts directly with the Venus ionosphere. Plasma ion velocity deflections observed within the ionosheath are consistent with flow around the blunt shape of the ionopause. The ionopause boundary is observed and defined by this experiment as the location where the ionosheath ion flow is first excluded. The positions of the bow shock and ionopause are variable and appear to respond to changes in the external solar wind pressure. Near the terminator the bow shock was observed at altitudes of approximately 4600 to approximately 12,000 kilometers. The ionopause altitutde ranged fromn as low as approximately 450 to approximately 1950 kilometers. Within the Venus ionosphere low-energy ions (energy per untit charge < 30 volts) were detected and have been tentatively idtentified as nonflowing ionospheric ions incident from a direction along the spacecraft velocity vector.  相似文献   

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