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Researchers at France's giant biomedical research agency, INSERM, are rejoicing over a 16% hike in the organization's research budget for 2001. The windfall, announced by INSERM director-general Claude Griscelli last week, is the biggest such increase since 1983.  相似文献   

Marshall E 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,290(5497):1662-1663
How often does scientific misconduct occur? There seems to be no consensus on the answer, although a range of estimates were presented at a conference called last month by a key federal watchdog agency to announce a $1 million grants program to investigate the prevalence of fraud, data fabrication, plagiarism, and other questionable practices in science. The 8-year-old Office of Research Integrity hopes to support studies gauging the frequency of misconduct and assessing efforts to raise ethical standards.  相似文献   

Last week, the U.S. Congress approved a 14.2% increase for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), to a record $20.3 billion, keeping the agency on track to double its budget by 2003. The 15 December vote essentially upheld a funding deal that lawmakers had sealed on 29 October with a red wine toast, overcoming last-minute opposition from fiscal conservatives who sought to freeze budgets at existing levels.  相似文献   

The House and Senate are working out a final 2001 budget plan that should leave NASA with a small increase over this year. But the increase will be more than swallowed up by projects costing hundreds of millions of dollars that politicians have added to satisfy their constituents. At the same time, rising mission costs in the wake of two recent Mars failures are forcing agency officials to steal money from lower priority efforts such as a trip to Pluto. The two trends, warn NASA and science community officials, could prove devastating to NASA's space science efforts.  相似文献   

《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1974,183(4127):832
Within the scientific community there seem to be at least two schools of thought as far as the federal budget is concerned. One holds that more money would be made available for research if only spokesmen for research could gain access to high government officials. The other view is that the research budget of the United States reflects well-considered policy and cannot be changed by friendly persuasion. Rashi Fein, professor of the economics of medicine at Harvard Medical School, believes the latter. He expressed his point of view recently in an address before the American Public Health Association. His remarks were directed to last year's budget but apply equally to the President's budget for fiscal 1975. Excerpts from his talk, "The new national health spending policy-who pays and who gets?" follow.  相似文献   

It is widely assumed that variations in Earth's radiative energy budget at large time and space scales are small. We present new evidence from a compilation of over two decades of accurate satellite data that the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) tropical radiative energy budget is much more dynamic and variable than previously thought. Results indicate that the radiation budget changes are caused by changes in tropical mean cloudiness. The results of several current climate model simulations fail to predict this large observed variation in tropical energy budget. The missing variability in the models highlights the critical need to improve cloud modeling in the tropics so that prediction of tropical climate on interannual and decadal time scales can be improved.  相似文献   

Traditional forms of farming, herding, and fishing are remarkably adapted to African conditions but these traditional approaches are being overtaken by modern pressures, particularly population growth. According to a report published by the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), a nonpartisan analytical support agency of the U. S. Congress, one promising way to help African farmers and herders would be for development assistance organizations to focus more attention on the various forms of low-resource agriculture that predominate in Africa. In keeping with OTA's mission and primary audience, “Enhancing Agriculture in Africa: A Role for U. S. Development Assistance” (1988) is a policy-oriented synthesis of available technical information. The report provides Congress with a range of options that, if pursued, could help Africans enhance agriculture, increase their food security, and improve their lives. This paper is drawn from the larger OTA report, and it focuses on the role technology might play in enhancing low-resource agriculture. Readers should see the full assessment (OTA, 1988) for more information on policy considerations; the specific technologies mentioned; or a complete list of advisory panel members, workshops and participants, and commissioned papers. OTA's report comes at a critical time: for a variety of reasons—ranging from changing values to increased budget constraints—U. S. foreign assistance policy is undergoing a fundamental reevaluation. This review of the potential of low-resource agriculture, and options the United States might pursue to enhance this approach, was intended to aid in this reevaluation.  相似文献   

2023年我国全面实施预算管理一体化,科研事业单位作为预算管理一体化的重要组成部门,有效推动了资金管理的规范化和科学化,提高了财务管理与资金使用效率,但同时也对财务管理尤其是预算编制、项目核算和信息化建设等工作提出了新要求新挑战。文章总结了预算管理一体化带来的有利影响,剖析了实施预算管理一体化面临的新挑战,在此基础上,研究提出了进一步做好预算管理一体化工作的对策建议,以期为科研事业单位全面顺利推进预算管理一体化提供参考。  相似文献   

基于加快预算执行进度的分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文以加快预算执行进度为切入点,介绍了各级主管部门采取刚性措施加快预算执行的情况,重点分析了预算执行中存在的主要问题,如预算执行不到位,结余资金比例较大;预算执行不够严格规范;一些部门及所属单位违反财经制度规定等,指出了造成这些问题的主客观原因。最后,文章提出了加强预算执行管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

在校园二级管理模式下,校级教务部门主要着眼于全局,具体的教学事务则是由学院教务办公室负责,这就使得院级教务工作出现了新特点。本文就我校二级管理模式试行近一年时间来,学院教务工作中面临的新问题谈谈如何提高学院教务办公室的工作成效。  相似文献   

本阐述了高校党委办公室,校长办公室在新形势下合并的必要性,并对合并之后办公室工作职能的调整与提高整体运行效率的措施提出建议。  相似文献   

对Microsoft Office面向对象的技术环境进行了系统的研究,并利用功能强大的VBScript脚本语言,实现了在信息技术基础教学辅助系统中,针对Office系列操作进行自动评价并记分的简易方法。  相似文献   

省级农业科研单位政府采购预算管理问题与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合福建省农业科学院政府采购预算管理的实际情况,针对省级农业科研单位政府采购预算管理存在的政府采购预算与部门预算不同步、采购预算政策重视程度不够、采购预算管理和财政支出计划脱节等问题,从推进采购预算编制改革、建章立制、完善政府采购预算的编制制度等方面提出相应的对策,以期促进省级农业科研单位政府采购预算管理工作顺利进行。  相似文献   

童莉莉  吴万盛  孙志亮 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(16):4105-4105,4118
从预算准确性的根源着手,分析预算不准确对企业产生的不良影响,并从激励与约束2个方面提出解决预算准确性问题的对策。  相似文献   

表见代理是我国民法中一项重要的民事法律制度,其构成要件早在《合同法》的起草过 程中就产生了两种学说,现在法律对于表见代理的构成要件中是否应当考虑被代理人可归责性 因素仍然留白。随着市场交易的快速发展,交易安全的考虑越来越受到人们的重视,表见代理的 案例也逐渐增多,表见代理制度本身的缺陷也随之显现,为弥补缺陷应当将被代理人的可归责性 因素加入到其构成要件之中且应参照风险归责的标准予以判断。  相似文献   

通过对财政预算体制改革的思考,研究其对农业科研事业单位会计制度的影响及如何加强管理,提高单位预算编制水平和使用的效益。  相似文献   

2016 年10 月份中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅联合印发了农村土地实行“三权分置” 的文件。十九大报告中明确要求,应该持续健全承包地“三权”分置制度。它在一定程度上加快 了农村地区的土地流转,深入改革农村土地制度,完善农村土地产权制度,稳步促进城乡融合发 展。然而它也受到了多种因素的制约和影响。应该深入地分析这些问题,并从理论层面提出相 应的解决路径和应对策略。希望这些内容能够起到抛砖引玉之效。  相似文献   

随着园林工程预算的越来越规范,传统的看图纸量图纸预算模式已远远不能适应规模化、规范化的用户需求和快速变化的市场.在此背景下产生了园林工程预算软件辅助预算的模式.预算软件模式本身的协同性对计算机协同园林工程预算提出了迫切要求,而CAD技术为实现协同预算技术提供了可能.  相似文献   

我国的预算会计是作为财政管理的重要工具,随着市场经济的建立、政府职能的转变,单位预算会计工作越来越重要.当前单位预算会计存在预算制度的绩效信息不充分等问题,必须要学习和利用先进的信息手段、加强单位的会计预算工作,促进电大事业发展,促进学习型社会的构建.  相似文献   

以2007~2010年我国A股上市公司为样本,分别从代理成本和代理效率的视角考察了高质量审计是否有助于提升负债的治理功效。研究发现:高质量审计与短期借款之间存在协同治理效应,该效应有助于提升代理效率但无助于降低代理成本;进一步地,高质量审计与短期借款之间的协同治理效应仅显著存在于金融发展水平高地区的上市公司中。此外,附加检验的结果显示,高质量审计有助于透过改进代理效率提升商业信用的治理功效且这一效应只在法治化程度较高地区的上市公司中存在。上述研究结论揭示了我国当前制度环境下高质量审计提升债务治理功效的路径及影响因素。  相似文献   

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