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利用1958-2010年逐年的12月和1月的NCEP/NCAR格点资料,分别对北半球太平洋和大西洋、欧亚大陆和北美大陆这2组区域的500 hPa高度场进行了奇异值(SVD)分解。结果表明院所选的2组区域太平洋和大西洋、欧亚大陆和北美大陆500 hPa的位势高度场存在协同变化的关系。当太平洋地区位势高度场偏高时,大西洋地区的位势高度场偏低,反之亦然。冬季的1月上述现象最为明显。上述现象在陆地上比海洋上明显,大洋上高纬度比低纬度明显。  相似文献   

In late December 1990, a new radio source appeared near the center of our galaxy rivaling the intensity of Sgr A(*) (the compact radio source at the galactic center). Following its first detection, the flux density of the galactic center transient (GCT) increased rapidly to a maximum 1 month later, and then declined gradually with a time scale of about 3 months. Surprisingly, the GCT maintained a steep radio spectrum during both its rising and decay phases. The neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption shows similar absorption to that in front of Sgr A(*); this indicates that the GCT lies near the galactic center. Furthermore, both HI and OH observations show an additional deep absorption at +20 kilometers per second with respect to the local standard of rest. Thus, the GCT is either embedded in or located behind a molecular cloud moving with that velocity. The cloud can be seen on infrared images. Its opacity is shown to be inadequate to conceal a supernova near the galactic center. It is argued that the GCT was probably transient radio emission from synchrotron-radiating plasma associated with an x-ray binary system.  相似文献   

Variations in the cadmium/calcium ratio of North Atlantic Deep Water are recorded in the fossil shells of benthic foraminifera. The oceanic distribution of cadmium is similar to that of the nutrients, hence the cadmium/calcium ratio in shells records temporal variations in nutrient distributions. Data from a North Atlantic sediment core show that over the past 200,000 years there has been a continuous supply of nutrient-depleted waters into the deep North Atlantic. The intensity of this source relative to nutrient-enriched southern waters diminished by about a factor of 2 during severe glaciations. This evidence combined with carbon isotope data indicates that the continental carbon inventory may have been less variable than previously suggested.  相似文献   

对2004年5月21日发生在江苏沿江苏南的1次冰雹过程的多普勒雷达资料进行了详细分析:结果表明:此次东北低涡形势下的多单体雹暴回波沿槽后西北气流方向移动,移动速度快,产生冰雹时回波强度强,顸高不是很高;在多普勒速度图上表现为在中小尺度范围内的速度梯度大,速度场和强度场的垂直配置提示回波强中心未来位置,冰雹指数产品对强对流天气预报具有很好的指导作用,  相似文献   

廖维敏  龙举 《安徽农业科学》2021,49(14):69-71,75
2019年12月对浙江马迹山附近进行水质、沉积物和海域生态环境现状(浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物和潮间带生物)进行调查研究.结果表明:水质除个别站位无机氮、活性磷酸盐外,其他站位及其他评价因子均符合第一类海水水质标准;沉积物质量保持在良好的水平,各监测指标(有机碳、硫化物、石油类、铜、铅、锌、镉)均符合第一类海洋沉积物质量标准.浮游植物40种,以硅藻门为主,占比77.50%;大型浮游动物30种,以桡足为主,占比50.00%;大型底栖生物8种,以多毛类为主,占比50.00%;潮间带生物12种,以软体动物为主,占比66.67%,种类和生物量较少.浮游植物、浮游动物、底栖生物、潮间带生物的生物多样性指数偏低.  相似文献   

High-resolution, continuous multivariate chemical records from a central Greenland ice core provide a sensitive measure of climate change and chemical composition of the atmosphere over the last 41,000 years. These chemical series reveal a record of change in the relative size and intensity of the circulation system that transported air masses to Greenland [defined here as the polar circulation index (PCI)] and in the extent of ocean ice cover. Massive iceberg discharge events previously defined from the marine record are correlated with notable expansions of ocean ice cover and increases in PCI. During stadials without discharge events, ocean ice cover appears to reach some common maximum level. The massive aerosol loadings and dramatic variations in ocean ice cover documented in ice cores should be included in climate modeling.  相似文献   

通过对我国高校大型图书馆馆舍的数量、分布、层高、主要库室开放时间、电子资源利用条件、读者准入制度等基本存在以及服务状况进行网络调查,探讨高校图书馆馆舍条件与流通阅览部门服务效果之间的关系。  相似文献   

不同颜色地板的视觉特性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
视觉物理量上,不同地板的色度学参数之间存在着较大差别.在L*a*b*色空间中,各种地板的L*值为35~70;红绿轴色品指数a*值为5~25;黄蓝轴色品指数b*值为20~35;色饱和度c*值的分布范围同黄蓝轴色品指数b*较为相似,为20~40;各种地板色调角Ag*的大小为0.9~1.4.在孟塞尔色空间,各种地板的明度V值为2.0~6.0,V值的大小顺序同L*值一致.各种地板色调H值为16~25,分布在Y和GY区间.色饱和度C值为6~18.采用实验心理学中的等级排列法制作顺序量表,再通过PZ转换,将原始测验分数转换成标准分数的方法,得到了各种地板视觉心理量等距量表.不同地板的视觉喜欢程度和视觉高档程度上均具有较大差别.视觉喜欢程度和视觉高档程度上的排序不完全一致,但基本相似.视觉心理量高档、喜欢与视觉物理量中红绿轴色品指数a*之间呈正相关,与明度以及色调之间成负相关,其中与明度值的相关程度相对较高.说明在人们心理上一般认为,明度越低,色调越红的地板越好.  相似文献   

2011年春天,中国台湾地区爆发"塑化剂风波",引发了两岸甚至整个东亚地区对食品安全的恐慌,并在短时期内演变成世界范围内的食品安全事件,可见其影响面的广泛。首先阐述"塑化剂事件"的原因,接着该事件的影响进行深入地分析,最终探讨减少"塑化剂事件"危害的合理对策。  相似文献   

本文研究了原木中心方材、原木边部和周边部分的地板条出材率,得出在考虑材质影响的条件下,可按中心方材的地板条净料出材率来确定木材消耗定额;同时,关于各种因素对木材消耗的影响,也进行了研究。  相似文献   

Ship-borne ozone (O3) measurements over the Atlantic Ocean during the period from 1977 to 2002 show that O3 trends in the northern mid-latitudes are small. In contrast, remarkably large O3 trends occur at low latitudes and in the Southern Hemisphere, where near-surface O3 has increased by up to a factor of 2. The likely cause is the substantial increase of anthropogenic emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) associated with energy use in Africa, which has added to NOx from biomass burning and natural sources.  相似文献   

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