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美国对猪尸体的处理方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国,不同类型的养猪场采用不同的尸体处理方法.小规模的养猪场对尸体主要采用场内处理,集团化的养猪企业和与其签约的合同猪场主要采用离场处理的方法.场内处理猪尸体时:沟埋法和焚烧法由于受限于严格的环保法规即将被淘汰;发酵法在美国不同区域使用效果有很大区别;个别猪场把尸体作为其他动物的饲料.离场处理猪尸体时:掩埋在短时间内出现的大量尸体时是一种不可缺少的处理方法;传统化制的方法因运输成本高,猪场往往采取冷藏、酸处理和发酵的方法进行集中保存后再运到化制中心处理;非传统化制法通过把尸体脱水、挤压和膨胀处理后转化为有价值的产品.  相似文献   

美国猪场尸体处理方法分析与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
动物尸体的合理处理有利于保护环境、控制疾病的传播、减少食品安全事件的发生以及促进畜牧业健康发展。美国小规模的养猪场对尸体主要采用场内处理,集团化的养猪企业和与其签约的合同猪场主要采用离场处理。论文通过对美国猪场尸体处理方法的介绍,并对其优缺点进行分析,以期为我国动物尸体尤其是猪尸体的处理提供参考。  相似文献   

猪场产生的猪粪、污水(猪尿和冲洗兰废水)以及动物屡战屡尸体等废弃物如何处理对环境不造成污染甚至变废为宝,综合利用、  相似文献   

近年来,各种动物疫病频频对人类构成威胁,影响公共卫生安全。一方面人们对病死畜禽肉的鉴别缺乏足够的知识,另一个主要原因是人们对病死动物尸体处理不规范造成的。当前,由于农村没有专门的病死动物尸体处理设施,有的养殖户动物死亡后将动物尸体随意抛弃,甚至有些养殖户为了减少损失,低价抛售病死动物。这种处理病死动物尸体的方式,一方面影响环境卫生,另一方面由于病毒细菌扩散甚至可能造成新的动物疫源。为此,将农村病死动物尸体统管起来,规范处理农村病死动物尸体,严厉打击各种经营病死畜禽的违法行为是各级政府和动物防疫监督部门工作的…  相似文献   

随着规模化养猪的发展,各类猪病呈现多发的趋势,不仅对养猪业造成了严重危害,还影响了广大人民群众的日常食品供应。病死猪尸体是病原微生物传播的重要媒介,做好病死猪尸体的处理工作能有效阻止各类疾病的传播。本文剖析了病死猪尸体无害化处理存在的问题,从焚烧、深埋和循环再利用等方面对规模化猪场病死猪尸体无害化处理措施进行了探讨,旨在提高规模化猪场病死猪尸体无害化处理水平。  相似文献   

猪场产生的猪粪、污水(猪尿和冲洗栏废水)以及动物尸体等废弃物如何处理对环境不造成污染甚至变废为宝,综合利用、发挥经济效益一直是困扰养猪业的问题。  相似文献   

北京市规模养殖场和散养户每天产生大量的动物尸体,随意处置现象时常发生,如何对这些动物尸体进行无害化处理,关系到食品安全、公共卫生安全、环境安全和畜牧业可持续发展,也是打造生态文明、建设都市型现代农业和世界城市非常重要的工作。本文针对当前国内动物尸体处理问题的现状,通过对不同动物尸体处理技术的优劣分析后发现,采用无害化处理机械技术相比于其他传统方法在杀灭病菌、保护环境、投资运行及产品再利用方面具有明显优势。处理物作为有机肥料总养分是普通有机肥的3倍,具有良好的经济效益,并对北京地区加强动物尸体无害化处理的问题提出了切实可行的应用建议。  相似文献   

<正>如何防止病死动物尸体和染疫动物尸体流入餐桌?3月31日,记者从省人大常委会获悉,在《湖南省实施〈中华人民共和国动物防疫法〉办法》的修订草案二次审议稿中,建议加大对动物尸体无害化处理的规范力度。二次审议稿鼓励采用科学方式对动物尸体进行无害化处理和资源性利用。无害化处理中心应将动物尸体的来源、数量、无害化处理方式和无害化处理后产品的销售情况详细  相似文献   

侯明权 《猪业科学》2013,(10):34-35
目前,涉及病死动物尸体处理的法律法规有《动物防疫法》、《病害动物和病害动物产品生物安全处理规程(GB 16548-2006)》、《病死及死因不明动物处置办法(试行)》等法律法规,以法律法规形式进一步规范了病死动物尸体处理,但实践中对病害动物尸体及其产品的无害化处理仍存在较多问题。1病死动物处理存在的问题1.1在法律法规层面存在的问题1.1.1现有规程存在空白《病害动物和病害动物产品生物安全处理规程》适用范围为国家规定的染  相似文献   

堆肥技术在病死猪无害化处理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堆肥法是利用高温发酵消灭动物尸体中的各种病菌,不仅能实现环境保护,而且能提供良好的有机肥,是美国一些地方农民比较常用的一种生物处理病死动物方式。文章从堆肥基地选址与建设、堆肥条件与设备需求、堆肥操作与管理等方面,对美国密苏里州病死猪无害化处理法相关技术进行介绍。  相似文献   

Establishment of a disposal plan for carcasses in advance is important for prevention of epidemics. A disposal plan for contaminated goods such as poultry carcasses infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus was studied in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan. We investigated all poultry farms with over 1,000 birds for their locations, species and numbers of birds, structure and size of poultry facilities and land spaces of the farms. Moreover, we judged whether they could dispose of all the carcasses at their farms. In 2005, 5.5 million layers and 2.7 million broilers were being kept. If HPAI had broken out, 44.0% of the farmers could bury all the carcasses, and 65.6% could compost them at their farms. However, 23.4% could not dispose of them except by burning them at incineration facilities. We decided to choose burning first for rapid disposal as long as the virus was not a pandemic type.  相似文献   

养猪场猪瘟净化技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在4个流行仔猪猪瘟半年以上的养猪场实施了初乳前猪瘟首免的方法,进一步证实了这种免疫方法的免疫可靠性。随后,建立了以实施初乳前首免、建立严格隔离检疫和消毒制度、淘汰可疑带病毒母猪、建立健康种猪群等技术措施为主要内容的猪瘟净化技术,并在一个连续多年经常散发或暴发猪瘟的某养猪场应用,经连续3年多的临床和实验室检测,未发现临床病猪和健康带毒猪。  相似文献   

谭莹  曾昉  李大胜 《中国猪业》2021,16(3):13-18
通过实践调查和案例分析,研究了环境规制政策和非洲猪瘟疫情下的广东省生猪养殖现状及面临的问题。调查发现,环境规制政策给养殖户带来了较大压力,污染处理导致养殖成本直接上升,经营变得困难。但是,环境规制也促使养殖户对环保更加重视,并在此过程中学习了新的粪便处理技术。受非洲猪瘟疫情影响,广东省生猪养殖行业加速去产能明显,给养猪业带来较大冲击,此外,非洲猪瘟疫情也使养殖户对疫病知识和疫病防控工作更加了解和重视。通过案例访谈对养殖场进行了深入了解,发现不同类型、不同规模养殖场在多重因素的影响下其应对处理方式均有所不同。最后,根据研究结论提出了相应政策建议。  相似文献   

Economic loss from transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) was estimated at $0.18 per hog marketed for the average Missouri Mail-in-Record swine panel producer in 1978. This cost was $0.19 per hog marketed in 1979. These estimates were averaged for all producers in the record system, those with TGE in their herds as well as TGE-free herds. Estimates were also prepared for those herds with TGE outbreaks. In 1978, the average loss due to TGE for producers who had the disease on their farms was estimated at $1.74 per hog marketed, or 18% of the average return earned above total production costs. In 1979, this cost was $1.25 per hog marketed, or 13% of the average return earned above total production costs.  相似文献   

The accepted paradigm of foreign animal disease preparedness in Canada, the emergency for which to prepare, starts with identification of the exotic viral agent in a Canadian farm animal population. This narrative focuses on the containment of the infectious agent, within diseased animals, on infected premises. Framing the emergency as a disease incursion limits rational imagination to only one version of one potential animal emergency. This framing of the problem directs the carcass disposal solutions to consider only methods to dispose of viral infected material. However, in all documented responses to catastrophic swine diseases in the past three decades, the number of uninfected animals caught up in movement control zones and killed greatly exceeds the number of infected animals killed. The temporary closures of slaughterhouses in spring 2020 due to COVID-19 transmission resulted in thousands of healthy market hogs surplus to market; an unanticipated emergency of healthy pigs. This paper proposes an alternate carcass disposal option for material from uninfected farms. “Excarnation by exposure” is a natural process of debulking and dehydrating carcasses by blow fly larvae, mitigating financial costs of final disposal. Excarnation by exposure is a reasonable and possibly necessary additional option for the management of uninfected carcasses in a catastrophic emergency response in commercial pigs.  相似文献   

The amylase and haemolytic tests recommended for the diagnosis of hog cholera were used on normal swine, hog cholera-infected swine, hog cholera-immune swine and swine with some other virus diseases. The results obtained show that these tests do not appear to be sufficiently reliable for specific laboratory diagnosis.  相似文献   

Regression analysis was used to determine the ability of a number of biological parameters to predict economic efficiency. Detailed feed, financial, and production records were maintained by a random sample of eighteen Prince Edward Island (PEI) swine producers (each producing over 1000 market hogs per year). Relative economic efficiency of the operations was measured using return to management and labor (RML). Of the routinely monitored biological parameters, RML on PEI farrow-finish operations was best predicted (R2 = 64.8%) by: marketed per square meter per year (p = 0.008) and marketed per sow per year (p = 0.096). Regression of fixed costs revealed that biological parameters had limited ability to predict fixed costs per hog on farrow-finish operations (R2 = 30.7%). The only parameter contributing to the prediction of the fixed cost component of RML was feeder hog density (p = 0.077). The variable cost component of RML on farrow-finish operations was predicted (R2 = 94.3%) by feed cost per kg gain (p = 0.000), and marketed per sow per year (p = 0.044). The routinely recorded biological parameters on feeder farms had only limited ability to predict RML in this study (R2 = 43.7%). The only parameter of any importance was marketed per square meter per year (p = 0.106). Prediction of the fixed cost component of RML on feeder farms (R2 = 67.4%) was best realized by measuring feeder hog density (p = 0.045). The variable cost component of RML on feeder farms was reasonably well predicted (R2 = 74.7%) by feed cost per kg gain (p = 0.012). Although this parameter is difficult to monitor from records currently maintained on most farms, it points out the need to monitor feed consumption on swine farms.  相似文献   

Blood samples were taken from 121 sows and gilts on 7 commercial piggeries located around Lusaka (Zambia). The samples tested negative for antibodies to Aujeszky's disease, transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE), swine influenza, hog cholera and brucellosis. Seventy-eight pigs from 5 farms had positive titres to porcine parvovirus. Eighteen sera showed positive titres to Leptospira celledoni.  相似文献   

福建部分地区猪肺炎双球菌感染调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2004-2005年对福建部分地区中、小猪表现呼吸困难和肺炎的41个猪场进行调查,并采集病料经实验室检查表明肺炎双球菌感染的有23个场,占56·1%,其中单一肺炎双球菌感染的有12个场,占29·3%;混合感染11例,占26·8%,其中混合感染巴氏杆菌5个场,混合感染猪链球菌、猪瘟、猪附红细胞体各2个场。发病与饲养方式、栏舍卫生密切相关。因肺炎双球菌的血清型复杂,治疗时应选择高敏抗菌药物,且不提倡配合使用解热镇痛类药物。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the annual cost of infections attributable to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus to US swine producers. DESIGN: Economic analysis. SAMPLE POPULATION: Data on the health and productivity of PRRS-affected and PRRS-unaffected breeding herds and growing-pig populations were collected from a convenience sample of swine farms in the midwestern United States. PROCEDURE: Health and productivity variables of PRRS-affected and PRRS-unaffected swine farms were analyzed to estimate the impact of PRRS on specific farms. National estimates of PRRS incidence were then used to determine the annual economic impact of PRRS on US swine producers. RESULTS: PRRS affected breeding herds and growing-pig populations as measured by a decrease in reproductive health, an increase in deaths, and reductions in the rate and efficiency of growth. Total annual economic impact of these effects on US swine producers was estimated at dollar 66.75 million in breeding herds and dollar 493.57 million in growing-pig populations. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: PRRS imposes a substantial financial burden on US swine producers and causes approximately dollar 560.32 million in losses each year. By comparison, prior to eradication, annual losses attributable to classical swine fever (hog cholera) and pseudorabies were estimated at dollar 364.09 million and dollar 36.27 million, respectively (adjusted on the basis of year 2004 dollars). Current PRRS control strategies are not predictably successful; thus, PRRS-associated losses will continue into the future. Research to improve our understanding of ecologic and epidemiologic characteristics of the PRRS virus and technologic advances (vaccines and diagnostic tests) to prevent clinical effects are warranted.  相似文献   

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