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Summary A total of 118 local cattle in the Sultanate of Oman were divided into three groups, one which received a trivalent inactivated foot-and-mouth disease vaccine, another which received attenuated tissue culture rinderpest vaccine and a third which received both vaccines simultaneously at separate sites on opposite sides of the neck. The serological response to vaccination was monitored at day 0,21 and 42 in virus neutralisation tests. The simultaneous administration of the two vaccines produced no ill effects and the serological responses did not differ significantly from the response to either vaccine given separately.
Resumen Un total de 118 bovinos en Oman se dividieron en tres grupos, recibiendo el primero una vacuna trivalente inactivada de aftosa, el segundo recibió una vacuna preparada en cultivos celulares y atenuada, recibiendo el tercer grupo ambas vacunas simultáneamente en el lado derecho e izquierdo de la tabla del cuello. La respuesta serológica a la vacunación se estudió los días 0,21 y 42 mediante la técnica de neutralización viral. La administración simultánea de las dos vacunas antes mencionadas, no produje efectos indeseables y la respuesta serológica no difirió significativamente de aquella obtenida mediante la aplicación de ambas vacunas en forma separada.

Résumé 118 bovins d’origine locale du Sultanat d’Oman ont été divisés en trois groupes: l’un a re?u un vaccin anti-aphteux trivalent, un autre le vaccin antibovipestique atténué sur cultures de tissu, le troisième les deux vaccins en même temps de part et d’autre du cou. La réponse sérologique à la vaccination a été évaluée aux jours 0,21 et 42 par des tests de séroneutralisation. L’administration simultanée des deux vaccins ne produit pas d’effet néfaste et les réponses sérologiques ne différent pas de manière significative de la réponse fournie par l’un des vaccins séparément.

Effect of Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) vaccination was studied on semen quality parameters of 19 Karan Fries (KF) and eight Murrah (MU) breeding bulls during the period 2002 to 2004 at Artificial Breeding Complex, NDRI, Karnal. A total of non-vaccinated 155 KF and 72 MU bulls' ejaculates were taken as control, while 169 KF and 51 MU bulls' ejaculates, collected after vaccination, were used to study the effect of vaccination stress. The results showed that FMD vaccination had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on ejaculate volume and total volume per day of semen in both KF and MU bulls. Volume of semen increased slightly during post-vaccination period in both the breeds. After FMD vaccination, there was significant (P < 0.01) decrease in mass activity (2.27 ± 0.06 vs. 1.67 ± 0.07 and 2.49 ± 0.09. vs. 1.75 ± 0.10, for KF and MU, respectively), initial motility (56.89 ± 0.03% vs. 44.62 ± 0.02% and 62.26 ± 0.04% vs. 47.08 ± 0.05%, for KF and MU, respectively), sperm concentration (754.19 ± 23.96 vs. 554.14 ± 22.95 × 106/ml and 848.61 ± 33.65 vs. 571.57 ± 39.99 × 106/ml, for KF and MU, respectively), and total sperm output per ejaculate (3,685.94 ± 158.40 vs. 2,781.54 ± 151.70 × 106 and 2,218.75 ± 133.14 vs. 1,582.84 ± 158.20 × 106, for KF and MU, respectively). Application of FMD vaccine had significantly (P < 0.05) adverse effect on most of the seminal attributes during post-vaccination in KF and MU buffalo bulls. So, the spermiograms affected following vaccination suggest that in bovines, the semen collection and preservation should be suspended till normal fertility of sperm is restored to avoid the failure of conception from artificial insemination using such semen.  相似文献   

To determine whether declining semen quality associated with health problems may be due to certain antibiotic or anti-inflammatory treatments, semen was collected 3 times per week for up to 42 d from 6 normal bulls after treatment with oxytetracycline, tilmicosin, dihydrostreptomycin, or phenylbutazone. No adverse effects on semen quality were observed.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence of cattle undergoing East Coast Fever (ECF) reactions of varying degrees of intensity was evaluated using the neutralising antibody response of these cattle to the vaccine response was found in animals undergoing severe ECF reactions. The results suggest that the massive lymphoid cell involvement of such severe ECF reactions diminishes the immune responsiveness of cattle to rinderpest vaccine.  相似文献   

Summary Results from analyses of baseline surveilance data on rinderpest are used for proposing an improved vaccination strategy against rinderpest in southern Sudan. Sera from 4,074 (47%) of the total sample of 8,565 cattle collected in a series of cross-sectional surveys in 400 cattle camps in the Bahr el Ghazal Province of southern Sudan were tested for rinderpest antibodies using the standard virus neutralisation test (VNT) technique: 77·4% were positive while 22·6% gave negative results. The data were cross-classified according to five variables: herd management, breed, age, sex and geographic region (grazing location). The percentage antibody-positivity level (taken as an approximation of past experience with rinderpest antigen and the corresponding prevalence ratio estimates of relative risk) for each variable are discussed within the context of the known characteristics of immunity to rinderpest in endemic areas and the husbandry practices of the cattle owners in the study area. Results suggest that rinderpest “hot-spots” of transmission and/or low level of herd immunity should be mapped out for concentrated efforts to vaccinate calves and young adults so that the high level of antibody-positivity observed in this study can be maintained and transmission permanently interrupted.
Resumen Se utilizaron los resultados del análisis de la información base de un reconocimiento epidemiológico de rinderpest, para proponer una estratégia de vacunación contra la enfermedad en el Sur de Sudán. Se analizaron 4074 (47%) sueros bovinos de una muestra de 8565 colectados en una serie de reconocimientos seccionales cruzados, realizados en 400 colonias ganaderas en la Provincia de Bahr el Ghazal situada en el Sur de Sudán; la prueba de laboratorio utilizada para detectar anticuerpos fue la de neutralización viral (PNV). De éstos, 77·4% fueron positivos mientras que 22·6% dieron resultados negativos. Los datos se clasificaron en forma cruzada, teniendo en cuenta cinco variables: Manejo del hato, raza, edad, sexo y región geográfica (lugar de pastoreo). Se discute el porcentaje del nivel de anticuerpos positivos (tomado como una aproximación de la experiencia pasada con el antígeno de rinderpest y el estimado del nivel de prevalencia correspondiente del riesgo relativo) para cada variable, dentro del contexto de las características conocidas de la inmunidad contra rinderpest en áreas endémicas y las prácticas de manejo de los propietarios del ganado en el área de estudio. Los resultados sugieren, que los lugares peligrosos que contienen rinderpest virulentos y/o lugares en donde existe el riesgo de transmisión de la enfermedad debido al bajo nivel de anticuerpos deben delimitarse, para así concentrar los esfuerzos hacia la vacunación de terneros y adultos jóvenes, de manera tal, que los altos niveles de anticuerpos observados en este estudio puedan mantenerse y la transmisión pueda interrumpirse permanentemente.

Résumé Les resultats de l'analyse des données d'une enquête sur la peste bovine ont permis de proposer une stratégie de lutte contre cette maladie au Sud-Soudan. Les anticorps bovipestiques ont été recherchés par la technique standard du test de neutralisation du virus (VNT) sur des sérums provenant de 4074 prélèvements (47 p. 100) effectués sur 8565 têtes de bétail issues de plusieurs enquêtes avec recoupements dans 400 campements pastoraux de la province de Bahr el Ghazal au Sud-Soudan. 74 p. 100 des résultats ont été positifs; 22, 6p. 100 ont été négatifs. Les données ont fait l'objet d'un classement croisé en fonction de cinq variables: mode de gestion du troupeau, race, age, sexe et région géographique (parcours pastoraux). Le niveau, en pourcentage, des anticorps positifs retenu comme moyen d'approximation entre l'expérience antérieure avec l'antigène bovipestique et l'estimation du taux d'incidence correspondant au risque relatif pour chaque variable, fait l'objet d'une discussion dans le contexte des caractéristiques communes de l'immunité contre la peste bovine pour les zones d'endémicité et les modes de gestion des troupeaux dans la zone étudiée. Les résultats suggèrent que les “points chauds” de tranmission et/ou les faibles taux d'immunité des troupeaux pourraient faire l'objet d'une carte comparative afin de concentrer les efforts de vaccination des veaux et des jeunes adultes pour maintenir le seuil élevé de positivité antigénique observé et interrompre la transmission permanente de la maladie.

Spermatogenesis in bulls (Bos indicus) indigenous to Nigeria, and the significance of Sertoli cell index (SCI) as a measure of testicular degeneration were studied. The mean testicular weights and dimensions were lower than reported forBos taurus breeds. The diameters of the seminiferous tubules were lower than reported forBos taurus, although within the same range. Inter-month and intra-month variations were highly significant (P<0.01). A mean annual spermatogenesis of 77.60% was reported. Active spermatogenesis was observed throughout the year, with a peak during the rainy season and extending toward the predry season. This was consistent with previous reports. Severe testicular degeneration was found to influence spermatogenesis. This was reflected in the decrease in SCI. Mild degeneration had no significant effect on spermatogenesis, and did not significantly change the SCI. The SCI was defined as the ratio of the number of germinal cells to the number of Sertoli cells in the same cross sections of tubules.  相似文献   

Testes were obtained from 34 Hereford or Angus bulls at about 1.5 yr of age and were used to investigate the relationship between the absolute number of Sertoli cells vs testicular size and daily spermatozoal production (DSP). Quantitative determination of DSP was based upon enumeration of elongated spermatids in testicular homogenates. The ratio of step 8 spermatids to Sertoli cells (S:SC) was established by direct counts of these cells in each of 20 round stage VIII seminiferous tubular cross sections for each bull. The number of Sertoli cells per paired testes was calculated as (total spermatids divided by S:SC)/.394, where total spermatids equalled the number of homogenization-resistant spermatids. The factor of .394 adjusted for the fact that the latter cells are present for only 39.4% of the spermatogenic cycle. All data were subjected to simple linear and second-order regression analyses. A positive linear relationship (P less than .005) was found between testicular weight (Y, in grams) and the absolute number of Sertoli cells per paired testes (X, in billions), which was characterized by the equation Y = 315.2 + 10.74X and a coefficient of correlation (r) of .56 (P less than .01). A similar relationship was observed between DSP (Y, in billions) and Sertoli cell numbers (X, in billions). This was characterized by the equation Y = 1.36 + .222X (P less than .005) and a coefficient of correlation of .70 (P less than .01). Daily sperm production was unrelated to the S:SC ratio (P greater than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The therapeutic efficacy of a Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis bacterin was determined in experimentally infected bulls. Ten of twelve 5-year-old Angus bulls became infected after being infused intrapreputially with C fetus subsp venerealis. Of the 10 bulls, 6 were vaccinated with 5 ml of C fetus subsp venerealis vaccine on 2 occasions 4 weeks apart. Preputial washings of the vaccinated bulls were culturally negative by the 8th week after primary vaccination. None of the 18 heifers exposed to the vaccinated bulls became infected. The 4 infected, nonvaccinated bulls remained culturally positive to C fetus (P less than 0.002), and each bull infected at least 1 heifer (P less than 0.001). Two noninfected, nonvaccinated bulls remained culturally negative and did not infect any heifer. The 4 infected, nonvaccinated bulls were then vaccinated. Two bulls remained infected 9 weeks after primary vaccination, as determined by the virgin heifer test and cultural examination of preputial washings. Serologic data from 7 sampling periods were different (P less than 0.001) for vaccinated vs nonvaccinated bulls at 4 (against K antigen) or 6 (against O antigen) weeks after primary vaccination. Vaccination was effective in eliminating the infection in most of the infected bulls, but cannot be recommended as the sole measure of control in infected herds.  相似文献   

The Central Laboratory of Animal Pathology of Bingerville (C?te-d'Ivoire) made an evaluation of post vaccinal immunity against rinderpest in 1990 and 1991 after the 1989 and 1990 national vaccination campaigns. The random sampling method was chosen to collect 6,020 sera in 255 places in 1990 and 3,301 sera in 158 places in 1991. ELISA analysis gave a standard positive rate of 82.39% +/- 0.08 in 1990 and 88.26 +/- 0.06% in 1991.  相似文献   

Unilateral orchiectomy was performed on 9 mature mixed-breed bulls with satisfactory semen quality to study the effect of the procedure on quality of semen from the contralateral testicle. Semen was collected by electroejaculation before surgery and on alternate days for 2 weeks, then once weekly for 8 weeks. Each sampling day, progressive motility and morphologic features of spermatozoa were determined, and scrotal thermograms were taken. The percentage of normal spermatozoa decreased significantly (P less than 0.05) only on postoperative day 6. Progressive motility scores varied but at the end of the study there was no significant difference from preoperative values. Scrotal thermography revealed inflammation in the contralateral side of the scrotum, beginning 3 days after surgery, but the thermograms were normal in most bulls by 3 weeks after surgery, and all thermograms were normal by 4 weeks.  相似文献   

Rinderpest antibodies were detected by employing the fluorescent antibody test (FAT) and the immunoperoxidase test (IPT) and the results were compared with the counterimmuno electrophoresis test (CIE). FAT was found to be the most sensitive in detecting post-vaccinal antibodies followed by IPT and CIE tests.  相似文献   

All animal diseases have the potential to affect human lives adversely by reducing the quantity and/or quality of food (meat, milk, etc.), secondary livestock products (hides, skins and fibres) and animal power (traction and transport). The importance of the livestock sector is growing more rapidly than any other agricultural sector in Pakistan. In the past, livestock production in Pakistan has been affected because of transboundary animal diseases like rinderpest, foot and mouth disease and peste des petits ruminants disease, posing a serious threat to the livestock industry in Pakistan. The continuing persistence of rinderpest has been of grave concern for the entire region including Pakistan. The export of livestock products managed to retain its growth with relaxation of restrictions imposed by the Gulf states in the year 2001 only. Pakistan has been provisionally declared a rinderpest free country in 2003, as a result of a vigorous eradication programme.  相似文献   

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