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The benefits of reducing competition from the surrounding grass sward against slot-seeded clover were measured in terms of white clover dry matter production following applications of two grass-suppressing herbicides, propyzamide and carbetamide.
Clover was slot-seeded in early June 1983 and herbicides were applied in September and October 1983. The later application was more damaging to the surrounding sward. Generally, the September spraying was more effective in encouraging white clover, especially from July of the following year. Only by September 1984 did the October applications result in higher clover yields than the September applications.
Propyzamide had the greater stimulatory effect on white clover production but it also damaged the grass more than carbetamide. Increasing the dose of each herbicide increased grass damage. However, with treatments applied in September, the loss was more than compensated for by an increase in clover and in total dry matter production at the end of the year.
The results suggest that either of these herbicides, but especially propyzamide, can be used to increase both total dry matter production from the sward and the contribution from slot-seeded white clover.  相似文献   

The effects of delayed emergence of white clover (cv. Grasslands Huia) seedlings, following slot-seeding during spring and early summer 1983, were simulated by sowing seeds at intervals into slots cut in turves of permanent grassland in soil-filled tanks or in the field. The resulting spread and growth of the species were assessed during the following 15–18 months. The effects of propyzamide, a grass-suppressing herbicide (at 0·2 kg ha-1), were also investigated in the field.
A delay of 10 or 18 days in the sowing of seeds in turves in the tanks reduced clover dry weight yield from 23 to 11 during 1983 and from 118 to 96 g (0·12 m)-2 during 1984. Spread of stolons from the slots was also greatly delayed and effects persisted for at least a year. Increased clover growth on the earliest sown treatment more than compensated for a slightly smaller yield of grass.
In the field, yields of clover from late summer 1983 until spring 1984 closely reflected the order of emergence. Afterwards, differences were less clear-cut but the cumulative yield of clover until August 1984 of the earliest-sown treatment was twice that of a treatment sown 20 d later. Effects of delayed sowing in summer 1983 were more pronounced on stolons than on foliage growth when measured in September 1984, with significant reductions in many stolon attributes even with 8 d delay in sowing. Application of propyzamide in autumn 1983 increased clover yield during 1984 from 1·7 to 3·0 and total herbage yield from 7·1 to 8·6 t ha-1.
The results demonstrated some of the benefits of rapid seedling emergence and of the use of a grass-suppressing herbicide, but did not indicate any interaction between the two factors.  相似文献   

White clover (cv. Grasslands Huia) was slot-seeded in April 1982 into plots of permanent pasture of differing botanical composition and reserves of soil phosphate. In one investigation the short-term effects of placing different amounts of phosphate (P2O5) in different positions in relation to the slot were investigated. In another, emphasis was given to effects of a grass-suppressing herbicide, propyzamide, on herbage growth and clover contributon during the second year. Fewer seedlings established on plots with a high initial P status and abundant in Holcus lanatus and Alopecurus pratensis than on plots deficient in P2O5 and dominated by Agrostis capillaris and Festuca rubra. P2O5decreased numbers of establishing clover seedlings when applied in the slots but not when placed beneath them. Growth was increased most when placement was beneath the slot. Application of P2O5to plots previously supplied with it resulted in 7.2 g total above ground and 1.7 g stolon dry weight (m row)?1compared to 1.3 and 0.1 g respectively in plots with low reserves and DO applied P2O5. Propyzamide greatly increased the yield and the contribution of clover in the presence of high initial P status and applied P2O5. Without propyzamide, clover made only a small contribution until July, averaging 7% for the whole season with little benefit from residual P. Clover growth in late summer was increased from 41 to 292 kg DM ha?1 where P2O5 was applied to P-deficient plots sprayed with propyzamide in the previous autumn. The large increases in clover contribution following propyzamide application were accompanied by small decreases in total seasonal yield of grass. The proportions of H. lanatus and. F. rubra. were decreased and of A. capillaris, increased. Spread of clover from the slots was slow during the first year but was encouraged by both P2O5 and propyzamide during the second year. Factors requiring further investigation are discussed.  相似文献   

Assessments were made of the clover yield and clover content between early June and late July 1984 of white clover in a permanent pasture which had been slot-seeded in spring 1982.
Past reserves of phosphate or application of propyzamide alone only slightly increased clover dry matter yield but together they increased it from 13 to 785 kg dry matter ha-1 and gave 31% clover in the total herbage yield. Applications of P2O5 during the experiment, alone or together with past reserves of phosphate, Iased clover yield from 13 to 242 kg dry matter ha-1 and the proportion of clover from 1 to 10%. However, highest yields (1282 kg) and clover content (37%) were attained when P2O5 and propyzamide were applied to treatments with past reserves of phosphate.
These results confirmed the trends evident during the second year and also indicated a potential role for grass-suppressants in increasing management options during the early years after slot-seeding.  相似文献   

The establishment and growth of white clover (cv. Grasslands Huia) was investigated in two experiments with seeds sown in slots cut in old permanent pasture in early May 1982. In the first experiment, fully protected from pests and diseases, either 50 (low), 100 (medium) or 200 (high) seeds were sown evenly per metre length of slot; 100 seeds were also sown in a clumped pattern unevenly. In the second experiment, the effects of various combinations of molluscicide, insecticide and fungicide were investigated.
Nine weeks after sowing there were 27, 37, 34 and 62 seedlings m−1 on the low, medium even, medium uneven and high seed-rate treatments, representing percentage establishments of 54, 37, 34 and 31 respectively. By September, however, there were no significant differences between the dry weights m−l of any of the treatments. In the second experiment, damage by slugs occurred early in treatments without molluscicide and caused a mean reduction of 70% in seedling establishment. As a result significantly smaller dry weights m−1 of clover were recorded in September in these than in other treatments. Failure to protect against insects resulted in smaller seedlings.
The results indicated that variations in seed rate within the range investigated were not critical but that failure to protect against pests decreased percentage establishment and subsequent growth.  相似文献   

Seeds of white clover ( Trifolium repens ) were sown alone or in fluid, or pre-germinated in fluid on to the soil surface of slots cut in an old Agrostis/Festuca sward. Seeds were left uncovered or covered with a thin layer of soil and irrigated from the outset or after 14 days delay.
With irrigation from the outset, seedlings established soonest from pre-germinated seeds but final percentage establishment ranged only from 50 to 63% for the three states of seed. With delayed Irrigation, however, few pre-germinated s1 survived and although germination of dry seed was delayed, final percentage establishment was unaffected. Soil covering increased establishment slightly. The number of leaves per seedling was greatest with pre-germination and early irrigation and least with pre-germination and delayed irrigation. Delayed irrigation also decreased the number of leaves per seedling for seedlings grown from dry seed.
The effects of early irrigation persisted so that at 84 days it significantly increased total yield of clover from all three states of seed, on average threefold, but much more from pre-germinated than from dry seed. Soil covering greatly increased yield, especially where irrigation had been applied from the outset. The interaction of early irrigation and soil covering was even more pronounced for stolon weights, and stolon growth of Individual seedlings appeared to benefit more from soil covering than from early irrigation.
The results showed the importance of early seedling emergence, but no advantages of fluid sowing per se. They also indicated large overall beneficial effects of early irrigation and its additive interaction with soil covering.  相似文献   

White clover ( Trifolium repens ) is a valuable pasture component that is frequently present in insufficient quantity for optimal animal nutrition. Several methods of reintroducing white clover into a permanent pasture without conventional tillage were investigated. Three seeders (Hunter, Vredo and a conventional seed drill), two white clover cultivars (Sacramento, and Sonja), two pasture pre-treatments (a hard spring grazing or grazing plus light harrowing) and two defoliation regimes (grazing or mowing) were used to determine optimal seedling establishment conditions. Defoliation treatments were used as a method of investigating pasture improvement experiments. Measurements were taken to determine proportion of white clover present and total herbage mass.
Plots renovated using a Hunter drill had the highest white clover content in the months immediately after renovation. Subsequently pre-treatment method appeared to have no significant effect on herbage mass or species composition. The proportion of white clover in plots sown with the cultivar Sacramento was frequently higher than that in plots sown with the cultivar Sonja, but, overall, herbage production of cultivars was not different.
Mowed plots had higher herbage production and tended towards a greater white clover content than grazed plots. Compaction of the surface to a depth of 10 cm in the grazed plots may have been a factor in the observed difference in herbage production. Regardless of management, within two years white clover content was similar among all treatments, including controls.  相似文献   

Comparison of white clover varieties under cutting and grazing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seven varieties of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.), of varying leaf size from large to small, were sown with perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) in 1985, at an upland site, and compared over three harvest years under a cutting management (5-6 cuts), and under continuous grazing by sheep. Fertilizer N input totalled 80 kg ha−1 in both the cutting and the grazing trial. The same varieties were included in two official National List (NL) trials sown the same year at a nearby site; these comprised a yield trial with 6-7 cuts and a persistency trial mown very frequently (17 cuts) to simulate intensive grazing.
At the upland site the large-leaved varieties, Milkanova and Blanca, were the highest yielding under cutting (mean 3·3 t DM ha−1), and the small-leaved S184 and Kent the lowest yielding (mean 2·3 t DM ha−1). The rankings were reversed under grazing (corresponding yields 1·1 and 2·1 t DM ha−1). The medium-leaved varieties Donna, Menna and Grasslands Huia behaved similarly to the large-leaved varieties. Ranking order in the cutting trial was similar to that in the NL trial.
Ground covers after three harvest years differed significantly only under grazing, when the small-leaved varieties had a 2-3 times greater cover than the larger-leaved varieties. A poor separation of the varieties in the NL persistency trial suggests that defoliation was not sufficiently severe to simulate intensive grazing.
These comparisons indicate that the performance of clover varieties under the cutting regimes used should not be extrapolated to continuous sheep grazing.  相似文献   

刘善臣 《作物研究》2005,19(1):22-23
通过对外地引进的10个玉米新组合与东安县主栽品种农大108进行春播对比试验,初步筛选出了奥玉3102、辽单33、DY26、蠡试2101等4个综合性状表现好、适合东安县栽培的玉米新组合.  相似文献   

Small plots of a Festuca-Agrostis upland sward on a peaty gley podsol were strip-seeded during late June 1986 with white clover cvs Aberystwyth S184 or Menna at 4 kg ha−1 and defoliated early (20 August) or late (3 September) and then frequently or infrequently (every 2 weeks or 4 weeks) until the end of September. All plots were defoliated in early November, at 3-weekly intervals during the growing season in 1987 and then grazed rotationally during 1988.
Satisfactory seedling establishment, representing 46% emergence, was achieved 5 weeks after sowing. The differential defoliation regimes had no persistent significant effects on clover development. S184 soon produced more leaves per seedling than Menna and a smaller proportion of its leaf number and weight were removed at each defoliation. Following large losses of leaves over the 1986–87 winter, SI84 had significantly more leaves per stolon than Menna; subsequently it also colonized the sward at a quicker rate. During 1987 amounts of herbage harvested (6.1 t ha−1) were similar with the two clover cultivars, with S184 contributing 47% and Menna 44% of this respectively. SI84 made a larger contribution to yield during May and June but Menna was more productive during September and October. During 1988 clover populations were maintained with rotational grazing without additional fertilizer inputs.
The results show that, despite initial soil and climatic contraints, both small and medium-leaved clovers can be strip-seeded into upland swards with large subsequent benefits to yield and herbage quality. However, they also indicate the need for further experiments to determine the influence of sward morphology and defoliation regime on stolon branching rates and accumulation of growing points which, in turn, govern sward colonization.  相似文献   

Single pugging events, which involve remoulding of the soil around the hooves of livestock during treading, of moderate or severe pugging intensity were imposed in plots in a long‐term white clover‐ryegrass pasture during spring, by using dairy cows at varying stocking rates (4·5 cows 100 m?2 for 1·5 or 2·5 h respectively). Changes in the growth and morphology of white clover were investigated over the following 12 months. Defoliation at approximately 3‐week intervals was carried out by mowing. Annual herbage production was reduced following moderate and severe pugging proportionately by 0·16 and 0·34 compared with the non‐pugged control treatment. The corresponding decreases in white clover production were 0·09 and 0·52 respectively. Annual perennial ryegrass production was reduced by 0·37 under severe pugging. Pugging had an immediate adverse effect on growth of white clover which persisted for up to 156 d, and coincided with a large decrease in the proportion of white clover in herbage over the same period (e.g. 0·40 vs. 0·12, in control and severely pugged treatments, respectively, on day 112). In comparison, recovery in ryegrass growth was apparent after 50 d in severely pugged treatments, indicating that white clover is more vulnerable to severe pugging than perennial ryegrass. Analysis of individual white clover plants extracted from turves (300 mm × 300 mm) showed that direct hoof damage, fragmentation and burial of stolons were the major factors which reduced white clover production, rather than the changes in soil physical properties measured. Morphological characteristics associated with plant size (e.g. stolon length, growing points, and leaf numbers) all decreased under pugging. The situation had reversed by late summer, with larger plants dominating pugged plots, and coincided with the recovery of the proportion of white clover in herbage. Strategic pasture management practices, such as restricted grazing and the use of stand‐off pads when soils are overly wet, are suggested as means of minimizing treading damage to pasture and reducing negative impacts on the growth and productivity of white clover.  相似文献   

Three contrasting white clover varieties, Olwen (large-leaved), Menna (medium-leaved) and S184 (small-leaved) were sown with and without a grass companion in 30 cm drills. Two grazing and one mechanical spring defoliation managements were imposed. Counts of the total number of inflorescences and of the percentage in various ripeness categories were made throughout the period of seed crop development to determine the pattern of inflorescence development and optimum harvest date. Inflorescence numbers were greatest in cv. S184 and least in cv. Olwen and, in general, varieties produced both more inflorescences and a greater proportion of ripe inflorescences when grown under spring defoliation managements similar to those for which they were bred. Thus, cv. Olwen produced more ripe inflorescences, and a lower proportion of brown inflorescences (semi-ripe), after mechanical defoliation while cv. Menna produced more ripe inflorescences following mechanical defoliation and rotational grazing. However, cv. S184 produced more ripe inflorescences under both grazing managements than under mechanical defoliation. Optimum harvest date was not affected by management or variety, total inflorescence number and maximum ripe inflorescences having reached a peak on 11 September. However, varieties differed in the proportion of ripe and brown (semi-ripe) inflorescences on this date, with cv. Menna and cv. S184 containing a significantly higher proportion of brown inflorescences than cv. Olwen, The implications of these differences in inflorescence development, the proportions of inflorescences in the various ripeness categories and their contribution to seed yield are discussed in relation to the management of white clover seed crops and harvesting method under UK climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Four experiments were established in 1981–84 to investigate the effect of defoliation treatments on white clover varieties when grown with S23 perennial ryegrass. Treatments included a cutting only regime, as used in National List trials, and grazing systems simulating as near as possible those used on farms.
Differential effects of cutting and continuous sheep stocking on white clover varieties, together with significant variety × defoliation interactions, illustrated the importance of the grazing animal in the evaluation of white clover. Differential effects of cattle and sheep grazing were also evident. Cattle grazing was less detrimental to white clover than was sheep grazing, i.e. cattle were not selective, and less stolon was removed. In general, with both cattle and sheep grazing the larger the clover leaf size the greater the loss in stolons, which in turn decreased persistency. The results illustrate how alternating cutting, sheep grazing and cattle grazing managements can be used to maintain optimum clover/grass balance.
Successful clover/grass swards depend on the retention of clover, yet avoiding clover dominance. The difference in N transfer between clover varieties, especially those within the same leaf category, and the extra grass produced without fertilizer N, emphasized the importance of varietal choice. Breeding programmes have been concerned with the selection of larger-leaved, long-petioled varieties for growing in competition with grass in the presence of fertilizer N. However, the present results showed that, under continuous sheep stocking, increase in leaf size does not increase clover yield or persistency.
The results presented emphasize the importance of the grazing animal in the evaluation of white clover varieties and indicate that yield of clover dry matter should not be the major criterion for selection of varieties for farm systems.  相似文献   

Four varieties of white clover (small-leaved cv. Aberystwyth S184. medium-leaved cv. Grasslands Huia and large-leaved cvs Linda and Olwen) were sown at 3 kg ha-1 together with 10 kg ha-1 perennial ryegrass cv. Talbot. Herbage productivity was measured for three harvest years, 1979-81, over four annual rates of fertilizer N (0,120,240 and 360 kg ha-1) and two closeness of cutting treatments (80 and 40 mm from ground level). A simulated grazing regime of six cuts per year at 3- to 6-week intervals was used.
Production of total herbage DM was increased by increasing N rate; mean annual DM production ranged from 783 1 ha-1 with no N to 11701 ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N. Mean herbage response to N (kg DM per kg N applied) was 73,90 and 108 for the three successive N increments relative to no N. Mean white clover DM production was reduced from 4 14t ha-1 with no N to 051 t ha-1 at 360 kg ha-1 N.
The large-leaved clover varieties were more productive than the small- or medium-leaved varieties at all N rates. Close cutting increased total herbage and white clover by a mean annual 16% and 31%. respectively. White clover varieties did not interact with either N rate or closeness of cutting.
It is concluded that repetitive N application over the growing season is incompatible with white clover persistence and production, even with large-leaved clover varieties or with close cutting, two factors which improved clover performance in the experimental swards.  相似文献   

2002年从各省引进大豆新品种9个,花生新品种3个,在湖南长沙等地开展引种试验,通过产量比较和性状分析,道夏豆99-1、桂早豆、鄂豆7号等大豆品种和3个花生品种均可在全省进一步开展大面积的示范和推广。  相似文献   

Two experiments were established in 1989 and 1990 to evaluate the performance of white clover ( Trifolium repens ) varieties under grazing, using sheep and cattle, and also under a 'cutting-only' regime. The three potential medium/large-leaved varieties (AberVantage, AberCrown and AberDai) were selected and evaluated in a breeding programme that emphasized improving yield and persistency under grazing.
In Experiment 1, the potential varieties were sown with two different grass companions, and evaluated under a continuous cattle-grazing system, representative of their future role in actual farm practice, i.e. a set stocking system. Clover yield of the potential varieties in the second harvest year averaged 1–5 t ha−1 more than the control variety Olwen. Total sward production of AberVantage, AberCrown and AberDai was 2.0–1.4 t ha−1 higher than that of Olwen.
In Experiment 2, clover yields of the three potential varieties averaged 2.1 t more than Olwen in the second harvest year under continuous sheep grazing, but all three were lower yielding than Olwen in the cutting regime.
Both experiments illustrate how the use of grazing treatments during breeding and evaluation can improve the role of white clover varieties.  相似文献   

The effect of blending small- and medium-leaved white clovers together in a mixture of varieties was examined under continuous sheep stocking over a period of three years. Four varieties were used, S184 and Gwenda, small-leaved varieties suitable for intensive sheep grazing, together with medium leaved varieties Menna and Donna, which are mainly used in general purpose seed mixtures for medium term leys. The small-leaved varieties were blended with Menna or Donna, sown with a commercial grass mixture and managed as near as possible to farm practice. Although the leaf size of Gwenda is only slightly greater than that of S184, blends based on these two small-leaved varieties behaved differently. In spring of the first harvest year the yield of Gwenda and of the clover in mixtures containing Gwenda was 27% greater than the yield of the same mixtures which contained S184. As the season progressed this difference decreased. In terms of total annual yields and saving in fertilizer N, the benefits of including white clover in a seed mixture were more pronounced when Menna was mixed with S184 and Gwenda, rather than when Donna was used, although both varieties are in the medium-leaf category. It was concluded that the slower establishment and the lower clover yield of S184, when compared with larger leaved varieties, can be overcome by blending with a variety that is slightly larger in leaf size, such as Menna, although the choice of variety may depend on sward management and its persistency under grazing.  相似文献   

Italian ryegrass was slot-seeded into permanent grass in two field experiments at Oxford. In the first experiment August and September proved to be the most reliable months for slot-seeding, with April as a possible alternative. A row-spacing experiment showed that the optimum distance between rows was about 30 cm; seed rate in the row had a lesser influence on increasing herbage growth. In both experiments slot-seeding did not result in any substantial change in earliness of growth or alter total herbage harvested but it did even out the seasonal distribution of growth, particularly by increasing it in the following July.  相似文献   

Two diets were compared: perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) silage and perennial ryegrass/white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) silage, in each case fed ad libitum , without supplementation, to lactating dairy cows. The comparison was made with silages cut on each of four dates. The crops were wilted to a dry matter content of at least 256g kg-1 and no additives were used.
The grass/clover silages were well preserved at all four cuts. The grass was well preserved at three cuts, but, at a May cut, the grass silage was less well preserved and less digestible than the grass/clover silage. When the May silages were fed, milk yield was higher with grass/clover than with grass. Taking the experiment as a whole, however, milk yield and composition were similar on the two diets. The grass/clover silages had a lower proportion of cell wall and their intake by dairy cows was consistently higher than that of the grass silages.
It is concluded that perennial ryegrass/white clover crops can be ensiled successfully and fed successfully, with high intake, to lactating dairy cows, but it should not be assumed that cows will give more milk than when fed equivalent all-grass silage.  相似文献   

Permanent pastures on acid soils in the northeastern USA produce far below their potential due to lack of legumes in the swards. This experiment was done to study the effects of lime-pelleted white clover seed and fertilizer combinations (B, Cu, K, Mg, Mo, P, S and Zn) on clover nodulation and growth in four acid (pH 4.3–4.9), Vermont permanent-pasture soils in the greenhouse. Potassium was applied in all treatments. Lime pelleting and Mg and P fertilization increased both proportion of plants nodulated and seedling weight. Lime pelleting resulted in the largest increase in nodulation but P application produced the greatest gain in seedling weight. Molybdenum interacted with P to enhance seedling nodulation more than either element applied alone. Phosphorus also interacted with Mg to increase seedling weight more than either one applied alone. Sulphur had no influence on seedling nodulation or yield. Applications of B, Cu and Zn depressed nodulation and yield, possibly because excessively high levels were applied. Using lime-pelleted seed and a fertilizer combination of K. Mg. Mo and P could improve white clover establishment and growth on permanent-pasture soils in the northeast.  相似文献   

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