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Green manure can be used as a substitute for chemical fertilizer without reducing rice yield. We studied the responses of soil fertility and rice yield to different combinations of Chinese milk vetch(CMV; Astragalus sinicus L.) and chemical fertilizer in a subtropical double-rice cropping system. Our goal is to reduce chemical fertilizer use and decrease environmental contamination. Compared with the recommended rate of chemical fertilizer(CF), both early-and late-rice yields in the two treatments supplied with 15 and 22.5 Mg CMV ha–1 plus 60% CF(represented as 60 A and 60 B, respectively) showed no significant differences while the two treatments supplied with 30 and 37.5 Mg CMV ha–1 plus 60% CF(represented as 60 C and 60 D, respectively) showed significantly higher values. The sustainable yield index(SYI) values in the 60 C and 60 D treatments with double-rice croppong system were significantly higher than those in other treatments(P0.05). Early-rice yield showed a significant positive relationship with the Chinese milk vetch incorporation rate. The coefficients increased annually from 2009 to 2013 and then decreased in 2014. Soil organic matter increased over time by the end of the experiment in all of the treatment groups. Soil organic matter in 60 A, 60 B and 60 C showed no significant difference compared with that in CF, while soil organic matter in 60 D was significantly higher than that in CF. The slopes of soil organic matter and total nitrogen over six years were the highest in 60 C and 60 D. The soil total nitrogen content in 60 A, 60 B, 60 C and 60 D was higher than that in CF, but the differences were not significant(P0.05). Therefore, a relatively high Chinese milk vetch incorporation rate(≥30 Mg ha–1) was more effective in improving the productivity and sustainability of paddy soil. The decreased coefficients of early-rice yield and the Chinese milk vetch incorporation rate in 2014 implied that the benefits of soil fertility and rice yield created by Chinese milk vetch input may decline after five years under a continuously high rate of Chinese milk vetch incorporation.  相似文献   

Improved utilization of rice(Oryza sativa L.) straw and Chinese milk vetch(Astragalus sinicus L., vetch) has positive effects on rice production. So far, few studies have investigated the productivity of vetch under different residue management practices in double-rice cropping system. The effects of rice straw on the growth and nutrient accumulation of vetch across seven years(2011–2017) and the subsequent effects of rice straw and vetch on two succeeding rice crops in a vetch–rice–rice cropping system, with the vetch established by relay cropping, were examined. The seven-year double-rice experiment consisted of the following treatments:(1) 100% chemical fertilizer(F-F100);(2) only vetch without chemical fertilizer(M-Con);(3) 80% chemical fertilizer plus vetch plus a low-cutting height(low-retained stubble) with the removal of straw(M-F80);(4) 80% chemical fertilizer plus vetch plus a low-cutting height with the retention of straw(M-F80-LR);(5) 80% chemical fertilizer plus vetch plus a high-cutting height(high-retained stubble) with the retention of straw(M-F80-HR); and(6) no fertilizer(F-Con). The yields of the two rice crops after vetch were not affected by either the cutting height of stubble with retention of straw or by the management of straw(retention vs. removal) with low-cutting height of stubble. The yields of the two rice crops after vetch were significantly higher for M-F80-HR than for M-F80-LR, but the relative contributions of the high-cutting height and straw retention to the higher rice yield could not be determined in this study. The yield stability of the double-rice grain in M-F80-HR was also increased, as determined by a sustainable yield index. Significant increases in vetch biomass and nutrient uptake were observed in the fertilized treatments during the rice season compared with the unfertilized treatments. In M-F80-HR plots, improvements in the growing environment of the vetch by conserving soil water content were associated with the highest vetch biomass, nutrient uptake, and yield stability of vetch biomass. These increased nutrient inputs partially replaced the demand for chemical fertilizer and stimulated the rice yields. It can be concluded that retaining higher-cutting stubble residues with straw retention could be the best straw management practice for increasing the vetch biomass and nutrient use efficiency, thereby allowing utilization of high-cutting height with retention of straw and vetch to improve the stability of rice productivity in a double-rice cropping system.  相似文献   

减量化肥配施紫云英对稻田土壤碳、氮的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
以11 a(2008—2018年)长期定位试验为对象,研究了减施40%化肥下紫云英不同翻压量对双季稻产量及土壤活性有机碳、氮(DOC+MBC、DON+MBN)的影响,以探讨紫云英替代化肥的可行性和适宜翻压量。试验设置CK(不施紫云英和化肥)、GM_(22.5)(单施紫云英22.5 t·hm~(-2))、100%CF(常规施肥)和减施40%化肥(60%CF)条件下将紫云英翻压量设为15、22.5、30、37.5 t·hm~(-2)4个水平,共7个处理。于2018年晚稻收获后采集土壤样品,分析土壤微生物量碳、氮(MBC、MBN)和可溶性有机碳、氮(DOC、DON)。结果表明:与常规施肥相比,减施40%化肥下各紫云英不同翻压量处理早稻及全年两季稻谷产量持平或略有增加,且均随紫云英翻压量增多而提高。紫云英翻压量为15~30 t·hm~(-2)时,晚稻稻谷产量随紫云英翻压量的增多而提高,当紫云英翻压量多于30 t·hm~(-2)时,则呈下降趋势。除翻压紫云英15 t·hm~(-2)外,其他紫云英与化肥配施处理晚稻稻谷产量与常规施肥相比无显著差异;与常规施肥相比,紫云英与化肥配施均不同程度地提高了土壤MBC、MBN、DOC、DON含量。紫云英翻压量为15~22.5 t·hm~(-2)时,土壤MBC、MBN、DOC、DON均随紫云英翻压量增加而增加,当翻压量多于22.5 t·hm~(-2)时呈下降趋势;MBC/SOC和MBN/TN均随紫云英翻压量的增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,MBC/SOC在60%CF+GM_(22.5)处理最高,MBN/TN以60%CF+GM_(30)处理最高。DOC/SOC和DON/TN均在60%CF+GM_(15)处理最高;相关分析结果表明,土壤MBC、MBN、DOC、DON、DOC+MBC、DON+MBN与土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。土壤各活性有机碳、氮与早、晚稻及全年两季稻谷产量均呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。综合考虑双季稻的产量效应及土壤培肥效果,在本试验条件下或与该试验区域气候特点和种植制度类似的南方水稻主产区,在减少40%化肥条件下,紫云英翻压22.5~30 t·hm~(-2)较为适宜。  相似文献   

通过连续4年定位大田试验,研究基于紫云英利用下的不同化肥施用方法对水稻产量及稻谷经济效益、氮素累积量以及土壤碳氮含量的影响。结果表明:①在紫云英利用(22 500 kg/hm2)下,与农民习惯施肥处理相比,化肥施用时间适当后移可以提高水稻两季总产量,其中减少20%和40%化肥施用量处理比基肥、分蘖肥、壮籽肥质量比为3∶4∶3处理分别增产2.37%和3.34%,基肥、分蘖肥、壮籽肥质量比为0∶7∶3处理的增产效果次之;②紫云英利用后化肥施用时间适当后移可增加水稻产值,基肥、分蘖肥、壮籽肥质量比为3∶4∶3的处理能增加水稻年平均产值3.0%,基肥、分蘖肥、壮籽肥质量比为0∶7∶3的处理增加年平均产值的效果次之;③化肥施用时间适当后移可提高水稻氮素累积总量、氮素稻谷生产效率、氮素偏生产力及氮素收获指数,其中基肥、分蘖肥、壮籽肥质量比为3∶4∶3处理提高水稻氮素累积总量、氮素稻谷生产效率、氮素偏生产力及氮素收获指数的作用最好;④化肥施用时间适当后移还可提高土壤碳和全氮含量,其中基肥、分蘖肥、壮籽肥质量比为3∶4∶3处理的效果最佳。综合比较以上结果,认为紫云英利用后化肥施用时间可适当后移,基肥、分蘖肥、壮籽肥质量比为3∶4∶3的施肥方法既能提高水稻产量,又能提升土壤肥力。  相似文献   

开展连续5年大田定位试验,研究减量施肥下不同紫云英与稻草利用处理对洞庭湖地区紫潮泥双季稻的产量、产量构成因素及经济效益的影响。结果表明,与单施化肥(F100)相比,不同紫云英、稻草利用处理均能促进水稻增产、稳产,其中紫云英与稻草协同利用的增产效果优于紫云英或稻草单独利用,协同利用处理中又以晚稻高茬稻草还田冬种紫云英(F80+HR+A)处理的效果更好。F80+HR+A处理的早、晚稻,5年平均产量较F100分别增产20.2%、11.9%,稻谷纯收益增加13.7%,边际成本报酬率为3.4元/元。早稻株高、每穗实粒数、千粒质量和晚稻株高、有效穗数、每穗实粒数的增加是水稻增产的主要原因。综上所述,晚稻留高茬还田冬种紫云英,不仅可以提高水稻产量,还可以获得较佳经济收益,减少化肥用量。  相似文献   

为探讨配施紫云英对不同类型稻田土壤溶解性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon,DOC)和溶解性有机氮(Dissolved organicnitrogen,DON)含量的影响程度,阐明稻田土壤DOC和DON的淋溶特性,本研究以亚热带3种典型水稻土(黄泥田、灰黄泥田和灰泥田)为研究对象,通过田间试验,探讨等氮磷钾条件下单施化肥(CK)和紫云英配施化肥(cmv)处理对不同水稻土DOC和DON的动态变化、淋溶特性及损失的影响。结果表明,不同土壤类型水稻土DOC和DON的淋溶特性有所不同。3种供试水稻土中,灰泥田水稻土DOC淋溶损失量最大,其CK处理DOC淋溶损失量较灰黄泥田和黄泥田分别显著提高24.09%和72.15%,cmv处理淋溶损失量较灰黄泥田和黄泥田分别显著提高16.53%和40.55%;而黄泥田水稻土DON淋溶损失量最大,其CK处理淋溶损失量较灰黄泥田和灰泥田分别显著提高18.93%和37.01%,cmv处理3种不同类型水稻土DON淋溶损失量无显著差异。配施紫云英可显著降低水稻土DON的淋溶损失量,每季水稻中cmv处理黄泥田、灰黄泥田和灰泥田DON淋溶损失量较CK处理分别降低了24.67%、14.88%和13.54%;黄泥田cmv处理DOC较CK处理提高了19.19%,而灰黄泥田和灰泥田2种施肥处理无显著差异。供试稻田中DOC和DON在土层间的淋溶具有一定的延迟性,且DOC的延迟时间大于DON。灰色关联分析表明,在土壤性质中有机质是影响水稻土DOC淋溶损失的重要因素,孔隙度是DON淋溶损失的重要影响因素。不同类型水稻土DON的淋失早于DOC,且DON在黄泥田中淋溶损失较高,而DOC在灰泥田中淋溶损失较高;在等氮磷钾的条件下,配施紫云英可减少水稻土DON的淋溶损失,而低肥力水稻土DOC的淋溶损失量有所增加。  相似文献   

The formation and turnover of macroaggregates are critical processes influencing the dynamics and stabilization of soil organic carbon (SOC). Soil aggregate size distribution is directly related to the makeup and activity of microbial communities. We incubated soils managed for >30 years as restored grassland (GL), farmland (FL) and bare fallow (BF) for 60 days using both intact and reduced aggregate size distributions (intact aggregate distribution (IAD)<6 mm; reduced aggregate distribution (RAD)<1 mm), in treatments with added glucose, alanine or inorganic N, to reveal activity and microbial community structure as a function of aggregate size and makeup. Over a 60-day incubation period, the highest phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) abundance was on day 7 for bacteria and fungi, on day 15 for actinomycete. The majority of the variation in enzymatic activities was likely related to PLFA abundance. GL had higher microbial abundance and enzyme activity. Mechanically reducing macroaggregates (>0.25 mm) by 34.7% in GL soil with no substrate additions increased the abundance of PLFAs (average increase of 15.7%) and activities of β-glucosidase (increase of 17.4%) and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (increase of 7.6%). The addition of C substrates increased PLFA abundance in FL and BF by averages of 18.8 and 33.4%, respectively, but not in GL soil. The results show that the effect of habitat destruction on microorganisms depends on the soil aggregates, due to a release of bioavailable C, and the addition of substrates for soils with limited nutrient availability. The protection of SOC is promoted by larger size soil aggregate structures that are important to different aggregate size classes in affecting soil C stabilization and microbial community structure and activity.  相似文献   

Crop residue retention has been considered a practicable strategy to improve soil organic carbon(SOC) and total nitrogen(TN), but the effectiveness of residue retention might be different under varied tillage practices. To evaluate the effects of residue management on the distribution and stocks of SOC and TN under different tillage practices, a bifactorial experiment with three levels for tillage practices(no-tillage, rotary tillage, and conventional tillage) and two levels for residue managements(residue retention and residue removal) was conducted in the North China Plain(NCP). Results showed that after a short experimental duration(3–4 years), concentrations of SOC and TN in the 0–10 cm layer were higher under no-tillage than under conventional tillage, no matter whether crop residues were retained or not. Residue retention increased SOC and TN concentrations in the upper layers of soil to some degree for all tillage practices, as compared with residue removal, with the greatest increment of SOC concentration occurred in the 0–10 cm layer under rotary tillage, but in the 10–30 cm layer under conventional tillage. The stocks of SOC in the 0–50 cm depth increased from 49.89 Mg ha–1 with residue removal to 53.03 Mg ha–1 with residue retention. However, no-tillage did not increase SOC stock to a depth of 50 cm relative to conventional tillage, and increased only by 5.35% as compared with rotary tillage. Thus, residue retention may contribute more towards SOC sequestration than no-tillage. Furthermore, the combination between residue retention and no-tillage has the greatest advantage in enhancing SOC and TN in the NCP region.  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of farming practices on carbon(C) cycling is important for maintaining soil quality and mitigating climate change, especially in arid regions where soil infertility, water deficiency, and climate change had significantly influenced on agroecosystem. A field experiment was set up in 2009 to examine the influence of residue management and fertilizer application on the C cycle in a cotton field in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of Northwest China. The study included two residue management practices(residue incorporation(S) and residue removal(NS)) and four fertilizer treatments(no fertilizer(CK), organic manure(OM), chemical fertilizer(NPK), chemical fertilizer plus organic manure(NPK+OM)). Soil organic carbon(SOC) and some of its labile fractions, soil CO_2 flux, and canopy apparent photosynthesis were measured during the cotton growing seasons in 2015 and 2016. The results showed that SOC, labile SOC fractions, canopy apparent photosynthesis, and soil CO_2 emission were significantly greater in S+NPK+OM(residue incorporation+chemical fertilizer) than in the other treatments. Analysis of all data showed that canopy apparent photosynthesis and soil CO_2 emission increased as SOC increased. The S+OM(residue incorporation+organic manure) and S+NPK+OM treatments were greater for soil C sequestration, whereas the other treatments resulted in soil C loss. The S+NPK treatment is currently the standard management practice in Xinjiang. The results of this study indicate that S+NPK cannot offset soil C losses due to organic matter decomposition and autotrophic respiration. Residue return combined with NPK fertilizer and organic manure application is the preferred strategy in arid regions for increasing soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

The contribution percentage of inherent soil productivity (CPISP) refers to the ratio of crop yields under no-fertilization versus under conventional fertilization with the same field management. CPISP is a comprehensive measure of soil fertility. This study used 1 086 on-farm trials (from 1984–2013) and 27 long-term field experiments (from 1979–2013) to quantify changes in CPISP. Here, we present CPISP3 values, which reflect the CPISP states during the first three years after site establishment, for a series of sites at different locations in China collected in 1984–1990 (the 1980s), 1996–2000 (the 1990s), and 2004–2013 (the 2000s). The results showed that the average CPISP3 value for three crops (wheat, rice, and maize) was 53.8%. Historically, the CPISP3 in the 1990s (57.5%) was much higher than those in the 1980s (50.3%), and the 2000s (52.0%) (P≤0.05). Long-term no-fertilization caused CPISP levels to gradually decline and then stabilize; for example, in a mono-cropping system with irrigation, the CPISP values in Northwest and Northeast China declined by 4.5 and 4.0%, respectively, each year for the first ten years, but subsequently, the CPISP values stabilized. In contrast, the CPISP for upland crops in double-cropping systems continued to decrease at a rate of 1.1% per year. The CPISP for upland-paddy cropping decreased very slowly (0.07% per year), whereas the CPISP for paddy cropping decreased sharply (3.1% per year, on average) for the first two years and then remained steady during the following years. Therefore, upland crops in double-cropping systems consume the most inherent soil productivity, whereas paddy fields are favourable for maintaining a high level of CPISP. Overall, our results demonstrate a need to further improve China's CPISP3 values to meet growing productivity demands.  相似文献   

Leguminous crops play a vital role in enhancing crop yield and improving soil fertility. Therefore, it can be used as an organic N source for improving soil fertility. The purpose of this study was to (i) quantify the amounts of N derived from rhizodeposition, root and above-ground biomass of peanut residue in comparison with wheat and (ii) estimate the effect of the residual N on the wheat-growing season in the subsequent year. The plants of peanut and wheat were stem fed with 15N urea using the cotton-wick method at the Wuqiao Station of China Agricultural University in 2014. The experiment consisted of four residue-returning strategies in a randomized complete-block design: (i) no return of crop residue (CR0); (ii) return of above-ground biomass of peanut crop (CR1); (iii) return of peanut root biomass (CR2); and (iv) return of all residue of the whole peanut plant (CR3). The 31.5 and 21% of the labeled 15N isotope were accumulated in the above-ground tissues (leaves and stems) of peanuts and wheat, respectively. N rhizodeposition of peanuts and wheat accounted for 14.91 and 3.61% of the BG15N, respectively. The 15N from the below-ground 15N-labeled of peanuts were supplied 11.3, 5.9, 13.5, and 6.1% of in the CR0, CR1, CR2, and CR3 treatments, respectively. Peanut straw contributes a significant proportion of N to the soil through the decomposition of plant residues and N rhizodeposition. With the current production level on the NCP, it is estimated that peanut straw can potentially replace 104 500 tons of synthetic N fertilizer per year. The inclusion of peanut in rotation with cereal can significantly reduce the use of N fertilizer and enhance the system sustainability.  相似文献   

In the coastal saline soils, moisture and salinity are the functions of groundwater depth affecting crop growth and yield. Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to: 1) investigate the combined effects of moisture and salinity stresses on wheat growth as affected by groundwater depth, and 2) find the optimal groundwater depth for wheat growth in coastal saline soils. The groundwater depths (0.7, 1.1, 1.5, 1.9, 2.3, and 2.7 m during 2013–2014 (Y1) and 0.6, 1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.2, and 2.6 m during 2014–2015 (Y2)) of the field experiment were maintained by soil columns. There was a positive correlation between soil moisture and salinity. Water logging with high salinity (groundwater depth at 0.7 m in Y1 and 0.6 m in Y2) showed a greater decline towards wheat growth than that of slight drought with medium (2.3 m in Y1) or low salinity (2.7 m in Y1, 2.2 and 2.6 m in Y2). The booting stage was the most sensitive stage of wheat crop under moisture and salinity stresses. Data showed the most optimal rate of photosynthesis, grain yield, and flour quality were obtained under the groundwater depth (ditch depth) of 1.9 m (standard soil moisture with medium salinity) and 2.3 m (slight drought with medium salinity) in Y1 and 1.8 m (standard soil moisture with medium salinity) and 2.2 m (slight drought with low salinity) in Y2. The corresponding optimal soil relative moisture content and conductivity with the 1:5 distilled water/soil dilution, in the depth of 0–20 cm and 20–40 cm in coastal saline soils, were equal to 58.67–63.07% and 65.51–72.66% in Y1, 63.09–66.70% and 69.75–74.72% in Y2; 0.86–1.01 dS m–1 and 0.63–0.77 dS m–1 in Y1, 0.57–0.93 dS m–1 and 0.40–0.63 dS m–1 in Y2, respectively.  相似文献   

There is limited information on carbon sequestration efficiency(CSE) of soil aggregates in upland and paddy soils under long-term fertilization regimes. In a red soil region of southern China, an upland soil experiment started in 1986 and a paddy soil experiment commenced in 1981. These experiments were conducted using different fertilization treatments. After 30 years, soil organic carbon(SOC) content and stock of different aggregate components were analyzed. The results showed that the SOC contents and stocks in upland soil were lower than in paddy soil. In both upland and paddy soils, the SOC contents and stocks of all aggregate components in NPKM(combined treatment with chemical nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), potassium(K) fertilizers and manure) were the highest among all treatments. Compared with CK(no fertilizer), SOC content of all aggregate components in NPKM was increased by 13.21–63.11% and 19.13–73.33% in upland and paddy soils, respectively. Meanwhile, the change rates in SOC stock of all aggregate components in upland soil were lower than in paddy soil, although the change rate of SOC stock of all aggregate components in NPKM was higher than in other treatments. Furthermore, a linear equation could fit the relationships between carbon(C) input and change rate of SOC stock(P0.05). Results indicated that the sum of CSE from all aggregate components in upland soil(16.02%) was higher than that of paddy soil(15.12%) in the same climatic condition and from the same parent material. However, the CSEs from all aggregates were higher than that of bulk soil, although the result from bulk soil also showed that the CSE of upland soil was higher than that of paddy soil.  相似文献   

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