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The current report aimed to characterize plasma anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) in bovine male pseudohermaphroditism. The blood AMH concentration in a Japanese Black male pseudohermaphrodite calf was compared with pre‐ and post‐pubertal male and female calves and castrated calves. The concentration in the case was higher than in post‐pubertal males, castrated males, and pre‐ and post‐pubertal female calves (p < .05), but similar to that in pre‐pubertal male calves. After extraction of the testes, the concentration in the case dropped to a certain extent. The extracted testes expressed AMH, as detected by immunohistochemistry. This study is the first to show the characterization of AMH in a male pseudohermaphrodite calf. AMH levels in peripheral blood might be useful to diagnose male pseudohermaphroditism in cattle.  相似文献   

Anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) has been reported to be elevated in mares with granulosa cell tumour (GCT). An 8‐year‐old Thoroughbred mare was presented for not being observed in oestrus after the beginning of the breeding season. Rectal palpation and ultrasonography revealed enlargement and cystic appearance of the left ovary while the right ovary was small with an anoestrous‐like appearance. The AMH concentration was 694.9 ng/ml. Presumptively diagnosed with GCT, the mare was subjected to tumour removal. Histopathology confirmed GCT. To evaluate changes of AMH concentration following surgery, blood samples were collected immediately prior to surgery, and on Days 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 after surgery. Thereafter, blood samples were collected monthly and also at the time the mare was observed in oestrus (148 days after tumour removal). The AMH concentrations decreased over the first 2 months after surgery (from 721.2 ng/ml to 0.1 ng/ml). Subsequently, AMH concentration increased and peaked at the time of oestrus expression (0.7 ng/ml). The mare then became anoestrous, and AMH concentration decreased and reached 0.2 ng/ml, which was not significantly different from the mean concentration of AMH in normal anoestrous mares (n = 5; 0.26 ± 0.07 ng/ml). In conclusion, the present report implies the potential use of AMH for determination of the time of follicular resumption in mares after GCT removal.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Endocrinological assays are important for evaluation of mares with granulosa‐cell tumours (GCTs), and our research in mares indicates that anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) may be a good biomarker for this type of ovarian tumour. Objectives: To evaluate the use of serum AMH concentrations for endocrine diagnosis of GCTs in mares. Methods: Archived serum samples (n = 403) previously assayed for determination of serum inhibin, testosterone and progesterone concentrations (GCT panel) were assayed for serum AMH concentrations using a heterologous enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay previously validated by our laboratory. For a subset (n = 44) of these samples, a clinical diagnosis of GCT was confirmed by histopathology. Results: Overall, the sensitivity of AMH (98%) for detection of histologically confirmed GCTs was significantly (P<0.05) greater than that of either inhibin (80%) or testosterone (48%) or the combination of inhibin and testosterone (84%). Conclusions: Determination of serum AMH concentrations is a useful biomarker for detection of GCTs in the mare. Potential relevance: Measurement of serum AMH concentrations can be used for diagnosis of GCTs in the mare. As serum AMH concentrations do not vary significantly during the oestrous cycle or pregnancy, interpretation of these results is not confounded by these physiological states.  相似文献   

The most significant focal points of the embryo transfer technology are as follows: the selection of donors, the response of the selected donor to the superovulation protocol and the obtained number of the transferable embryos. For this purpose, it is suggested that donor selection can be done by anti‐Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels, and embryo production is evaluated. AMH is secreted by the granulosa cells of primordial, pre‐antral and antral follicles below 4 mm in the ovary, independent of FSH. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between serum AMH levels and the number of corpus luteum (CL), total embryos and transferable embryos that were shaped after a uniform superovulation protocol. For this reason, 48 Simmental cows, which were located at General Directory of Agricultural Enterprises (region, province, etc. instead of the general directorate), were used as donors for the embryo transfer. Blood samples were taken at random, regardless of the stage of animal's sexual cycle. AMH levels were measured by enzyme‐linked fluorescent assay (ELFA) method of the miniVIDAS® (bioMérieux SA) using AMH Bovine Test Kit. According to the statistical analyses of the obtained data, AMH levels were positively correlated with CL and total embryos (p < .05). No significant correlations between AMH and transferable embryos were approved (p > .05). It was also determined that each 200 pg/ml increase in serum AMH level resulted in one increase in CL number. Overall, considering the positive correlation between AMH level and the obtained number of CL and total embryos after a superovulation treatment, it was concluded that measuring blood AMH level prior to any further costly implementation may be an effective method in donor selection.  相似文献   

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