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选择患持久黄体的不孕奶牛14头进行复方缩宫素乳剂的临床治疗试验,并利用放射免疫方法对部分患牛治疗前后血清孕酮(P  相似文献   

We aimed to evaluate the reproductive performance of Nelore lactating cows submitted to a resynchronization 12 days after timed artificial insemination (TAI) with or without a long‐acting progesterone (P4‐LA) treatment. Nelore cows were submitted to a P4/oestradiol‐based TAI protocol (D0 = insemination). On D12, cows in the control group (n = 184) received a new P4 intravaginal device (0.96 g), whereas cows in the P4‐LA group (n = 192) received the P4 device and 75 mg P4‐LA. Cows identified as non‐pregnant (n = 120) by regression of corpus luteum using colour Doppler ultrasonography on D20 had the P4 device removed and received 500ug of sodium cloprostenol, 1 mg of oestradiol cypionate and 300 IU of eCG and were re‐inseminated on D22. There was no difference (p > 0.10) in the pregnancy rate at D20, D30 and D60 after first TAI between the control (69%, 59.7% and 57%, respectively) and P4‐LA (67%, 55.7%, and 55.2%, respectively) groups. Pregnancy losses were similar between both groups (p > 0.1). For cows submitted to the second TAI, the pre‐ovulatory follicle size did not differ (p > 0.1), but the oestrous detection and pregnancy rates were greater (p < 0.05) in the P4‐LA group (92.2% [59/64] and 60.9% [39/64], respectively) than in controls (75% [42/56] and 44.6% [25/56]). The cumulative pregnancy rate after two TAIs did not differ (p > 0.1) between control (73.3% [135/184]) and P4‐LA (76% [146/192]) groups. The use of P4‐LA at 12 days after TAI potentially increases the pregnancy rates for a new early resynchronization strategy associated with the Doppler imaging for pregnancy diagnosis and results in an alternative to perform two TAIs in 22 days in beef cows.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess alterations in, echogenic appearance, size and blood flow in the corpus luteum, the placentomes and the blood flow in umbilical and uterine arteries that heat stress can cause in cooled pregnant dairy cows. Pregnant cows were allocated in two groups and the gravid uteri, along with the ipsilateral corpora lutea were examined during the winter (group W, n = 9) or the summer (group S, n = 10). The grey-scale ultrasound and colour flow imaging of the corpus luteum and placentome were performed. In addition, the umbilical and uterine artery diameters and haemodynamic parameters in the vessels were calculated. At the time of ultrasonographic examination, cortisol concentrations were higher, and progesterone levels tended to be lower in group S compared to group W. The grey-scale ultrasound evaluation of corpora lutea and placentomes was lower in group S compared to group W. The diameter of umbilical artery and the blood volume in the vessel were less in group S than in group W. We infer that heat stress affects foetal blood supply and possibly the structure of placentomes and corpora lutea, but it differently affects the blood flow characteristics in the umbilical and uterine arteries.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hypophosphatemia is a condition that affects feed intake and milk production in dairy cows, and, to assess it, a precise biological parameter is needed. Plasma inorganic phosphate (Pi) can be used as a potential indicator of bioavailability of feed phosphorus in dairy cows. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of sample type (serum vs. plasma), blood sampling site (jugular vs. coccygeal), and morning feeding on blood Pi concentration in dairy cows. METHODS: Blood samples from 28 clinically healthy multiparous Holstein cows were analyzed for Pi concentration. The animals were sampled twice by coccygeal vessel into Vacutainer tubes both with and without sodium heparin, 3 hours after the morning feeding. In 4 additional cows, the concentration of Pi was measured in blood samples obtained simultaneously by jugular and coccygeal venipuncture into heparinized tubes before the morning feeding and 2, 4, and 6 hours after the feeding. The results were analyzed using parametric statistical tests. RESULTS: Serum and plasma concentrations of Pi were correlated (r(2) = 0.999, P < .0001), but serum Pi concentration was higher than plasma Pi (P < .02). Plasma Pi concentration 2 hours after feeding tended to be higher than that before feeding in jugular samples, but the difference was not significant. There was no significant variation in plasma Pi during the morning postfeeding times, although jugular concentrations were 19% lower than coccygeal (P = .04). CONCLUSION: To increase the precision of plasma Pi measurements as an indicator of bioavailability of feed phosphorus, sample type, sampling time, and site must be taken into account, to correctly interpret plasma Pi concentrations.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of Moringa oleifera (MO) as a partial substitute of alfalfa hay on milk yield, nutrient apparent digestibility and serum biochemical indexes of dairy cows. MO was harvested at 120 days post‐seeding. Fresh MO was cut, mixed with chopped oat hay (425:575 on a DM basis), ensiled and stored for 60 days. Sixty healthy Holstein dairy cows were allocated to one of three groups: NM (no MO or control), LM (low MO; 25% alfalfa hay and 50% maize silage were replaced by MO silage) or HM (high MO; 50% alfalfa hay and 100% maize silage were replaced by MO silage). The feeding trial lasted 35 days. The LM and HM diets did not affect dry matter (DM) intake, milk yield or milk composition (lactose, milk fat, milk protein and somatic cell count). The apparent digestibility of DM and NDF was lower for HM group than NM group. Additionally, there were no significant differences in serum biochemical indexes between the LM and NM groups. The HM group had lower serum concentrations of total cholesterol, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol, and low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol and higher serum concentrations of urea than the NM group. The partial replacement of alfalfa hay (≤50%) and maize silage with MO silage had no negative effects on milk yield, in vivo nutrient apparent digestibility or serum biochemical indexes of lactating cows.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine the effects of differing nutrient levels during the far‐off period on postpartum metabolism and milk production in lactating cows. Twenty‐six multiparous cows were assigned to three dietary treatments in the far‐off period: a low‐energy diet (L, n = 9, 80% intake of the total digestible nutrients requirement), a moderate‐energy diet (M, n = 8, 105%) and a high‐energy diet (H, n = 9, 130%). During the close‐up period, all cows were provided with 105% intake. After parturition, all cows were fed a lactation diet. The BCS recovery was slow, and low milk yield was found in the H group. In the L group, BCS recovery was favorable after parturition, and lactation persistence was increased. The L group had low rumen endotoxin activity and a high initial ovulation rate after parturition. These findings indicate that a high‐energy diet during the far‐off period has a deleterious effect on milk production. In contrast, the restricted diet in the far‐off period increased adaptability with respect to peri‐parturition metabolic changes, improved the post‐parturition nutritional state, and increased milk production. Furthermore, it suggests that the nutrient levels in the far‐off period affect rumen endotoxin activity and reproductive function after parturition.  相似文献   

We used four pregnant Holstein cows to delineate ruminal adaptations as cows transitioned from one lactation to the next. Cows were fed typical diets through far-off and close-up dry periods and lactation. We measured ruminal characteristics on day 72 (late lactation), 51 (far-off dry), 23 and 9 (close-up dry) prepartum and on days 6, 20, 34, 48, 62, 76 and 90 postpartum (early lactation). Measurements included: ruminal fill (weight of actual contents), ruminal capacity (volume of rumen when fully filled), digestibilities and ruminal passage rates. Ruminal capacity tended to increase linearly during early lactation but was stable during dry and transition periods. Both total and liquid fill decreased linearly during the dry period, increased across parturition, and increased linearly through early lactation. Dry matter fill decreased as cows were fed the close-up diet at day 23 prepartum then increased near parturition and continued to increase across early lactation. Solid passage rate was greatest when cows were fed the close-up diet, and decreased throughout the transition period. In lactation, solid passage rate responded quadratically with peak at day 48 followed by decreases through day 90 postpartum. Liquid passage increased linearly across the transition period. Total tract organic matter digestibilities increased linearly over the dry period with significant increases prior to or immediately after parturition, then they remained relatively stable over early lactation until they increased at day 90. Fibre digestibilities demonstrated quadratic responses over early lactation, being higher on day 6 and day 90 than at other times. Starch digestibilities decreased linearly across both the dry and transition periods with decreases in lactation until day 62 followed by increases until day 90. High producing lactating dairy cows go through a multitude of ruminal adaptations, in terms of digestion, passage, capacity and fill, as they transition from one lactation to the next.  相似文献   

通过研究奶牛产后急性子宫内膜炎致病微生物组成,揭示该病主要病原并为临床治疗提供依据。以产后6~10 d急性化脓性卡他性子宫内膜炎患牛80头为研究对象,对子宫内容物进行细菌和真菌的分离鉴定。共分离到195株细菌及真菌,其中35.4%具有溶血性,50.8%对试验动物有致病性;大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌分离率较高,为83.75%和62.5%,其次是奇异变形杆菌(36.25%)、白色念珠菌(20%)和肺炎克雷伯氏菌(17.5%)。该病的90%为混合感染,细菌混合感染(70%)主要由大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯氏菌和奇异变形杆菌组成;真菌与细菌混合感染占20%,均有白色念珠菌存在;细菌单一感染占10%。结果表明,奶牛产后急性子宫内膜炎主要致病菌是大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、肺炎克雷伯氏菌、奇异变形杆菌,20%受试牛存在着以白色念珠菌为主的真菌感染。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of exogenous progesterone administration at ovulation and during the early development of the CL, on its future sensitivity to a single administration of PGF2a in mares and cows. Horse Retrospective reproductive data from an equine clinic in the UK during three breeding seasons were used. Mares were divided into: control group, cycles with single ovulations; double ovulation group cycles with asynchronous double ovulations; and PRID group: cycles with single ovulations and treatment with intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR) immediately after the ovulation. All mares were treated with d‐cloprostenol (PGF) at either: (i) 88 hr; (ii) 96 hr; (iii) 104 hr; or (iv) 112 hr after the last ovulation. Cattle A total of nine non‐lactating Holstein cows were used. All cows were administered PGF14 d apart and allocated to one of two groups control group GnRH was administered 56 hr after the second PGF administration. CIDR group CIDR was inserted at the same time of GnRH administration. All cows were administered PGF at 120 hr post‐ovulation. The complete luteolysis rate of mares with double ovulation (66.7%) and those treated with exogenous progesterone (68.4%) was significantly higher than the rate of mares with single ovulation (35.6%) at 104 hr. In the cow, however, the treatment with CIDR did not increase the luteolytic response in cows treated at 120 hr post‐ovulation. In conclusion, the degree of complete luteolysis can be influenced by increasing the concentration of progesterone during the early luteal development in mares.  相似文献   

Low plasma total cholesterol (TC) concentrations are characteristic during the negative energy balance in early lactating dairy cows. The objective was to investigate short-term effects of different TC concentrations during an aggravated energy deficiency through a 1-week concentrate withdrawal on adaptations of metabolism and milk production. Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 15) were investigated during 3 week beginning at 24 ± 7 DIM (mean ± SD). Cows were kept on pasture and received additional concentrate in experimental week 1 and 3, while in week 2, concentrate was withdrawn. Blood was sampled once and milk twice daily. Based on their average TC concentration during week 1 (prior to concentrate withdrawal), cows were retrospectively assigned into a high (H-Chol; n = 8, TC ≥ 3.36 mmol/L) and a low TC groups (L-Chol; n = 7, TC < 3.36 mmol/L). Concentrations of phospholipids and lipoproteins were higher in H-Chol compared to L-Chol throughout the study (p < 0.05). During concentrate withdrawal, milk yield, glucose and insulin concentrations decreased similarly in both groups, while milk fat, milk acetone and plasma BHB were higher in H-Chol compared to L-Chol (p < 0.05). Compared to initial values, plasma NEFA, TAG and VLDL increased in both groups within 2 days after concentrate withdrawal (p < 0.05). Concentrations of NEFA during week 2 were greater in L-Chol compared to H-Chol (p < 0.05). Despite reintroduction of concentrate, milk yield in H-Chol remained lower for two more days compared to week 1 (p < .05), whereas milk yield recovered immediately in L-Chol. Activity of aspartate aminotransferase was higher in H-Chol compared to L-Chol in week 2 (p < 0.05). Greater plasma TC concentrations were associated with a reduced increase of NEFA. Further research is warranted if TC concentrations are related to adipose tissue mobilization and fatty acid turnover.  相似文献   

To improve the accuracy of ultrasonographic assessment of luteal function, we investigated the relationship between ovarian ultrasonographic findings on Day 7 (Day 1 = ovulation) and plasma progesterone (P4) concentration, nutritional metabolic factors, and pregnancy outcome. A total of 47 spontaneous estrus events were investigated in 38 lactating Holstein cows (artificial insemination, n = 31; embryo transfer, n = 16). Transrectal ultrasonography was performed on Days 0 and 7 to measure the pre-ovulatory follicle area on Day 0 and the luteal tissue area (LTA), luteal blood flow area (LBF), relative LBF (rLBF) (= LBF/LTA), and dominant follicle area (DFA) on Day 7. Blood samples were collected on Day 7 to measure plasma P4, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), insulin, and metabolites. Plasma P4 concentration was positively correlated with LTA but was not associated with LBF or rLBF. Plasma P4 concentration was positively correlated with blood glucose and IGF-I and negatively correlated with blood urea nitrogen and free fatty acid, and no significant relationship was found between the ultrasonographic findings of the corpus luteum (CL) and these blood metabolites. Pregnant cows had smaller DFA than non-pregnant cows. In conclusion, LTA measurement can help predict plasma P4 concentration, but it was difficult to detect variations in plasma P4 concentration in relation to changes in energy status by evaluating the CL ultrasonographically. A combined assessment of CL and first-wave dominant follicle may be important in evaluating fertility.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the effects of intramammary infusion of Bifidobacterium breve (B. breve) on mastitis‐causing pathogens and on the somatic cell counts (SCC) in lactating cows with chronic subclinical mastitis. The bacteriological cure rates of 42 quarters from 42 cows infected with Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium bovis, coagulase‐negative staphylococci, and environmental streptococci were 18.2% (2/11), 14.3% (1/7), 58.8% (10/17), and 28.6% (2/7), respectively, on day 14 after B. breve infusion. In a second trial, B. breve was infused into 18 quarters from 18 cows with chronic subclinical mastitis from which pathogens had not been isolated; the rates of quarters showing SCC > 50 × 104 cells/ml prior to B. breve infusion that decreased to < 30 × 104 cells/ml after infusion were significantly (p < .01) increased to 61.1% (11/18) on day 14 compared to that prior to infusion (0/18). The intramammary infusion of B. breve appears to be a non‐antibiotic approach for elimination of minor pathogens and decreasing SCC in quarters with chronic subclinical mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

铜在奶牛生产中的应用及存在问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文就铜的生物学效应和生理功能,奶牛对铜的需要量、耐受量和中毒量等进行阐述。  相似文献   

We compared the hair cortisol levels of lactating dairy cows in a cold‐ and a warm‐temperate region out of four climatic zones in Japan. We simultaneously investigated the effects of calving number, lactation period and month of hair sampling. Hair of nine Holstein lactating cows chosen from each region (i.e. 18 cows per sampling) was sampled in March, June, September and December. Number of calvings (1, 2, ≥3) and lactation duration (early: <100, middle: 101–200, and late: >201 days) were balanced between regions. Cortisol was extracted from hair by methanol, and its level was determined with a cortisol immunoassay kit. A multi‐way analysis of variance revealed that the effects of month of hair sampling (P < 0.001) and its combination with region (P < 0.05) were significant. In a multiple comparison test, significant differences (P < 0.01) in hair cortisol level (pg/mg of hair) were found between June (13.0 ± 1.0) and the other 3 months, and between September (1.6 ± 0.2) and December (4.5 ± 0.3). The rise in cortisol level from March to June was more intense in the cold‐temperate region. These results demonstrate the necessity of considering seasonal variations in each climatic region when we use hair cortisol level as an indicator of stress.  相似文献   

The study evaluated dietary supplementation with live yeast (LY) Saccharomyces cerevisiae (CNCM I‐4407, 1010 CFU/g, Actisaf; Phileo Lesaffre Animal Care, France) on rumen fermentation and serum metabolic profile in lactating dairy cows. Fifty Holstein cows received a total mixed ration with (Live Yeast Diet, LYD, n = 25) or without (Control Diet, CD, n = 25) 5 × 1010 CFU/cow/day of LY from 3 to 19 weeks of lactation. Rumen fermentation and serum metabolic profile were measured in eight cows per treatment at 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 weeks post‐partum. LYD showed an increased daily milk yield (+4%) over CD (p < 0.05). Mean rumen pH at 4 hr after morning meal was higher in LYD (6.59) than CD (6.32) (p < 0.01). Total volatile fatty acids (VFA) and acetate molar proportion were higher in LYD (114.24 mM; 25.04%) than CD (106.47 mM; 24.73%) (p < 0.05). Propionate and butyrate molar proportions, acetate to propionate ratio, ammonia levels did not differ between LYD and CD. Ruminal lactate was lower in LYD than CD (9.3 vs. 16.4 mM) (p < 0.001), with a 53% decrease in LYD. During peak lactation, LYD had lower serum NEFA (p < 0.05, 0.40 vs. 0.48 mM) and BHBA (p < 0.01, 0.47 vs. 0.58 mM) than CD, lower liver enzyme activities (AST 1.39 vs. 1.54 ukat/L) (p < 0.05). Serum glucose was higher in LYD at peak lactation (3.22 vs. 3.12 mM, and 3.32 vs. 3.16 mM respectively) (p < 0.05). The results confirmed a reducing effect of LY on lactate accumulation in rumen fluid, associated with an increase in rumen pH. Lower serum levels of lipomobilization markers, liver enzyme activities and higher glucose levels may suggest that live yeast slightly mitigated negative energy balance and had a certain liver protective effect.  相似文献   

中草药添加剂对奶牛产奶性能及牛奶体细胞数的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
试验采用完全随机区组设计,将18头年龄、体重、产奶性能、胎次及泌乳阶段相似的中国荷斯坦奶牛,随机分为对照组、试验1组和试验2组3个处理组,6个区组每个处理组6个重复,饲养期120 d。各处理组的粗饲料相同,均由干草、玉米秸秆、玉米青贮构成,试验1组与试验2组的精饲料在对照组基础上分别添加0.4%与0.8%的中草药添加剂。试验结果表明,添加中草药添加剂对乳干物质、非脂乳固体、乳脂率、乳糖及乳蛋白含量无明显影响,但中草药对刺激奶牛产奶和预防奶牛乳房炎的发生有一定效果,试验2组产奶量显著高于对照组(P=0.046),相对于对照组增加了20.7%,并可降低体细胞数和乳房炎的发生率。  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of parity number on the dry matter intake (DMI) of cows during the first week after calving. Eighty‐three cows were evaluated from 14 days before to 7 days after calving. DMI and milk yield were measured for 7 days after calving, and the calving score was measured. Blood samples were collected throughout the experiment. The average DMI during the first week after calving was reduced in the first‐lactation heifers and high‐parity number cows. A quadratic relationship between the parity number and the DMI was observed. The first‐lactation heifers had lower prepartum serum total protein (TP) concentration and milk yield, higher prepartum serum nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) concentration and calving score than the multiparous cows. The recovery rate of serum calcium (Ca) after calving was slow in the cows in the parity 6. The DMI was positively affected by the serum Ca concentration after calving, milk yield, and prepartum serum TP concentration and was negatively affected by the calving score and prepartum serum NEFA concentration. We conclude that the DMI immediately after calving tends to be lower in first‐lactation heifers and high‐parity number cows, but factors that reduce the DMI differ according to parity number.  相似文献   

Dairy cow bone phosphorus (P) mobilization and deposition and their influence on P requirements were studied over the lactation cycle. Thirty Holsteins received a common diet during the dry period and one of the following three dietary treatments that varied in P percentage during the subsequent lactation (44 weeks): (i) 0.36 throughout (constant P, 0.36‐0.36‐0.36), (ii) 0.36 for 30 weeks then 0.29 for 14 weeks (P changed once, 0.36‐0.36‐0.29), and (iii) 0.43 for 10 weeks, 0.36 for 20 weeks, and 0.29 for 14 weeks (P changed twice, 0.43‐0.36‐0.29). Six P balance studies were conducted during the experiment, including one during the dry period and five along lactation, based on P intake, faecal P, urinary P and milk P, when appropriate. Blood samples were taken during balance to analyse bone formation (osteocalcin) and resorption (pyridinoline) marker concentrations and rib biopsies performed to determine bone P content. Phosphorus balance was negative during weeks ?4 to ?1 relative to lactation for all groups and remained negative for cows fed 0.36% P during weeks 1–5, but showed a positive value for cows that received 0.43% P. The balance was close to zero for all groups at weeks 19–23 and showed a clear retention during weeks 38–42; by the end of lactation, cows re‐stored most of the P mobilized earlier. The pattern in P balance was consistent with changes in blood bone metabolism marker concentrations, rib bone P content, and faecal and urinary P concentrations over the experiment, indicating that cows, irrespective of the dietary P treatments received, mobilized P from bone during the late dry period when fed a low‐Ca diet and early lactation, and re‐stored P in late lactation. This dynamic of P metabolism can have important implications for dietary P requirements and ration formulations.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of oxytocin infusion on corpus luteum (CL) function during early to mid-diestrus by measuring luteal size (LS) and luteal blood flow (LBF) along with plasma levels of progesterone (P4) and prostaglandin metabolites (13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F, PGFM). On day (D) 7 of the estrus cycle (D1 = ovulation), seven cows received 100 IU of oxytocin (OXY) or placebo (PL) following a Latin square design. LS and LBF increased in both groups over time and no differences were observed between the groups. PGFM did not differ either within the groups over time or between the groups at any time point. P4 of the OXY group was higher compared to that of the the PL group 360 min after the infusion (p = 0.01) and tended to be higher at the time points 450 min, 48 h, and 72 h (all p = 0.08). Results from this study support the hypothesis that OXY is not directly involved in the mechanism(s) governing blood flow of the CL and has no remarkable effects either on luteal size or P4 and PGFM plasma levels. Further investigation is needed to elucidate the role of OXY in CL blood flow during early and late luteal phases.  相似文献   

Six lactating Holstein cows were divided into two groups (n = 3) and used in a double reversal trial with three periods of 14 days each to evaluate the rumen fermentation, milk production and milk composition of cows fed brewer's grain (BG). The control diets contained 14% chopped Sudangrass hay, 24% corn silage, 18% alfalfa hay cube, 34% concentrate mixture‐1 and 10% concentrate mixture‐2 (wheat bran, soybean meal and cottonseed). In the experimental diet, wet BG replaced the concentrate mixture‐2. The protozoal population, concentration of ammonia‐N and volatile fatty acids in the ruminal fluid did not differ between the control and BG diets. The molar percentage of acetic acid was significantly higher (P < 0.05) with the BG diet at 5 h after feeding. The milk yield, the percentage of protein, lactose, solids not‐fat and somatic cell counts of milk did not differ between the two diets. The percentage of milk fat tended to increase with the BG diet. The BG diet significantly increased the proportions of C18:0 and C18:1 in milk fat (P < 0.01, P < 0.05, respectively) and tended to increase that of conjugated linoleic acid.  相似文献   

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