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《沼气生态农业技术》该书全面系统地介绍了沼气生态农业实用技术。内容主要包括沼气发酵的原理、条件及运行管理 ;农村户用沼气池的建造 ;北方能源生态模式和南方猪一沼一果生态模式的结构性能和施工要领 ;沼气发酵产物的综合利用。全书深入浅出介绍了沼气池、节能日光温室和太阳能畜禽舍的施工工艺以及沼气制取、综合利用等有关技术 ,充分反映了我国沼气生态农业工程开发研究成果、技术水平和先进经验 ,是农民、养殖企业利用沼气及建设生态家园的技术顾问。《沼气技术与综合利用》系列光盘畜禽养殖企业是粪污排放企业 ,粪污处理得不好 ,不…  相似文献   

甘肃省清水县推出了"半开放型暖棚牛舍+沼气池+厕所"的新型牛舍建造模式,提出了"肉牛养殖+沼气能源+种植"的生态养殖方式,形成以肉牛养殖为基础,以沼气生产为中介,与种植业相连接的综合性生态农业循环经济链。该模式在有效增加农牧民经济收入的基础上,还带来了良好的社会效益与生态效益,对清水县新农村建设起到了良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

林聪 《猪业科学》2007,24(1):74-76
中国的沼气技术经过多年的探索研究和试点示范,沼气建设从池型设计、建筑施工到运行管理逐步成熟,发酵工艺和综合利用技术已处于世界领先水平.同时,将农村沼气技术与农业生产技术紧密结合,形成了以南方"猪沼果"、北方"四位一体"和西北"五配套"为代表的农村沼气发展生态模式.畜禽养殖场大中型沼气工程建设开始起步,已经形成养殖场沼气工程建设的能源环保模式和能源生态模式,并先后建设了一批示范工程,沼气技术的突破和相关研究成果以及工程建设技术规范为沼气建设稳步发展奠定了基础.已在全国范围内形成了建设热情高,认识到位,愿望迫切的局面,使沼气事业迎来了前所未有的发展环境.  相似文献   

王正江 《猪业科学》2005,22(8):70-71
北方农村生态能源模式养猪技术是一项生态农业与农村能源养猪技术相结合的技术,根据北方各省冬季比较寒冷的特点,充分利用农牧业有机物和自然资源,提高经济,生态能源和社会等综合效益为目标,以沼气为纽带,经过科学合理地搭配猪舍,厕所及蔬菜大棚,使之相互依存,优势互补,多业结合,综合利用,形成一个完整农业生态循环系统。1布局与构架,北方农村生态能源模式技术简称“四位一体”模式,其主要技术包括沼气池,日光温室,猪舍和厕所。1.1日光温室该模式的基本框架和主体结构,沼气池,猪舍,厕所、菜地都融入温室中,形成全封闭状态,要按照结构合理,光…  相似文献   

厉力  厉国建 《山东饲料》2013,(17):194+290
农作物秸秆、人畜禽粪便等有机物在沼气池的厌氧环境中,通过沼气微生物分解转化后所产生的沼气、沼液和沼渣,统称"沼气发酵产物",俗称"三沼"。根据它们各自的成分特性,广泛推广并综合利用好"三沼",既有降本增效的功能,又能改善环境,保护生态,称之为沼气发酵产物的综合利用生态工程,即"三沼"综合利用生态工程。  相似文献   

猪场沼气综合利用是指将猪粪便、粪尿等猪场污物经沼气池厌氧发酵后,所产生的沼气、沼渣、沼液作为其他生产活动的能源、肥料等系列化的再生利用,真正实现系统内农业资源多层次利用和高效益良性循环。针对猪场沼气综合利用的目的与意义、猪场沼气池构建、沼气产生过程、沼气脱硫技术、沼液利用、示范猪场沼气综合利用效果等进行较系统阐述,为今后进一步开展猪场沼气综合利用的推广与应用研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

兰溪市女埠街道下刘村张某,于1997年兴办养猪场,为妥善处理养殖污染物,在建造猪舍的同时,新建了二级发酵沼气池,充分利用粪尿生产沼气,沼液、沼渣供作高效有机肥料.与传统养猪方式相比,"猪-沼-粮"的生态养殖模式不仅改善了生态环境,提高了综合效益,而且形成了猪-沼-粮(菜)的良性生态循环.  相似文献   

猪-沼-桑(蚕)农业生态模式的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪-沼-桑(蚕)农业生态模式,是以养猪、养蚕为主,猪粪和蚕沙(粪)经过沼气池厌氧发酵处理,产出沼肥和沼气;沼肥用来培桑养蚕,沼气照明、加温养蚕,从而形成相互促进良性循环的生态产业链.近年来,全南在利用沼肥培桑养蚕中取得较好的效益.  相似文献   

农业部推广三种农业生态模式 目前,全国农业生态环境和农村可再生能源工作会议在江西赣州市举行。会上,农业部向全国推广江西赣州市的“猪沼果”等三种生态农业模式。 据了解,目前我国已经形成了具有代表性的三种能源生态工程模式:第一种是江西赣州的“猪沼果”能源生态工程模式;第二种是广西恭城能源生态工程模式,主要以沼气为中心,实施物流、能流的良性循环和资源多层次、多用途利用,形成了养殖—沼气—种植三位一体的庭院经济格局;第三种是北方“四位一体”能源生态工程模式,主要是正北方冬季寒冷地区的庭院内,将日光温室、禽畜舍、沼气池和厕所优化组合,构成一个较为完整的农村庭院能源生态系统。 目前,这三种能源生态工程模式已在不同地区形成了一定的发展态势,“猪沼果”和“恭城”能源生态工程模式在南方已经发展到81万户,北方“四位一体”能源生态工程模式在东北地区已发展21万户,仅辽宁省就发展了17万户。这些能源生态工程模式,已经成为当地农业、农村经济发展和农民脱贫致富奔小康的重要途径,受到地方政府和广大群众的重视和欢迎。  相似文献   

采用自主创新技术,建立多体连通式USR设施系统,解决养猪场粪尿污水无害化处理和资源化综合利用等问题,生产的“三沼”应用在猪场保温、农场生活能源、鳗鱼苗池保温、果园有机质肥施用等农业产业上,形成了“生猪养殖一粪便一沼气一沼气综合应用一无公害农产品生产”循环链。不仅可以改善养殖场的生态环境,提高生产力,还为发展生态农业、生产有机农产品提供了优质高效、无公害有机肥,构建了大型养猪场污染物资源化利用及产业循环经济建设模式。介绍了养猪场大型沼气池配套建设项目的建设内容、工艺流程及技术应用。  相似文献   

The specificity of serum antibodies for the polypeptides of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) was examined, using sera obtained from feedlot and range cattle. Test results in sera from feedlot cattle indicated a 60% rate of seroconversion and 95% seropositivity to BRSV, associated with lack of clinical signs indicative of respiratory tract disease. Exposure to other common respiratory tract viruses also was high (greater than or equal to 92% to bovine herpesvirus type 1, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and para-influenza virus type 3). Test results in sera from range cattle indicated BRSV seropositive rates of 28% in calves, 49% in yearling cattle, and 70% in mature cows; clinical signs of respiratory tract disease were not observed in these cattle. Antibodies to BRSV in sera from cattle in both environments reacted predominantly with polypeptides of molecular weight 80,000 through 85,000, 40,000, and 28,000. Reactivity to a glycoprotein of molecular weight between 43,000 and 44,000 and to several glycopolypeptides of smaller molecular weight increased in serum specimens obtained from feedlot cattle between time of entry into the feedlot and slaughter.  相似文献   

直接饲喂微生物(DFM)能提高育肥牛日增重和饲料利用率,提高奶牛泌乳量,改善幼龄反刍动物的健康状况和生产成绩。然而,DFM的作用很不稳定,其作用模式不明。文中主要介绍了DFM对反刍动物健康和生产性能的影响,讨论了其潜在的作用机理。并对有待于继续研究的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Inflammation caused by bovine respiratory disease (BRD) continues to be one of the greatest challenges facing beef cattle producers and feedlot managers. Inflammation decreases DMI, ADG, and G:F in feedlot calves, decreasing growth rate and increasing days on feed, which results in economic losses during the feeding period. During the past decade, marketing of feedlot animals has changed from selling cattle on a live basis to a grid-based marketing system. When cattle are marketed on a live basis, the economic effects of BRD stop at increased health cost and decreased feedlot performance, carcass weight, and death loss. However, when cattle are marketed in a grid-based system, inflammation has the potential to also affect carcass cutability and quality. The effects of inflammation on feedlot cattle in regards to performance are well understood; however, specific effects on cattle growth and ultimately carcass merit are not as well described. Recent studies in feedlot cattle have indicated that the incidence of BRD decreases both HCW and marbling; however, mechanisms are not understood. Research in other species has demonstrated that during the acute phase response, pro-inflammatory cytokines promote skeletal muscle catabolism to supply AA and energy substrates for immune tissues. Further, during this early immune response, the liver changes its metabolic priorities to the production of acute phase proteins for use in host defense. Together these dramatic shifts in systemic metabolism may explain the detrimental effects on performance and carcass traits commonly associated with BRD in feedlot calves. Moreover, recent studies relative to human health have revealed complex multilevel interactions between the metabolic and immune systems, and highlighted inflammation as being a significant contributor to major metabolic diseases. The objective of this paper is to review data to help explain the economical and physiological effects of inflammation on cattle growth and carcass merit.  相似文献   

Liver abscesses in feedlot cattle result from aggressive grain-feeding programs and are influenced by a number of dietary and management factors. They have a major economic impact on the feedlot industry because of liver condemnation and reduced animal performance and carcass yield. Ruminal lesions resulting from acidosis usually are accepted as the predisposing factors. Generally, control of liver abscesses in feedlot cattle has depended on the use of tylosin, which reduces abscess incidence by 40% to 70%. However, new methods and products for liver abscess control are needed. Corn milling by-products that are less fermentable may aide in the quest for cattle production techniques that lead to lower usage of antimicrobials. A vaccine is also commercially available.  相似文献   

Fifty-two feedlot cattle exhibited clinical signs suggestive of botulism. Clostridium botulinum type D organisms were recovered from ruminal fluid of 4 of the 5 affected animals tested and were isolated from bakery waste fed to the cattle. Clostridium botulinum type D has not been reported previously in Canadian cattle.  相似文献   

The objectives of beef feedlot preventive medicine are to reduce morbidity, mortality and culling rates, maximize feed efficiency and optimize expenditures for biologicals and pharmaceuticals. The veterinarian must provide regular inspection of all areas of the feedlot and constantly monitor disease incidence. The provision of advice on vaccination, treatment schedules, necropsies on all dead cattle and the regular analysis of disease and production records are all part of feedlot preventive medicine. All of this is aimed at improving net economical gain for the producer.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify cytocidal viruses and Pasteurella spp that could be isolated from cattle involved in 2 natural outbreaks of shipping fever. ANIMALS: 105 and 120 castrated male 4- to 8-month-old feedlot cattle involved in 1997 and 1998 outbreaks, respectively. PROCEDURES: Nasal swab specimens and blood samples were collected, and cattle were vaccinated on arrival at an order-buyer barn from 4 local auction houses. Four days later, they were transported to a feedlot, and additional nasal swab specimens and blood samples were collected. Nasal swab specimens were submitted for virus isolation and bacterial culture; blood samples were submitted for measurement of respiratory bovine coronavirus (RBCV) hemagglutinin inhibition titers. RESULTS: 93 of 105 cattle and 106 of 120 cattle developed signs of respiratory tract disease during 1997 and 1998, respectively, and RBCV was isolated from 81 and 89 sick cattle, respectively, while at the order-buyer's barn or the day after arrival at the feedlot. During the 1997 outbreak, bovine herpesvirus 1 was isolated from 2 cattle at the order-buyer's barn and from 5 cattle 7 and 14 days after arrival at the feedlot, and parainfluenza virus 3 was isolated from 4 cattle 14 days after arrival at the feedlot. During the 1998 outbreak, bovine herpesvirus 1 was isolated from 2 cattle at the order-buyer's barn and on arrival at the feedlot and from 5 cattle 7 and 14 days after arrival at the feedlot, and parainfluenza virus 3 was isolated from 1 animal the day of, and from 18 cattle 7 and 14 days after, arrival at the feedlot. Pasteurella spp was cultured from 4 and 6 cattle at the order-buyer's barn and from 92 and 72 cattle on arrival at the feedlot during the 1997 and 1998 outbreaks, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that RBCV may play a causative role in outbreaks of shipping fever in cattle. More than 80% of the sick cattle shed RBCV at the beginning of 2 outbreaks when the Pasteurella spp infection rate was low.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of mass medication with long acting antibiotics at feedlot entry on lot-fed Australian domestic cattle during a period of high risk for bovine respiratory disease (BRD). DESIGN: Systematic allocation at feedlot entry of tilmicosin, long acting oxytetracycline or no antibiotic treatment, to cattle lot fed for the Australian domestic market. Comparisons of growth rate, disease occurrence and mortality were made between the groups at the conclusion of the feeding period. RESULTS: Cattle medicated with tilmicosin at 10 mg/kg body weight on entry to the feedlot grew 0.08 kg/d faster than cattle medicated with oxytetracycline at 20 mg/kg body weight and non-medicated cattle. There was no significant difference in growth rate between oxytetracycline medicated cattle and cattle not medicated with antibiotic at feedlot entry. Cattle medicated with tilmicosin at feedlot entry had 8 fewer cases of disease per 100 animals compared with cattle not medicated with antibiotic at feedlot entry. There was no significant difference in disease occurrence between oxytetracycline medicated cattle and those not medicated with antibiotic at feedlot entry. CONCLUSION: Mass medication with tilmicosin at feedlot entry of cattle destined for the Australian domestic market may be used to reduce disease occurrence and increase growth rate during periods of high risk for BRD.  相似文献   

美国肉牛业无论是肉牛品种、生产方式、服务体系、产品质量均居于世界领先地位.并且还建立了完整且运行规范的生产体系,即种牛场一带犊母牛繁育场一架子牛饲养场一育肥场——屠宰加工场。同时。肉牛产业研究分为理论研究与实践研究,理论研究主要是该领域前瞻性的科学研究;实践性研究用于解决当前生产中存在的问题与难点,以保证肉牛产业健康、持续发展。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare concentrations of 3-methyleneindolenine (3MEIN) in lung tissues obtained from feedlot cattle that died as a result of acute interstitial pneumonia (AIP) and cattle that died as a result of other causes and to compare blood concentrations of 3MEIN in healthy feedlot cattle and feedlot cattle with AIP. STUDY POPULATION: Blood samples and lung tissues collected from 186 cattle housed in 14 feedlots in the western United States. PROCEDURE: Samples of lung tissues were collected during routine postmortem examination and submitted for histologic, microbiologic, and toxicologic examination. Blood samples were collected from cattle with clinical manifestations of AIP and healthy penmates. Histologic diagnoses were categorized as AIP, bronchopneumonia (BP), control samples, and other disorders. Concentrations of 3MEIN were determined in lung tissues and blood samples, using an ELISA. RESULTS: Concentrations of 3MEIN in lung tissues were significantly greater in AIP and BP samples, compared with control samples. Absorbance per microgram of protein did not differ between BP and AIP samples. Blood concentrations of 3MEIN were significantly greater in cattle with AIP, compared with healthy cattle or cattle with BP. Odds of an animal with AIP being a heifer was 3.1 times greater than the odds of that animal being a steer. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increased pulmonary production of 3MEIN may be an important etiologic factor in feedlot-associated AIP.  相似文献   

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