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随着市场经济体制的不断完善和国家科教兴国,科教兴水战略的实施,水利行业对高层次专门人才的需求和质量要求不断增加和提高,这就要求水利高等院校不断地探索高层次水利人才的培养模式。以满足水利事业的发展对高层次人才的需求,文章对此背景下分析了水利研究生培养模式的现状及存在的问题,探讨了水利研究生培养模式改革的原则,提出了水利研究生培养模式改革的目标是培养具备综合素质,具有创造力的高层次人才,以满足水利事业可持续发展的需要。  相似文献   

地方高校研究生培养模式是一直以来不断探索的问题,结合近年来的实践培养经验,在对目前地方高校研究生培养现状分析的基础上,通过调查问卷的方式指明了科技竞赛对研究生培养作用,阐明了科技竞赛是提高学生创新实践能力的有效途径,最后提出以科技竞赛为载体,构建地方高校研究生培养模式,提升研究生的综合素质和适应新时代发展要求的能力。  相似文献   

为适应研究生招生规模逐年扩大的发展形式,从提高农业院校工科研究生的培养质量这一目的出发,以华南农业大学工程学院为例,从思想政治教育、学科建设、培养模式等方面进行了农业院校工科研究生培养工作的初步探索和改革,指出了当前研究生培养工作中存在的问题,并提出了进一步改革的设想与建议。  相似文献   

为了满足国家对研究生科研创新能力的需求,针对地方高校研究生科研创新能力培养的相关问题开展了问卷调查,在调查结果的基础上总结问题,结合多年实际经验,以黑龙江八一农垦大学农业工程学科为例,探索了地方高校研究生科研创新能力培养模式,以期为新工科背景下研究生协同创新培养提供借鉴。  相似文献   

张伏  王甲甲  张亚坤 《农业工程》2019,9(10):111-113
基于目前高校在农业工程研究生培养方面存在的问题,从学生培养、导师能力提高和培养方案的修订等方面提出了一系列措施,并将其应用于教学实践中。实践表明,学生的创新创业能力明显提高。   相似文献   

鉴于湖南省经济发展状况,结合中南林业科技大学和省内企业发展的基本情况,本文选择湖南晓光汽车模具有限公司作为校企合作研究生培养试点企业,提出一种适用于林业高校机械工程方向研究生培养现状的校企联合培养模式,这种模式是结合高校主导和企业主导两种校企联合培养模式的优势与不足提出的一种改良模式,以高校为主导的渐进式联合培养模式,不仅可以帮助生产企业解决产品加工中的技术难题,也可以培养机械工程领域研究生的解决实际问题的能力,构建特色鲜明的林业院校机械工程领域高层次应用型人才培养模式。  相似文献   

吴敏  李栋  刘嫣红  郑志安  魏青 《农业工程》2023,(12):113-118
以新农科+新工科建设为契机,在国家工程教育专业认证体系实现国际实质等效的大背景下,硕士研究生培养应面向特定职业领域,培养适应专业岗位的综合素质,形成产学结合的培养模式。以中国农业大学农产品干燥技术实践课程为例,立足于学科基础,分析了农业工程学科人才培养的鲜明工程应用和技术实践特点,构建产教融合协同育人模式,优化课程教学内容与案例设计,改革创新教育教学手段,突出强化课程思政引力。解决了实践教育培养弱化、实践环节流于形式、培养目标与培养机制不匹配等问题,为提升研究生创新实践能力和职业素养,探索出有效途径。  相似文献   

丁幼春 《农业工程》2017,7(2):122-124
农业工程类研究生是推动国家农业现代化发展的重要力量。针对如何培养德才兼备的农业工程类研究生,提出了早定方向、早立课题、早有行动、早出成效的“4个早”做法,培养研究生过硬的专业知识和技能;过程中贯穿“4个注重”:注重言传身教、注重团结协助、注重实践创新、注重人文关怀,时刻关注研究生品格和思想的培养,切实做到立德树人,实现“全人”教育。研究生培养实践表明,在明确目标的导向下,研究生科研成果产出丰富,专业技能迅速提升,人文素养得到全面发展。   相似文献   

Although rainfall in the United States Mid-South is sufficient to produce corn (Zea mays L.) without irrigation in most years, timely irrigation has been shown to increase yields. The recent interest in ethanol fuels is expected to lead to increases in US corn production, and subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is one possible way to increase application efficiency and thereby reduce water use. The objective of this study was to determine the response of SDI-irrigated corn produced in the US Mid-South. Field studies were conducted at the University of Arkansas Northeast Research and Extension Center at Keiser during the 2002-2004 growing seasons. The soil was mixed, with areas of fine sandy loam, loamy sand, and silty clay. SDI tubing was placed under every row at a depth of approximately 30 cm. Three irrigation levels were compared, with irrigation replacing 100% and 60% of estimated daily water use and no irrigations. The split plot treatment was hybrid, with three hybrids of different relative maturities. Although the 3-year means indicated significantly lower yields for a nonirrigated treatment, no significant differences were observed among the treatments in 2003 or 2004. A large difference was observed in 2002, the year with the least rainfall during the study period, but no difference was detected between the two irrigated treatments in any year. The treatment with the lower water application had the higher irrigation water use efficiency. Although the results of this study suggested that replacing 60% of the estimated daily evapotranspiration with SDI is sufficient for maximum corn yields, additional observations will be needed to determine whether corn production with SDI is feasible in the region and to develop recommendations for farmers choosing to adopt the method. Improved weather forecasting and crop coefficient functions developed specifically for the region should also contribute to more efficient irrigation management.  相似文献   

Dynamic linear programming was used to model the US beef production system, to determine the cattle cycle effects on feeder cattle supplies and to select feeding options that would maximise USDA choice and prime quality grade beef production. The model represented the US as a five-region beef production system with inter-regional transportation of offspring for feeding purposes. Cow weights, offspring weaning weights and feed efficiency were different for each region, but the feeding activities were the same in each region except for region two. In region two the feeding of grain to steer and heifer offspring was not an industry practice. Dynamic properties of the model were achieved through constraints that transferred animals from year zero (initial condition) to year five using calving, cow culling, replacement heifer and death loss rates as controlling parameters. The results of model exercises that used historical parameter values indicate that there will be a significant decrease in the supply of beef at all grade levels over the next five years. They also suggest that it is more economically efficient to feed calves from the southeastern and northern parts of the USA if they are transported to the southwestern region.  相似文献   

高校一流实验室的创建模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周燕 《农机化研究》2004,(4):265-266
一流高校离不开一流实验室的建设,为此就如何创建一流实验室问题,从一流实验装备、一流网络实验管理模式和一流人才队伍3个方面进行了详细的阐述,并指出这3个方面是构筑一流实验室所必备的条件。  相似文献   

高职院校是培养时代所需技能人才的摇篮,"订单式"教学模式是企业参与下高职院校经管类各专业教学模式之一,是实现校企合作双赢的结合点.这种模式主要以培养学生的职业技能为导向,以企业和学校之间的紧密合作为主要载体,根据企业对经管类各专业人才的需求方向,开展针对性较强的人才培养方法,使学生所学习到的知识和技能与企业需求之间的零距离对接.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of various cash refund policies on the financial position of co-operatives and co-operative members in Mississippi. Questionnaires were mailed to 25% of the farm supply co-operatives having over one million dollars of annual sales and to 25% of those having less than one million dollars of annual sales. In addition, financial data and parameters for three firms typical of co-operatives in the state were secured. These data were used to develop a hypothetical co-operative for analysis in a cash flow simulation model.The after-tax present values of the patron's investments were calculated and then the option of varying the cash refund percentage was analysed in order to evaluate its impact on the firm's financial position.It was found that members derive benefit from their co-operatives, as shown by the after-tax present value of yearly benefits to patrons. Also, increasing the cash patronage refund resulted in lower patron benefits and had an adverse effect on the financial structure of the co-operative. Therefore, increasing the percentage of cash refund to members will probably weaken the co-operative's ability to serve its members in the future.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1999,59(3):301-310
Over the past 20 years, sudden death syndrome, caused by the soilborne fungus Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines, has emerged as an important production problem in the southern part of the US soybean belt. More recently, the disease has appeared in some production areas of the north-central US, and soybean producers there are concerned that it will become more prevalent in the future. Temperature, moisture, and cold stress response functions for sudden death syndrome were derived in controlled experiments and used with long-term monthly temperature and rainfall normals and regional data on soil moisture storage capacity in a generic pest risk model to determine the potential geographical range of the disease. The analysis suggests that sudden death syndrome is restricted by low moisture west of the Missouri River, and by cold stress north of 43–44 degrees latitude. It is further suggested that production areas in the heart of the north-central region, including large parts of Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio, are located within the range favorable for the disease. These results will be important for allocation of resources for resistance breeding and disease management research. ©  相似文献   

熊明  张文峰 《农业工程》2016,6(4):73-78
研究生培养模式多样化是当前世界研究生教育发展和改革的重要趋势。产学研合作培养研究生不但使研究生教育由高校得以向社会延伸,而且还有利于培养创新型人才,尤其是有利于培养行业需要的创新型应用人才。在系统论思想指导下,阐述了产学研联合培养研究生系统中培养组织、培养目标、培养过程、资源条件和质量评价等要素,并构建了产学研联合培养研究生的理论模型,最后介绍了仲恺农业工程学院产学研联合培养研究生的具体实践。   相似文献   

专业学位硕士研究生培养以专业实践为导向,以培养具有良好职业素养的高层次应用型人才为目标,是今后国家研究生教育的重点。该文以新疆农业大学为例,阐述了“机械”类(原机械工程领域)专业学位硕士研究生培养的目标与方向,总结了该学位点培养平台的现状,分析了目前该学位点在培养过程中存在的问题,并针对问题提出了一些建议,为地方农业院校专业学位研究生培养模式的探索提供了借鉴和参考。   相似文献   

文章主要从"订单式"人才培养的模式、"订单式"人才培养的意义、"订单式"人才培养模式的实践三个方面对高职院校的校企合作进行论述.  相似文献   

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