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Gleadhill A 《The Veterinary record》2010,167(15):587; discussion 587-587; discussion 588

This field study focuses on the possible effects of a combination of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treatment (carprofen) and a local and parenteral antibiotic on cure rates, survival rate and return to milk production of severe clinical mastitis cases. 69 cows in 3 herds (blocked by parity) with severe clinical mastitis during the first 120 d of lactation (median = 28 d) were treated with antibiotics and one-half of these cows were treated with 1.4 mg/kg bodyweight carprofen (Rimadyl Rind, Pfizer GmbH Tiergesundheit, Germany). Double milk samples for bacteriology were collected from clinically affected udder quarters before treatment and at 14 (+/- 3) and 21 (+/- 3) days after commencement of treatment for cytomicro-temperature, clinical, bacteriological, cytobacteriological cure rate and in the number of cows that were defined as treatment failures (i.e., died, re-treated, relapse). Six (22.2%) vs. seven (19.4%) cows in the carprofen and control groups failed, respectively. The milk yield was significantly higher in the carprofen-treated group compared with the control group after treatment. The present work gives first indications that treatment of cows with severe clinical mastitis with a combination of carprofen and antibiotics could result in a faster return to milk production compared to treatment with antibiotics alone. If this effect can be affiliated to the administration of carprofen alone has to be examined in further studies.  相似文献   

Seed production and shrub association patterns of the two palatable shrubs. Tripteris sinuatum and Tetragoma froticosa were investigated on heavily grazed communal and lightly grazed commercial rangeland in the succulent karoo, Namaqualand. Seed production in both these species was substantially reduced on the communal rangeland relative to the commercial rangeland. Seed production in T. sinuatum was most severely affected, with seed production on the communal rangeland two orders of magnitude lower than on the commercial rangeland. The proportion of T. sinuatum and T. froticosa shrubs growing unassociated with other shrubs on the communal rangeland was reduced by approximately 50%. Lycium ferocissimum was most effective as a refuge plant for T. sinuatum in terms of the mean seed production per plant. Ruschia robusta was however most important in terms of the overall amount of seed produced by T. sinuatum and T. froticosa on the communal rangeland, due to the large number of times this association occurred. Refuge plants did not appear to be particularly important for T. froticosa in terms of seed production, but were important in terms of providing safe sites for recruitment. The results of this study suggest that unpalatable or thorny species such as L. ferocissimum play an important role in providing refuge sites for palatable species that might otherwise become entirely lost from overgrazed rangelands.  相似文献   

对烯丙孕素片的制备及质量进行研究。以药物的崩解时限和溶出度为主要指标,应用正交设计法对其处方进行优化,制备一种延缓崩解开始时间的烯丙孕素片,以适应不同猪场和环境的湿法饲喂需求。考察烯丙孕素片的外观性状、硬度、片重差异、脆碎度、崩解时限、溶出度、含量测定等,重点对烯丙孕素片的溶出度方法进行了研究。结果表明,烯丙孕素片外观性状、硬度、片重差异、脆碎度、崩解时限、溶出度、含量测定等结果符合要求,含量测定为标示量的90.0%~105.0%。崩解时限和溶出度结果表明,烯丙孕素片在遇水后7~15分钟全部崩解完毕,溶出度大于90%。研究所得烯丙孕素片的崩解时限延长了5~10分钟,且溶出度和含量均达标。由此确定研制的烯丙孕素片处方工艺可行,质量可控,符合拟定的质量标准。  相似文献   

Plasma oxytetracycline concentrations were studied in four healthy beagles after oral administration of four different commercial preparations of oxytetracycline dihydrate tablets. Although no statistically significant differences were found in the biological availability between the four tablets, assessed by the peak plasma level and the area under the plasma concentration—time curve, there was great variation in the plasma concentrations of oxytetracycline achieved in the sixteen experiments. This variation was not related to the in vitro dissolution properties of the tablets. As the amount of oxytetracycline dihydrate administered in die experiments was almost the maximum recommended dose and the mean peak plasma concentrations were either below or at the lower end of the therapeutic concentration range, it is suggested that higher oral doses than those officially recommended are required to attain effective plasma levels.  相似文献   

本文是在原味奶片的基础上添加了草莓粉、草莓香精、柠檬酸和食用色素等原料,并通过单因素实验、正交实验和感官评定的方法确定草莓奶片的最佳产品配方。结果表明最佳配方参数为草莓果粉添加量为20‰、草莓香精添加量为3.5‰、柠檬酸添加量5.0‰、食用色素添加量0.0025‰。  相似文献   

以蜂蜜和海带为主要原料开发研制了一款口服液新产品.海带经过浸泡、清洗、切丝、熟化、打浆、打磨、过滤、调pH、酶解、灭酶、调配等工艺处理.通过正交试验得出酶解海带浆的最佳工艺参数为pH4.5、温度50℃、酶用量0.06%、酶解时间2h;通过评价正交试验样品,得出最佳配方为海带粒浆体50%、蜂蜜20%、海藻糖15%、柠檬酸0.2%、β-环糊精0.08%.  相似文献   

Administration of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) in the dog may cause gastric mucosal damage. Enteric-coated tablets protect the canine stomach during oral ASA medication. A therapeutic plasma salicylate concentration can be attained using enteric-coated ASA tablets at a dose rate of 25 mg/kg body wt, administered every 8 h. Six beagle dogs were given enteric-coated ASA tablets (500 mg) orally, in a 5-day cross-over experiment on two different feeding regimens: i.e. feeding once daily (Group I) or 8 hourly (Group II). Results demonstrate that feeding regimen strongly influences the plasma salicylate concentration pattern. Subtherapeutic mean plasma salicylate concentrations were found in both groups. In Group II the standard deviation (SD) of the mean plasma salicylate concentration was larger than that of Group I. The minimal plasma salicylate concentration never reached detectable levels in Group II. In both groups large numbers of tablets were vomited. Gastric evacuation of the ASA tablets is comparable to indigestible solid particles; their removal was dependent on the interdigestive gastric motility. It is concluded that large enteric-coated ASA tablets are not suitable for therapeutic use in small dogs.  相似文献   

As information on the comparative bioavailability of digoxin tablets in dogs is scarce, three brands of digoxin tablets, commercially available in Belgium, were compared in 6 healthy dogs in a cross-over randomized design. Each dog received 1 mg digoxin on four occasions (once intravenously and 3 times orally). The mean areas under the curve relative to the intravenous value were 80, 71 and 65%. For the 3 oral preparations peak plasma concentrations were reached within 1 hour after dosing and often within 30 minutes. The mean peak concentrations were 11.0, 10.0 and 8.1 ng/ml. The times for 50% dissolution were 4.5, 7.5 and 25 minutes. Although differences between brands were only significant for the dissolution rate, the same ranking order was present for all parameters. It is therefore concluded that it may be advisable not to switch a digitalized dog from one brand to another.  相似文献   

Five adult cats were given 100 mg chloramphenicol per os on five occasions: twice in tablet form, twice in capsules which also contained barium sulphate, and once in capsules without barium. Plasma samples for chloramphenicol assay were obtained on either a 'standard' schedule (four samples collected within 8 h of dosing with tablet, plain capsule or capsule including barium) or a 'frequent' schedule (nine samples collected within 8 h of dosing with tablet or capsule including barium). With frequent sampling, abdominal radiographs were taken at intervals after administration of capsules. No differences were found with the frequent schedule between tablet and capsule with regard to antibiotic concentrations at each sampling, peak concentrations, or area under the curve of plasma concentration versus time. Standard sampling gave similar drug concentrations to those obtained with frequent sampling. Delayed absorption (defined as plasma chloramphenicol concentration < 5 μg/ml for 1.5 h after dosing) occurred after six of the twenty-five administrations: it was not related to the frequency of sample collection or the use of capsules rather than tablets, but occurred mainly in certain cats. Poor absorption was shown radiographically in one cat to be associated with delayed dispersal of capsular contents in the gut.  相似文献   

金录胜 《中国兽药杂志》2003,37(12):30-31,27
采用HPLC法及紫外-可见分光光度法分别测定复方伊维菌素片中伊维菌素及阿苯达唑的含量,以控制该制剂的质量。用十八烷基键合硅胶柱分离伊维菌素,以甲醇-水(85:15)为流动相,检测波长245nm;用紫外-可见分光光度法在295nm波长处测定阿苯达唑的含量。结果表明,用HPLC法测定本品中伊维菌素的含量时,伊维菌素能与阿苯达唑完全分离,平均回收率为99.56%,RSD=1.27(n=5);用紫外-可见分光光度法测定本品中阿苯达唑的含量,伊维菌素对测定无干扰,平均回收率为99.14%,RSD=0.48(n:4)。本法简便、快速,可用于该产品的质量控制。  相似文献   

“一江两河”地区是西藏农业生产的主要区域,也是栽培草地最集中的区域之一。于2008-2009年在拉萨市达孜县进行了牧草引种驯化试验研究,以期选出适宜于“一江两河”地区建设栽培高产草地和改良天然草地的优良牧草。初步筛选表明,14个豆科、8个禾本科牧草品种和19个草坪草品种在“一江两河”地区具有很好的适应性,可以推广应用。  相似文献   

为建立抗骨增生片中淫羊藿苷含量的高效液相色谱(HPLC)测定方法,采用LC-10ATVP型高效液相色谱仪,流动相:乙腈-0.1%磷酸溶液(27∶73),流速:1.0 mL/min,检测波长:270 nm。结果显示,淫羊藿苷在0.104-0.520μg范围内呈良好线性关系(r=0.999 9);淫羊藿苷含量不少于0.20 mg/片;平均回收率为98.497%,RSD为1.217%。表明该方法简便,专属性强,重复性好,可用于该产品的质量控制。  相似文献   

Long-term oral treatment with cimetidine is recommended to reduce vomiting in dogs with chronic gastritis. Despite this, few studies have specifically examined the plasma disposition and pharmacokinetics of cimetidine in dogs, particularly following repeated oral administration. The pharmacokinetics of cimetidine following oral administration as tablets was investigated in healthy dogs. Cimetidine was absorbed rapidly post-treatment ( t max = 0.5 h). A mean absolute bioavailability of 75% was calculated following a single oral administration of 5 mg cimetidine/kg body weight. After intravenous administration, a plasma half-life of 1.6 h was calculated. Repeated oral administration at the recommended dose rate and regime (5 mg/kg body weight three times daily) for 30 consecutive days did not lead to any accumulation of cimetidine in plasma. Food intake concomitant with oral administration of cimetidine delayed ( t max = 2.25 h) and decreased the rate and extent of absorption ( AUC ) by about 40%. Cimetidine was well absorbed in fasted dogs. Administration of food decreased the bioavailability of cimetidine by 40%. Cimetidine does not accumulate over time in plasma when administered long term to dogs.  相似文献   

Furosemide is a problematic drug in a prolonged-release product because its absorption is site specific, taking place mainly in the upper parts of the alimentary tract. The aim of the study reported here was to develop prolonged-release furosemide formulations for dogs. The type of preparation selected was a hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) matrix tablet. Evaluation was based on dissolution studies, on in vivo disintegration studies in the canine stomach and on bioavailability studies in Beagle dogs. The variables tested were the viscosity grade of the polymer, the amount of polymer and presence or absence of an alkaline compound (potassium carbonate) in the formulation. When potassium carbonate was included, furosemide was absorbed so slowly that drug administration once daily would give plateau drug plasma concentrations, even though the elimination half-life of furosemide is only about one hour.  相似文献   

Carbimazole, a prodrug of methimazole, is used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats. The pharmacokinetics of methimazole was investigated in healthy cats following oral administration of 15 mg of carbimazole as a controlled-release tablet (Vidalta®, Intervet). The controlled-release tablet did not produce a pronounced concentration peak and methimazole was present in the circulation for a sustained period, compared with a conventional tablet formulation. The time to reach peak concentrations after carbimazole administration was quite long (tmax 6 h). The absolute bioavailability of carbimazole was around 88 ± 11%. Repeated oral administration daily for 13 consecutive days did not lead to accumulation of methimazole in plasma. The extent of absorption of carbimazole was about 40% higher when administered to cats that had been fed compared to fasted cats. The relative oral bioavailability of methimazole following administration of the controlled-release tablets was similar to that of a conventional release formulation (83 ± 21%). The pharmacokinetics of this controlled-release formulation of carbimazole supports its use as a once daily treatment (both as a starting dose and for maintenance therapy) for cats with hyperthyroidism.  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法测定兽用阿苯达唑片的含量   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用高效液相色谱法测定兽用阿苯达唑片的含量。方法线性范围是10~150μg/mL,r=0.9994,RSD=2.5%。与紫外分光光度法对比,证明高效液相法可鉴别出紫外法不能鉴别的伪劣药品。该法操作简便快速,结果准确可靠。  相似文献   

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