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用扫描电镜对肝片形吸虫成虫进行了观察。低倍放大见皮棘呈环状排列,从头锥到尾部,从背面到腹面,包绕整个虫体,但口吸盘、生殖腔、腹吸盘、排泄孔周围无皮棘分布。中倍放大见皮棘基部宽,远端窄,有的具齿,齿尖指向尾端。按皮棘的大小及齿的数目,分为大、小、小三型。虫体后部腹面和背面的皮棘较稀疏,在皮棘的周围有由体壁形成的沟和嵴。中倍放大见口吸盘、生殖腔、腹吸盘、排泄孔周围有感觉乳头,口、腹吸盘的唇部较为密集。高倍放大见感觉乳头呈花蕾状,体表及皮棘的背面有许多微孔,体表的微孔可能与体壁吸收功能有关。  相似文献   

台湾次睾吸虫成虫体被的扫描电镜观察   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
台湾次睾吸虫15日龄成虫经扫描电观察,虫体整个背面和腹面前4/5的体表皮层着生有鱼鳞状的簇生体棘,簇生体棘在虫体前端分布较密集,由前向后渐变稀疏,每一个簇生体棘中含3-6个尖刀形棘。口盘上有15-18个无纤毛圆丘型乳突,腹吸盘唇部光滑无乳突分布,但在其周围可见到10余个花蕾状乳突。  相似文献   

1病原成虫呈乳白色或淡红色,体表有明显的横皱纹,尤以体前部为甚。存活时,虫体背、腹面略扁平,固定后为圆柱形,前端粗大,后端渐细,尾端钝圆。整条虫体由吻突、颈部和躯干组成。吻突呈球形,可伸缩,其周围有5~6排尖锐透明的吻钩,每排6个,呈螺旋形  相似文献   

<正>羊肝片吸虫病是由肝片吸虫寄生于羊肝脏胆管内引起的慢性或急性肝炎和胆管炎。严重患羊伴有全身中毒和营养不良现象,病羊生长发育受到影响,有的甚至死亡,危害严重,造成巨大的经济损失。1流行情况肝片吸虫呈扁平叶状,长20~40mm,宽5~13mm,新鲜虫体为棕红色。成虫为雌雄同体,体表有细棘,虫体前端呈圆锥状突起,称头锥。头锥后方扩展变宽,形成肩部,肩部以后逐渐变窄。体表生有  相似文献   

鸭的东方次睾吸虫病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 临床症状 病鸭精神萎顿,食欲减退,拉白色稀粪,生长受阻。有的鸭不停翻身,消瘦,衰竭死亡。2 剖解病变 肝脏呈橙黄色,胆囊肿大,胆壁增厚,剪开胆囊可见胆汁色淡,胆汁中有较小的叶状虫体,用放大镜计数,胆囊内有96条、胆管内有35条虫体。3 虫体鉴定 取一虫体放在载玻片上,盖上盖玻片,镜检,可见虫体长2.4~4.7mm,宽0.5~1.2mm,体表有棘,圆形,口吸盘位于前端,腹吸盘位于虫体前1/4处的中央,两个分叶睾丸、较大,位于虫体1/4处,生殖孔开口于腹吸盘的直前方,卵巢在睾丸的前方。该虫为东方次睾吸虫。4 防治体会 用硫双二…  相似文献   

片形吸虫分肝片形吸虫和大片形吸虫 肝片形吸虫虫体背腹扁平,外观呈柳树叶片状,刚从胆管取出时呈棕红色(图-1),固定后变为灰白色。其大小随发育程度不同差别很大,一般成熟的虫体大小为21~41毫米&#215;9~14毫米,体表生有许多小棘。虫体前部较后部宽,前端呈短锥形,锥底突然变宽,呈双肩样突出。虫卵(图-2)呈椭圆形,金黄色,前端较窄,有1个不明显的卵盖,后端较钝。卵壳薄而透明,卵内充满卵黄细胞和1个胚细胞,虫卵大小为133~157微米&#215;74~91微米。  相似文献   

肝片吸虫病是由肝片吸虫寄生在反刍动物及其他哺乳动物的肝脏和胆管内而引起的的一种寄生虫病. 1 形态结构 肝片吸虫虫体大,虫体长为15~35mm,宽5~15mm之间.体表有细棘,前端突出略似圆锥,叫头锥.口吸盘在虫体的前段.在头锥之后腹面是腹吸盘.生殖孔在腹吸盘的前面.口吸盘的底部为口,口经咽通向食道和肠,在二肠干的外侧分出很多的侧枝,精巢两个,前后排列呈树枝状分支,卵巢一个呈鹿角状分支,在前精巢的右下方;劳氏管细小,无受精囊,虫卵椭圆形,淡灰褐色,卵的一端有小盖,卵内充满卵黄细胞.  相似文献   

水牛自然感染巨盘腹袋吸虫(Gastrothylx magnadyscus sp.nov)成虫在扫描电子显微镜下,可见虫体体表具有环行横纹、凹窝和大小不等、形状不一的泡状结构及息肉样圆突,没有小棘。横纹在腹袋口与腹吸盘之间较致密,排列规则,在虫体前端发生不规则的间断,形成息肉样结节。泡状结构多分布在口吸盘周围,为单生,以柄与体壁相连,似水泡状,其表面无纤毛;分布在其它部位的泡状结构多为簇生;体后1/  相似文献   

1980年在杭州家鸭体内发现一种新的棘口科吸虫,主要特征为头冠上有31枚头棘,其中背棘21枚分上下两列交错排列,大小相等;每边角棘各5枚,虫体狭长,外形呈中间窄两端宽,虫体宽长比例为1:21~26,定名为杭州棘口吸虫(Echinostoma hangzhouensis nov.sp)。本种与豆雁棘口吸虫(E.anseris Yamaguti,1939)的主要区别在于后者每边角棘为3枚,虫体外形呈中间而两端窄,宽长比例为1:8~9。与狭窄棘道吸虫(Echinodollfusia stenon,Dollfus,1950)的主要区别则在于其头棘43枚,其中背棘35枚,每边角棘4枚,两列头棘大小不等。  相似文献   

<正>猪棘头虫病是由猪棘头虫寄生在猪小肠内所引起的寄生虫病。本病分布广泛,常呈地方性流行,严重影响猪的正常生长发育,甚至造成死亡。1形态及生活史猪棘头虫虫体比蛔虫大,黄白色,前部稍粗大,有一吻突,长有5~6列向后弯曲的小钩,虫体后部比较细,表皮上有明显的环状皱纹。雄虫和雌虫区别明显,雄虫体短小,长7~15厘米,雌虫体长30~68厘米,虫卵随粪便排出体外,被昆虫的幼虫吞食后,就在其体内发育为感染性幼虫。当猪吞食了含有感染  相似文献   

通过调查优良蚕品种在不同上蔟环境中结成的蚕茧缩皱,发现市温多湿环境中上蔟的蚕茧缩皱粗、乱、深,茧层丝溶推率较低,解舒率。适温环境中上蔟的蚕茧缩皱细、齐、浅,丝脱溶推率市,解舒优。缩皱粗细与解舒率、解舒丝长吁极显著的正相关性。  相似文献   

Eccrine sweat glands in the mouse are found only on the footpads and, when mature, resemble human eccrine glands. Eccrine gland anlagen were first apparent at 16.5 days postconception (DPC) in mouse embryos as small accumulations of cells in the mesenchymal tissue beneath the developing epidermis resembling hair follicle placodes. These cells extended into the dermis where significant cell organization, duct development, and evidence of the acrosyringium were observed in 6- to 7-postpartum day (PPD) mice. Mouse-specific keratin 1 (K1) and 10 (K10) expression was confined to the strata spinosum and granulosum. In 16.5 and 18.5 DPC embryos, K14 and K17 were both expressed in the stratum basale and diffusely in the gland anlagen. K5 expression closely mimicked K17 throughout gland development. K6 expression was not observed in the developing glands of the embryo but was apparent in the luminal cell layer of the duct by 6 to 7 PPD. By 21 PPD, the gland apertures appeared as depressions in the surface surrounded by cornified squames, and the footpad surface lacked the organized ridge and crease system seen in human fingers. These data serve as a valuable reference for investigators who use genetically engineered mice for skin research.  相似文献   

Nasolabial glands are serous glands forming a thick subcutaneous layer in the bovine muzzle. In order to identify the different epithelial cell types, both immunofluorescent and immunoperoxidase techniques were employed on frozen and fixed sections using monoclonal antibodies to cytoskeletal proteins and S-100. Actin was also detected with phalloidin. The results show that four cell types can be identified on the ground of the different composition of the cytoskeletal filaments: acinar, basket, luminal duct and basal duct cells. Acinar, luminal duct cells and basal duct cells express different patterns of cytokeratins, as shown by the 12 anti-cytokeratin monoclonal antibodies used, and both basket cells and the basal cells of intercalated ducts are also reactive to phalloidin and anti-x-smooth muscle actin monoclonal antibody. The presence of actin supports the conclusion that basal duct cells are also contractile elements, i. e. myoepithelial cells. Vimentin, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), and S-100, molecules considered to be markers of myoepithelial cells by many AA., were not found. The intermediate filaments of the duct epithelium appear more complex and heterogeneous in comparison with those present in the acinar cells.  相似文献   

The glycoconjugate content of major horse salivary glands was investigated by means of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. Qualitative differences were observed in the terminal sugar residues of secretory glycoproteins and glycoconjugates linked to the apical surface of excretory duct epithelial cells. Mucous acinar cells in mandibular and sublingual glands contained oligosaccharides with D-galactose, α- and β-N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine and fucose residues, whereas mandibular, sublingual and parotid serous cells contained only oligosaccharides with terminal α- and β-N-acetylgalactosamine residues. The apical portion of striated and interlobular duct lining cells of mandibular and sublingual glands stained for α- and β-N-acetylgalactosamine and for N-acetylglucosamine. In parotid gland the cytoplasm of intercalated duct cells and the apical surface of striated duct epithelial cells stained for α-N-acetylgalactosamine.  相似文献   

Carbonic anhydrase III (CA-III) was found in muscles of the Japanese monkey by the double immunodiffusion test and western blotting using antiserum raised against equine CA-III. Immunocytochemical localization of CA-III in the salivary glands and kidney of the monkey was studied using an avidin-biotinylated glucose oxidase complex. CA-III was found mainly in the striated duct and interlobular duct cells of the parotid glands. In the submandibular glands, striated duct, interlobular duct, and excretory duct cells were strongly stained for CA-III. In the kidney of the monkey, CA-III was localized mainly in the dark cells of the collecting duct at the medulla and in the epithelial cells of thick limb of Henle's loop.  相似文献   

The angioarchitecture of the proximal and distal segments of the hepatic duct in the dog was investigated by means of vascular corrosion casts under a scanning electron microscope. The results of observations indicated a change of the pattern of vascularization of the hepatic duct along with the increasing distance of the hepatic duct from the liver and increasing diameter of the duct. In the proximal hepatic duct, the main blood vessels run along the duct as a pair of supplying arteriole and voluminous collecting venule, while in the distal segments of the hepatic duct on the opposite margin of the duct two vascular triads were observed, composed of two venules and one medial arteriole. On the surface of both segments of the hepatic duct, there are well-anastomosed outer venous plexuses. In the distal segments of the hepatic duct, the outer venous plexus accompanies a fine outer arterial rete. Observations of the intramural network indicate the presence of single terminal arterioles running to mucosa and supplying a subepithelial capillary network. Differences were observed in the blood drainage from the mucosa, as in the proximal segment of the hepatic duct single post-capillary venules are found, while in the distal segment in the mucosa a well-developed mucosal venous plexus is formed. In the well-developed venous system of the hepatic duct no valves were observed.  相似文献   

The intercalated duct cells were observed in the A and B islets of the chicken pancreas. These cells adhered with each other by intercellular junctional complexes at the apical side. They had many microvilli projecting into the lumen. Abluminally, they displayed extended slender cytoplasmic processes between islet endocrine cells. Administration of alloxan resulted to denser cytoplasm and a more prominent thickening of cytoplasmic processes of the intercalated duct cells, although the blood glucose levels did not show appreciable changes by the treatment. The intercalated duct epithelial cells appeared clearly as stellate cells. The lysosomes increased in size and number with passage of time after alloxan administration. The present findings may suggest that intercalated ducts are not only anatomically important as a structure passing through the islet but also play physiologically by protecting the islet endocrine cells.  相似文献   

Canine bile duct carcinoma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty-four adenocarcinomas of the hepatobiliary system were found among 110 primary hepatic neoplasms: 22 of these were intrahepatic, one involved the extrahepatic bile duct and one the gall bladder. Histologically, 10 intrahepatic neoplasms were classified as cholangiocarcinoma, and 12 as bile duct cystadenocarcinoma. The former were characterized by tubular structures lined by anaplastic cuboidal or columnar cells with diffuse fibrous stroma, and the latter by multiple cystic structures with papillary and solid areas. Half the bile duct cystadenocarcinomas showed benign cysts and transition to adenocarcinomas. This was seen in only one case of cholangiocarcinoma. The extrahepatic bile duct carcinoma was characterized by tubular structures lined with flattened cuboidal cells with scant stroma. The gall bladder adenocarcinoma contained many acinar structures lined with columnar or cuboidal cells and separated by thin stroma. Distant metastasis was found in 87.5% (21 of 24) sites of metastasis.  相似文献   

In the chicken proventricular mucosa, aggregations of lymphocytes were localized in three different sites of the lamina propria, namely, underneath the surface epithelium, near the duct orifice of the deep proventricular gland, and in the gland tissue itself. In the lymphoid masses underneath the surface epithelium and in those near the duct orifice, CD4+ T lymphocytes and TCR2+ T lymphocytes occupied their central part, and B lymphocytes were localized in the periphery. CD8+ T lymphocytes and TCR1+ lymphocytes were evenly distributed in the masses. Infiltration of lymphocytes into these sites was first observed on the 20th embryonic day. At 1 week after hatching, CD3+ lymphocytes began to occupy the central area of the masses and His-C1+ B lymphocytes tended to be located in the periphery. Ultrastructurally, M cells were found neither in the epithelium of the mucosa nor in that of the excretory duct close to the lymphoid masses. In the deep proventricular gland, the lymphoid masses had a germinal center consisting of B lymphocytes, surrounded by the T lymphocyte-rich periphery. These masses were first recognized at the 3rd post-hatching week, presumably being formed against possible antigens invading into the lumen of the proventricular gland. On the other hand, the lymphoid masses beneath the surface epithelium and those near the duct orifice existing before the hatching period were considered to be prepared to establish the local mucosal immune barriers against the expectant antigenic invasion.  相似文献   

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