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Bovine rotavirus (BRV) has been detected in both dairy and beef cattle herds worldwide. Stool samples collected from calves in the Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia were screened to determine the presence of BRV. A total of 100 faecal samples were collected from calves with and without diarrhoea across three farms during 2004 and 2005. Group A BRV was detected in 26% of faecal samples (22 from diarrheic calves and four from asymptomatic calves). Genotyping analysis of rotavirus positive samples indicated that G6P[5] was the most prevalent genotype (38.5%) followed by G6P[5 + 11] (15.4%). G10P[11] and G6 + G10P[5] were each detected at a rate of 7.7%, and G6 + G10P[11] was found in a single sample (3.8%). Seven samples (26.9%) could not be G and/or P typed. Thirty percent of the BRV positive samples were mixed infections, indicating that individual calves were co-infected with more than one strain of rotavirus. The G6P[5] strains exhibited high VP7 identity (>97% amino acid identity) with B-60, a G6 strain identified in Victorian calves during 1988. A G10P[11] isolate was closely related (>97% amino acid identity in VP7 and VP4 proteins) to a Victorian G10P[11] strain (B-11) also identified during 1988. This study demonstrates that BRV is a contributing pathogen to diarrhoeal disease in Victorian calves, with sequence analysis suggesting long-term conservation of the VP7 protein over a 16-year period.  相似文献   

The present investigation describes detection of a mammalian-like electropherogroup A rotavirus in chicken with diarrhoea. This also records the first detection of a rotavirus in an avian species from India. During the investigation 75 diarrhoeic faecal samples collected from adult chicken were screened for the presence of group A rotavirus antigen by sandwich ELISA. All three samples positive for rotavirus antigen revealed 11 bands of RNA in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). In contrast to avian group A rotavirus, segment 5 was found to migrate closer to 6 as is the case with mammalian group A rotaviruses. Segments 7, 8 and 9 were found to migrate as a tight triplet, which is characteristic of group A rotavirus.  相似文献   

Detection and survival of group A rotavirus in a piggery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Samples of dust, faeces and effluent were collected from a piggery and examined for group A rotavirus, using a commercial ELISA test, electron microscopy and inoculation of MA-104 cells. Rotavirus antigen was demonstrated in samples collected from farrowing and weaner rooms but not from fattener and sow houses. Rotavirus antigen was also detected in samples collected from a weaner room which had been free of piglets for three months. A cytopathic porcine rotavirus (British isolate SW20/21) was kept at room temperature for four months; it survived with titres reduced by 2 log10. These observations suggest that the environment of commercial piggeries is an important source of rotaviral infection for young piglets.  相似文献   

Nine cytopathic bovine rotavirus strains were isolated in MA-104 cell cultures from fecal specimens of dairy calves suffering from diarrhea. Isolation of the virus was accomplished from three outbreaks which occurred on dairy farms located in Central and Southern Italy. Fecal suspensions were treated with a high concentration (1000 micrograms/ml) of trypsin, and inoculated into MA-104 cell cultures grown out in Eagle's minimum essential medium (MEM) containing 5 micrograms/ml of the enzyme. Cytopathic effects (CPE), characterized by intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies of different sizes and shapes, were observed on the 1st passage with five of the strains and on the 2nd (2 strains) or the 3rd (2 strains) passage for the others. The presence of trypsin and the use of MA-104 cells appeared to be essential for the occurrence of CPE, inasmuch as no CPE was detected when trypsin was omitted in the MA-104 cell system. Replication failed to occur when primary bovine embryo kidney cell cultures with or without trypsin were used. Electron microscopy revealed the presence of particles with a typical rotavirus morphology. In MA-104 cells, the titre of virus reached its maximum 48 hr after inoculation. Small, clear-cut plaques were produced by the isolates in MA-104 cells under the overlay of MEM containing carboxymethyl cellulose, trypsin and DEAE-dextran. The nine rotavirus strains were antigenically related, whereas the relationship to either the Nebraska or the Compton rotaviruses was quite weak.  相似文献   

Fecal samples were collected from 450 neonatal calves, ranging from 1 to 30 days old, between May, 1988 and May, 1989 to estimate the prevalence of bovine group A rotavirus in a stratified random sample of Ohio dairy herds. Calves were from 47 dairy herds chosen to be representative of Ohio herds. Bovine group A rotavirus was detected in fecal samples by a cell culture immunofluorescence test (CCIF) and ELISA. Of 450 samples tested, 46 (10%) were positive by CCIF and 67 (15%) were positive by ELISA. The agreement beyond chance between the 2 assays was good (kappa = 0.65). The overall prevalence rate of rotavirus shedding was 16.4% (74/450). Forty-three percent (29/67) of the samples positive by ELISA were subgroup 1, none were subgroup 2, and the remaining 57% (38/67) could not be assigned to either subgroups 1 or 2. Thirty herds (62.5%) had at least 1 group A rotavirus-positive calf (mean number of samples per positive herd = 12.4), and 17 herds (37.5%) had no rotavirus-positive calves (mean number of samples per negative herd = 6.0). A live oral rotacoronavirus vaccine was used in neonatal calves of only 1 herd and 3 of 17 (17.6%) calves from this herd were positive for group A rotavirus. The percentage of the rotavirus-positive fecal samples from all calves (n = 450) when stratified by fecal consistency was as follows: 28.3% (13/46) had liquid feces; 25.6% (10/39) had semiliquid feces; 23.4% (22/94) had pasty feces; and 10.7% (29/271) had firm feces.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Four cytopathic strains (81/32F, 81/36F, 81/40F, 82/80F) of bovine rotavirus were shown to be pathogenic for conventionally reared newborn calves. Calves were infected orally, using 3 calves for each isolate. All became febrile, were depressed and diarrhoeic. Two calves, one of which in the group of those infected with 81/36F isolate, and the other infected with strain 81/40F, were killed when moribund. A 3rd calf from the 81/36F infected group, died. At necropsy localized lesions of the small intestines, which are considered to be typical of rotavirus infection, were found. Virus was consistently isolated from the fecal samples of the inoculated calves up to 13 days post-inoculation. It was speculated that some differences existed in the virulence of the bovine rotaviruses tested. The cross protection tests revealed that 1 strain (81/36F) might be antigenically more complex than the others.  相似文献   

A total of 232 stools collected from calves with rotavirus infection in herds located in northern Italy from 2003 to 2005 was investigated. Determination of the rotavirus G and P types was carried out using nested RT-PCR. G6 was the most prevalent genotype, accounting for 78.5% of samples, G10 accounted for 9.9% of samples and viruses of G8 type were found in 4.7% of samples. In 3% of samples, viruses were not classified due to concomitant infection with more G type strains, whereas viruses in 3.9% of samples could not be characterized with any of the G-specific primers used in this study. Most common P types were P[11] and P[5], accounting for 65.1% and 25%, respectively. In 2.6% of cases, samples reacted with multiple P-specific primers; no P[1] serotype was identified. The G6P[11] combination was predominant throughout the study period, i.e. 52.5% in 2003, 50% in 2004 and 40% in 2005. The incidence of G6P[5] increased from 13.1% in 2003 to 27% in 2004 and 25.5% in 2005. The G10P[11] combination decreased markedly from 18% in 2003 to 2.6% in 2004, rising again to 7.3% in 2005. G8P[11] viruses were similarly present in 2003 (5%) and 2004 (4.3%), declining slightly in 2005 (1.8%).  相似文献   

Longitudinal survey of rotavirus infection in calves   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A longitudinal survey of rotavirus infection in heifer calves was carried out on a closed Friesian dairy herd over two successive calving seasons. Rotavirus was detected by electron microscopy in the faeces of 45 of 57 (79 per cent) calves examined. On average the virus was first detected at 6.1 days of age. Clinically the disease associated with rotavirus infection was of mild to moderate severity. Only one infected calf required intravenous fluid therapy. Diarrhoea or excretion of abnormal faeces was associated with rotavirus infection in 58 per cent of infected calves, while in the remaining 42 per cent infection was subclinical. The cycle of rotavirus infection was broken by thorough cleansing and disinfection of the calf house.  相似文献   

Bovine Group A Rotavirus (RVA) is one of the main causes of neonatal calf diarrhea worldwide. The present study reports the genotyping of bovine RVA strains circulating in Argentinean cattle from 2004 to 2010. Additionally, a new set of typing primers was designed and tested to differentiate between G8 and G6 (lineage III and IV) RVA strains. Bovine RVA was detected in 30% (435/1462) of the tested samples, corresponding to 49% (207/423) of the studied outbreaks with a similar detection rates in beef (53%; 67/127) and dairy herds (52%; 65/126). The RVA strains circulating in Argentinean cattle belonged to the common bovine genotypes G6 (lineages III and IV), G8, G10, P[5] and P[11]. A different RVA G/P-genotype distribution was found between the exploitation types, with the combination G6(IV)P[5] being by fare the most prevalent RVA strain in beef herds (58%), whereas a more even distribution of G6(III)P[11] (15%), G10P[11] (17%), G6(IV)P[5] (14%), and G6(IV)P[11] (6%) RVA strains was detected in dairy herds. G8 RVA strains were found in two dairy farms in calves co-infected with G8+G6(III)P[11]. A high percentage of co-infections and co-circulation of RVA strains with different genotypes during the same outbreak were registered in both exploitation types (20% of the outbreaks from beef herds and 23% from dairy herds), indicating a potential environment for reassortment. This finding is significant because G10P[11] and G6(III)P[11] strains may possess zoonotic potential. Continuous surveillance of the RVA strains circulating in livestock provides valuable information for a better understanding of rotavirus ecology and epidemiology.  相似文献   

Reports of rotavirus excretion in calves usually result from cross-sectional studies, and in face of the conflicting results regarding protection of calves born to vaccinated dams against diarrhea, the aim of the present study was to evaluate rotavirus excretion in dairy calves born to vaccinated or unvaccinated dams, to identify the genotypes of bovine rotavirus group A (RVA) strains isolated from these animals as well as to investigate characteristics of the disease in naturally occurring circumstances throughout the first month of life. Five hundred fifty-two fecal samples were taken from 56 calves, 28 from each farm and, in the vaccinated herd, 11/281 samples (3.91%) taken from six different calves tested positive for RVA while in the unvaccinated herd, 3/271 samples (1.11%) taken from 3 different calves tested positive. The genotyping of the VP7 genes showed 91.2% nucleotide sequence identity to G6 genotype (NCDV strain), and for the VP4 gene, strains from the vaccinated herd were 96.6% related to B223 strain, while strains from the unvaccinated herd were 88% related to P[5] genotype (UK strain). Genotypes found in this study were G6P[11] in the vaccinated herd and G6P[5] in the unvaccinated herd. All calves infected with rotavirus presented an episode of diarrhea in the first month of life, and the discrepancy between the genotypes found in the commercial vaccine (G6P[1] and G10P[11]) and the rotavirus strains circulating in both vaccinated and unvaccinated herds show the importance of keeping constant surveillance in order to avoid potential causes of vaccination failure.  相似文献   

Six Holstein calves were evaluated for progressive exophthalmos. The affected calves were receiving daily injections of dexamethasone (30 microg/kg subcutaneously twice daily) as part of a metabolic study. The control calves did not exhibit exophthalmos. The ocular examinations were normal except for the exophthalmos, which ranged from mild to marked in severity. Upon postmortem examination, marked deposition of retrobulbar adipose tissue was noted in the affected calves. Dexamethasone administration appears to increase deposition of retrobulbar adipose tissue resulting in a progressive exophthalmos.  相似文献   

Sequential isolation of rotavirus from individual calves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An outbreak of neonatal calf diarrhea was studied on a breeding farm of Japanese indigenous beef cattle. During the breeding season of 1982, 43 calves were born over the period 27 February-28 April. All but one of the calves suffered from neonatal diarrhea and 5 died. Bovine rotavirus was isolated in cell cultures from fecal specimens of 39 (90.7%) of the 43 calves during the outbreak, strongly suggesting that this was the causative agent; the virus was readily isolated from 81 (83.5%) of 97 specimens of diarrhea. Rotavirus was subsequently isolated from the feces of 7 of the calves in early May, more than one month after the initial virus isolation in early March. Two of these calves were again rotavirus-positive in early June, 41 days after the second virus isolation. Diarrhea had ceased in all 7 calves in March. Some antigenic differences were shown by the neutralization test between the early and later isolates from one of these calves, suggesting either re-infection with a serologically different virus, or persistent infection with the original virus following antigenic modulation.  相似文献   

Direct interspecies transmissions of group A rotaviruses (RVA) have been reported under natural conditions. However, the pathogenicity of RVA has never been directly compared in homologous and heterologous hosts. The bovine RVA/Cow-tc/KOR/K5/2004/G5P[7] strain, which was shown to possess a typical porcine-like genotype constellation similar to that of the G5P[7] prototype RVA/Pig-tc/USA/OSU/1977/G5P9[7] strain, was examined for its pathogenicity and compared with the porcine G5P[7] RVA/Pig-tc/KOR/K71/2006/G5P[7] strain possessing the same genotype constellation. The bovine K5 strain induced diarrhea and histopathological changes in the small intestine of piglets and calves, whereas the porcine K71 strain caused diarrhea and histopathological changes in the small intestine of piglets, but not in calves. Furthermore, the bovine K5 strain showed extra-intestinal tropisms in both piglets and calves, whereas the porcine K71 strain had extra-intestinal tropisms in piglets, but not in calves. Therefore, we performed comparative genomic analysis of the K71 and K5 RVA strains to determine whether specific mutations could be associated with these distinct clinical and pathological phenotypes. Full-length sequencing analyses for the 11 genomic segments for K71 and K5 revealed that these strains were genetically nearly identical to each other. Two nucleotide mutations were found in the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of NSP5 and the 3′ UTR of NSP3, and eight amino acid mutations in VP1-VP4 and NSP2. Some of these mutations may be critical molecular determinants for RVA virulence and/or pathogenicity.  相似文献   

An episode of pulmonary arteritis and sclerosis in twenty 5- to 6-month-old dairy calves was investigated. Sixteen of the calves died acutely, without marked premonitory signs of disease. Four calves evaluated clinically had lethargy, pallor, weakness, tachycardia, tachypnea, and jugular venous distention. Cardiac catheterization performed in 3 of the calves revealed pulmonary hypertension; 1 of these calves survived. Necropsy findings in 19 calves included pale lungs and excess free fluid in the pleural and abdominal cavities. In addition, 13 of 19 calves had a dilated and thin-walled right ventricle; 4 of the calves had right-sided cardiac hypertrophy, and 2 had dilatation of the pulmonary artery. Microscopically, pulmonary arteritis and sclerosis of the small to medium-sized arteries were evident in all calves submitted for necropsy. A lung biopsy specimen from a surviving calf had similar lesions. Centrilobular hepatic necrosis was found in 17 of 19 calves. Investigation of the disease episode, including feed analysis for toxins and serologic and microbiological studies of clinically affected calves and clinically normal in-contact penmates, failed to reveal any associated risk factor. The pulmonary arterial changes in the calves were similar to lung lesions in rats fed monocrotaline.  相似文献   

After improvement of hygiene protocols on boots in a bovine operation (farm A) in Ibaraki, Japan in September 2017, mortality of calves and the detection of 4 viral pathogen indicators, including bovine rotavirus A (RVA), became significantly low for one year. Subsequently, in the present study, these indicators and mortality were monitored and confirmed all were still low, except for the detection rate of bovine RVA in calves less than 3 weeks old. The present study aimed to investigate G and P genotypic profiles of RVAs in farm A from 2018 to 2020. Molecular analysis using semi-nested multiplex RT-PCR of positive RVAs (n=122) and sequencing of selected samples revealed the presence of G6, G8, G10, P[1], P[5] and P[11] genotypes and the prevalence of G and/or P combination and mixed infections. The most common combination of G and P types was G10P[11] (41.8%), followed by mixed infection with G6+G10P[5] (11.5%). Phylogenetic analysis of RVAs showed clustering with bovine and other animal-derived RVA strains, suggesting the possibility of multiple reassortant events with strains of bovine and others animal origins. Noteworthy as well is that vaccinated cattle might fail to provide their offspring with maternal immunity against RVA infections, due to insufficient colostrum feeding. Our findings further highlight the importance of RVA surveillance in bovine populations, which may be useful to improving effective routine vaccination and hygiene practices on bovine farms.  相似文献   

Rotaviruses are important human and animal pathogens with high impact on public health and livestock industry. There is little evidence about the cross-species pathogenicity and extra-intestinal infections of animal and human reassortant rotaviruses, particularly based on all 11 genotyping data. In this study, the bovine triple reassortant KJ56-1 strain harboring two bovine-like genome segments, eight porcine-like genome segments, and one human-like genome segment was used to evaluate the cross-species pathogenicity in its parent species, calves and piglets, and to determine its abilities of causing viremia and extra-intestinal tropisms in piglets. The KJ56-1 strain isolated from a calf diarrhea fecal sample replicated without causing diarrhea and severe intestinal pathology in calves. However, piglets inoculated with this strain showed persistent severe diarrhea and marked intestinal pathology. By SYBR Green real-time RT-PCR, viral RNA was detected in the sera, mesenteric lymph node, lung, liver, choroid plexus, and cerebrospinal fluid in the experimental piglets. An immunofluorescence assay confirmed viral replication in these extra-intestinal organs and tissues. These results indicated that the bovine triple reassortant KJ56-1 strain was virulent to piglets but not to calves. Our data also demonstrated that the reassortant rotaviruses had the ability to spread to the bloodstream from the gut, enter and amplify in the mesenteric lymph node, and disseminate to the extra-intestinal organs and tissues.  相似文献   

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