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梨木虱在我市梨区发生较普遍 ,近几年随着农村产业结构调整 ,梨树栽培面积 0 .4万 hm2 左右 ,梨木虱在梨区都有不同程度的大面积发生 ,部分受害严重的梨区被害株率达 1 0 0 % ,造成树势衰弱 ,严重影响花芽分化 ,导致减产 ,果品品质下降 ,我站就梨木虱的危害 ,发生规律与防治进行了系统研究。1 为害特点与发生规律1 .1 为害特点梨木虱食性专一 ,主要为害梨木 ,据我们从 2月中旬开始在玉泉胡井村梨园定点系统观察 ,发现越冬成虫出蛰。成虫、若虫早春及食花、芽、嫩梢、叶及幼果汁液。夏、秋多在叶背取食 ,成虫及若虫食芽、叶及嫩梢汁液 ,受… 相似文献
烟粉虱是我国蔬菜生产上的重要害虫,它不但为害温室、大棚等保护地蔬菜,同时还严重为害露地果菜类蔬菜,以黄瓜、菜豆、茄子、番茄、甜椒、莴苣受害最重。据调查近年来危害范围不断扩大,寄主有旋花科、大戟科、锦葵科、十字花科、葫芦科、豆科、茄科等作物。烟粉虱以成虫和若虫吸食 相似文献
梨木虱是全国性的梨树主要害虫之一 ,以若虫和成虫在叶片和新梢上危害 ,剌吸树汁。受害后的叶片主脉两侧靠叶柄处发黑 ,还可诱发煤污病 ,严重时引起提早落叶 ,果实发育不良 ,新梢受害后生长停顿、树势衰弱 ,严重影响梨子的产量和品质 ,因此应抓住关键时期进行防治。1.越冬期。清扫果园 ,清除枯枝落叶及杂草 ,刮除翘裂树皮 ,以减少越冬虫口基数。2.出蛰期。梨木虱在3月初(气温0℃以上)开始活动 ,此时虫体较虚弱。且出蛰盛期是第1代卵孵化始期 ,梨叶尚未长出 ,成虫和卵均暴露在枝条上 ,此时重点防治1~2次 ,可有效杀灭越冬成虫。常… 相似文献
烟粉虱的为害及防治对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
烟粉虱Bemisiatabaci(Gennadius)属同翅目、粉虱科、小粉虱属 ,广泛分布于世界各地 ,寄主植物多达74科、420余种 ,主要危害棉花、大豆、蔬菜等农作物。烟粉虱由于形态的变异性产生了许多同物异名 ,到1978年为止已达到22种之多。B.tabaci有几种常用俗名 ,如烟粉虱(Tabaccowhitefly)、棉粉虱(Cottonwhitefly)、甘薯粉虱(Sweetpotatowhitefly)。20世纪80年代以后烟粉虱在世界各地的危害趋于严重 ,仅1991年美国西南部烟粉虱的危害就… 相似文献
桔刺粉虱(Aleurocanthus spiniferus Quani-tance)属同翅目(Homoptera)粉虱科(Aleyrodidaeo),在我国南方地区均有分布,为害柑桔、茶树、枇杷、龙眼、柿、葡萄、蔷蔽、玫瑰等数十种植物.在柑桔上,桔刺粉虱过去为害较轻,属于次要害虫.但自90年代以来,在广东省广州、东莞、博罗、普宁等柑桔主产区,以及湖南、江西等部分地区严重发生,已成为柑桔的主要害虫,给柑桔生产带来严重威胁.据调查,该虫1993年在广东柑桔上发生为害面积达1.5万公顷、在茶树上发生为害约0.3万公顷.现将桔刺粉虱的发生为害情况、生活习性、发生规律及防治措施综述如下. 相似文献
武汉地区梨瘿蚊发生特点及防治 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
梨瘿蚊(DiplosisSP.)属双翅目瘿蚊科,俗称“梨芽蛆”。国内分布于河北、安徽、湖北、湖南、浙江等省。仅为害梨,长江流域高温高湿,适宜其生长发育,发生程度重,武汉地区梨瘿蚊已成为梨园主要虫害。现报道如下。1 为害特点以幼虫为害梨芽、叶,幼虫在未展开的嫩叶边缘刮吸汁液,使叶面皱缩、畸形,成肿瘤状,叶缘正面相对纵卷。为害轻的幼叶长大后边缘不开展,凹凸不平,卷曲叶缘发黑皱缩;为害重的幼叶完全不开展,成筒状,变黑枯死而脱落。一片叶中常有几个至20多个幼虫为害。武汉地区春梢为害盛期为4月上中旬,夏梢为5月中旬,秋梢为9月初,以夏梢叶… 相似文献
Summer-form pear psylla, Psylla pyricola Foerster, from sprayed pear were resistant to endosulfan (2·4-fold), methiocarb (2·5-fold), ethylan (5·8-fold), azinphos-methyl (7·7-fold), and fenvalerate (40·1-fold). Esterase (3·8-fold), glutathione transferase (1·8-fold), and cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase (1·6-fold) detoxification enzyme activity was higher in resistant than in susceptible summer forms. Synergism by piperonyl butoxide and S,S,S-tributylphosphorotrithioate (DEF) was added evidence for cytochrome P-450 monooxygenases and esterases as resistance mechanisms. Reduced penetration may also have contributed to resistance, as indicated by a 1·6-fold slower penetration of azinphos-methyl in resistant than susceptible summer-forms. Similar differences in insecticide toxicity and esterase and glutathione transferase activities were observed between winter-forms of resistant and susceptible pear psylla. Winter-forms of P. pyricola were up to three times more tolerant to insecticides than summer-forms. Higher cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase activity (1·7-fold) and slower azinphosmethyl penetration (2·1-fold) in winter-forms may have contributed to their greater insecticide tolerance; however, sequestration may also have been involved. 相似文献
鄂西北地处全国小麦主产带,其中襄樊市是全国20个大型商品粮基地之一,也是小麦条锈病入侵湖北省的咽喉之地,我市小麦常年种植面积约25万hm2。从80年代初开始,小麦条锈病的流行具有明显的周期性,每次大流行年发生面积占种植面积的70%~80%,甚至更高,... 相似文献
2019年4月底,在北京、甘肃、湖北、辽宁等地一些梨园陆续发现梨树叶片异常被害状,经调查发现造成该为害状的害虫为一种未知梨木虱,在国内尚未见报道。本文简要描述了此种梨木虱的形态识别特征,测定了该害虫的16S rDNA和C OⅠ基因片段序列,依据测序结果及形态特征,鉴定为苏嘎梨喀木虱Cacopsylla pyrisuga,为国内新记录种。本文还描述了该害虫的为害状、为害程度、药剂防治效果,为深入研究其发生规律和防治技术提供参考。 相似文献
1998年湖北省美洲斑潜蝇发生规律与综合防治 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
美洲斑潜蝇(LiriomyzasativaeBlanchard)是1995年传入我省的检疫性害虫。截止目前,已由1997年的44个县、市、区发生的基础上,新扩展到宣恩、十堰市柏林区、郧县、丹江口、竹山、房县、竹溪、郧西、神农架、宜昌市点军区、黄石市石... 相似文献
ABSTRACT Pear decline (PD) is an important disease of Pyrus communis fruiting cultivars in Europe, Asia, and the Americas. PD is caused by a phloem-limited phytoplasma that, in California, is transmitted from diseased to healthy trees by pear psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola. The percentage of phytoplasma-infected pear psylla has never been assessed in the United States in field-collected insects. Pear psylla were collected monthly from PD-infected trees from three orchards in northern California. Individual psylla were tested for the presence of PD phytoplasma, using both a quantitative DNA hybridization and PD phytoplasma-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays. The percentage of infected psylla ranged from 0 to 45% depending on the orchard, the month and year collected, and the method of detection. The PD phytoplasma was detected in both the winterform and summerform pear psylla. Significantly more infected psylla were detected with PCR than with DNA hybridization analysis in two of the three orchards. The number of PD phytoplasma per pear psylla was estimated to range from 1 x 10(6) to 8.2 x 10(7). The percentage of PD-infected pear psylla found in the three northern California pear orchards suggests that both winterform and summerform pear psylla could be important in the transmission of PD. 相似文献