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SUMMARY Three beagle dogs were immunised against the paralysing effects of holocyclotoxin, using toxic extracts derived from salivary glands of the Australian paralysis tick, Ixodes holocydus. Upon subsequent challenge with four ED50, of toxin the animals were completely immune, whereas during the early stages 2 of 3 dogs became paralysed after injection with 0.5 ED50. Three immunised beagles, on which 15 I. holocydus ticks had fed, showed no symptoms but a control beagle became paralysed after 4 I. holocydus females fed on it. Treatment was instituted immediately upon the onset of clinical signs and the dog recovered uneventfully.  相似文献   

A 9‐year‐old Miniature Horse gelding infested with ticks (Ixodes holocyclus) was presented with flaccid motor paralysis causing recumbency. Neurological examination and other diagnostic tests did not identify an alternative aetiology, leading to a presumptive diagnosis of tick paralysis. The gelding was treated with tick antiserum and intensive supportive care. He made a gradual recovery over the 48 h following presentation and was discharged without further complications. This case report describes in detail the clinical signs and successful treatment of a Miniature Horse with flaccid paralysis caused by suspected envenomation by Ixodes holocyclus.  相似文献   

In this study the value of drugs administered with hyperimmune serum in the treatment of advanced disease produced by Ixodes holocyclus was compared under controlled conditions. All control dogs died rapidly whereas one dog survived and 3 dogs died after receiving hyperimmune serum alone. When promethazine hydrochloride was administered with hyperimmune serum 2 dogs recovered rapidly while the remaining 2 died. Administration of dexamethasone and hyperimmune serum allowed 3 dogs to survive while administration of phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride in conjunction with hyperimmune serum allowed rapid recovery of all 4 dogs. Phenoxybenzamine hydrochloride, an alpha-adrenergic blocking drug, was chosen because of its potential to attenuate the arterial hypertension previously reported (Ilkiw et al 1988). The survival of all dogs together with the rapid return to normality indicated that this drug was beneficial in the treatment of dogs with advanced signs of tick paralysis.  相似文献   

To assess respiratory function in dogs with tick paralysis, respiratory measurements were recorded on 14 dogs experimentally infested with Ixodes holocyclus. There was a progressive fall in respiratory rate with no change in tidal volume, which resulted in a significant fall in minute respiratory volume in the latter stages of the disease. The fall in respiratory rate was possibly central in origin and was accompanied by an increased alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference, probably caused by pulmonary congestion and oedema. The "grunting" respiration seen in tick paralysis was due to closure of the vocal cords during expiration and could represent an attempt to re-expand collapsed parts of the lung.  相似文献   

To determine the extent and significance of changes in heart rate and rhythm noticed previously in dogs paralysed with Ixodes holocyclus, two studies were undertaken. In one the electrocardiogram was recorded at stages throughout the disease and the traces analysed for changes, while in the second a detailed study of the effect of Ixodes holocyclus on the cardiovascular system was undertaken. The electrocardiographic changes were extremely variable between stages and between dogs. Generally, if a dysrhythmia occurred in stages 1, 2 or 3 it tended to be sinus tachycardia, ventricular tachycardia or sinus arrest. In stage 4 sinus arrest, sinus bradycardia, or sinus or ventricular tachycardia were the prominent dysrhythmias, whereas in stage 5 sinus bradycardia predominated. Cardiovascular measurements indicated an increase in peripheral vascular resistance leading to a significant elevation in mean arterial pressure at all stages of the disease. Cardiac output was decreased significantly only at stage 2, although it was below the control measurements at all stages. Pulmonary arterial pressure was significantly elevated at stages 2, 3 and 4 due most probably to an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance. Myocardial contractility was not significantly changed throughout the disease. The changes observed in the electrocardiogram and the cardiovascular system in stages 1, 2 and 3 are unlikely to be due to hypoxia and could represent dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. During stages 4 and 5 oxygen levels were below normal and the bradycardia seen terminally is almost certainly due to hypoxaemia.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions 8 dogs were infested with Ixodes holocyclus and the clinical signs and histological findings were recorded. Seven of the dogs developed clinical signs of the disease, died and were subjected to a post-mortem examination, while the eighth dog remained normal. The clinical signs were consistent between animals and enabled the course of the disease to be subdivided into 5 stages to facilitate analysis of data in future experiments. The most prominent feature of the disease was dysfunction of the efferent motor system although some disturbance of the afferent pathways and involvement of the autonomic nervous system did occur. The period elapsing between attachment of the ticks and onset of signs varied from 5.5 to 7 days, while the mean duration of the disease was 23.3 h. The histopathology demonstrated moderate to severe congestion of the liver, kidney and lungs, and in some lung sections pulmonary oedema was present.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac electrical function in dogs with tick toxicity. DESIGN: A prospective clinical investigation of 39 client-owned dogs treated for naturally occurring tick toxicity. PROCEDURE: An ECG was performed on each dog on several occasions; at admission to hospital with tick toxicity, 24 h later, at discharge from hospital when clinically normal and approximately 12 months later. RESULTS: The mean QT interval corrected for heart rate (QTc) was prolonged at admission, 24 h and at discharge compared to the QTc measured 12 months later. T wave morphology was altered in dogs at admission. All other parameters were within normal limits. CONCLUSIONS: The prolonged QTc interval and altered T wave morphology of dogs with tick toxicity reflects delayed cardiac repolarisation and is comparable with long QT syndrome (LQTS) in people who are predisposed to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and sudden death. Resolution of ECG changes lagged behind clinical recovery.  相似文献   

Arterial blood-gas and pH, haematological and biochemical estimations were carried out on 8 dogs infested with Ixodes holocyclus and 2 uninfested controls. The arterial blood-gas and pH measurements did not change significantly until the dogs were recumbent and unable to lift their heads. When affected dogs became moribund, moderate hypoxaemia with acute ventilatory failure was present. The significant haematological and biochemical abnormalities were difficult to interpret individually, but taken together could reflect sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal cortex or medulla.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe basic epidemiological features, clinical characteristics and outcomes of asymmetrical focal neurological deficits identified in dogs and cats with naturally occurring tick paralysis (Ixodes holocyclus). DESIGN: A retrospective study. PROCEDURE: Computer records were reviewed for all dogs and cats treated for tick paralysis between July 1999 and June 2006 at a suburban veterinary hospital in Newcastle, New South Wales. RESULTS: Neurological deficits were identified in 17/197 dogs and 10/89 cats and included unilateral facial paralysis (14 dogs; 2 cats), anisocoria (4 dogs; 7 cats), unilateral loss of the cutaneous trunci reflex (1 dog; 1 cat) and Horner's syndrome in 2 cats with anisocoria. Occurrence of deficits was not linked to season, severity of tick paralysis, breed, age, sex or body weight. With facial paralysis and anisocoria, the site of tick attachment was invariably on the head or neck and always ipsilateral to the facial paralysis. By contrast, with anisocoria alone, no consistent relationship was noted between any one pupillary dimension and the side of tick attachment. With cutaneous trunci deficits the site of tick attachment was the ipsilateral caudal axilla. Compared with recovery times from generalised signs of tick paralysis, those for facial paralysis were significantly longer (days to weeks; P < 0.001), those for anisocoria showed no significant difference (P = 0.25) and those for cutaneous trunci deficits lagged by 6 and 7 days. CONCLUSIONS: Asymmetrical focal neurological deficits are a consistent finding in a proportion of dogs and cats with naturally occurring tick paralysis due to I. holocylcus.  相似文献   

We studied over 222,000 cases of emergency veterinary consultations in four regions along the eastern coast of Australia. We found that cases of tick paralysis (TP) caused by the eastern paralysis tick, Ixodes holocyclus, accounted for 7.5% of these cases: >16,000 cases. The season of TP and the number (prevalence) of TP cases varied among regions and over the years. Our study of the association between weather and (i) the start of the season of TP, and (ii) the number of TP cases revealed much about the intricate relationship between the weather and I. holocyclus. We studied the effect of the hypothetical availability of isoxazoline-containing tick-preventative medicines and found that an increase in the availability of these medicines had significantly contributed to the decrease in TP cases. We found that the weather in winter accounted for the time of the year the season of TP starts whereas the weather in summer accounted for the number of TP cases in the TP season. Last, through a study of the effects of shifts in the climate under four hypothetical scenarios (warmer/cooler and drier/wetter than average), we propose that the start of the season of TP depends on how soon the weather in winter becomes suitable for the activity (e.g. host-seeking) and the development of I. holocyclus nymphs, and that the number of TP cases during the TP season depends on how many engorged female ticks and their eggs survive during summer.  相似文献   

Objective Review 103 cases of presumed tick envenomation in horses. Design Retrospective study. Method Variables, including date of presentation, age, breed, weight, presence of ticks, gait and respiration scores, duration of recumbency, treatment, outcome and complications were recorded. A series of univariable screening tests were performed and used in a multivariable logistic regression model. Results There were a total of 103 cases affecting 10 breeds, aged between 1 week and 18 years of age. Horses >6 months old and weighing >100 kg had a higher odds of death than those <6 months old and <100 kg. Cases were seen from North Queensland to the central coast of New South Wales and were more likely to present in the warmer months. There was no association between the number of ticks found on an animal and death. Horses with a higher respiratory score had higher odds of dying, but there was no association between gait score and survival. Horses recumbent >120 h after presentation had higher odds of dying. Complications were reported in 35% of horses. The odds ratio for survival was higher for horses receiving >0.5 mL/kg of tick antiserum. Overall, 74% of horses survived. Multivariable modelling was limited by the small sample size. Conclusion In general, tick envenomation in horses follows the geographic distribution of Ixodes holocyclus. Tick antiserum administered at >0.5 mL/kg increases the odds of survival. It would appear that the complications associated with managing a recumbent horse increase the odds of death.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate cardiac electrical function in the Spectacled Flying Fox (bat) infested with Ixodes holocyclus. DESIGN: Prospective clinical investigation of bats treated for naturally occurring tick toxicity. PROCEDURE: ECGs were performed on bats with tick toxicity (n = 33), bats that recovered slowly (n = 5) and normally (n = 5) following treatment for tick toxicity, and on normal bats with no history of tick toxicity (n = 9). RESULTS: Bats with tick toxicity had significantly prolonged corrected QT intervals, bradycardia and rhythm disturbances which included sinus bradydysrhythmia, atrial standstill, ventricular premature complexes, and idioventricular bradydysrhythmia. CONCLUSIONS: The QT prolongation observed on ECG traces of bats with tick toxicity reflected delayed ventricular repolarisation and predisposed to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia and sudden cardiac death in response to sympathetic stimulation. The inability to document ventricular tachycardia in bats shortly before death from tick toxicity may be explained by a lack of sympathetic responsiveness attributable to the unique parasympathetic innervation of the bat heart, or hypothermia-induced catecholamine receptor down-regulation. Bradycardia and rhythm disturbances may be attributable to hypothermia.  相似文献   

Objective To determine the duration of efficacy of a 4% deltamethrin‐impregnated collar for dogs (Scalibor® ProtectorBand, MSD Animal Health) against adult female paralysis ticks (Ixodes holocyclus). Procedures A controlled pen study was conducted. Dogs were artificially infested at 14‐day intervals with unfed adult female ticks for up to 140 days following application of the collar to the dogs. Efficacy was assessed by manually counting ticks on dogs at 24, 48 and 72 h after each infestation. Results Efficacy at the 72‐h count was 96% after the day 14 tick infestation. The 72‐h efficacy remained above 94% from the day 14 to the day 98 infestations, when efficacy was still 99.5%. Efficacy at 72 h was above 90% after the day 112 infestation and was still 93% at 72 h after the day 140 infestation. Conclusions The deltamethrin‐impregnated collar gave greater than 90% control of paralysis ticks for at least 14 weeks.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the incidence and nature of adverse reactions of dogs and cats to tick antitoxin serum and to re-evaluate the role of atropine in the treatment of tick paralysis. DESIGN: A retrospective questionnaire of veterinarians. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were posted to 320 veterinarians in tick-endemic regions of Australia. Questions referred to dogs and cats treated for tick paralysis over a period of three years: the number treated, treatment protocols and adverse systemic reactions to tick antitoxin serum. Ninety completed questionnaires were returned and responses analysed. RESULTS: Veterinarians reported that approximately 3% of dogs exhibited adverse reactions immediately following treatment with tick antitoxin serum. Eighteen percent of these reactions were described as anaphylaxis, with the remaining 82% attributed to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. Six percent of cats treated with tick antitoxin serum reacted adversely and the majority of reactions (63%) were ascribed to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. Atropine was used routinely by 10% of responding veterinarians in the treatment of dogs and cats with tick paralysis. A similar number of veterinarians used atropine only in selected cases. Most veterinarians (76%) reported that they never used atropine in the treatment of tick paralysis in either dogs or cats. Within the survey population, premedication with atropine reduced the number of Bezold-Jarisch reactions following tick antitoxin administration approximately five-fold in dogs and four-fold in cats. CONCLUSIONS: Data from this pilot survey indicate that more cats than dogs have adverse systemic reactions to tick antitoxin serum and that the majority of these reactions in both dogs and cats could be related to the Bezold-Jarisch reflex. The number of reactions to tick antitoxin serum in dogs and cats could be significantly reduced by the routine use of atropine prior to administration of tick antitoxin serum.  相似文献   

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