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Preparation and characterization of wood/montmorillonite nanocomposites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
With montmorillonite (MMT) organically modified as organophilic MMT (OMMT) and water-soluble phenol formaldehyde resin (PF) as intermediate, Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) wood/MMT nanocomposites (WMNC) were prepared via nano intercalation compounding and characterized by XRD, SEM and FTIR. Results show that: 1) the preparation of OMMT is very successful; 2) the self-made PF can effectively intercalate into MMT to increase markably its gallery distance and even exfoliate its nano silicate laminae; 3) the XRD analysis indicates that some exfoliated MMT enters the non-crystallized region of microfibrils in wood cell walls and the crystallinity degree of wood in WMNC decreases; 4) the SEM graphs show that multiform MMT exists in WMNC. Some grains block in wood cell lumen, some layers adhere to the wood surface of the inner cell wall and some exfoliated nanolaminae even insert into wood cell walls; and 5) the FTIR analysis suggests that MMT and wood in WMNC perhaps interact via certain chemical bonding.  相似文献   

With water-soluble phenol-formaldehyde resin as an intermediate, Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) wood/montmorillonite nanocomposite (WMNC) was prepared through vacuum impregnation and characterized with XRD, SEM, FTIR and TG-DTA analyses. The XRD analysis indicated that the wood crystallinity of WMNC decreased, the MMT exfoliated and some nano silicate layers entered into the non-crystallized microfibrillar region of the wood cell wall. Wood structure is anisotropic and its impregnation is anisotropic. Due to the nonuniformity of the MMT organic modification, PF intercalation and wood impregnation, the MMT configuration and distribution in wood were diverse. The SEM graphs of WMNC showed that some silicate grains were blocked in the wood cell lumen, some silicate layers adhered to the inner surface of the wood cell wall, and some exfoliated MMT layers even penetrated the wood cell wall. The obtained hydroxyl of WMNC increased and its ether linking decreased. It was considered that MMT and wood interacted not only with hydroxyl bonds, but also involved some chemical linking. Compared with untreated wood and the PF-impreg, the pyrolysis process of WMNC changed; its starting decomposing temperature decreased and its pyrolysis weight loss at high temperatures greatly decreased. The WMNC indicated certain nanoeffects of the composition of the inorganic MMT nanolamellae. __________ Translated from Journal of Beijing Forestry University, 2007, 29(1): 131–135 [译自: 北京林业大学学报]  相似文献   

Design of wood/montmorillonite (MMT) intercalation nanocomposite   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Studying new wood composites through nano science and technology (NSC) will develop new compounding theory of wood, and accelerate the combination of new technology, wood science, material science and other disciplines. The compounding of wood and inorganic MMT on nanoscale molecular level has high potential to greatly improve the mechanical properties, fire retardance, abrasion resistance, decay resistance, dimensional stability and other properties of wood. Based on the great achievements of polymer/montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites, this paper reviewed nano intercalation compounding methods (i.e. in-situ intercalative polymerization and direct polymer intercalation), and discussed the structure, properties and modification of montmorillonite (MMT). According to the main chemical components and particular structure of wood, the authors discussed the liquefaction and plasticization of wood, compared the dissolvability and meltability between wood and polymer, and then systematically put forward the basic idea, technological processes and schematic diagram to prepare wood/MMT nanocomposites (WMNC). The key technology to prepare WMNC is either to introduce delaminated MMT nanolayers into wood with the help of some intermediate polymers, or to obtain liquefied wood or plasticized wood from the complicated natural composite. It is applicable and effective to realize wood/MMT nanoscale compounding with the help of proper intercalation agent and medium polymer through the proposed “one-step” or “two-step” impregnating processes.  相似文献   

木材/蒙脱土(MMT)纳米插层复合材料的制备构想   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
吕文华  赵广杰 《林业科学》2005,41(1):181-188
基于聚合物 蒙脱土纳米插层复合材料的研究成果 ,综述了插层复合方法的原理、工艺过程和产品性能 ,分析比较了单体插层原位聚合和聚合物直接插层等方法。从木材与蒙脱土的结构和组成特性出发 ,分析比较了木材与聚合物溶解、熔融性的不同 ,讨论了利用插层复合原理制备木材 蒙脱土纳米复合材料的基本构想 ,并进一步提出了相应的技术路线和工艺流程概念图。  相似文献   

Studying new wood composites through nano science and technology (NSC) will develop new compounding theory of wood, and accelerate the combination of new technology, wood science, material science and other disciplines. The compounding of wood and inorganic MMT on nanoscale molecular level has high potential to greatly improve the mechanical properties, fire retardance, abrasion resistance, decay resistance, dimensional stability and other properties of wood. Based on the great achievements of polymer/montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites, this paper reviewed nano intercalation compounding methods (i.e. in-situ intercalative polymerization and direct polymer intercalation), and discussed the structure, properties and modification of montmorillonite (MMT). According to the main chemical components and particular structure of wood, the authors discussed the liquefaction and plasticization of wood, compared the dissolvability and meltability between wood and polymer, and then systematically put forward the basic idea, technological processes and schematic diagram to prepare wood/MMT nanocomposites (WMNC). The key technology to prepare WMNC is either to introduce delaminated MMT nanolayers into wood with the help of some intermediate polymers, or to obtain liquefied wood or plasticized wood from the complicated natural composite. It is applicable and effective to realize wood/MMT nanoscale compounding with the help of proper intercalation agent and medium polymer through the proposed "one-step" or "two-step" impregnating processes.  相似文献   

无性系杉木木材物理性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对金洞林场杉木无性系19年生(不含苗龄)的木材物理性质研究,结果表明:杉木优良无性系木材的基本密度、径向干缩率、弦向干缩率、体积干缩率分别是0.279 g.cm-3、2.90%、5.10%和7.85%;整个无性系的基本密度、径向干缩率、弦向干缩率、体积干缩率分别是0.301 g.cm-3、3.28%、5.26%和8.27%;而对照CK的基本密度、径向干缩木材基率、弦向干缩率、体积干缩率分别是0.275 g.cm-3、2.80%、5.10%和8.00%.研究证明:杉木优良无性系不但木材产量高,而且木材质量也并不比当地实生苗差.选用杉木优良无性系造林,不但能增加木材产量,而且材质也不会因速生而变劣.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONWood possesses many special properties, such asbeautiful grain, natural color, high strength-to-weightratio, good electricity and heat insulation; and it can beeasily processed, glued or dyed. It is biodegradable,recyclable and environmental-friendly (Wang Tianminet al. 2002). But as a biomaterial, it also has intrinsicdefects as easy decaying, burning and deforming,which largely limits its usage. Nano science andtechnology opens a completely new way to developwood composites…  相似文献   

For this study, an intercalation compounding method was used to prepare Chinese fir wood/Ca-montmorillonite (Ca-MMT) composite board to improve its properties such as surface mechanical properties, flame retardance and dimensional stability. By virtue of water-soluble phenolic resin (PF), Chinese fir wood and Ca-MMT were mixed by pressure and vacuum impregnation. The optimum impregnation technology of Chinese fir wood/Ca-MMT composite board was obtained by using an orthogonal design and a single factor design of pressure and vacuum impregnation, using weight percent gain (WPG) as the basic index. The results are as follows: 1) On the basis of the orthogonal design and an actual experiment, the optimum preparation technology of Chinese fir wood/Ca-MMT composite board is 20% PF resin dispersion concentration (wt%), 1.0 CEC amount of organic intercalation agent, 0.098 MPa vacuum degree, 5% concentration of Ca-MMT and 1.0 MPa pressure. 2) The WPG of the composite board samples of 450 mm length was much larger than that of the samples of 600, 750 and 900 mm length. Warm water extraction contributed little to WPG  相似文献   

杉木大径材定向培育良种效应研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
种苗是林业生产的重要物质基础,选用良种造林是实现林木速生、丰产、优质的重要措施。通过对江西铜鼓、永丰、德兴3个杉木主要造林区1987~1991年营造的杉木速生丰产林进行良种造林对比试验,结果表明:在相同的经营条件下,由种源到优良种源中的优良无性系造林具有种质的叠加效应,其叠加效应在胸径和材积生长上表现尤为突出,优良种源培育大径材比普通种源材积生长要提高30%左右,而用优良种源中选育出的优良无性系培育大径材,在种源的基础上又要提高20%以上,且林分大径木比例明显增加。  相似文献   

为筛选出适宜在福建杉木中心产区推广的杉木良种,选择5个杉木良种(福建尤溪第2代种子园实生苗、福建洋口第2代种子园实生苗、广西融水第1代种子园实生苗、洋020无性系组培苗、福建沙县本地种源实生苗),在福建农林大学莘口教学林场开展不同杉木良种、不同坡位造林对比试验,造林后12 a对不同杉木良种林分的生长情况进行调查.结果 ...  相似文献   

论述了靖江县推广栽植杉木的可行性及其栽培技术,认为杉木能够适应当地气候条件,采取集约措施,年均生长量可达到15m~3/hm~2以上的速生丰产水平。  相似文献   

杉木无性系生长和材性变异及多性状指数选择   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
对19年生和17年生2块杉木无性系测定林开展生长和材性变异及多性状指数选择研究,其中,19年生测定林包括38个参试无性系,17年生测定林包括102个参试无性系。2块测定林数据分析结果均显示:无性系树高、胸径、单株材积、心材率和木材基本密度存在极显著的遗传差异,无性系重复力达中等偏上至较高水平,遗传变异系数各性状间差异较大;树高、胸径、材积生长性状间存在极显著的表型和遗传相关,与基本密度存在弱负相关。不同选择方法的结果表明,指数选择能整体提高单株材积、心材率和木材基本密度综合的遗传增益,达到比单性状选择更好的选择效果,是多性状改良较理想的选择方法。  相似文献   

浅谈杉木精油的开发前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从香精油的市场需求,杉木精油的用途、价值和杉木资源等方面,阐述了利用杉木(Cunninghamia Lanceolata(Lamb)Hook)提取杉木精油的社会和经济价值。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同林龄的杉木地理种源生长状况的差异,筛选适宜于试验区发展的杉木优良种源,促进杉木种源水平的长期遗传改良。 方法 利用1981年营造的杉木种源试验林在5、10、31年生时的测定材料,分析不同种源主要生长性状在不同林龄的遗传参数变异规律,利用早晚相关和聚类分析对优良种源长期选择效果进行评价。 结果 不同林龄的杉木胸径、树高和单株材积在种源间均存在极显著的差异,31年生时最大种源的各性状值较最小种源的各性状分别高75.86%,48.55%,263.76%;杉木在种源间的变异存在明显的地理变异模式,以纬向变异为主,由南向北,杉木的生长量先增大后减小,即我国西南和东南部种源生长较好。参试杉木种源不同林龄时各性状的遗传力为0.750~0.875,说明各性状受较高水平的遗传控制;胸径、树高和单株材积在不同林龄间表型相关和秩相关均呈极显著的正相关,认为杉木早期选择宜在10年生左右;从169个参试种源中筛选出29个生长较快速的种源,大部分种源来自福建省,还包含贵州、广西和湖南等地的种源,其中,生长最好的是福建崇安、顺昌、尤溪等福建北部种源,其胸径、树高和单株材积的遗传增益分别达到23.21%~31.45%、15.60%~20.19%、59.94%~89.97%。 结论 早期选择的年龄对缩短杉木育种周期影响明显,在10年生选择更有利于提高杉木遗传改良的效率,从31年生杉木成熟林中选择出的29个优良种源较当地种源有较大增幅,适宜在江西省及周边地区推广。  相似文献   

不同密度管理措施对杉木林分的生长、生态效应的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
通过定位观测,对不同密度杉木林的树高、胸径与材积生长规律、林分结构、林木分化和材质的差异;并对不同方式间伐后林分的生长变化,以及不同间伐强度对林地土壤肥力、林下植被种类和数量的影响及其经济效果进行了研究。结果表明:林分密度和间伐强度对杉木树高生长无显著影响,而胸径和单株材积则随着林木株数的增加而减小;林下植被种类、数量和土壤肥力均随着间伐强度的加大而有所增加;中度间伐强度的生长、生态和经济等综合效果最佳。  相似文献   

In order to improve the leaching resistance of active ingredient-copper in ammoniacal copper quat-type D (ACQ-D) treated Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata Hook.),microwave post-treatments were carried out.The percentages of leached copper from ACQ-D treated Chinese fir with different microwave post-treatments were obtained after leaching tests by analyzing the copper retention in treated wood.The fixation mechanism of copper in the treated wood was determined with the help of SEM and FTIR spectra,while t...  相似文献   

对两种不同栽植密度的杉木Cunninghamialanceolata木材密度和弦向、径向、体积全干干缩率进行了测定和分析.结果表明,木材密度随着栽植密度的增大而增大,且达到极显著水平;而木材弦向、径向和体积全干干缩率,则随着栽植密度的增大而减小;两种栽植密度的木材体积全干干缩率与基本密度呈负相关;木材干缩比与基本密度、栽植密度大的呈正相关,与栽植密度小的呈负相关.因此,适当增加栽植密度可以改善杉木木材的性质,但其影响规律仍需进一步研究.  相似文献   

The variability of main chemical composition of radial Chinese fir was studied. Analysis of variance showed that variance was significant, especially for holocellulose and α-celluloSe; the hblocellulose content in heart wood was lower than that in sapwood; the lignin content decreased from Position t to Position 3, but increased gradually from Position 4 to Position 8; the a ~ cellulose content in heart wood was lower than that in sapwood; and the relative crystallinity was 59.97% in Position 1, 60i80% in Position 2, and about 42% in others.  相似文献   

杉木第2代种子园自由授粉子代测定与选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对福建省洋口国有林场12年生杉木第2代子代测定林的主要生长性状值进行调查分析,结果表明:参试的各家系在树高、胸径、材积性状间的差异均达到极显著水平。以材积性状作为主要指标,同时兼顾树高、胸径指标,对参试家系进行选择,选出表现最好的30个家系,12年生时平均树高、胸径、单株材积分别为12.61 m、16.76 cm、0.16000 m3,遗传增益分别为2.95%、5.55%、14.24%,平均现实遗传增益为31.78%,这些优良家系适合在福建省顺昌县境内及周边Ⅱ类立地条件下推广应用。  相似文献   

分析了杉木第3代和第2.5代种子园良种苗木生长,认为杉木良种苗木的生长优势主要体现在苗高和Ⅰ级侧根数上。尤溪杉木第3代种子园良种和沙县官庄杉木第2.5代种子园良种1a生裸根苗苗高分别为0.51m和0.49m,分别比人工林采集种子的苗木高27.5%和22.5%。Ⅰ级侧根数量分别为23.33条和24.67条,分别比人工林采集种子的苗木多32.86%和40.49%。而尤溪第3代良种与官庄第2.5代良种苗木间地上部分和根系生长差异均不显著。  相似文献   

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