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A study has been made of the incorporation in vitro of 14C palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids into the skin lipids of cattle. Linoleic acid was incorporated into the triglyceride (triacylglycerol) fraction of the sebaceous gland lipid at a greater rate than palmitic and oleic acids. Its incorporation was much greater when presented as a free acid than when presented either as cholesteryl linoleate or linoleoyl lecithin. However, the ability of cholesteryl ester and phospholipid to make a substantial indirect contribution of linoleic acid to sebum triglyceride synthesis by hydrolytic release of fatty acid was indicated. The association between the observed preferential incorporation of linoleic acid into the sebum triglycerides and the uniquely unsaturated triglycerides found on the skin surface of cattle is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— —The hepatoid circumanal glands are small at birth and continue enlarging throughout life until senility. They develop as buds from the epidermis of hair follicles of the region and in the adult surround the anus in an irregular circle, development being greater in the male. The cytoplasm of the gland cell contains non-lipid, non-proteinaceous granules and there appears to be no duct system connecting gland acini to hair follicles. It is suggested that the glands may be endocrine in type. SUMMARY The hepatoid circumanal glands of the dog are bipartite as Parks concludes, composed of a major hepatoid gland element and a minor sebaceous element. However, the rigid separation into a superficial sebaceous part and lower hepatoid circumanal gland made by Parks is not apparent, the sebaceous part when present being surrounded by the hepatoid circumanal gland. Hepatoid circumanal glands develop as buds from compound hair follicles and enlarge rapidly after birth; growth continues throughout life, and is greater in the male dog where cords of cells may extend into the subcutis for some ditsance. The hepatoid glands surround the anus in an irregular circle with little or no gap between the mucocutaneous-junction and the glands. From birth the gland cells contain non-proteinaceous non-lipid granules which stain lightly with eosin. It is suggested, however, that the hepatoid gland is an endocrine gland producing secretory granules which are passed to blood vessels which are extensive in this area, and that initially they are controlled only by the pars distalis, but after puberty, by the effect of this gland on the gonads. Possibly in females androgens produced by the adrenal cortex play a part. No communication could be demonstrated between circumanal gland and follicle. At birth large sebaceous glands are present at the mucocutaneous-junction, the sebaceous glands in the hepatoid gland zone develop at the same time as the latter, but they do not increase in size after puberty. It is suggested that the sebaceous glands produce sebum which protects the epidermis. Large coiled aporcine glands intermingle with the hepatoid glands and open into the hair follicles in the region. Résumé— —Les glandes circumanales hépatoides sont petites à la naissance et continuent à s'élargir durant toute la vie jusqu'à la veillesse. Elles se dévéloppent comme des bourgeons de l'épiderme de follicules du système pileux de la région et chez l'adulte entourent l'anus dans un cercle irrégulier, ce dévéloppement étant plus grand chez les mâles. La cytoplasme de cellules glandulaires contient des granules sans lipides ou protéines, et il paraît qu'il n'y a pas de systême de communication, unissant les acini glandulaires aux follicules pileux. Il a été suggéré que les glandes pourraient être de type endocrine. Zusammenfassung— —Die hepatoiden perianalen Drüsen sind bei der Geburt klein. Sie werden während des ganzen Lebens immer grösser bis zum Alter. Sie entwickeln sïch als Keime von de Epidermis der Haarfollikel des Gebietes; beim Erwachsenen umgeben sie den Anus in einem un-regelmässigen Kreise, die Entwicklung ist grösser beim männlichen Tier. Das Zytoplasma der Drüsenzelle enthält Körnchen, die Lipidund Proteinfrei sind. Anscheinend besteht kein Duktus-System, das die Drüsen mit den Haarfollikeln verbindet. Man nimmt an, dass die Drüsen endokrinen Charakter haben.  相似文献   

In an investigation into the effect of short-term exposure to different temperatures and humidities on the sebaceous glands of Ayrshire calves it was concluded that temperature had no appreciable effect on sebum output or its fatty acid composition. At a low humidity, however, the cutaneous outputs of palmitic and myristic acids were higher. On prolonged exposure to a warm environment, a higher output of sebum occurred together with an increase in the percentage of linoleic acid in the sebum.  相似文献   

Stereological techniques were used to assess seasonal influences on morphometric characteristics of hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands in abattoir pelts of ponies (PN), thoroughbred (TB) and non-thoroughbred (NTB) horses. Volume density of sweat glands increased significantly from winter (0.061) to summer (0.098) in TB, and showed no change in NTB and a positive tendency in PN. There might be a body surface area : volume effect for sweat gland parameters as PN had smaller values than either TB or NTB, probably attributable to control of heat loss in winter. In summer, the skin remained thick and the volume density of sebaceous glands was increased in NTB, in contrast to TB where both were decreased. It is possible that in summer, sebum has a particular importance in NTB to enhance wicking of sweat through the pelt. TB showed significantly higher volume measurements of sebaceous glands than NTB and PN for winter: sebum has probably a special importance for water-proofing in TB in winter. PN showed no significant seasonal changes in sebaceous glands, but had a thinner summer skin. Winter values for hair follicle volume density between equine groups were similar (TB, NTB 0.066; PN 0.059), as was skin thickness (1.14-1.19 mm). The volume density lowered significantly in summer in TB and NTB. The volume of hair follicles under a unit area of skin surface decreased significantly in TB and nonsignificantly in NTB and PN. The seasonal adaptations of the skin shown here were most pronounced in TB and differed between breeds.  相似文献   

Radiolabelled fatty acids, when injected intradermally into cattle skin, were largely incorporated into the triglyceride and phospholipid fractions of the sebaceous gland lipids. Linoleic acid was incorporated into the triglycerides to a greater extent than oleic or palmitic acids, whereas the phospholipids had a greater affinity for palmitic acid. The peak uptake of linoleic acid into the glandular triglyceride fraction was at about 61 hours compared with 52 hours and three hours for oleic and palmitic acids. Radioactively 14C labelled triglycerides appeared on the skin surface within one day of intradermal injection of 14C linoleic acid. At an ambient temperature of 20 degrees C, a single output-peak occurred at nine days while at 35 degrees C two peaks at four and eight to nine days were observed. From the data an estimate of 6.5 days for the mean storage time of sebum triglycerides in the hair follicle canal at 20 degrees C has been made.  相似文献   

Azo dye methods were used to determine the distribution of acid phosphatase (ACP) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the skin of 25 Beagle dogs. ALP activity was found in dermal papillae of hair follicles regardless of their state of activity, in Huxley's layer of the inner root sheath of anagen stages, in myoepithelial cells of apocrine sweat glands, in germinative cells of sebaceous glands, in vascular endothelium, and in mast cells. The ACP activity was found in the epidermis, outer and inner root sheaths, keratogenous zone, hair cuticle and medulla, duct of sebaceous gland, and sebum. The results indicate that ACP and ALP are distinctive enzymes serving different biologic functions. The principal role of ALP in the skin appears to be dephosphorylation for adsorption and transport of chemical substances necessary for growth and maintainence of the pilary system and glandular adnexa. The ACP appears to be primarily involved in the breakdown of phospholipids and in necrobiosis of keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Ninety-seven pure-bred Akitas were examined clinically and histologically for sebaceous adenitis. The diagnosis was established histologically in 23 Akitas by demonstrating an inflammatory reaction targeted against the sebaceous glands or a reduction in the number of glands. The clinical course of sebaceous adenitis in the Akita was similar to that seen in other breeds. The first skin lesions occurred mainly on the dorsal midline and ears. Compared with the Poodle, the age at first onset of the disease was more variable and the hair loss affected mainly the undercoat. The progression of sebaceous gland destruction varied between dogs and was not seen in all cases. Because bud-like sebaceous gland proliferation could be identified, it seems that regeneration of the sebaceous glands may occur. An autosomal recessive inheritance appears to be possible. Apart from a genetic background, immune-mediated factors possibly influence the onset and course of sebaceous adenitis.  相似文献   

Skin biopsies from five Border terriers with histologically confirmed idiopathic, generalized sebaceous gland hyperplasia (Group A) were compared morphometrically to those from four unaffected Border terriers (Group B) and the unaffected dogs to biopsies from four other terrier breeds (Group C). Dogs in Group A had significantly higher numbers of sebaceous gland lobules per hair follicle than those in Group B (P = 0.020) but there was no significant difference between Groups B and C. The total sebaceous gland lobular area per hair follicle was significantly higher in dogs in Group A than Group B (P = 0.020) but there were no differences between Groups B and C. There were no significant differences in the size of the individual sebaceous gland lobules. There were no significant differences in the total number of basal or mature sebocytes between Groups A and B but significantly lower numbers of both cell types were seen in Group C compared to Group B. There were significantly more basal sebaceous cells undergoing mitosis in dogs in Group A than Group B (P = 0.017) but no significant difference between Groups B and C. These results indicate that the physical signs of sebaceous gland hyperplasia are caused by an increase in the number of sebaceous gland lobules and total lobular area. Border terriers may be genetically predisposed to the development of idiopathic generalized sebaceous gland hyperplasia compared with other dog breeds but also to sebaceous gland hyperplasia secondary to other dermatopathies.  相似文献   

Sebaceous gland oestrogen α (ERα) and progesterone (PR) receptor expression was examined immunohistochemically in 26 and 32 dogs respectively with sebaceous gland hyperplasia/adenomas, epitheliomas and carcinomas, and in the glands of 10 healthy controls. The mean percentage of ERα positive nuclei in control sebaceous glands was 21.31% compared with 11.5% in hyperplasia/adenoma‐type lesions, although these values were not statistically different. In sebaceous gland epitheliomas and carcinomas, positive basal cells represented 7.86% and 3.53% of neoplastic cells respectively and these mean percentages were significantly lower in epitheliomas (P < 0.024) and carcinomas (P < 0.015) than in controls. The mean percentage of PR‐positive nuclei in control sebaceous glands was 23.96%, similar to the 22.07% found in hyperplasia/adenoma‐type lesions. In sebaceous gland epitheliomas and carcinomas, positive cells were scarce and represented 13.5% and 4.06% of neoplastic cells respectively. Differences in the percentage of positive cells between normal and pathological glands reached statistical significance for carcinomas (P < 0.043). In the control group there was greater PR (P < 0.001) and ERα expression (P < 0.014) in sebaceous glands in female dogs. The PR and ERα immunoreactivity in each category of neoplastic lesions could not be analysed because sample size was too small but when all the sebaceous gland tumours were grouped and analysed, no sex difference was found. The results suggest that oestrogen and progesterone receptor expression is reduced in some canine sebaceous gland tumours. These changes may represent a contributing factor for tumour growth or simply be a consequence of tumour progression.  相似文献   

The morphology of the intermandibular gland of the Lesser mouse deer (Tragulus javanicus), which plays an important function in marking area and territory and in the reproductive behaviour of the animal, was examined using immunohistochemistry, lectin histochemistry and scanning electron microscopy. The gland was composed of sebaceous and apocrine glandular material. Sebaceous glands occupied a greater area of the total gland and consisted of many large lobules with polyhedral cells having a pale cytoplasm. The sebaceous gland, being holocrine, possessed no special secretory ducts. The apocrine gland was lined by cuboid cells and the secretory products were often seen in the apical portions of the cells. Myoepithelial cells contained actin filaments lining the basal membranes of the apocrine gland and were surrounded by nerve fibres which immunostained with protein gene product 9.5. The secretion of the gland appears to be a mixture of larger amounts of lipid material from sebaceous glands, and glycoconjugates secreted by both sebaceous and apocrine glands. Lectin histochemistry detected these as galactose, N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, N-acetyl-D-glucosamine, D-mannose and D-glucose. The male gland was larger in size and contained more N-acetyl galactosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine in its secretion than the gland of the female. This implied the presence of sexual differences in secretions in the intermandibular gland of the Lesser mouse deer.  相似文献   

Uncoupling protein 1 (UCP-1) was believed to be an exclusive protein found in the brown adipose tissue of small rodents and humans; however, recent studies show that the expression of UCP-1 protein has been found in the sebaceous glands of the mouse tail and human skin. There are a few reports about the presence of UCP-1 in the sebaceous glands of other rodents, such as the Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica), a wild spiny rodent commonly found in Indonesia with a large sebaceous gland. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of UCP-1 in the sebaceous glands on the skin of the Sunda porcupine. The skin from three regions (thoracodorsal, lumbosacral and apex caudal) of eight adult Sunda porcupines was used to detect UCP-1-immunopositive cells through immunohistochemistry. All three regions were found immunopositive to anti-UCP-1 antibody in the sebaceous gland of quill and hair follicles, and the epidermal layer in quill and hair follicles with various intensities. The result of immunohistochemistry revealed that the thoracodorsal and apex caudal region was the most intense immunoreaction followed by the lumbosacral region. These findings proved that the presence of UCP-1 was also identified in the sebaceous glands of other rodent (Hystrix javanica) and regions of the body, which has not been reported previously.  相似文献   

This report describes an invasive mammary carcinoma with a rare distinctive feature characterized by sebaceous differentiation of tumor cells. This tumor occurred in a 10-year-old female mixed breed dog. The patient had two masses in the left fifth mammary gland. Grossly, the masses were firm, whitish to light brown, and superficially ulcerated. On cut surface, they were multilobulated with foci of necrosis. Microscopically, the tumors were composed of two distinctive neoplastic components, intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma and sebaceous carcinoma. The regions of sebaceous tumor were clumped separately, contained well-developed sebaceous cells and keratinized epithelial cells, and were surrounded by few to several layers of basaloid cells. The cells with abundant foamy cytoplasm that resembled sebaceous cells were also found within the intraductal papillary-like nests of mammary carcinoma, providing evidence of sebaceous metaplasia. Sebaceous differentiation in a mammary gland tumor is possible, because skin appendages and ductal apparatus of the mammary gland share a common anlagen. This tumor had an aggressive behavior with lymphatic metastasis. Consequentially, the dog had a poor prognosis.  相似文献   

Demodex injai mites were detected on trichoscopic examinations and/or deep skin scrapings in eight wirehaired fox terrier dogs with dorsal greasy skin and hair. Histological examination performed in five dogs revealed marked sebaceous gland hyperplasia with lympho-plasmacytic periadnexal dermatitis in all of them. One mite section was observed in one patient. Seven dogs were parasitologically cured after 2 to 7 months of oral ivermectin treatment. Greasy skin and hair resolved in four dogs, was partially reduced in two dogs and persisted in the remaining dog. Skin biopsies were repeated after parasitological cure in two dogs and revealed the persistence of sebaceous gland hyperplasia with mild lympho-plasmacytic periadnexal dermatitis and no parasites. Based on the findings in this case series, the terrier dog breed might be at increased risk for the development of D. injai mite infestation associated with dorsal greasy skin and hair, and microscopically with sebaceous gland hyperplasia. Persistence of sebaceous gland hyperplasia after parasitological cure in some patients suggested that this histological finding may not always be resulting from Demodex infestation. Moreover, low numbers of adult mites and variable clinical responses to acaricidal therapy suggested a contributory rather than a major role of D. injai in this skin condition. Dermatopathological diagnosis of sebaceous gland hyperplasia, particularly in case of dorsal trunk specimens from terrier dog breeds, warrants the search for D. injai mites on trichoscopic examinations and/or deep skin scrapings.  相似文献   

Sebaceous adenitis in four domestic rabbits (Oryctatagus cuniculus)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Four domestic rabbits were presented with a history of nonpruritic scale. Multiple skin biopsies revealed findings compatible with sebaceous adenitis as reported in other species: inflammation directed at the sebaceous gland, and/or an absence of sebaceous glands, a perifollicular lymphocytic infiltrate at the level of the absent sebaceous glands, hyperkeratosis, follicular keratosis, follicular dystrophy, perifollicular fibrosis, and a mural infiltrative lymphocytic folliculitis. Histological changes not consistent with sebaceous adenitis in other species were interface dermatitis and interface folliculitis with single cell necrosis and basal cell hydropic degeneration.  相似文献   

p63, a recently identified homologue of the p53 protein, is expressed consistently in basal cells of several human multilayered epithelia. In this study, expression of p63 was determined in 31 primary cutaneous glandular carcinomas, including sebaceous, perianal (hepatoid) gland, apocrine and ceruminous carcinomas, as well as their adjacent normal skin. Similar to humans, p63 is a reliable marker for basal and myoepithelial cells in canine epidermis, cutaneous appendages and malignant apocrine and ceruminous gland neoplasms. In sebaceous carcinomas, not only basal cells, but also some sebocytes, showed nuclear staining for p63. Most mature epithelial cells in perianal gland carcinomas exhibited strong p63 expression. Based on these findings, basal/myoepithelial cells could be involved in the oncogenesis of these tumours and p63 might be used as a diagnostic marker in these lesions.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the distribution and density of conjunctival goblet cells (GC) and to study the anatomy and microscopic characteristics of glands associated with the eye in the guinea pig. Procedures Twenty‐five guinea pigs were used. Meibomian gland openings were counted using biomicroscopy. Conjunctiva, eyelids and glands were embedded in glycol methacrylate and paraffin. Sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E), periodic acid Schiff’s reaction (PAS) and Alcian blue (AB). Results Highest GC densities were found in the bulbar and palpebral region of the nasal conjunctiva (GC index: 13.7–16.4%). Lowest GC densities (GC index: 0.0–1.0%) were found in 3/4 limbal regions (nasal and temporal upper eyelid, temporal lower eyelid). Guinea pigs have 27.1 ± 3.0 (mean ± SD) meibomian gland openings in the upper lid and 25.7 ± 2.3 in the lower lid. Difference between upper and lower lid was significant (P = 0.037). Two subconjunctival sebaceous glands occur temporal to each eye. The Harderian gland is very large. In the lacrimal gland three different cell types were distinguished both according to the cell structure and histochemical staining. Conclusions Goblet cell densities are lower in guinea pigs than in dogs and horses. Positive staining with PAS and AB could be an indication that mucins are produced in the lacrimal gland. If so, they may contribute to the mucin layer of the tear film. Both the extraordinarily large Harderian gland and the subconjunctival sebaceous glands produce lipids and may contribute to the lipid layer of the tear film.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation kinetic values were established for the epidermis, hair follicle epithelium, and sebaceous glands of 10 Beagles and 4 Cocker Spaniels with healthy skin and coats. Values were established by intradermal pulse-labeling injections of [3H]thymidine, examination of cutaneous biopsied tissues, and autoradiography. The epidermal basal cell-labeling index was 1.41 +/- 0.46% for Beagles and 1.71 +/- 0.56% for Cocker Spaniels. The hair follicle basal cell-labeling index was 1.46 +/- 0.78 and 1.07 +/- 0.42%, respectively. Calculated epidermal cell-renewal time for viable layers of the epidermis was 23.38 +/- 5.93 days for Beagles and 20.97 +/- 4.92 days for Cocker Spaniels. Differences between cell kinetic data for the 2 breeds were not significant (P greater than 0.05). The basal cell-labeling index for the sebaceous gland was significantly (P = 0.009) lower for Cocker Spaniels (0.40 +/- 0.18%) than for Beagles (1.81 +/- 1.08%). Seemingly, epidermal and follicular cell proliferation kinetics in healthy dogs was similar between the 2 breeds, whereas sebaceous gland basal cells were less proliferative in healthy Cocker Spaniels than in healthy Beagles.  相似文献   

催乳素及其受体在青年公羊驼皮肤中分布的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
羊驼是一种经济价值很高的毛用动物,研究包括激素在内的各种因素对羊驼毛生长的调控极为重要。作者采用基因芯片杂交技术发现青年公羊驼皮肤中不仅存在PRL及其受体基因,而且还存在PRL相关蛋白基因,提示羊驼皮肤是PRL的一个垂体外合成部位,同时羊驼皮肤还可以合成PRL相关蛋白及PRL受体;通过荧光定量分析比较,认为羊驼皮肤合成的PRL是极少量的,垂体是PRL合成的主要部位;通过免疫组织化学技术确定PRL及其受体蛋白主要分布在羊驼毛囊上皮根鞘、表皮、皮脂腺等,提示PRL对羊驼皮肤及其衍生物可能以内分泌、自分泌和旁分泌的方式发挥作用。  相似文献   

Background – Sebaceous glands are specialized cutaneous adnexal glands, which work under constant hormonal control to produce sebum. They can give rise to several proliferative lesions, such as hamartoma, hyperplasia and neoplasms (adenoma, epithelioma and carcinoma). Their nomenclature is currently confusing, both in veterinary and in human medicine, owing to the difficulty of differentiating between some of these lesions. Methods – The present study used immunohistochemistry to determine the expression levels and patterns of survivin and Ki67 in five samples of normal canine skin and 44 cases of canine cutaneous lesions with sebaceous differentiation (10 hamartomas, nine hyperplasia, eight adenomas, eight epitheliomas and nine carcinomas). Results – In normal glands, survivin, as well as Ki67, was expressed in scattered reserve cells. In hamartomas, survivin was more highly expressed than in normal skin, indicating a possible role of this molecule in the pathogenesis of these congenital lesions. In tumours, a moderate or high level of survivin and Ki67 expression (more than two and four and more than two positive cells, respectively) were significantly correlated with a malignant histotype, infiltrative growth and a moderate or high number of mitoses (more than two). Conclusions and clinical importance – The level of survivin expression increased with increasing malignancy, designating survivin as a new diagnostic marker in the assessment of malignancy of sebaceous tumours.  相似文献   

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