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In this study, the genomic types of canine parvovirus (CPV) circulating in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 1995 to 2001, were investigated using the polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR). A total of 78 faecal samples from gastroenteritic puppies, confirmed as positive for canine parvovirus by haemagglutination/haemagglutination inhibition tests or virus isolation in cell culture (MDCK), were examined. The viral DNA was extracted from faecal samples using a combination of phenol– chloroform and silica–guanidine thiocyanate methods. PCR was carried out with differential pairs of primers to distinguish the old (CPV-2) and new types of virus (CPv-2a or CPV-2b). Specific amplicons were observed for all samples using the primer pair P2ab, which detects CPV-2a and CPV-2b. Seventy-six from a total of 78 samples (97%) were considered as CPV-2b because of their reaction with the primer pair P2b. Thirty samples (30/78) were from previously vaccinated puppies and in 15 of them the enteritis symptoms began from 1 to 12 days after vaccination. PCR confirmed the infection by wild virus (CPV-2b) in 5 of these 15 puppies who had received old-type vaccines. Our results show that CPV-2b was the prevalent type circulating in the State of Rio de Janeiro from 1995 to 2001.  相似文献   

白娜  王立  孔东升 《草业学报》2017,26(5):15-28
通过对张掖黑河湿地国家级自然保护区沼泽湿地野外调查、土样采集、实验室分析,利用空间分布格局代替时间演替序列,应用描述性统计及线性回归和相关性的分析方法,对该湿地的速效养分、有机质和土壤全盐含量及pH进行了研究。结果表明, 土壤有机质(SOM)含量随着土层深度的增加而显著增加;速效氮(AN)含量垂直分异明显且整体趋势先减少后急剧增加;土壤中速效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)、全盐含量空间分布存在表聚现象,上高下低的分布格局明显;pH值含量空间分布差异不大但该地区土壤呈碱性和强碱性。pH和SOM存在弱负相关性,pH通过抑制植被的生长来间接影响SOM含量;全盐含量和AK含量具有强烈的乘幂和正线性相关性。全盐、SOM、AN、AP、AK含量均属于中等变异,pH为弱变异。黑河保护区湿地生态系统正处于退化阶段,脆弱性和敏感性使该保护区在干旱半干旱区涵养水源、保持水土的重要性减弱,建立当地自然条件特征基础上长期持续的试验研究,保护与恢复措施迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

在新的一年快要到来之际,全国饲料工业协会会长秘书长工作会议在福州市召开。这次会议是在今年农业和农村经济取得丰硕成果、畜牧业加快发展的形势下,召开的一次重要会议,也是中国饲料工业协会新领导班子组建后召开的第一次全国会长秘书长工作会议。部领导对这次会议很重视,尽管年底部里工作很忙,还是批准我来参加这次会议。2004年对于畜牧业和饲料工业来说是不平凡的一年。年初打赢了高致病性禽流感阻击战,中国饲料工业协会和各省、市、区饲料工业协会充分发挥桥梁和纽带作用,在协助各级政府工作、当好助手参谋,加强行业自律、积极为企业排…  相似文献   

The "effect" of stallion, mare and management-related factors on the odds of pregnancy per cycle in the horse were identified and quantified from the breeding records of Dutch Warmblood (n=4491), Friesian (n=1467) and Shetland-pony mares (n=3267) mated either naturally or by artificial insemination to one of the 88 stallions between 1992 and 1996. A mare was considered to be pregnant when she did not return to oestrous within 28 days of the last insemination. For Dutch Warmblood horses, the percentage of mares that did not return for service within 28 days (NR28) varied between studfarms and ranged from 61 to 82%. The NR28 for mares inseminated with fresh semen ranged from 67 to 74% and for mares inseminated with frozen/thawed semen this percentage was 59. Mares served at a second cycle had lower odds not to return than mares served at the third or subsequent cycle (OR=0.84). For Friesian horses, the NR28 for young mares was higher than that for older mares. Mares served before 1 May in any year had lower odds of non-return than mares served after 1 July (OR=0.69). The NR28 of mares inseminated once per cycle was 6% lower than that of mares inseminated three times or more per cycle. For Shetland ponies, the NR28 also varied between studfarms and ranged from 62 to 78%. Stallions < or =3 years old had lower odds of non-return compared to older stallion (> or =11) (OR=0.57). Mares served before 1 July had lower odds of non-return. Other significant factors for this breed were age of the mare, cycle number and insemination frequency. Stallion factors accounted for 5.9, 2.0 and 14.7% of the variation in the NR28 for Dutch Warmblood, Friesian horses and the Shetland ponies, respectively.  相似文献   

<正>由江苏省家禽科学研究所联合南京农业大学、扬州大学和江阴威特凯鸽业有限公司、泰州立春食品有限公司等11家企事业单位共同发起的首届中国肉鸽产业与科技大会暨江苏省肉鸽业协会成立大会11月12~14日在扬州隆重  相似文献   

Though being controversially discussed in the fore field the new guidelines "Animal Welfare Aspects for the Organization of Pet Markets" of the German Federal Ministry of Nutrition, Agriculture and Consumer Affairs create a standard supported by the main associations of both animal welfare activists and keepers of animals concerned by this subject. This standard was created as a means of achieving high animal welfare standards at these markets all over Germany. First practical experience with the guidelines show that their strict application can greatly improve conditions for the animals. It remains a challenge for the veterinary authorities however to develop inspection concepts for each market jointly with the organizer. Inspections at each event followed by appropriate executive measures further help to ensure conditions in accordance with German Animal Welfare legislation. Besides the opportunity of making conditions with the obligatory licence of pet merchants should be taken.  相似文献   

在现场检疫监督过程中,检疫的动物是非常明确直观的;但是,在有的法律条款里,检疫的动物却是比较复杂的概念。例如,《动物检疫管理办法》第48条,检疫监督的对象是:"跨省、自治区、直辖市引进用于饲养的非乳用、非种用动物和水产苗种"。这个概念包含了  相似文献   

谢洪钧 《中国饲料》2004,(24):13-19
今年饲料行业和企业经受住了上半年禽流感和饲料原料市场剧烈波动的严峻考验,在困难重重的不利条件下,不断创新,锐意进取,取得了新的发展,为支撑畜牧水产养殖业的健康发展做出了积极贡献。一年来,协会在农业部党组、相关司局、全国饲料工作办公室和协会第四届理事会的正确领导和指导下,认真贯彻党的十六大和十六届四中全会精神,以企业为本,加强行业管理和行业自律,积极做好“两个服务”,切实落实中央一号文件精神和农业部的各项政策措施,为饲料行业在新形势下取得持续协调健康发展做出了不懈努力,为明年和今后的工作奠定了良好基础。一、今…  相似文献   

动物尸体包括各种已经死亡动物(主要是畜禽)的躯体(完整或部分)、动物内脏、报废肉类。广义上动物尸体应包括所有死亡动物的完整或部分躯体,不仅是饲养的畜禽、特种养殖动物,还有野生动物,甚至各种昆虫;狭义上动物尸体仅指家畜家禽和人工饲养、合法捕获的其他动物死亡后的完整或部分躯体,即《中华人民共和国动物防疫法》所指的动物范围。全面的动物尸体管理首先针对的应该是广义上的动物尸体,广义上的动物尸体是动物尸体管理的源头和根本。包括笔者在内的很多人一直期望能有一部我国的《动物尸体管理办法》,从而建立一种规范的、系统的、易…  相似文献   

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