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鲁棉研21号适宜播期、密度和施肥量的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2007年在山东省巨野县进行了鲁棉研21号播期、密度和施肥量试验。结果表明,鲁棉研21号的最佳播期为4月20日;最佳种植密度为4.35万株/hm^2;最佳施肥量为每666.7m。施尿素30kg,磷酸二铵40kg,硫酸钾10b,硼砂0.6kg。该研究结果为鲁棉研21号在适宜推广区域开展良种良法配套栽培技术组装和产业化开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

鲁棉研21号地膜覆盖高产栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对鲁棉研21号抗虫棉新品种的引进、试验、示范,从整地、播种、控制杂草等方面总结出一整套地膜覆盖高产栽培技术。为大面积推广该品种和棉农增收提供依据。  相似文献   

研究了留叶枝处理对鲁棉研21号生育进程、株高、产量及产量构成因子等的影响。结果表明,鲁棉研21号留叶枝处理较去叶枝处理植株略高,但果枝数较去叶枝的少1.1个/株,各生育期后移,开花期、吐絮期较去叶枝处理推迟3天,长势较旺,黄萎病发病较轻,病指较去叶枝处理降低8.8,说明留叶枝处理对棉花中后期根系的发育和延缓衰老具有一定作用;留叶枝处理全株总铃数比去叶枝处理多2.6个,而全株平均铃重较去叶枝处理降低0.27g,两种处理衣分趋于一致,无明显差异,留叶枝处理较去叶枝处理子棉增产6.7%。  相似文献   

2007年在山东省巨野县进行了鲁棉研28号播期、密度和施肥量正交试验。结果表明,鲁棉研28号的最佳播期为4月20日,最佳种植密度为4.8万株/hm^2,最佳施肥量为每666.7m^2施尿素30kg、磷酸二铵40kg、硫酸钾10k、硼砂0.6kg。该研究结果为鲁棉研28号在适宜推广区域开展良种良法配套栽培技术组装和产业化开发提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

本试验比较了鲁棉研17号与杂交棉奥棉1号的叶枝发生与叶枝结铃差异,研究了鲁棉研17号栽植密度对叶枝成铃的影响和不同密度条件下留叶枝与去叶枝栽培的产量表现,探讨了鲁棉研17号用于留叶枝栽培的可能性和应注意的关键问题。  相似文献   

以生产上大面积推广的4个不同类型的转基因抗虫棉品种为材料,比较并进而研究了常规转Bt基因抗虫棉鲁棉研21号的生理特性。结果表明:与其它同类品种相比,鲁棉研21号叶绿素含量较高,淀粉、可溶性蛋白含量在苗期、蕾期、初花期明显高于中棉所41和新棉99B,抗氧化酶(SOD、POD)活性较高,激素类物质代谢协调。这些特点为其高产、稳产、广适奠定了生理基础。  相似文献   

鲁棉研28号生育特点和对密度适应性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以曾在山东大面积种植的美国Bt抗虫棉33B为对照,于2005、2006年分别在山东临清和夏津研究了不同密度条件下国审Bt抗虫棉新品种鲁棉研28的生长发育和产量形成特点。两年观察结果表明,鲁棉研28的生育期与对照33B相当,但平均收获期比33B短1.7天,铃重、衣分和棉柴比显著高于33B,皮棉单产也显著提高,2005、2006年分别比33B增产22.2%和18.4%。33B在5.25~6.75株/m2密度时的产量最高,而鲁棉研28在4.75~6.75株/m2的密度范围内产量则没有变化。分析认为,抗虫棉新品种鲁棉研28号彻底解决了早期抗虫棉品种存在的铃小、衣分低、产量潜力小等不足,表现出产量构成协调、产量潜力大、适应性强等特点。  相似文献   

在地膜覆盖和露地直播条件下,比较研究了转基因常规抗虫棉鲁棉研28号的生长发育和产量构成。结果表明,地膜覆盖明显缩短了该品种的生育期,增强了苗期生长势,加快了中前期的生长发育速度。主要表现在中前期株高增长明显加快,但最终株高差异不大,全株干物重显著增加。在产量构成上,地膜覆盖的增产效果主要来自全株平均铃重的增加,其次是结铃数和衣分的增高。  相似文献   

肥料、密度、化调对鲁棉研16号产量效应的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肥料、密度与化学调控是影响棉花产量的关键技术.由于棉花品种在株型、叶型、抗病、生长发育等方面各具特性,因而在其关键栽培技术的具体掌握上也应不同.鲁棉研16号是山东棉花研究中心与中国农科院生物技术研究所合作选育的中早熟转Bt基因抗虫棉花新品种,为研究上述3种栽培因素对该品种的影响,找出最优水平组合,提供良法栽培的科学依据,2000年在聊城市农科所农场进行了本项试验.  相似文献   

抗虫棉新品种鲁棉研36号特征特性与栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简要介绍了转Bt基因常规抗虫棉新品种鲁棉研36号的选育过程、特征特性,在此基础上提出了以适期晚播、增加密度、平衡施肥、适度化控等为主要内容的配套栽培技术。  相似文献   

高产、抗病转基因抗虫棉新品种鲁棉研37号   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁棉研37号(原代号鲁253)是山东棉花研究中心以高产、高抗黄萎病的自育非转基因中熟品系鲁9136(豫2067×定陶621)为母本,转B t基因抗虫棉鲁99系(从鲁棉研16号原始系鲁S6145系选)为父本杂交,经过连续多代系统选育而成的常规转基因抗虫棉新品种,  相似文献   

短季棉豫早73适宜播期与密度研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
试验采用2个播期配合4个密度研究了短季棉豫早73的适宜播期与密度。结果表明,麦收前5月2 0日播种,种植密度为11.2 5万株/hm2 的棉花生育进程与棉花的最佳生长季节较为吻合,叶面积系数大,单株结铃增加,较其他处理增产4 .7%~81.8% ;如果推迟到麦收后6月5日播种,将密度增加到13.5 0万株/hm2 ,也能取得较高的产量。  相似文献   

3个不同株型玉米适宜密度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以当地3个不同类型的主栽玉米品种为试材,在7种不同种植密度条件下,研究了种植密度对3个玉米品种农艺性状和产量的影响。结果表明:随着种植密度的提高,穗长、穗粗、行数、行粒数、千粒重逐渐减小,秃尖长、株高和穗位高逐渐增加,生育期略有延长;平展型品种正大999的适宜种植密度为4.8万~5.4万株/hm2,半紧凑型品种正大619的适宜种植密度为5.4万株/hm2,紧凑型品种玉美头105的适宜种植密度为5.4万~6.0万株/hm2。  相似文献   

系统研究了湖北省育成的几个杂交棉新品种的特征特性、产量性状、纤维品质、抗耐病性,分析提出了主要品种的适宜范围及利用价值。  相似文献   

Yield and fiber quality of cotton even varies within locules in a boll, but it is not clear how yield components and quality parameters are altered across seed positions of a locule(SPL). A field experiment was arranged in a split plot design with transgenic insect resistant Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton hybrid cultivar CRI75 and conventional cultivar SCRC28 as the main plots, and three plant densities(15 000, 51 000 and 87 000 plants ha–1) as the subplots in 2012 and 2013 at Anyang, Henan Province, China. Cotton was hand harvested by node and fruiting position, and then seeds of the first fruiting position bolls from nodes 6–10 were separated by SPL. The effects of plant density on lint yield, fiber quality, especially across SPL were determined. It was showed that plant densities of 51 000 and 87 000 plants ha–1 increased lint yield by 61.3 and 65.3% in 2012 and 17.8 and 15.5% in 2013 relative to low plant density(15 000 plants ha–1), however, no significant difference was observed between 51 000 and 87 000 plants ha–1. The number of bolls(boll density) increased while boll weight decreased as plant density raised, and no significant changes occured in lint percentage in 2013 but increased with plant density in 2012. The number of bolls in upper nodes and distal fruiting positions, the number of seeds per boll, seed area(SA) and seed vigor index increased with decreasing plant density. Seed area was found to be greater from the base to the middle compared to the apex of a locule. Mote frequency(MF) increased as plant density increased, and fiber quality was the best at the middle of the locule regardless of plant density. As the number of fibers per seed area is genetically determined, adjusting plant density to produce more seeds and greater seed area can be a potentially promising alternative to improve lint yield in cotton. These findings might be of great importantance to cotton breeding and filed management.  相似文献   

甘肃耐密玉米品种种植密度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了陇单3号、先玉335、郑单958在甘肃的种植密度效应,分析了各个品种在不同密度下的穗部性状及产量构成因素。结果表明:陇单3号的适宜栽培密度为82500株/hm2,在此密度下产量为20319.75kg/km2,穗粒数625粒、千粒重392g;先玉335的适宜栽培密度为90000株/hm2,在此密度下产量为19494.00kg/km2,穗粒数601粒、千粒重343.6g;郑单958的适宜栽培密度为90000株/hm2,在此密度下产量为16173.00kg/km2,穗粒数568粒、千粒重359.1g。分析结果还表明,各穗部性状中,随着密度的增加秃尖变长,其余性状的结果随着密度的增加都在降低。  相似文献   

Increasing nitrogen(N) rate could accelerate the decomposition of crop residues, and then improve crop yield by increasing N availability of soil and N uptake of crops. However, it is not clear whether N rate and plant density should be modified after a long period of cotton stubble return with high N rate. This study seeks to assess the effects of N rate and plant density on cotton yield, N use efficiency, leaf senescence, soil inorganic N, and apparent N balance in cotton stubble return fields in Liaocheng, China, in 2016 and 2017. Three plant densities 5.25(D_(5.25)), 6.75(D_(6.75)) and 8.25(D_(8.25)) plants m~(-2) and five N rates 0(N_0), 105(N_(105)), 210(N_(210)), 315(N_(315)), and 420(N_(420)) kg ha~(-1) were investigated. Compared to the combination used by local farmers(D_(5.25) N_(315)), a 33.3% N reduction and a 28.6% increase in plant density(D_(6.75) N_(210)) can maintain high cotton yield, while a 66.7% N reduction at 6.75 plants m~(-2)(D_(6.75) N_(105)) can only achieve high yield in the first year. Biological yield increased with the increase of N rate and plant density, and the highest yield was obtained under 420 kg N ha~(-1) at 8.25 plants m~(-2)(D_(8.25) N_(420)) across the two years under investigation. Compared to D_(5.25) N_(315), N agronomic efficiency(NAE) and N recovery efficiency(NRE) in D_(6.75) N_(210) increased by 30.2 and 54.1%, respectively, and NAE and NRE in D_(6.75) N_(105) increased by 104.8 and 88.1%, respectively. Soil inorganic N decreased sharply under 105 kg N ha~(-1), but no change was found under 210 kg N ha~(-1) at 6.75 plants m~(-2). N deficit occurred under 105 kg N ha~(-1), but it did not occurr under 210 kg N ha~(-1) at 6.75 plants m~(-2). Net photosynthetic rate and N concentration of leaves under N rate ranging from 210 to 420 kg ha~(-1) were higher than those under N rate of 0 or 105 kg N ha~(-1) at all three densities. The findings suggest that D_(6.75) N_(210) is a superior combination in cotton stubble retaining fields in the Yellow River Valley and other areas with similar ecologies.  相似文献   

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