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潍县萝卜是潍坊市名特优地方水果萝卜品种,因其肉质翠绿、甜脆多汁。并具有清热解毒,润肺止咳,通便利尿,化滞碛,助消化之功效,素有“烟台苹果,莱阳梨,不如潍县的萝卜皮”之说,深受广大消费者的青睐,是潍坊市的支柱产业。随着潍县萝卜经济效益的不断上涨,种植面积迅速扩大.种植方式也由过去单一的露地种植逐渐发展到周年栽培。不仅补充了水果蔬菜的淡季供应,增加了花色品种,同时,又是一项时间短、投资少、效益高的致富途径。现将“潍县萝卜周年无公害栽培技术”介绍如下。  相似文献   

近几年.我们在东光县推广了日光温室冬瓜-番茄无公害周年高效栽培模式并获得成功。此模式不仅使温室资源得到了充分利用,而且由于品种选择得当,蔬菜上市季节合适,效益一直不错。据生产纪录,平均666.7m^2产冬瓜6749.5kg,番茄4952.6kg,收入在1.5万元以上,是一项极有推广价值的栽培模式。其栽培技术如下。  相似文献   

白萝卜的开发价值及其栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志芳 《种子科技》2019,(11):63-64
白萝卜作为我国人民的主食,也是农业栽培的重点内容,具有丰富的营养元素和药用价值,并且历史渊源浓厚。近年来,随着市场对高品质、绿色、健康无污染的食品需求不断上涨,如何高效、全面开发白萝卜的栽培价值成为研究重点。对一些有效的栽培技术展开论述,基于群众对蔬菜的饮食需求,提出白萝卜的营养价值。  相似文献   

桃树无公害栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桃营养丰富,蕴含丰富的有机酸、维生素C、B1、B2等,根茎、花、仁均可入药,是深受大众喜爱的水果之一。本文从建园、定植、整形修剪、土肥水管理、越冬管理、病虫害防治等方面总结了桃树无公害栽培技术。  相似文献   

辣椒是人们喜欢的蔬菜之一,在我国的栽培历史悠久,近年来,随着农业种植技术的不断发展推广,辣椒的栽培方式也变得多种多样,比如温室栽培、塑料大棚、地膜覆盖等各种设施栽培方式,使辣椒的种植不再受到季节的限制,经济效益有了大幅提高。主要介绍了辣椒的品种选择、苗床制作、育苗管理及病虫害防治等技术,以期为广大椒农提供参考。  相似文献   

大白菜在我县种植历史悠久,品种、类型极多,在自然条件下,选择适宜的品种和相配套的栽培技术,可以实现四季栽培、周年供应。反季节栽培春大白菜的关键是防止未熟抽薹,夏秋大白菜栽培的关键是防病虫,主要措施是采用高畦栽培,综合防治病虫害。以下介绍无公害大白菜栽培技术:  相似文献   

潍县萝卜早春小拱棚栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潍县萝卜是驰名国内外的名优水果萝卜品种,至今已有300多年的栽培历史。随着农业栽培技术的不断革新、发展,已改过去单一的秋季露地栽培,1999年成功地进行了早春小拱棚种植潍县萝卜的试验,并于2000-2001年在潍坊地区进行了大面积的推广,取得了平均667m  相似文献   

朱士忠 《中国种业》2002,(12):40-40
豌豆是人们所喜食的蔬菜,不仅营养丰富,而且其嫩梢、嫩荚、籽粒均可食用。通过多年的一系列的品种筛选、反季节栽培、设施栽培的研究,做到了春夏秋冬四季都有青豌豆荚上市,满足了人们特别是大中城市居民对蔬菜食品多样化、时新化、高档化的要求。广大菜农也获得了可观的经济效益。1选用优良品种豌豆是喜凉冷的长日照作物,要想四季种植就必须筛选出对光照反应迟钝,耐寒、耐热、早熟、抗逆性强的品种。经多年试验,筛选出中豌4号和中豌6号,这2个品种表现对光照不敏感、生育期短、播种期弹性大、产量高、品质好等优点。辅以塑料薄膜…  相似文献   

  1. 1.
    Early planting, late harvesting and a heavy dressing of nitrogen favour the occurrence of tipburn in white cabbage.  相似文献   

冬季高产优质马铃薯栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在云南省的低热漕坝区如蒙自、个旧、元江河谷、金沙江及其支流流域、南盘江流域、怒江及澜沧江河谷地带、富宁至西双版纳至德宏州沿线不太适宜在春、秋两季种植马铃薯,属于低地马铃薯不太适宜区.根据近两年来笔者对上述部分地区的调查和冬季马铃薯试验研究结果,认为这些地区具有冬季生产马铃薯的反季栽培优势.  相似文献   

台湾甜杨桃在漳州栽培已获得成功。一年中持续花芽分化,周年可以开花结果,适合在各种土壤中生长。果形大,单果重0.5kg左右,肉白、厚、籽少、脆软爽口,色味俱佳,营养丰富,富含多种人体所需的微量元  相似文献   

M. Nieuwhof 《Euphytica》1991,55(2):171-177
Summary To study prospects of reducing nitrate content of radish roots by breeding, plants with varying nitrate content were selected from four populations of the diploid cultivar Robijn (two populations with a low, one with an intermediate and one with a high nitrate content) and from two tetraploid cultivar, Boy and Oscar, with low nitrate contents.Correlation coefficients between nitrate contents of parent plants and their I1's were generally significant, but rather small (between 0.48 and 0.78), as were the parent-offspring regression coefficients (between 0.18 and 0.54). Significant differences in nitrate content occurred between I1's of each of the parent populations, I1's were also present with significantly higher or lower nitrate contents than the corresponding parent populations. Genetic variation for nitrate content was still present within I1's. I2's could be selected with a significantly lower or higher nitrate content than their I1's.It is possible to select radish cultivars with less than 2.0 mg nitrate per gram fresh weight of root under low light conditions in winter. As appeared from crosses with cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile plants, their was no relationship between cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility and nitrate content, indicating that hybrid cultivars with low nitrate contents can also be selected.  相似文献   

少籽西瓜是指果实内子粒数较少(一般在200粒以下)、介于无籽西瓜和普通有籽西瓜之间的西瓜品种,其既具有无籽西瓜的便于食用、高糖、口感好的特性,又具有有籽西瓜的易于栽培管理特性,深受广大瓜农和消费者的喜爱.采用嫁接栽培更能够充分发挥少籽西瓜高产、优质、效益好的优势.  相似文献   

M. Nieuwhof 《Euphytica》1990,47(2):171-177
Summary Research has been carried out on identification of maintainers for cytoplasmic-genetic male sterile lines in Japanese and European radish, on the mode of inheritance of male sterility and on the effect of environmental factors on the expression of this character.In a Japanese radish population and in most early European radish populations maintainers were found in high frequency. Segregations for male sterility in full-sib families, obtained by crossing male sterile and male fertile plants, and in backcross generations, indicated that male sterility is probably determined by one dominant and two recessive independently acting genes, but also minor genes may be involved.The expression of male sterility was not affected by seasonal influences. In some populations a reversible temperature effect was found, most ms plants occurred at 10, 14 and 26°C and most mf plants at 17 and 20°C.  相似文献   

Summary Determinate architecture is of great interest for lupin production in Europe but the extent of genetic and environmental variation in the structure and yield of determinate lupins must be evaluated. Forty-three genotypes of determinate autumn-sown white lupin were studied in four environments in France in 1991/92 and 1992/93. Wide variation was observed for phenological (dates of mainstem and branch flowering, date of end of flowering and date of maturity), morphological (numbers of branch orders, branches and leaves) and seed characters (seed yield, mean seed weight, number of seeds/m2). Both genetic and environmental effects contributed to the observed variation. Heritabilities were high for all characters, and the interaction between genotype and location effects was low. There were significant positive correlations of flowering dates with vegetative plant development including the number of branches, number of leaves and number of branch orders. Seed yield and phenological and archtectural characters were significantly correlated. Distribution of yield on the vegetative orders showed important variations according the genotype, and the variations were related to variation for the architecture. There are possibilities for yield improvement using morphological characters in determinate autumn-sown lupin.  相似文献   

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