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以野外实地调查、标本采集和文献资料分析相结合的方法,对金洞国家森林公园藤本植物的资源种类、区系地理成分、生态特征及园林应用进行了系统研究。结果表明:(1)该区藤本植物共计有48科107属238种(含变种),科种数分别占该区维管植物科、种的22.86%、15.29%,其中蕨类植物有2科2属2种,双子叶植物43科101属212种,单子叶植物3科4属24种。(2)该区植物区系成分复杂,以热带性分布为主,其中泛热带分布最多,占到了属总数的25%,出现了海南链珠藤、大花帘子藤等严格热带区系成分的藤本。(3)该区缠绕类藤本占优势,共计110种,占总数的46.22%,卷曲类、搭靠类、吸固类种类较少,分别占总数的24.79%、19.33%和9.66%。(4)该区观赏性藤本植物有较多种类,通过在长沙的引种试栽与观察,重点推荐中南鱼藤、粉叶羊蹄甲等32种具有一定观赏价值的藤本植物作为城市园林绿化应用参考。  相似文献   


Key message

The increment estimation methods of European NFIs were explored by means of 12 essential NFI features. The results indicate various differences among NFIs within the commonly acknowledged methodological frame. The perspectives for harmonisation at the European level are promising.


The estimation of increment is implemented differently in European National Forest Inventories (NFIs) due to different historical origins of NFIs and sampling designs and field assessments accommodated to country-specific conditions. The aspired harmonisation of increment estimation requires a comparison and an analysis of NFI methods.


The objective was to investigate the differences in volume increment estimation methods used in European NFIs. The conducted work shall set a basis for harmonisation at the European level which is needed to improve information on forest resources for various strategic processes.


A comprehensive enquiry was conducted during Cost Action FP1001 to explore the methods of increment estimation of 29 European NFIs. The enquiry built upon the preceding Cost Action E43 and was complemented by an analysis of literature to demonstrate the methodological backgrounds.


The comparison of methods revealed differences concerning the NFI features such as sampling grids, periodicity of assessments, permanent and temporary plots, use of remote sensing, sample tree selection, components of forest growth, forest area changes, sampling thresholds, field measurements, drain assessment, involved models and tree parts included in estimates.


Increment estimation methods differ considerably among European NFIs. Their harmonisation introduces new issues into the harmonisation process. Recent accomplishments and the increased use of sample-based inventories in Europe make perspectives for harmonised reporting of increment estimation promising.

国内森林认证发展历程及趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国森林认证理念的引入过程,即从概念引入、活动引入到管理工作的引入;综述了国内森林认证活动的开展状况,即成立机构、创建刊物和网站、制定相关标准和法规、开展国际合作与交流以及森林认证试点;结合我国国情、林情,预测分析了未来森林认证发展的4个特点,即政府监管、多体系共存与互认、分级分类认证和与其它管理相结合等。  相似文献   



Old-growth trees play a very important role in the maintenance of biodiversity in forests. However, no clear definition is yet available to help identify them since tree age is usually not recorded in National Forest Inventories.


To develop and test a new method to identify old-growth trees using a species-specific threshold for tree diameter in National Forest Inventories.


Different nonlinear mixed models for diameter–age were generated using data from the Spanish Forest Inventory in order to identify the most appropriate one for Aleppo pine in its South-western distribution area. The asymptote of the optimal model indicates the threshold diameter for defining an old-growth tree. Additionally, five site index curves were examined to analyze the influence of site quality on these models.


The Hossfled III mixed model was found to be the most appropriate to fit diameter–age curves for Aleppo pine trees. The overall diameter at breast height threshold for old-growth trees was 40.6 cm, although over a range of sites with increasing site quality, the threshold figure was 36.0, 38.0, 40.4, 43.1, and 46.3 cm, respectively.


This method allows the identification of old-growth trees and therefore of biodiversity hotspots, thus providing decision makers with a useful tool for management purposes.  相似文献   

A common premise in modern forest management is that land management should operate over large enough spatial and temporal scales that common natural disturbances are present and implicitly considered. Less emphasis has been focused on managing humid tropical forest ecosystems with the periodic ecological processes that occur between disturbances. The central premise of this paper is that timing management activities to periodic ecological processes that occur between disturbances is an additional prerequisite for the effective management of humid tropical forests. Ecological rhythms are defined here as biological or biogeochemical processes that have definable periodicities and include phenological, circadian, biogeochemical, and behavioral processes. The paper documents the use of ecological rhythms in the management of endangered species and water resources in the Caribbean National Forest of Northeastern Puerto Rico. While this type of dynamic management has proven benefits, managers and regulatory agencies have been hesitant to utilize complex, ecologically based dynamic management schedules because they can be difficult to monitor and regulate. Fortunately, recent technological advantages greatly increase the ability to conduct complex real-time, spatially explicit management. Identifying important ecological rhythms and developing administrative structures that can integrate them into management will be a major challenge in both tropical and temperate environments in the coming decades.  相似文献   

The structural diversity in urban forests is highly important to protect biodiversity. In particular, fruit trees and bush species, cavity-bearing trees and coarse, woody debris provide habitats for animals to feed, nest and hide.Improper silvicultural practices, intensive recreational use and illegal harvesting lead to a decline in the structural diversity in forests within larger metropolitan cities. It is important to monitor the structural diversity at definite time intervals using effective technologies with a view to instituting the necessary conservation measures. The use of satellite images seems to be appropriate to this end. Here we aimed to identify the associations between the textural features derived from the satellite images with different spatial resolutions and the structural diversity indices in urban forest stands(Shannon–Wiener index, complexity index, dominance index and density of wildlife trees).Rapid Eye images with a spatial resolution of 5 m 9 5 m,ASTER images with a spatial resolution of 15 m 9 15 m and Landsat-8 ETM satellite images with a spatial resolution of 30 m 9 30 m were used in this study. The firstorder(standard deviation of gray levels) and second order(GLCM entropy, GLCM contrast and GLCM correlation)textural features were calculated from the satellite images.When associations between textural features in the images and the structural diversity indices were assessed using the Pearson correlation coefficient, very high associations were found between the image textural features and the diversity indices. The highest association was found between the standard deviation of gray levels(SDGLRAP) derived from RVIRAPof Rapid Eye image and the Shannon–Wiener index(Hh) calculated on the basis of tree height(R2= 0.64). The findings revealed that Rapid Eye satellite images with a spatial resolution of 5 m 9 5 m are most suitable for estimating the structural diversity in urban forests.  相似文献   

汇总了权威气象部门和各地防火办对2007年春防期全国天气和火险形势分析情况,总结分析了各地主要的火险因素和存在的问题,提出了近期做好森林防火工作的对策建议。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out at two different gradients of unburnt and burnt Anogeissus latifolia forest sites in the Garhwal region, India. At each gradient, the unburnt and burnt forest sites were further categorized into three different elevations, i.e., lower (700 m), middle (850 m) and upper (1000 m). At each elevation, the density of trees, saplings and seedlings was higher at the unburnt sites except for trees at the upper elevation which was higher at the burnt sites. The total basal area of each layer of forest was also higher at the unburnt sites. The study revealed that the lower number of saplings and seedlings at the burnt forest sites might be due to the effect of fire. Most trees in the lower dbh classes were affected by forest fire at the burnt sites which reduced the total density and total basal area of the trees compared to the unburnt sites. The diversity of trees increased with increasing elevation. However, the diversity of saplings and seedlings reduced with increasing elevation.  相似文献   

同志们 :为期两天的 2 0 0 2年全国秋冬季森林防火工作会议 ,在与会同志的共同努力下 ,圆满完成了预定的各项议程 ,现在就要结束了。下面 ,围绕如何贯彻落实好会议精神 ,我讲三点意见。一、认真领会会议精神 ,切实增强对会议重要性的认识这次会议 ,是继全国林业厅局长座谈会后 ,国家林业局召开的又一次重要会议。之所以说这次会议重要 ,一是会议内容比较丰富。会上 ,组织大家观看了扑火救灾专题片———《为了永远的绿色》 ;国家林业局党组书记、周生贤局长为大会作了题为《大力弘扬火场精神 ,坚决打好秋冬防一仗 ,以优异成绩迎接党的十六大…  相似文献   

The Swiss National Forest Inventory (NFI) is expected to provide reliable data about the current state of the Swiss forests and recent changes. Since the first Swiss NFI (1982–1986) a deadwood assessment has been part of the inventory. However, the definition of deadwood used was restricted and only parts of the total deadwood volume were assessed. A broader definition was therefore used in the second NFI (1993–1995) and coarse wood debris (CWD) was also assessed using line intersect sampling in the third NFI (2004–2006). This paper discusses the development of the definition of deadwood from the first to the third Swiss NFI, as well as the tally rules and estimators used in assessing deadwood in the ongoing third NFI. Different definitions of deadwood were applied in two Swiss regions and the resulting volume estimates were compared. The definition of deadwood appears to be crucial for the estimate of deadwood volumes, which were significantly underestimated in the first and second Swiss NFI. The minimum diameter and other limits applied must be chosen with special care. Up to 30 m3/ha of deadwood was found in Swiss forests varying with the region. There was little evidence of significant correlations between deadwood volume and such forest parameters as management, site or stand attributes. The proposed target values for the volume of deadwood have been generally reached, whereas the number of snags per hectare has not.  相似文献   

详细阐述了南京紫金山国家森林公园植物多样性的现状及紫金山植物多样性受威胁的原因:森林生态环境破坏、野生植物资源的过度利用、环境污染外来入侵植物的引入等,并针对性地提出了紫金山植物多样性保护对策.  相似文献   

Changes in physiognomy, species composition and structure, and dispersal mechanisms of canopy and subcanopy plant assemblages were investigated along a chronosequence of three ages: 12, 20, and 50+ years old (=old-growth), three replications in each, in an Atlantic Forest landscape in Northeastern Brazil. Our objective was to investigate whether there is floristic and structural convergence along secondary succession. There were significant differences between secondary and old-growth forests in density and basal area only for the subcanopy. Differences in density between forest ages were noted when the assemblage was analyzed per diameter and height classes. Richness of canopy species of both secondary ages differed from those of old-growth forests. Some dominant species in the canopy of secondary forests showed a significant decrease in density with increasing age, which indicates an ongoing process of floristic changes. The low level of shared species between secondary and old-growth forests supports the idea that species composition is one of the last components to recover during successional process. Zoochory was the most important dispersal guild in species percentage and number, irrespective of stand age. Although regenerating areas can take alternative pathways, our results indicate that secondary Atlantic Forest sites have a high potential for natural regeneration. This recovery is recorded as a physiognomic convergence of the canopy layer in as little as 12 years, and progressive introductions of later successional species into the plant assemblage that lead to convergence in terms of the diversity and richness of the subcanopy and of dispersal guilds just 20 years after abandonment.  相似文献   

2010—2015年6年间在森林抚育区设置监测、对照样地,分别于抚育前、抚育后第三年、抚育后第五年3个时段对林木株数、蓄积、树种组成、树种结构、林木材质等级、森林健康状况等进行定期观测,以评价森林抚育前后森林生长、森林结构和森林健康等变化状况.结果表明,经抚育的林分平均胸径较对照样地增长6.40%,树高增长6.65%,...  相似文献   

对和龙林业局许家洞林场人工兴安落叶松林10年间的生长变化情况进行了初步研究,结果表明:和龙林业局10年间人工落叶松林胸径平均生长4.5cm,2002年14年大小的人工落叶松生物量约为4.1904m3;2012年24年大小的人工落叶松生物量为8.1893m3;10年间的枯损量为0.8220,人工落叶松胸径总体符合正态分布。  相似文献   

We compared pristine and managed beech–fir mixed forestsin Bosnia to assess the impact of management on plant speciesdiversity, vegetation structure and soil–vegetation interaction.Traditionally, management of Bosnian mixed forests has beenby the opening of small gaps, similar to those occurring naturally.Species composition revealed three successional vegetation groups,two mainly in managed forests (regenerating and mature) andone mainly in pristine old growth forests. Managed sites showeda tendency to be more diverse in plant species than pristinesites, and were also more heterogeneous. Diversity was clearlyexplained by vegetation groups; mature managed stands showingthe highest plant diversity and regenerating stands the lowest,both in terms of species richness and abundance distributions.Plant diversity decreased with canopy cover and increased withcarbon concentration in the Ah horizon, being accurately modelledby both factors. Although topographical conditions were homogeneousamong sites, vegetation was very sensitive to small changesin environmental variables at the local scale. Vegetation reflecteda combination of past situations, represented by C in the Ahhorizon, and current conditions, represented by canopy coverand the C : N ratio in the LF organic layers, suggesting bothsensitivity to present-day environmental conditions as wellas the imprint of past events.  相似文献   

Agroforestry Systems - Increasing tree cover and managing trees better on farms in Ethiopia supports livelihoods and the environment but most tree-planting schemes promote only a few species. This...  相似文献   

简要介绍德国林业的发展历史、多功能林业的法律规定和实现多功能目标的近自然林业理论和技术, 分别从经营单位、区域和国家层面分析总结了德国作为林业发达国家开展多功能森林经营的具体实例和初步结果, 提出了在各个层面上多功能森林经营的工作要点和评价效果的方法、指标和标准等可学习借鉴的要点。认为多功能近自然林业的理论是中华民族一直倡导的"真、善、美"的文化理念在林业经营中的具体表达, 我国开展多功能林业有良好的历史文化基础和现实需求动力。  相似文献   

The species diversity of broad-leaved trees in relation to the distance from a broad-leaved forest was investigated in Cryptomeria japonica plantations with crown snow damage near the Japan Sea in central Japan. The number and diversity of species and stem density decreased with distance from the broad-leaved forest in maturing gap stands (51–58 years old; >10 years after crown snow damage), but not in recent gap stands (34–42 years old; <10 years after crown snow damage), and increased with improved light conditions in the interior of recent gap stands, but not in that of maturing gap stands. The stem densities of tall and small tree species and woody lianas were greater in the interior of recent gap stands than in maturing gap stands. Woody lianas, which are characteristically shade intolerant, had a high stem density in the interior of recent gap stands. In contrast, the stem density of shrubs was greater in maturing gap stands than in recent gap stands, irrespective of distance. Shade-tolerant shrubs had a high stem density in maturing gap stands. Wind-dispersed and frugivore-dispersed species were concentrated at the edges of maturing gap stands, but some frugivore-dispersed species, which may persist in soil seed banks, occurred in the interior of recent gap stands. Gravity-dispersed species tended to occur both at the plantation edge and in the interior. The differences in the occurrence patterns of broad-leaved trees in the two types of stands reflected the difference in the effect of both the distance from the adjacent broad-leaved forest and the light conditions related to canopy gaps, with the time since gap formation in a region where crown snow damage often occurs.  相似文献   

美国国有林经营及对中国的启示   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
在介绍美国国有林经营政策的基础上, 针对中国国有林经营现状, 提出应借鉴的经验:减轻税费负担, 加强营造林基础; 提高林业科技水平, 发展高效林业; 构建国有林资源法制化管理体系; 重视跨部门跨学科的交流和合作; 采用生态系统管理方法, 开发和保护并重。  相似文献   

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