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为探索曲周地区小麦播种的最佳播期和播量,本文通过对示范区59个农户跟踪调查数据进行研究。研究表明在10月10日播种、播量为225kg/hm2时有效穗数最多,10月12日播种、播量为262.5 kg/hm2时有效穗数较多;播期在10月10日、播量在225kg/hm2时产量最高,推迟播期应适当增加播量以保证产量。  相似文献   

播期对冬播春麦品种生育进程及产量品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明冬前播期对新疆北疆春小麦生育进程、产量和品质的影响,于2017—2019年在田间设置3个冬前播期(10月中旬、10月下旬和11月上旬)和春播期(3月底,CK),分析‘新春6号’、‘新春20号’、‘新春27号’和‘新春43号’4个春小麦品种在不同播期的生育进程、茎数动态、产量构成和籽粒品质等指标。结果表明,冬播处理平均出苗率(59.13%)较春播处理平均出苗率(80.70%)降低21.57个百分点,年际间差异大,同一春麦品种不同冬播期处理之间出苗率差异显著;冬播较春播处理早出苗9~15d、早成熟8~11d、延长生育期6~18d;降低总茎数峰值,总茎数峰值提前出现;冬播处理2年平均产量(7 065.99kg/hm~2)较春播增产17.10%,穗粒数和千粒重分别增加30.68%和5.59%,冬播期处理间产量平均值差异不显著。冬播处理使供试春小麦的籽粒蛋白质含量、沉降值和湿面筋含量均有所降低,但处理间籽粒品质指标差异不显著;同一冬播期的不同小麦品种的沉降值和湿面筋含量差异显著,以‘新春43号’和‘新春6号’较高。冬播处理较春播小麦增产,主要是穗粒数增加的结果;冬播使春小麦的籽粒蛋白质含量、沉降值和湿面筋含量降低,同一小麦品种的不同冬播处理间籽粒品质指标差异显著。在本试验条件下,综合产量和品质结果,10月下旬—11月上旬是新疆北疆春麦品种适宜的冬播期。  相似文献   

Soil moisture is the most critical limiting factor impacting yields of dryland winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) and it is strongly affected by tillage practice and sowing methods. This study was to assess the link between sowing method and tillage practice during summer fallow and their subsequent effect on soil moisture and grain yield. Furthermore, we sought to identify a more appropriate farming management practice for winter wheat production in Loess Plateau region of China. The experiment was conducted from 2011 to 2013, using a two-factor split plot design, including subsoiling(SS) or no tillage(NT) during summer fallow for main plots, and conventional drill sowing(DS) or plastic film drill sowing(FM) for subplots. Results showed that the maximum soil water storage(SWS) was under SS×FM treatment with values of 649.1 mm(2011–2012) and 499.4 mm(2012–2013). The SWS during the 2011–2012 growing season were 149.7 mm higher than that in the 2012–2013 growing season. And adoption of SS×FM significantly increased precipitation use efficiency(PUE) and water use efficiency(WUE) compared to other treatments for both seasons. Moreover, adoption of SS×FM significantly increased yield by 13.1, 14.4, 47.3% and 25.9, 39.1, 35.7% than other three treatments during the two growing seasons, respectively. In summary, combining subsoiling during summer fallow with plastic film drill sowing(SS×FM) increased SWS at sowing and effectively improved WUE, thus representing a feasible technology to improve grain yield of dryland winter wheat in the Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   

播期对不同基因型冬小麦籽粒灌浆特性及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间试验研究了播期对3个不同基因型冬小麦的籽粒灌浆特性、粒质量和产量的影响.结果表明:3个品种在灌浆高峰时,早播处理的籽粒干质量大于晚播处理的;3个品种的灌浆速率变化趋势均呈单峰曲线,‘济麦20’和‘豫麦49’早播处理的前期籽粒灌浆速率慢,后期快;而‘郑麦004’始终是前期快,后期慢,但差异不明显;3个品种的单位面积穗数、穗粒数、千粒质量及产量均有随播期推迟而下降的趋势.  相似文献   

The yield of winter wheat is hindered by drought and low temperature in the Loess Plateau of China. Two common mulching methods to conserve soil moisture, ridge furrows with plastic film mulching (RP) and flat soil surfaces with plastic film mulching (FP) are helpful for wheat production. Our previous study indicated that FP could improve wheat yield more effectively than RP, but the reason remains unclear. The effect of mulching method on functional bacteria also needs to be further studied. In this study, winter wheat was employed to evaluate the impacts of mulching method on soil temperature, moisture content, microorganisms and grain yield. The results showed that FP had a warming effect when the soil temperature was low and a cooling effect when the temperature was too high. However, the ability to regulate soil temperature in the RP method was unstable and varied with year. The lowest negative accumulated soil temperature was found in the FP treatment, which was 20–89 and 43–99% lower than that of the RP and flat sowing with non-film mulching control (NP) treatments, respectively. Deep soil moisture was better transferred to topsoil for wheat growth in the FP and RP treatments than the NP treatment, which made the topsoil moisture in the two treatments (especially FP) more sufficient than that in the NP treatment during the early growing stage of wheat. However, due to the limited water resources in the study area, there was almost no difference between treatments in topsoil water storage during the later stage. The wheat yield in the FP treatment was significantly higher, by 12–16 and 23–56%, respectively, than in the RP and NP treatments. Significant positive correlations were observed among the negative accumulated soil temperature, spike number and wheat yield. The Chao1 and Shannon indices in the RP treatment were 17 and 3.9% higher than those in the NP treatment, respectively. However, according to network relationship analysis, the interspecific relationships of bacteria were weakened in the RP treatment. Phosphorus solubilizing, ammonification and nitrification bacteria were more active in the RP than in the FP treatment, and microbes with nitrate reduction ability and plant pathogens were inhibited in the RP treatment, which improved nutrient availability and habitat for wheat.  相似文献   

【目的】探究西北黄土高原半干旱雨养条件下秸秆带状覆盖技术种植冬小麦的适宜播量.【方法】于2013~2014年生长季研究了秸秆带状覆盖种植下不同播量(T1:150kg/hm2、T2:187.5kg/hm2、T3:225kg/hm2、T4:262.5kg/hm2、T5:300kg/hm2)对冬小麦干物质积累与分配、产量及耗水特性影响.【结果】秸秆带状覆盖种植下T5处理具有最高的籽粒产量,为4 067kg/hm2,同时具有最高的WUE(12.1kg/(hm2·mm).播量高低与产量构成要素密切相关.增加播量,单位面积穗数增加,但千粒质量和穗粒数降低,且T5与T1达到了极显著水平(P0.01).播量显著影响花前、花后积累干物质对籽粒的贡献,但花后的影响大于花前,且均以T5具有最高的籽粒贡献率,说明无论冬小麦处于营养生长还是生殖生长,增加播量可促进茎鞘、叶及颖壳+穗轴储藏性光合产物向籽粒转运.【结论】500kg/hm2为秸秆带状覆盖种植技术下推荐播量.  相似文献   

Exploring the effects of sowing date and ecological points on the yield of semi-winter wheat is of great significance.This study aims to reveal the effects of sowing date and ecological points on the climate resources associated with wheat yield in the Rice–Wheat Rotation System.With six sowing dates,the experiments were carried out in Donghai and Jianhu counties,Jiangsu Province,China using two semi-winter wheat varieties as the objects of this study.The basic seedlings of the first sowing date...  相似文献   

为克服春油菜区早春播种出苗困难并解决生育后期干热风对产量的不利影响,在新疆农业科学院安宁渠试验场以春油菜品种‘新油17号’为材料,采用春油菜冬前播方法,分析了不同冬播期对春油菜越冬成苗与出苗率、生育期、农艺性状、光合性能、产量和品质等的影响。结果表明,冬前播种年后出苗的各处理(10月25日—11月14日)越冬成苗率在73.5%~91.5%,10月15日之前播种,越冬成苗率最低,在10月底—11月初播种(临冬封冻前播种)寄籽入土,冬前不出苗,则能安全越冬,越冬成苗率可达90%。在10月30日播种,参试品种的主要光合特性指标、主要农艺性状、产量和品质均优于翌年4月8日播种,且产量增加幅度达40%以上。由此可见,适时冬播是提高新疆春油菜产量和品质的有效途径。  相似文献   

为探究华北地下水超采区冬小麦进一步减灌节水的有效栽培措施,2013—2016年,以石麦15为试材,进行只灌底墒水、生育期不灌溉的贮墒旱作模式(W0)与现行春季灌2水的节水灌溉模式(W2)比较试验,研究2种栽培模式对冬小麦耗水特征和水分利用效率的影响。结果表明:1)W0与W2相比,3年平均产量降低16.6%,主要是因为穗数和穗粒数减少,库容降低,但千粒重明显增加;2)W0全生育期耗水强度较低,主要是拔节后耗水强度逐渐降低,其总耗水量比W2减少52mm;3)与W2相比,W0提高了土壤水分利用率,开花前较多地利用0~100cm土层的土壤贮水,成熟时耗水深度达到200cm,增加了对土壤深层贮水利用,麦收后多腾出土壤水分库容99mm,有利于接纳夏季降雨,减少汛期雨水损失;4)W0在减少灌溉用水150mm的条件下,获得6 600kg/hm~2以上产量,其水分利用效率与W2无显著差异,达到1.8kg/m~3以上。研究认为,在华北地下水超采区推广贮墒旱作模式,并与节水灌溉模式合理轮作,能大幅度减少灌溉用水并实现适度丰产和水分高效的结合。  相似文献   

为探讨不同播种期对农牧交错带豌豆生长发育、产量形成和水分利用效率的影响,采用随机区组试验设计,分析了内蒙古武川地区豌豆在2010年4月28日、5月8日、5月18日、5月28日和6月8日5个播期下生育期、形态指标、产量形成和水分利用效率的变化情况.结果表明:1)6月份之前播种,播种期对豌豆全生育期日数无明显影响(120~122 d);但随播期推迟,营养生长期延长,生殖生长期缩短,生殖生长期在整个生育期中所占比例减小,4月28日播期最高为40%,6月8日播期最低为22%;2)随播期推迟,豌豆株高和叶面积增长迅速,营养生长前期水热充沛可缓解后期水热资源不足,地上部干物质在8月中旬后迅速积累,5月18日及其后播种的豌豆茎、叶所占比例分别达到51%和45%;3)随播期推迟(6月份之前),豌豆植株含水率、产量和水分利用效率提高,4月28日和5月28日播种的豌豆植株含水率、鲜草产量和干草产量分别为61.7%,1280和490 kg/hm2及77.0%,2700和760 kg/hm2.但播期推迟到6月8日,豌豆鲜草和干草产量比5月28日播种的分别下降200和190 kg/hm2,干草水分利用效率下降为2.69 kg/(hm2·mm).建议农牧交错带豌豆适宜播种期安排在5月下旬,产量和植株含水量可得到双效提升,以充分发挥其绿肥作物的优良特性.  相似文献   

以新冬22(少穗型)和邯郸5316(多穗型)为供试材料,采用裂区田间试验设计,主区为3个播期:9月23日(B1)、10月4日(B2)和10月15日(B3);副区为4个播种密度:315万株·hm-2(M1)、510万株·hm-2(M2)、705万株·hm-2(M3)、900万株·hm-2(M4),研究不同播期和密度对滴灌冬小麦群体动态和抗倒特性的影响。结果表明:(1)滴灌冬小麦生育期随播期推迟而缩短,B3处理的新冬22和邯郸5316的生育期较B2处理缩短11 d,较B1处理缩短22 d;密度对生育进程影响较小。(2)群体大小和叶面积指数(LAI)随密度增加而增加,随播期推迟而减小;晚播群体在生育后期总茎数有追赶正常播期处理的趋势;同一密度下B2处理和同一播期下M2或M3处理的群体大小和叶面积动态随生育进程变化最小,表现出较好的叶片调节功能。(3)随播种密度增加,滴灌冬小麦基部节间和重心高度增加,基部直径、机械强度和抗倒指数下降;随播期延迟,茎秆基部节间变短,重心高度下降,直径增大,机械强度和抗倒指数增加;密度对茎秆性状的影响大于播期;在实际生产中,充分发挥密度和播期的互作效应,适当增加晚播处理的密度,能优化个体生长,保证高产。(4)B2处理的平均产量较B1、B3处理分别提高8.09%~17.52%和16.01%~21.07%,新冬22和邯郸5316分别在B2M3和B2M2处理中产量最高,分别达8 541.04 kg·hm-2和9 218.08 kg·hm-2。(5)从群个体生长的角度上看,新冬22对密度反应更敏感,邯郸5316对播期反应更敏感;说明生产中少穗型品种应注重合理密度前提下调节播期,而多穗型品种应注重适当播期前提下调节密度,以充分发挥品种的增产潜力。  相似文献   

对单季晚粳秀水134进行直播栽培方式下播种期与播种量的双因素试验,结果表明:在每667 m2600 kg产量水平下,适宜的播种期为5月27日至6月3日、播种量为2.5~3.0 kg,适期早播稀播,有利于培育壮苗,提高产量。  相似文献   

为明确冬前镇压和灌溉对山东省冬小麦生长发育的影响,在2016—2017年小麦生长季,以‘济麦22’为材料,利用大田随机区组试验,分析冬前镇压+灌溉(C+I)、单独灌溉(I)和单独镇压(C)处理对冬小麦植株形态和产量的影响。结果表明,1)与对照(常规种植管理,CK)相比,冬前镇压+灌溉、单独灌溉或镇压都可提高分蘖数、分蘖成穗率和成熟期株高,其中镇压+灌溉处理提高值最大,其次是单独镇压或灌溉处理;2)冬前镇压+灌溉、单独镇压和单独灌溉处理均可降低灌浆期小麦基部第一和二节间长度,增加其比茎重、茎粗以及壁厚,镇压+灌溉处理作用最大,其次是单独镇压和灌溉处理;3)冬前镇压+灌溉、单独灌溉和镇压处理可降低小麦花前贮藏物质的转运量、转移率以及对籽粒的贡献率,却可显著提高花后干物质的积累、转运量、转运率及其对籽粒的贡献率,其中冬前镇压+灌溉处理对物质转运影响最大;4)冬前镇压+灌溉、单独灌溉和镇压处理显著提高小麦单位面积穗数、产量和收获指数,其中最大值出现在镇压+灌溉处理,其次是灌溉和镇压处理。本研究表明,镇压+灌溉(C+I)或单独灌溉(I)或镇压(C)都可以促进小麦生长,提高小麦抗倒伏性和最终产量,其中镇压和灌溉相结合作用要大于单独措施,所以山东省小麦生产中冬前镇压+灌溉措施最佳,但即使在无灌溉条件下,镇压措施仍有利于小麦生产。  相似文献   

播期和施氮量组合对水稻南粳9108产量和氮素利用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明播期和施氮量组合对优质水稻品种南粳9108产量构成因素和氮素利用的影响,设3个播期[5月23日(B1)、6月2日(B2)、6月12日(B3)]和4个施氮量[折纯,以N计,0(N0)、180 kg·hm-2(N1)、270 kg·hm-2(N2)、360 kg·hm-2(N3)]进行大田试验。结果表明:水稻的千粒重和产量随着播期推迟逐渐增加,穗数随着施氮量增加而上升。不同播期下,籽粒的氮素分配比率均在N1处理下最大。随着播期推迟,水稻的氮素偏生产力、氮素籽粒生产效率相应增加,氮素农学效率、氮素生理效率先降后升。在同一播期下,水稻的氮素偏生产力、氮素农学效率、氮素吸收效率和氮素籽粒生产效率均随着施氮量增加总体呈下降趋势。总的来看,在本试验条件下,播期推迟、适量氮肥更利于获得高产。综合考虑水稻产量和氮素利用,B2N2或B3N2处理较为适宜。  相似文献   

播期、播量对冬小麦产量及产量构成因素的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
为应对气候变化,改变传统种植模式,以冬小麦长6359为试验材料,采用二因素随机区组设计,研究了播期、播量对冬小麦产量及产量构成因素的影响。结果表明:冬小麦长6359的播期在9月25—30日的范围内可适当进行调整,在传统播期9月25日的基础上可延后5 d左右;播量在187.5~277.5 kg/hm2范围内结合播期进行调整,可适当减少播量。受全球气候变暖的影响,针对传统种植模式进行适当调整是当前小麦高产高效栽培的必要措施。  相似文献   

Potato grows in most part of China, it achieves higher yield and better quality in Gansu Province than in others. With global warming, its growth duration has been prolonged and sowing date become earlier than before. Therefore, to regulate its sowing date and growing period is of great significance for better harvest. In this study, experiments were conducted with six sowing-date treatments of potato in Dingxi, which is in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu Province in Northwest China in 2010. The growth period, morphological index and change in yield and their relationships with temperature, precipitation, and other climatic factors were investigated for each treatment. Results show that the crop with different sowing dates experienced different climate conditions, leading to distinct growth duration, plant height, and leaf area index. The growth duration was shortened due to a delay in sowing date. For each 15-day delay in sowing, the growth duration was reduced by 12 days on average. A significant linear relationship was found between numbers of days either from seeding to emergence or from flowering to harvest and mean temperature over the corresponding period. Dry matter accumulation, tuber fresh weight, and final yield were all decreased because of insufficient cumulative temperature over the shorter growing periods. Marked differences in tuber yield were discovered among the six treatments of sowing date, the potato planted on May 27 giving the highest yield. The potato planted either earlier or later would produce invariably lower yield than the treatment of May 27. Late May therefore can be taken as the optimum sowing time of potato in this region because the crop can fully utilize thermal resource. We conclude that to postpone sowing time is a good practice for potato production to adapt to climate warming in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu, China.  相似文献   

基因型和播期对不同筋力小麦淀粉糊化特性的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于2004-2005年,选用适于沿淮地区水稻茬种植的6个不同筋力小麦品种(强筋、中筋、弱筋),分别在3个时期播种.利用快速粘度分析仪(RVA)研究基因型和播期对籽粒淀粉糊化特性的影响.结果表明,沿淮地区小麦基因型和播期对小麦淀粉糊化特性均有一定影响,6个不同基因型品种的峰值粘度变化基本一致,都随播期的推迟明显有增大的趋势,其他淀粉糊化特性指标在不同播期条件下不同品种存在一定差异;在淀粉糊化特性上两个强筋小麦品种各项指标比较一致,弱筋小麦品种与强筋品种有明显差异,2个中筋、弱筋小麦品种表现不稳定.  相似文献   

Potato grows in most part of China, it achieves higher yield and better quality in Gansu Province than in others. With global warming, its growth duration has been prolonged and sowing date become earlier than before. Therefore, to regulate its sowing date and growing period is of great significance for better harvest. In this study, experiments were conducted with six sowing-date treatments of potato in Dingxi, which is in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu Province in Northwest China in 2010. The growth period, morphological index and change in yield and their relationships with temperature, precipitation, and other climatic factors were investigated for each treatment. Results show that the crop with different sowing dates experienced different climate conditions, leading to distinct growth duration, plant height, and leaf area index. The growth duration was shortened due to a delay in sowing date. For each 15-day delay in sowing, the growth duration was reduced by 12 days on average. A significant linear relationship was found between numbers of days either from seeding to emergence or from flowering to harvest and mean temperature over the corresponding period. Dry matter accumulation, tuber fresh weight, and final yield were all decreased because of insufficient cumulative temperature over the shorter growing periods. Marked differences in tuber yield were discovered among the six treatments of sowing date, the potato planted on May 27 giving the highest yield. The potato planted either earlier or later would produce invariably lower yield than the treatment of May 27. Late May therefore can be taken as the optimum sowing time of potato in this region because the crop can fully utilize thermal resource. We conclude that to postpone sowing time is a good practice for potato production to adapt to climate warming in the Loess Plateau of central Gansu, China.  相似文献   

Straw mulching allows for effective water storage in dryland wheat production. Finding a suitable straw mulching model that facilitates wheat growth was the objective of this study. A 2-year field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of two straw mulching patterns(FM, full coverage within all the rows; HM, half coverage within alternate rows) and two mulching rates(4.5 and 9.0 t ha~(–1)) on soil moisture, soil temperature, grain yield, and water use efficiency(WUE) of winter wheat in northern China, with no mulching(M0) as the control. Results showed that mulching increased the soil water storage in all growth stages under high mulching rates, with a stronger effect in later growth stages. Water storage under the HM model was greater in later stages than under the FM model. Soil water content of HM groups was higher than that of FM groups, especially in surface soil layers. Evapotranspiration decreased in mulched groups and was higher under high mulching rates. Aboveground biomass during each growth stage under the HM model was higher than that under M0 and FM models with the same mulched rate, leading to a relatively higher grain yield under the HM model. Mulching increased WUE, a trend that was more obvious under HM9.0 treatment. Warming effect of soil temperature under the HM pattern persisted longer than under the FM model with the same mulching rates. Accumulated soil temperature under mulched treatments increased, and the period of negative soil temperature decreased by 9–12 days under FM and by 10–20 days under HM. Thus, the HM pattern with 9.0 t ha–1 mulching rate is beneficial for both soil temperature and water content management and can contribute to high yields and high WUE for wheat production in China.  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究砂姜黑土地区秸秆还田条件下播种水和氮肥底追比对小麦旗叶叶绿素荧光参数和产量构成因素的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田条件下灌播种水和氮肥后移显著降低灌浆前后期旗叶Fo(P<0.01);增加灌浆中期旗叶Fm(P<0.01),延缓小麦灌浆后期旗叶Fm的降低速度。灌播种水显著延缓Fv/FoFv/Fm的下降。秸秆还田可以显著缓解灌浆前期Y(Ⅱ)的下降(P<0.01),灌播种水显著延缓灌浆中期旗叶Y(Ⅱ)的下降速率(P<0.01)。秸秆还田和灌播种水条件下氮肥的后移有利于提高灌浆期旗叶Y(Ⅱ)。秸秆还田条件下灌播种水降低开花期和灌浆前期旗叶Y(NPQ),增加灌浆中后期旗叶Y(NPQ);显著降低灌浆中期旗叶Y(NO) (P<0.05)。氮肥后移有利于降低灌浆期旗叶Y(NO),从而在灌浆期内合理利用光能,降低光损伤。秸秆还田条件下水氮耦合有利于增加小麦单位面积有效穗数与产量。尤其灌播种水显著增加单位面积有效穗数与提高小麦产量(P<0.05);秸秆还田显著增加主茎(P<0.05)和第一大分蘖(P<0.01)的单穗结实粒数。  相似文献   

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