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为了准确估算喀斯特青冈栎-黄樟群落生物量,在贵州茂兰喀斯特自然保护区内,选取常绿落叶阔叶林青冈栎-黄樟群落作为基础群落,以D、D2H作为自变量,利用5种函数方程拟合群落生物量模型.结果表明:通过对标准木生物量的回归分析,以幂回归模型为最优,得出青冈栎-黄樟群落各组分生物量最优方程:W干材=168.27(D2H)0.89,W树枝=44.497(D2H)0.835 9,W树叶=19.705(D2H)0.821 7,W树皮=17.660(D2H)0.8528,W地上=250.06(D2H)0.8443.  相似文献   

A conceptual model describing why laser height metrics derived from airborne discrete return laser scanner data are highly correlated with above ground biomass is proposed. Following from this conceptual model, the concept of canopy-based quantile estimators of above ground forest biomass is introduced and applied to an uneven-aged, mature to overmature, tolerant hardwood forest. Results from using the 0th, 25th, 50th, 75th and 100th percentiles of the distributions of laser canopy heights to estimate above ground biomass are reported. A comparison of the five models for each dependent variable group did not reveal any overt differences between models with respect to their predictive capabilities. The coefficient of determination (r 2 ) for each model is greater than 0.80 and any two models may differ at most by up to 9%. Differences in root-mean-square error (RMSE) between models for above ground total, stem wood, stem bark, live branch and foliage biomass were 8.1, 5.1, 2.9, 2.1 and 1.1 Mg ha?1, respectively.  相似文献   

华北落叶松林生物量与生物多样性关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以河北省木兰林管局境内华北落叶松人工林为研究对象,在采用标准地调查方法取得主要林分因子调查数据的基础上,利用ForStat统计软件,建立了华北落叶松人工林生物多样性与生物量关系模型。结果表明:未成林造林地,灌木与草本生物量与生物多样性呈正相关关系;幼龄林林木分化尚不明显,生物量与林分密度呈线性关系,符合y=0.005 1x+4.334 3,R2=0.842 7;幼龄林物种丰富度在25左右时生物量达到最大;近熟林生物量与生物多样性呈正相关。  相似文献   

林相图是承载丰富森林信息的地图,是林业行业的基本用图.针对林相图制图的关键工序,利用MapBasic语言对MapInfo Professional进行二次开发,可以显著提高林相图制图的自动化程度,从而提高工作效率和图面精度.  相似文献   

Several studies have reported different estimates for forest biomass carbon (C) stocks in China. The discrepancy among these estimates may be largely attributed to the methods used. In this study, we used three methods [mean biomass density method (MBM), mean ratio method (MRM), and continuous biomass expansion factor (BEF) method (abbreviated as CBM)] applied to forest inventory data to estimate China's forest biomass C stocks and their changes from 1984 to 2003. The three methods generated various estimates of the biomass C stocks: the lowest (4.0–5.9 Pg C) from CBM and the highest (5.7–7.7 Pg C) from MBM, with an intermediate estimate (4.2–6.2 Pg C) from MRM. Forest age class is a major factor responsible for these method-induced differences. MBM overestimates biomass for young-aged forests, but underestimates biomass for old-aged forests; while the reverse is true for MRM. Further, the three methods resulted in different estimates of biomass C stocks for different forest types. For temperate/subtropical mixed forests, MBM generated a 92% higher estimate than CBM and MRM generated a 14% lower than CBM. The degree of the overestimates is closely related with the proportion of young-aged forest within total area of each forest type.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the approach of combining the information from both remote sensing and forest inventory statistics in order to produce a European forest proportion map covering the area from Portugal to the Ural mountains. For this purpose, a calibration method was developed, tested and applied to the pan-European area. The resulting forest map was analysed on a pixel-by-pixel basis and given to inventory and remote sensing experts for consultation. When comparing both the result of the calibrated forest map with that of the original AVHRR mosaic of the area it was found that the satellite-derived estimates of forest area closely matched the ground inventory statistics indicating the high accuracy obtained from the AVHRR mosaic alone. Most visible discrepancies were found in northern Europe where the inventory data showed less forest than the image data. In southern Europe, the inventory data displayed more forest than the AVHRR image. This project was carried out for the European Commission, Joint Research Centre in 1999/2000 (contract no. 17223-2000-12 F1SC ISP FI) mainly by the European Forest Institute and VTT Information Technology.  相似文献   

环洞庭湖不同类型防护林生物量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗佳  田育新  杨楠  姚敏 《湖南林业科技》2011,38(5):27-29,43
以环洞庭湖的杨树、马尾松、杉木等3种防护林为研究对象,对其生物量进行研究.结果表明:3种林分中不同树种营养器官生物量所占比例的大小顺序有所差异,各主要造林树种单株生物量均以地上部分占绝对的优势,占全株生物量的87%以上.3种林分中,杉木林分生物量最高,为232 172.5 kg/hm2;马尾松林的生物量最低,为87 4...  相似文献   

Being able to accurately estimate and map forest biomass at large scales is important for a better understanding of the terrestrial carbon cycle and for improving the effectiveness of forest management. In this study, forest plot sample data, forest resources inventory(FRI) data, and SPOT Vegetation(SPOT-VGT) normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) data were used to estimate total forest biomass and spatial distribution of forest biomass in northeast China(with 1 km resolution). Total forest biomass at both county and provincial scales was estimated using FRI data of 11 different forest types obtained by sampling 1156 forest plots, and newly-created volume to biomass conversion models. The biomass density at the county scale and SPOT-VGT NDVI data were used to estimate the spatial distribution of forest biomass. The results suggest that the total forest biomass was 2.4 Pg(1 Pg = 10~(15) g), with an average of 77.2 Mg ha~(-1), during the study period. Forests having greater biomass density were located in the middle mountain ranges in the study area. Human activities affected forest biomass at different elevations, slopes and aspects. The results suggest that the volume to biomass conversion models that could be developed using more plot samples and more detailed forest type classifications would be better suited for the study area and would provide more accurate biomass estimates. Use of both FRI and remote sensing data allowed the down-scaling of regional forest biomass statistics to forest cover pixels to produce a relatively fineresolution biomass map.  相似文献   

Forest fires caused by natural forces or human activities are one of the major natural risks in Northeast China. The incidence and spatial distribution of these fires vary over time and across the forested areas in Jilin Province, Northeast China. In this study, the incidence and distribution of 6519 forest fires from 1969 to 2013 in the province were investigated. The results indicated that the spatiotemporal distribution of the burnt forest area and the fire frequency varied significantly by month, year, and region. Fire occurrence displayed notable temporal patterns in the years after forest fire prevention measures were strictly implemented by the provincial government. Generally, forest fires in Jilin occurred in months when stubble and straw were burned and human activities were intense during traditional Chinese festivals. Baishan city, Jilin city, and Yanbian were defined as fire-prone regions for their high fire frequency. Yanbian had the highest frequency, and the fires tended to be large with the highest burned area per fire. Yanbian should thus be listed as the key target area by the fire management agency in Jilin Province for better fire prevention.  相似文献   

Accurate biomass measurements and analyses are critical components in quantifying carbon stocks and sequestration rates, assessing potential impacts due to climate change, locating bio-energy processing plants, and mapping and planning fuel treatments. To this end, biomass equations will remain a key component of future carbon measurements and estimation. As researchers in biomass and carbon estimation, we review the present scenario of aboveground biomass estimation, focusing particularly on estimation using tree-level models and identify some cautionary points that we believe will improve the accuracy of biomass and carbon estimates to meet societal needs. In addition, we discuss the critical challenges in developing or calibrating tree biomass models and opportunities for improved biomass. Some of the opportunities to improve biomass estimate include integration of taper and other attributes and combining different data sources. Biomass estimation is a complex process, when possible, we should make use of already available resources such as wood density and forest inventory databases. Combining different data-sets for model development and using independent data-sets for model verification will offer opportunities to improve biomass estimation. Focus should also be made on belowground biomass estimation to accurately estimate the full forest contribution to carbon sequestration. In addition, we suggest developing comprehensive biomass estimation methods that account for differences in site and stand density and improve forest biomass modeling and validation at a range of spatial scales.  相似文献   

在北亚热带高山区日本落叶松林内均匀布设51块标准地并测定实际生物量,从同期的TM数据中提取多种植被指数、波段均值,和现地调查的海拔、坡度一起作为自变量进行建模。结果表明:单波段TM4与生物量的相关性最强(R=0.814),TM3与生物量的相关系数为最小的0.074;植被指数INDVI、IDVI、ISAVI、IMSAVI和IRVI均与生物量极显著相关,其相关系数分别为0.912、0.906、0.901、0.891和0.896;生物量与坡度负相关而与海坡正相关;INDVI对该地区生物量的指示效果最佳,且二次多项式模型的拟合精度最高,其R值和平均残差分别为0.912和-1.5。  相似文献   

Estimation of shrub biomass by airborne LiDAR data in small forest stands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The presence of shrub vegetation is very significant in Mediterranean ecosystems. However, the difficulty involved in shrub management and the lack of information about behavior of this vegetation means that these areas are often left out of spatial planning projects. Airborne LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) has been used successfully in forestry to estimate dendrometric and dasometric variables that allow to characterize forest structure. In contrast, little research has focused on shrub vegetation. The objective of this study was to estimate dry biomass of shrub vegetation in 83 stands of radius 0.5 m using variables derived from LiDAR data. Dominant species was Quercus coccifera, one of the most characteristic species of the Mediterranean forests. Density of LiDAR data in the analyzed stands varied from 2 points/m2 to 16 points/m2, being the average 8 points/m2 and the standard deviation 4.5 points/m2. Under these conditions, predictions of biomass were performed calculating the mean height, the maximum height and the percentile values 80th, 90th, and 95th derived from LiDAR in concentric areas whose radius varied from 0.50 m to 3.5 m from the center of the stand. The maximum R2 and the minimum RMSE for dry biomass estimations were obtained when the percentile 95th of LiDAR data was calculated in an area of radius 1.5 m, being 0.48 and 1.45 kg, respectively. For this radius, it was found that for the stands (n = 39) where the DTM is calculated with high accuracy (RMSE lower than 0.20 m) and with a high density of LiDAR data (more than 8 points/m2) the R2 value was 0.73. These results show the possibility of estimating shrub biomass in small areas when the density of LiDAR data is high and errors associated to the DTM are low. These results would allow us to improve the knowledge about shrub behavior avoiding the cost of field measurements and clear cutting actions.  相似文献   

黑河地区火烧与森林虫害关系的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对黑河地区过火林地的虫害发生数量和种类的调查研究,表明樟子松和落叶松人工林在火烧后极易受到小蠹类和天牛类蛀干害虫的攻击。利用逻辑斯蒂回归分析表明,树干熏黑高度和胸径对虫害发生数量有一定影响但不是很显著。分别利用树干熏黑高度及其转换后的火强度与虫害发生数量进行一元线性回归分析,结果表明二者与虫害发生数量间的线性关系比较显著,火强度与虫害发生数量的线性关系更显著些。该结论可为火灾之后虫害发生量的预测提供依据。  相似文献   

对集约和粗放经营的高节竹不同器官生物量及凋落物量进行研究.结果表明:相对于粗放经营,集约经营高节竹林的1-3年生竹占比从71%增长至81%,单株叶、枝、秆生物量比粗放经营分别高66.7%、60.8%、79.4%,整株生物量比粗放经营高74.63%.集约经营高节竹林单位面积叶、枝、秆、根鞭、凋落物和总生物量分别为10.1...  相似文献   

光照和水分对林下植物的分布具有重要作用,浅根系的地生蕨类植物对光照和水分比较敏感,可以作为林下生境变化的指针。研究选取热带雨林、喀斯特森林以及人工橡胶林3种不同的林型,研究林冠开阔度对地生蕨类生物多样性的影响。采用2.5 m×1 m的样方,每个样方10 m的间距比较地生蕨类生物多样性。结果显示,热带雨林和喀斯特森林具有类似的地生蕨类多样性(2.52±1.68,2.47±0.68),两者的多样性指数明显高于人工橡胶林(1.47±0.72,P<0.000 1)。但是热带雨林具有更多的个体总数(2 769)和更高的物种丰富度(3.29±0.04),而同样指标喀斯特森林(319,2.94±0.05)和人工橡胶林(175,2.39±0.09)则相对较低。另外,随着林冠开阔度增加,地生蕨类多样性和丰富度急剧降低。地生蕨类的分布状态取决于上层的林冠开阔度,光照对地生蕨类的生物多样性具有决定性的影响,相对较弱的地表根系缺乏足够的吸水能力,不足以应付强光照带来的蒸腾损失。因此绝大多数的地生蕨类植物在林下空地间采取了避退策略。由于相对较低的林冠开阔度,使得喀斯特森林保存了相对较高的林下生物多样性,它具有重要的生态价值而必须加以保护。  相似文献   

文章对辽宁建平3种不同林型油松林的天然更新情况进行调查研究,结果表明:林型、林窗及地被物厚度均对油松林的天然更新有一定影响。从油松幼苗数量来看,禾草油松林〉山杏油松林〉裸岩油松林,林冠下〉林窗边缘〉林窗内。同时研究还发现,随着地被物厚度的增加,油松幼苗数量逐渐减少。  相似文献   

Reforestation and afforestation have been suggested as an important land use management in mitigating the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration under Kyoto Protocol of UN Framework Convention on climate change. Forest inventory data (FID) are important resources for understanding the dynamics of forest biomass, net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon cycling at landscape and regional scales. In this study, more than 300 data sets of biomass, volume, NPP and stand age for five planted forest types in China (Larix, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pouulus) from literatures were synthesized to develop regression equations between biomass and volume, and between NPP and biomass, and stand age. Based on the fourth FID (1989–1993), biomass and NPP of five planted forest types in China were estimated. The results showed that total biomass and total NPP of the five types of forest plantations were 2.81 Pg (1 Pg = 1015 g) and 235.65 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (1 Mg = 106 g), respectively. The area-weighted mean biomass density (biomass) and NPP of different forest types varied from 44.43 (P. massoniana) to 146.05 Mg ha−1 (P. tabulaeformis) and from 4.41 (P. massoniana) to 7.33 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (Populus), respectively. The biomass and NPP of the five planted forest types were not distributed evenly across different regions in China. Larix forests have the greatest variations in biomass and NPP, ranging from 2.7 to 135.37 Mg ha−1 and 0.9 to 10.3 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. However, biomass and NPP of Populus forests in different region varied less and they were approximately 50 Mg ha−1 and 7–8 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. The distribution pattern of biomass and NPP of different forest types closely related with stand ages and regions. The study provided not only with an estimation biomass and NPP of major planted forests in China but also with a useful methodology for estimating forest carbon storage at regional and global levels.  相似文献   

  • ? Carbon sequestration in forest ecosystems is an important though still uncertain process in the global greenhouse gas balance.
  • ? We computed biomass organic carbon (BOC) stocks of spatially explicit forested landscape units (LSU) in Belgium based on data collected in the regional forest inventories of 1984 (Wallonia region only) and 2000 (Wallonia and Flanders). C stock changes between 1984 and 2000 were estimated for Wallonia.
  • ? The total BOC pool stored in Belgian forests in 2000 amounts to 57.8 Mt C in 6222 km2, or 10.0 kg C m?2 in broadleaf, 9.5 kg C m?2 in coniferous and 8.7 kg C m?2 in mixed forest. Based on previous soil organic carbon (SOC) analysis for the same LSU, BOC and SOC stock per LSU appeared only weakly correlated. The total BOC sequestration between 1984 and 2000 equals 5.7 Mt C over an area of 5 107 km2, resulting in a flux of 0.07 kg C m?2 y?1. The BOC content of broadleaf forest in Wallonia increased with 6%, of coniferous forest with 32% and of mixed forest with 11%.
  • ? The observed regional differences in BOC stocks and in BOC sequestration rates are explained by the forest age-class distribution and site productivity. The strength of the spatially explicit approach lies in the fact that BOC and SOC data originating from diverse sampling strategies can be combined for spatial or temporal comparison of C stocks.
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    《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):141-146
    Volume equations predict the volume of the stem of a tree from dendrometrical characteristics that are easy to measure, such as diameter and/or height. These equations can serve as a surrogate for biomass equations, by converting the stem volume to stem biomass, and then expanding it to the total aboveground biomass. This is especially important for Central Africa where biomass equations are scarce, whereas volume equations are common. We measured the stem volume of 459 trees in the Yoko forest, Orientale province, Democratic Republic of Congo. These trees belonged to three species: Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (limbali), Guarea thompsonii (bossé foncé) and Scorodophloeus zenkeri (divida). Species-specific volume equations were fitted using these data, and biomass estimates were derived from these volume equations. The fitted volume equations were consistent with other location-specific volume equations for the same species. The biomass estimates derived from the fitted volume equations were also found to be consistent with multispecies pantropical biomass equations.  相似文献   

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