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To estimate the relative contributions of woody and herbaceous vegetation to savanna productivity, we measured the 13C/12C isotopic ratios of leaves from trees, shrubs, grasses and the surface soil carbon pool for 22 savannas in Australia, Brazil and Ghana covering the full savanna spectrum ranging from almost pure grassland to closed woodlands on all three continents. All trees and shrubs sampled were of the C3 pathway and all grasses of the C4 pathway with the exception of Echinolaena inflexa (Poir.) Chase, a common C3 grass of the Brazilian cerrado. By comparing the carbon isotopic compositions of the plant and carbon pools, a simple model relating soil delta 13C to the relative abundances of trees + shrubs (woody plants) and grasses was developed. The model suggests that the relative proportions of a savanna ecosystem's total foliar projected cover attributable to grasses versus woody plants is a simple and reliable index of the relative contributions of grasses and woody plants to savanna net productivity. Model calibrations against woody tree canopy cover made it possible to estimate the proportion of savanna productivity in the major regions of the world attributable to trees + shrubs and grasses from ground-based observational maps of savanna woodiness. Overall, it was estimated that 59% of the net primary productivity (Np) of tropical savannas is attributable to C4 grasses, but that this proportion varies significantly within and between regions. The C4 grasses make their greatest relative contribution to savanna Np in the Neotropics, whereas in African regions, a greater proportion of savanna Np is attributable to woody plants. The relative contribution of C4 grasses in Australian savannas is intermediate between those in the Neotropics and Africa. These differences can be broadly ascribed to large scale differences in soil fertility and rainfall.  相似文献   

The parasitic plant dwarf mistletoe(Arceuthobium) is currently one of the most threatening infestations of coniferous forests worldwide,especially in Eurasia and North America,but its population dynamics in relation to one of its hosts(spruce) remain unclear.Here,toward understanding the population dynamics,differential equations were used to construct a life history model for the two populations,and two relatively independent subsystems,host and parasite,were generated from their symbiotic relationships.A suspected-infection model was used to couple them.The resulting models were used to analyze structural changes in the forest.When each infected spruce was assumed to support 1000 parasite shoots,the spruce population first increased rapidly,then slows.When 2000 parasite shoots were assumed,the forest declined dramatically,slipping to zero in the 10 th year,and the spruce seedlings were unable to regenerate.Parasite shoot population curves transformed from exponential J-shapes to logistic S-shapes,reaching population limitations as germination rates changed.These results provide important clues to understanding developmental trends of the present parasite population and will assist in reconstructing invasion histories.  相似文献   



Parasites can induce strong effects on their host’s growth, not only as a result of host resource exploitation (growth loss) but also with a potential adaptive value for host (tolerance response) and themselves (increased transmission).


We assessed these three types of phenotypic changes in oak seedlings infected by powdery mildew.


A manipulative field experiment with three levels of parasite inoculum was designed in order to tease apart infection from genetic effects on oak growth. Seedlings were monitored during 3 years for height growth, phenology and infection.


Powdery mildew infection induced both significant growth loss and qualitative changes in plant architecture. The most striking and unexpected change was increased growth polycyclism in infected seedlings. This benefitted both the host as a form of compensation for infection-caused height loss, and the pathogen, by increasing sporulation.


The study highlights the effect of parasites in the expression of plant phenotypic traits, such as phenology and ultimately tree architecture. Both host tolerance and parasitic manipulation may be involved in the observed changes in growth patterns. These results suggest a complex interplay between development and defence in trees and emphasize the need to better assess tolerance mechanisms when considering the defence strategies of trees against pathogens.  相似文献   

North American jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands are generally characterized by an even-aged structure resulting from high intensity fires (HIF). However, non-lethal fires of moderate intensity (MIF), which leave behind surviving trees, have also been reported. The objectives of this study were two-fold: (1) assess the concurrent dynamics of live trees, understory vegetation and different types of coarse woody debris (CWD) during succession after HIF; and (2) document how MIF affects stand structure component dynamics compared to HIF. Stands affected by both HIF and MIF were selected. Tree characteristics and age structure, understory biomass, and CWD volume were assessed. Our results suggest that the structural succession of jack pine stands following HIF comprises three stages: young stands (<48 years), premature and mature stands (58–100 years) and old stands (>118 years). Canopy openness and jack pine density significantly decreased with time since HIF, while black spruce density and CWD volume significantly increased. The highest structural diversity was measured in the premature and mature stands. Compared to HIF, MIF increased mean jack pine basal area, decreased average stand density, delayed the replacement of jack pine by black spruce replacement in the canopy, decreased CWD volume, and significantly increased bryophytes mass. MIF increased the diversity of live trees and generally decreased CWD structural diversity. The study confirms the diversity of natural disturbance magnitude and successional processes thereby initiated. Thereafter, it appeared to be relevant for adjustment of disturbance emulating forest-management systems.  相似文献   

Axial water flow in the trunks of mature oak trees (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Q. robur L.) was studied by four independent techniques: water absorption from a cut trunk, sap flowmeters, heat pulse velocity (HPV) and thermoimaging. Estimation of the total water flow with sap flowmeters, HPV and water absorption yielded comparable results. We concluded from dye colorations, thermograms and axial profiles of sap flow and heat pulse velocity that, in intact trunks, most of the flow occurred in the current-year ring, where early-wood vessels in the outermost ring were still functional. Nevertheless, there was significant flow in the older rings of the xylem. Total water flow through the trunk was only slightly reduced when air embolisms were artificially induced in early-wood vessels, probably because there was little change in hydraulic conductance in the root-leaf sap pathway. Embolization of the current-year vessels reactivated transport in the older rings.  相似文献   



This study examines the radial trend in wood stiffness of tropical rainforest trees. The objective was to determine if the type of growing environment (exposed plantation or dense primary forest) would have an effect on this radial trend.  相似文献   

During the late rainy season in October 1997 we observed. over a range of >100 km, the highly synchronous emergence of flower buds in several deciduous tree species of the semi-deciduous tropical forest in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Synchronous flowering soon after the rapid decline in day length around the September equinox and in the absence of any notable climatic cues suggested flower induction by declining photoperiod. By combining field observations and the analysis of flowering herbarium collections, we established highly synchronous flowering periods with low interannual and latitudinal variation predicted for photoperiodic flower induction for more than 25 tree species and a few herbs. We describe morphogenetic changes at the shoot apex of three species during flower induction and the suppression and induction of flowering in several herbaceous species by experimental daylight extension. The combined observations provide strong, mainly indirect evidence for photoperiodic induction of flowering in many tropical tree species. At low latitudes with annual variation in day length of 1 hour, flower induction must be caused by a decline in photoperiod of 30 min or less. This is the first report of photoperiodic control of flowering in trees.  相似文献   

The effects of wood-ash fertilisation on tree stands, soil characteristics and ground vegetation were studied on a drained pine mire in Finland (64°51′N, 26°04′E, 62 m a.s.l.). The original site type was a treeless, mesotrophic Sphagnum papillosum fen. The site was drained in 1933 and the wood-ash fertilisation experiment was started in 1947. The treatments were: (i) unfertilised, (ii) wood-ash 8 t ha−1, and (iii) wood-ash 16 t ha−1.Drainage and ash application had radical and long-lasting consequences on the biological activity on the site and the vegetation compartments studied. The understorey vegetation had been profoundly affected by the ash with almost complete transformation of the species and other life forms. Even 50 years after the ash treatment the changes in vegetation/site type and the tree stand were clearly visible. On the unfertilised plot, the biomass of ground vegetation consisted mostly of mosses and dwarf shrubs, but on the ash-treated plots it consisted mostly of herbs and grasses typical of upland forests.Ash treatment had promoted stem volume growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) substantially and for a long time. The total wood production on the ash plots during 1947–1994 was 13 and 17 times over that of the control plot. Unfertilised pine trees suffered from P and K deficiency throughout the study period. The concentrations of some plant nutrients (P, K) decreased during the past years on Ash8. No nutrient shortage afflicting the tree stand was observed on Ash16 during the study period.Ash application has also led to increased concentration of nutrients in the peat. A sizeable proportion of the mineral nutrients applied were still in the 0–20 cm peat layer. On the ash-treated plots the amount of soil nitrogen (0–20 cm) was 18 and 29 times and the amount of soil phosphorus 9 and 13 times over the amount bound by the tree stand and the ground vegetation (Ash8 and Ash16, respectively). The stock of potassium was generally small in the surface peat—only 60–90% of the amount of potassium bound in the tree stand and the ground vegetation.It was concluded that wood-ash had powerfully influenced the biological processes in surface peat. The decomposition of cellulose was significantly accelerated by both ash treatments. Ash fertilisation also increased the emissions of CO2. The intensified decomposition rate in the litter, vegetation and peat explained to a large extent the accelerated growth of the Scots pine stands studied.  相似文献   

The Norway spruce forests of southern Germany and Austria have been at the forefront of forestry research for well over 100 years. The 1960s were a particularly productive period that saw the development of the yield tables of Ernst Assmann and Friedrich Franz, and the form and volume tables of Reinhard Kennel. Both of these works (or the equations that underpin them) are still in common use today. Even though both sets of tables were developed concurrently in the Institute for Growth and Yield at the Munich Forest Research Institute, a cursory examination suggests they are mutually incompatible, as they appear to use different values of form factor. The discrepancy can be explained by examining the differences between the mean tree by basal area (the tree with the quadratic mean diameter) and the mean tree by volume. This difference is shown to be predictable from data contained in the yield tables, and a conversion equation is developed and tested. The results show that the two sets of tables can be considered fully compatible if we accept that the volumetric mean tree is not identical to the mean tree described in the yield tables.  相似文献   

The Siberian moth, Dendrolimus sibiricus, Tschtv. is the most harmful defoliator of coniferous forests in North Asia. The pest has already spread over the Urals and continues moving westwards. Recently, it has been recommended for quarantine in member countries by European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO). The performances of the pest on coniferous species planted in Europe were assessed on a range of potted trees corresponding to the spectrum of economically important conifers in the EU: European larch Larix decidua, Norway spruce Picea abies, Scots pine Pinus sylvestris, European black pine Pinus nigra, and the North American species: Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii and grand fir Abies grandis. Larvae showed a potential to survive and complete the development on all these host tree species. Favorable hosts were grand fir, European larch, and Douglas fir that allowed higher survival, better larval development, and as a result, yielded heavier pupae and adult moths with higher longevity. Black pine was a poor host but, however, could still support larval and pupal development. Norway spruce and Scots pine had an intermediate behavior. If accidentally introduced to Europe, the Siberian moth may become especially damaging in forest stands predominated by European larch and by the North American firs. Norway spruce and especially the two-needle pines will be less prone to intensive defoliation by this species. The fact that the pest may damage the range of economically important coniferous species should be taken into account in the pest risk assessment for Europe and also for North America where the Siberian moth occurrence is considered likely.  相似文献   

The effect of the number of Pinus sylvestris trees in seed spots on the growth and external quality of the dominant trees was studied. The trees were monitored during the period between release cutting and the first commercial thinning. The treatments were one, two and four of the tallest seedlings retained per seed spot, and a control. The mean height of the dominant trees was highest in the one‐tree and two‐tree treatments. Diameter at breast height (DBH) increased with increasing spacing. On average, the stump diameter was 1.5–4.7 cm greater in the one‐tree treatment than in the control. Slenderness (height/DBH) was highest in the control treatments. The average living crown limit of the dominant trees was 4.6 m, and was at its highest in the two‐tree treatment. The results indicate that the competition in seed spots decreases the height growth of the dominant trees.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop management strategies favouring establishment and survival of holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and downy oak (Quercus pubescens Willd.)??two species co-occurring in Southern France??in mature Allepo pine forests (Pinus halepensis Mill subsp. halepensis). An experimental design was assessed in a partially cut mature stand of Aleppo pine in which five soil and vegetation treatments??chopping, chopping followed by scarification in one or two directions, prescribed burning, control??and two slash treatments (presence/absence) were applied. A total of 1,600 sowing points, each composed of 3 Q. ilex or Q. pubescens acorns, were installed in the different treatments in November of two consecutive years at 6 and 18 months, after the end of treatments. Survival was monitored 3 and 2 years after sowing, soil surface at the sowing points was characterized at different dates, and predawn leaf water potentials were measured during the dry season. High mortality occurred after the first summer, but survival after 1 year was 2.3?C5.2 higher in Q. ilex than in Q. pubescens, confirming that Q. ilex was better adapted to the drier parts of the Mediterranean area. Survival was significantly influenced by the treatments, but there was a variable response between the two sowing years under most of the treatments. Only intense fire proved the most beneficial treatment for seedling survival in both years. The micro-local soil cover conditions induced by the treatments played a major role in explaining oak survival. In particular, grass cover (mainly Brachypodium retusum) proved to be largely unfavourable to seedling survival and growth, and this detrimental effect was also confirmed by lower predawn leaf water potential values with increasing grass cover. Acorn introduction designed to diversify mature Aleppo pine forest after soil and vegetation treatments therefore has to be considered for treatments that most efficiently impair the pre-existing competing grass cover such as prescribed high-intensity fire treatment.  相似文献   

The compensation heat pulse method is widely used to estimate sap flow in conducting organs of woody plants. Being an invasive technique, calibration is crucial to derive correction factors for accurately estimating the sap flow value from the measured heat pulse velocity. We compared the results of excision and perfusion calibration experiments made with mature olive (Olea europaea L. 'Manzanilla de Sevilla'), plum (Prunus domestica L. 'Songal') and orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck. 'Cadenero') trees. The calibration experiments were designed according to current knowledge on the application of the technique and the analysis of measured heat pulse velocities. Data on xylem characteristics were obtained from the experimental trees and related to the results of the calibration experiments. The most accurate sap flow values were obtained by assuming a wound width of 2.0 mm for olive and 2.4 mm for plum and orange. Although the three possible methods of integrating the sap velocity profiles produced similar results for all three species, the best results were obtained by calculating sap flow as the weighted sum of the product of sap velocity and the associated sapwood area across the four sensors of the heat-pulse-velocity probes. Anatomical observations showed that the xylem of the studied species can be considered thermally homogeneous. Vessel lumen diameter in orange trees was about twice that in the olive and plum, but vessel density was less than half. Total vessel lumen area per transverse section of xylem tissue was greater in plum than in the other species. These and other anatomical and hydraulic differences may account for the different calibration results obtained for each species.  相似文献   

许多不同的技术可以促进农业生产力的持续增长,生物技术是其中最重要和最有前途的方法。因为生物技术不仅可以增加生产力。而且在环境和自然资源的保护中起重要作用,应用生物技术可以生产高产、优质、高抗性和无病植物,同时也可以提高育种效率和促进食品的工业化生产。苏云金杆菌抗虫基因是目前生物技术领域中应用最广泛的例子之一。由此而产生的抗虫植物正在广泛应用于世界各地的商业化生产。本文综述了苏云金杆菌抗虫基因的研究进展和它在未来林木遗传工程中的应用。表4参68。  相似文献   


? Context

In recent decades, there have been increasing reports of forest decline, especially in Mediterranean forest ecosystems. Decline in tree vitality is usually due to complex interactions between abiotic factors and biotic agents that attack weakened trees.

? Aims and methods

Estimating dendrometrical characteristics [basal area increment (BAI), age at DBH from tree ring counting, social status, height, and diameter], tree health status, and a competition index, we investigated the individual vulnerability of a French declining silver fir forest to both mistletoe (Viscum album L. ssp. abietis) and bark beetles (Pityophthorus pityographus Ratz., Pityokteines vorontzovi Jac., and Pityokteines spinidens Reitt.).

? Results

BAI was negatively correlated with both mistletoe infection (via mistletoe biomass) and bark beetle attack (number of insects per square meter), but there was evidence of divergence in tree choice between two groups of parasites. Mistletoe preferentially infected isolated and dominant trees that showed higher past growth rates than non-infected ones. Conversely, bark beetles mainly attacked defoliated and preferably declining trees with diameter (DBH) lower than 44.5 cm and slower past growth.

? Conclusion

While successive severe drought periods are thought to greatly weaken southern silver fir populations, mistletoe and bark beetles may contribute actively to their decline processes as inciting and contributing factors, respectively.  相似文献   

李荣高 《林业建设》2001,(1):31-40,30
通过10多年来编纂林业志工作实践,对搜集到的107块造林育护林和山林权属碑文进行探述。1.提出林业碑文按年代、立碑所处的地理区位、立碑者、爵位(官位)身份和林业碑主要内容等4种分类法。2.叙述林业碑文的主要内容:⑴林业与人类息息相关,认识到造林种树、保护森林的重要性;⑵护林碑占林业碑的大多数;⑶山林权属界赴碑以及颂扬风景名胜、古树名木等。3.林业碑文的价值和作用,主要县有“存史、资治、教化”3大价值和作用。  相似文献   


? Context

Understanding the biological mechanisms related to plant response to disturbance is essential for predicting the changes in the structure of plant communities resulting from disturbance.

? Aims

The aims of this study are to identify the regeneration traits linked to the response to disturbance of tree species of a montane cloud forest in order to define regeneration types and to explore whether disturbance intensity acts to select specific regeneration types that can colonize disturbed plots.

? Methods

A theoretical model was developed and evaluated using structural equation modeling to link two latent variables: regeneration type and vulnerability to disturbance. We studied two plots that were subjected to different intensities of disturbance and one plot of mature forest.

? Results

Shade tolerance, dispersal mode, and the capacity to form a seed bank were the traits that determine regeneration type. There was a trend for re-sprouting capacity to be associated with the regeneration types dominant in disturbed plots. Regeneration types were differentially distributed among the sites.

? Conclusion

There was evidence that disturbance intensity has a filtering effect on the colonization of disturbed plots. Species vulnerability to disturbance depends on specific combinations of regeneration traits. Structural equation modeling is useful for exploring plant response to disturbance using key parameters linked to plant persistence.  相似文献   

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