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Key message

Tree heights in the central Congo Basin are overestimated using best-available height-diameter models. These errors are propagated into the estimation of aboveground biomass and canopy height, causing significant bias when used for calibration of remote sensing products in this region.


Tree height-diameter models are important components of estimating aboveground biomass (AGB) and calibrating remote sensing products in tropical forests.


For a data-poor area of the central Congo Basin, we quantified height-diameter model performance of local, regional and pan-tropical models for their use in estimating AGB and canopy height.


At three old-growth forest sites, we assessed the bias introduced in height estimation by regional and pan-tropical height-diameter models. We developed an optimal local model with site-level randomizations accounted for by using a mixed-effects modeling approach. We quantified the error propagation of modeled heights for estimating AGB and canopy height.


Regional and pan-tropical height-diameter models produced a significant overestimation in tree height, propagating into significant overestimations of AGB and Lorey’s height. The pan-tropical model accounting for climatic drivers performed better than the regional models. We present a local height-diameter model which produced nonsignificant errors for AGB and canopy height estimations at our study area.


The application of general models at our study area introduced bias in tree height estimations and the derived stand-level variables. Improved delimitation of regions in tropical Africa with similar forest structure is needed to produce models fit for calibrating remote sensing products.


Key message

Pertinence of alternative adaptation strategies to business as usual, namely reactive, active, and robust adaptation strategies, can be evaluated by incorporating the expected costs and benefits of adaptation, climate change uncertainty, and the risk attitudes of decision-makers.


Forest management is used to coping with risky and uncertain projections and estimates. However, climate change adds a major challenge and necessitates adaptation in many ways.


This paper highlights the dependency of the decisions on adaptation strategies to four aspects of forest management: (i) the costs of mitigating undesirable climate change impacts on forests, (ii) the value of ecosystem goods and services to be sustained, (iii) uncertainties about future climate trajectories, and (iv) the attitude of decision-makers towards risk (risk aversion level).


We develop a framework to evaluate the pertinence of reactive, active, and robust adaptation strategies in forest management in response to climate change.


Business as usual may still be retained if the value of the forest and cost of climate impacts are low. Otherwise, it is crucial to react and facilitate the resilience of affected forest resources or actively adapt in advance and improve forest resistance. Adaptation should be robust under any future climate conditions, if the value of the ecosystem, the impacts from climatic changes, and the uncertainty about climate scenarios are very high.


The decision framework for adaptation should take into account multiple aspects of forest management under climate change towards an active and robust strategy.


Key message The application of the ITOC model allows the estimation of available biomass potentials from forests on the basis of National Forest Inventory data. The adaptation of the model to country-specific situations gives the possibility to further enhance the model calculations.


With the rising demand for energy from renewable sources, up-to-date information about the available amount of biomass on a sustainable basis coming from forests became of interest to a wide group of stakeholders. The complexity of answering the question about amounts of biomass potentials from forests thereby increases from the regional to the European level.


The described ITOC model aims at providing a tool to develop a comparable data basis for the actual biomass potentials for consumption.


The ITOC model uses a harmonized net annual increment from the National Forest Inventories as a default value for the potential harvestable volume of timber. The model then calculates the total theoretical potential of biomass resources from forests. By accounting for harvesting restrictions and losses, the theoretical potential of biomass resources from forests is reduced and the actual biomass potentials for consumption estimated.


The results from ITOC model calculations account for the difference between the amounts of wood measured in the forests and the actual biomass potentials which might be available for consumption under the model assumptions.


The gap between forest resource assessments and biomass potentials which are available for consumption can be addressed by using the ITOC model calculation results.


Key message

Forty years after clear-cutting mixed old-growth forest (broadleaf/Korean pine) in the Changbai Mountain area (Northeast China), a mixed forest with natural broadleaf regeneration and larch plantation displayed larger microbial biomass and activity in the soil than either a naturally regenerated birch forest or a monospecific spruce plantation.


Clear-cutting with limited restoration effort was until the end of the twentieth century the norm for managing primary forests in Northeast China. Forest restoration plays an important role in the recovery of soil quality after clear-cutting, but the effects of different regeneration procedures on forest soil quality remain poorly known in Northeast China.


We assessed the effects of three regeneration procedures, i.e., (i) naturally regenerated birch forest, (ii) spruce plantation, and (iii) naturally regenerated broadleaf species interspersed with planted larch on soil quality and microbial activity in the Changbai Mountain area. An old-growth mixed broadleaf/Korean pine forest was used as a reference.


Physical and chemical properties and microbial biomass were recorded in the soil. Basal respiration and carbon mineralization were measured with a closed-jar alkali-absorption method.


Microbial biomass was smaller in the birch forest and spruce plantation than in the old-growth and the mixed broadleaf/larch forests. Moreover, microbial biomass, microbial quotient, and potentially mineralizable carbon were larger in the mixed broadleaf/larch than in the birch forest, while no difference was found between spruce plantation and birch forest for microbial biomass and microbial quotient. Basal respiration and metabolic quotient were larger in the birch forest as compared to the three other forest types, indicating a larger energy need for maintenance of the microbial community and lower microbial activity in the naturally regenerated birch forest.


Mixed broadleaf/larch forest displayed a larger microbial biomass and higher substrate use efficiency of the soil microbial community than either naturally regenerated birch forest or spruce plantation. The combined natural and artificial regeneration procedure (mixed broadleaf-larch forest) seems better suited to restore soil quality after clear-cutting in the Changbai Mountain.


Key message

When areas of interest experience little change, remote sensing-based maps whose dates deviate from ground data can still substantially enhance precision. However, when change is substantial, deviations in dates reduce the utility of such maps for this purpose.


Remote sensing-based maps are well-established as means of increasing the precision of estimates of forest inventory parameters. The general practice is to use maps whose dates correspond closely to the dates of ground data. However, as national forest inventories move to continuous inventories, deviations between map and ground data dates increase.


The aim was to assess the degree to which remote sensing-based maps can be used to increase the precision of estimates despite differences between map and ground data dates.


For study areas in the USA and Norway, maps were constructed for each of two dates, and model-assisted regression estimators were used to estimate inventory parameters using ground data whose dates differed by as much as 11 years from the map dates.


For the Minnesota study area that had little change, 7-year differences in dates had little effect on the precision of estimates of proportion forest area. For the Norwegian study area that experienced considerable change, 11-year differences in dates had a detrimental effect on the precision of estimates of mean biomass per unit area.


The effects of differences in map and ground data dates were less important than temporal change in the study area.


Key message

A new system of additive tree biomass equations was developed for juvenile white birch plantations based on tree diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height (HT). Compared with previous equations developed for natural white birch forests, the new system included one more biomass component and provided more accurate predictions.


Accurate estimates of tree component and total biomass are necessary for evaluating alternative forest management strategies for biomass feedstock, carbon sequestration, and products. Previous biomass equations developed for white birch trees in natural stands provided substantially biased predictions for white birch plantations.


A new system of additive tree biomass equations was developed for juvenile white birch plantations in the northeastern China.


With destructive biomass sampling data from 501 trees sampled from white birch provenance and family trails at ages 7, 9, 10, and 13 in three provinces, a system of nonlinear additive tree biomass equations based on DBH and tree height was developed using the nonlinear seemingly unrelated regressions (NSUR) approach.


Compared with previously published equations developed for natural white birch forests, the new system provided more accurate predictions of white birch tree component and aboveground and total biomass, especially of branch, foliage, and root biomass.


The new system extended the applicability of biomass equations to white birch plantations in the northeastern China.


Key message

The increment estimation methods of European NFIs were explored by means of 12 essential NFI features. The results indicate various differences among NFIs within the commonly acknowledged methodological frame. The perspectives for harmonisation at the European level are promising.


The estimation of increment is implemented differently in European National Forest Inventories (NFIs) due to different historical origins of NFIs and sampling designs and field assessments accommodated to country-specific conditions. The aspired harmonisation of increment estimation requires a comparison and an analysis of NFI methods.


The objective was to investigate the differences in volume increment estimation methods used in European NFIs. The conducted work shall set a basis for harmonisation at the European level which is needed to improve information on forest resources for various strategic processes.


A comprehensive enquiry was conducted during Cost Action FP1001 to explore the methods of increment estimation of 29 European NFIs. The enquiry built upon the preceding Cost Action E43 and was complemented by an analysis of literature to demonstrate the methodological backgrounds.


The comparison of methods revealed differences concerning the NFI features such as sampling grids, periodicity of assessments, permanent and temporary plots, use of remote sensing, sample tree selection, components of forest growth, forest area changes, sampling thresholds, field measurements, drain assessment, involved models and tree parts included in estimates.


Increment estimation methods differ considerably among European NFIs. Their harmonisation introduces new issues into the harmonisation process. Recent accomplishments and the increased use of sample-based inventories in Europe make perspectives for harmonised reporting of increment estimation promising.


Key message

Near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy allows for the detection of local patterns of forest soil properties. In combination with dendrometric data, it may be used as a prospective tool for determining soil heterogeneity before setting up long-term forest monitoring experiments.


Forest soils and stands generally exhibit higher spatial heterogeneity than other terrestrial ecosystems. This variability needs be taken into account before setting up long-term forest monitoring experiments to avoid multiple interactions between local heterogeneity and the factors tested in the experiment.


We hypothesized that raw near- and mid-infrared spectra can be used as an integrated proxy of a large set of soil properties. The use of this method, in combination with dendrometric data, should provide a quick and cost-effective tool for optimizing the design of experimental forest sites.


We assessed the local soil heterogeneity at 11 experimental sites in oak and beech stands, which belong to a new forest long-term ecological research (LTER) network. We used near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy in soil and litter samples. The spectra were subjected to principal components analyses (PCA) to determine the intra-site variability of the soil and litter layers.


Based on mapped PCA coordinates and basic dendrometric data, it was possible to design the experiment and minimize the interactions between the treatment layout and the tested variables. The method was validated with chemical analyses of the soil. No interaction was detected at the set-up of the experiment between the treatment layout and chemical soil properties (C, N, C/N ratio, pH, CEC, Al, Mg, P2O5, Fe, Mn, Na, and K).


Near-infrared (NIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy is a useful tool for characterizing the overall heterogeneity of soil chemical properties. It can be used without any preliminary calibration. In combination with dendrometric data, it provides a reliable method for optimizing LTER plots in different types of ecosystems.


? Key message

New types of distribution functions are needed to model the dynamics of stands where important age classes are represented by few trees. In this study the gamma shape mixture model and two simulation methods were used for generating tree diameter data.

? Context

To analyse forest dynamics, it is necessary to know distribution of the characteristics (mainly tree diameters) of trees forming particular developmental phases. In many forest inventories, the measurement of large diameter at breast height (DBH) samples is practically impossible. In this case, DBH distributions can be generated using theoretical models.

? Aims

The aim of this study was to assess the precision of the approximation of empirical DBH data using the gamma shape mixture (GSM) model and kernel density estimation. The strengths and weaknesses of the two simulation methods were presented and discussed.

? Methods

The GSM model was adopted to approximate empirical DBH data collected in 20 near-natural stands. Two simulation methods were used: (a) the procedure based on a multimodal distribution and gamma random numbers (MDGR procedure) and (b) MCMC techniques with Metropolis–Hastings sampling (MH method).

? Results

The GSM model precisely fitted the investigated DBH distributions. The MDGR procedure was slightly more precise than the MH method, especially in the case of the samples of 250 DBHs. The level of homogeneity within the drawn DBH sets was similar for all samples.

? Conclusion

The GSM model is very flexible. The DBH random variates, generated with the use of analysed procedures, represented all tree generations being significant from a biological point of view.


Key message

We estimated the leaf area index (LAI) and canopy chlorophyll content (CC) of Moso bamboo forest by using statistical models based on MODIS data and field measurements. Results showed that the statistical model driven by MODIS data has the potential to accurately estimate LAI and CC, while the structure of the calibration models varied between on- and off-years because of the different leaf change and bamboo shoot production characteristics between these types of years.


LAI and CC (gram per square meter of ground area) are important parameters for determining carbon exchange between Moso bamboo forest (Phyllostachys edulis (Carrière) J. Houz.) and the atmosphere.


This study evaluated the ability of a statistical model driven by MODIS data to accurately estimate the LAI and CC in Moso bamboo forest, and differences in the LAI and CC between on-years (years with great shoot production) and off-years (years with less shoot production) were analyzed.


The LAI and CC measurements were collected in Anji County, Zhejiang Province, China. Indicators of LAI and CC were calculated from MODIS data. Then, a regression analysis was used to build relationships between the LAI and CC and various indicators on the basis of leaf change and bamboo shoot production characteristics of Moso bamboo forest.


LAI and CC were accurately estimated by using the regression analysis driven by MODIS-derived indicators with a relative root mean squared error (RMSEr) of 9.04 and 13.1%, respectively. The structure of the calibration models varied between on- and off-years. Long-term time series analysis from 2000 to 2015 showed that LAI and CC differed largely between on- and off-years.


This study demonstrates that LAI and CC of Moso bamboo forest can be estimated accurately by using a statistical model driven by MODIS-derived indicators, but attention should be paid to differences in the calibration models between on- and off-years.


Key message

Recent growth changes (1980–2007) in Western European forests strongly vary across tree species, and range from +42% in mountain contexts to ?17% in Mediterranean contexts. These changes reveal recent climate warming footprint and are structured by species' temperature (?) and precipitation (+) growing conditions.


Unprecedented climate warming impacts forests extensively, questioning the respective roles of climatic habitats and tree species in forest growth responses. National forest inventories ensure a repeated and spatially systematic monitoring of forests and form a unique contributing data source.


A primary aim of this paper was to estimate recent growth changes in eight major European tree species, in natural contexts ranging from mountain to Mediterranean. A second aim was to explore their association with species’ climatic habitat and contemporary climate change.


Using >315,000 tree increments measured in >25,000 NFI plots, temporal changes in stand basal area increment (BAI) were modelled. Indicators of climate normals and of recent climatic change were correlated to species BAI changes.


BAI changes spanned from ?17 to +42% over 1980–2007 across species. BAI strongly increased for mountain species, showed moderate/no increase for generalist and temperate lowland species and declined for Mediterranean species. BAI changes were greater in colder/wetter contexts than in warmer/drier ones where declines were observed. This suggested a role for climate warming, further found more intense in colder contexts and strongly correlated with species BAI changes.


The predominant role of climate warming and species climatic habitat in recent growth changes is highlighted in Western Europe. Concern is raised for Mediterranean species, showing growth decreases in a warmer climate with stable precipitation.


Key message

Ozone, one of the major atmospheric pollutants, alters tree growth, mainly by decreasing carbon assimilation and allocation to stems and roots. To date, the mechanisms of O3 impact at the cellular level have been investigated mainly on young trees grown in controlled or semi-controlled conditions. In the context of climate change, it is necessary to introduce a valuable defence parameter in the models that currently predict O3 impact on mature trees and the carbon sequestration capacity of forest ecosystems.


Air pollution is an important factor that affects negatively forest ecosystems. Among oxidative air pollutants, ozone is considered as the most toxic in terms of impact on vegetation.


This paper focuses on the negative impacts of ozone on trees in controlled conditions or in their natural environment. The current knowledge of the responses at cell level is presented and ways to improve their use for ozone risk assessment of forest stands are discussed.


Information was collected from original papers or reviews, providing an overview of the research conducted over the last 60 years.


The negative effects of ozone on carbon assimilation and tree biomass production were reviewed and discussed, with a focus on effects on cell processes implied in cell defence, including stomatal regulation, detoxification, signalling, and biosynthesis of wood compound.


In the context of increasing significance of O3 flux approach, this review intends to shed light into the black box of defence processes, which are playing a crucial part within the effective O3 dose modelling. Today, it is recognized that tropospheric ozone inhibits tree growth and its role on the future carbon sink of the forest ecosystem is discussed along with the combination of other environmental factors like elevated temperature, water, and nitrogen supply, likely to be modified in the context of climate change.


Key message

Pinus radiata trees showed significantly reduced basal area increments and increased latewood/earlywood ratios, when their stem was charred by surface fires even if no needle damage occurred. An interaction of fire damage and precipitation on growth was observed.


Heat from forest fires is able to penetrate beyond the bark layer and damage or completely kill a tree’s cambium. Short-term growth reductions following surface fires have been reported for some species. However, most studies have in common that they describe a compound effect of stem and foliage damage.


This study investigated the impact of surface fires on the radial growth of Pinus radiata, where only the stem of trees was charred, while no needle damage was recorded.


Tree ring measurements were performed on cores obtained at breast height. Analysis of variance and tests, based on annual basal area increment values were calculated to quantify pre- and post-fire growth differences of tree ring width and latewood/earlywood ratios.


The analysis revealed significant growth reductions following a surface fire on P. radiata in the year on which the fire occurred as well as in the following year. As a consequence of the fire, basal area increment and latewood/earlywood ratios were significantly reduced. An interaction of fire damage and precipitation on growth was observed.


The obtained results show how fires without crown damage can affect growth and tree ring structure of P. radiata trees and indicate that stem char could be associated with a significant decrease in ring width and latewood/earlywood ratio.


Key message

Water availability and soil pH seem to be major constraints for enzyme activities in calcareous soils under Pinus halepensis and acidic soils under Pinus sylvestris plantations respectively. Proposals for improving enzyme activities may include the promotion of broadleaf species to increase soil pH and the modulation of stand density or the implementation of soil preparation techniques to facilitate water infiltration.


Soil enzymes play a key role in nutrient turnover in forest ecosystems, as they are responsible for the transformation of organic matter into available nutrients for plants. Enzyme activities are commonly influenced by temperature, humidity, nutrient availability, pH, and organic matter content.


To assess the differences between enzyme activities in calcareous soils below Pinus halepensis and acidic soils below Pinus sylvestris plantations in Spain and to trace those differences back to edapho-climatic parameters to answer the questions: Which environmental factors drive enzyme activities in these soils? How can forest management improve them?


The differences in climatic, soil physical, chemical, and biochemical parameters and the correlations between these parameters and enzyme activities in soils were assessed.


Low pH and high level of phenols in acidic soils under Pinus sylvestris and water deficit in calcareous soils under Pinus halepensis plantations appeared to be the most limiting factors for enzyme activities.


Options such as the promotion of native broadleaf species in the Pinus sylvestris stands and the modulation of Pinus halepensis stand density or the implementation of soil preparation techniques may improve enzyme activities and, therefore, nutrient availability.


Key message

Multiple lines of evidence suggest acoustic wave velocity (AWV) would provide a rapid and efficient method to indirectly select for superior pulp yield in Eucalyptus globulus breeding programs.


Eucalyptus globulus is one of the most widely planted hardwood species in temperate regions of the world and is primarily grown for pulpwood.


To determine if acoustic wave velocity (AWV) can be used to indirectly select for kraft pulp yield in E. globulus.


Genetic group effects, additive and non-additive variance components, and genetic correlations were estimated for AWV and pulpwood traits, including Kraft pulp yield. In a separate trial, the relative position of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for these traits was compared.


Estimated narrow-sense heritabilities for AWV and pulp yield were both 0.26, and these traits were strongly genetically correlated (0.84). Furthermore, co-located QTL for these traits were identified. Further evidence that AWV could be used to indirectly select for pulp yield was provided by the ranking of genetic groups—Otways and King Island had the highest AWV and pulp yield and Strzelecki and Tasmania the lowest. There was no evidence of dominance variation in wood property traits.


Together, these findings suggest that AWV could be used as a selection criterion for kraft pulp yield in E. globulus breeding programs.


Key message

Mixing sessile oak and Scots pine in central France to reduce intraspecific competition for water resources did not improve the ability of these two species to withstand severe drought during the summer.


In order to reduce the impact of increasingly extreme droughts on forests, managers must adapt their practices to future climate conditions. Maintaining a greater diversity of tree species in temperate forest ecosystems is one of the recommended options.


We addressed how interactions between sessile oak and Scots pine in mixed forests in central France affect their functional response to drought.


We characterized the carbon isotope composition (δ13C) in the tree growth rings formed during wet (2001, 2007) or dry (2003, 2004) summers for each of the two species growing both in pure and in mixed stands in order to compare the effect of stand composition on variations in carbon isotope discrimination (Δ13C) among contrasted years.


The severe drought in 2003 induced a strong decrease in Δ13C for all trees and in all stands as compared to 2001. This decrease was greater in pine than in oak. There was no significant difference between pure and mixed stands in the response of either species to drought.


Mixing sessile oak and Scots pine in stands in central France does not improve the ability of either species to withstand severe drought during the summer.


Key message

In order to obtain the necessary information for decision making etc., it is of increasing importance to be able to assess increment in a reliable way. Only repeated measurements on permanent sample plots in national forest inventories can provide accurate and comprehensive information on the various components of annual increment. Such inventory systems are increasingly employed in European countries. The felling/increment ratio, characterizing wood use sustainability, should be expressed as the ratio of felled living trees (excluding dead trees) and net increment.


Reporting of gross and net annual increment is an element of international forest resource assessments and crucial for sustainable forest management. A number of approaches exist for the estimation of increment and its various sub-components.


The main objectives of the study are to assess in detail what methods European countries have used and are planning to use in the future for international reporting of increment. Also, the usefulness of the various approaches for the assessment of increment is evaluated.


A questionnaire asking about their assessment methods was distributed among the UNECE/FAO national correspondents of all European countries and members of the UNECE/FAO Team of Specialists on Monitoring Sustainable Forest Management. Databases of the Temperate and Boreal Forest Resource Assessment 2000 and of the State of Europe’s Forests 2011 were also used. Furthermore, the methodological background was described on the basis of relevant literature sources and some examples for country groups presented.


Countries have indicated what methods they used for assessment of various increment components, and the percentage of countries, forest area, and growing stock corresponding to these replies has been calculated. With regard to gross annual increment, these metrics represent about one third for inventories based on permanent sample plots, but this percentage is on the increase.


The concept of the “control method” for forest management was developed more than 100 years ago but only utilized at the local level. The same methodology is now widely used at the national and regional level due to the implementation of modern national forest inventories using permanent sample plots. Care should be taken to utilize the data correctly for international forest resource assessments, in order to, e.g., avoid double counting of dead trees.


? Key message

Long-term strict protection of woodland communities may lead to their compositional simplification and homogenisation.

? Context

In the past, it has often been postulated that structures and processes typical for natural forests should be mimicked by silvicultural activities in the case of managed tree stands.

? Aims

To determine which features and traits of natural woodland communities (alongside typical old-growth attributes) should be imitated in managed forests, as well as which should not (and for what reasons).

? Methods

Tree data from five permanent study plots (of a total area of 15.44 ha) established in 1936 in the core area of the Bia?owie?a National Park (NE Poland) are used to calculate several quantitative indices describing the temporal dynamics (in terms of stand structure and composition) of eight major woodland community types.

? Results

Most structural attributes revealed rather high stability over time. In contrast to these, during the observation period, noticeable changes in the composition of particular Bia?owie?a woodland communities have been taking place, related to declining occurrence and reduced roles characteristic for a large number of tree species.

? Conclusion

In many ways, natural forests can serve as an important model for managed forest stands. However, in certain circumstances, silvicultural treatments counteracting natural developmental trends may appear to be indispensable, especially when more diverse and stable tree species composition (at a given spatial and temporal scale) is indicated or desirable.


Key message

The demography of pioneer tree species ( Pinus massoniana Lamb.) is significantly affected by logging in Southeast China. Logging negatively affects the population growth rate of P. massoniana , which facilitates the growth of individual trees but has no effect on reproduction probability. The survival and growth of seedlings contribute the most to population growth.


Subtropical forest degradation caused by unreasonable disturbances is closely related to anthropogenic activities in Southeast China, and the frequent small-scale logging activity by local people was the dominated disturbance regime in forests in this region over the past several decades.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the demographic consequences of logging on Pinus massoniana, a pioneer tree species, at individual level (survival, growth, and fecundity) and population level (the population growth rate and size distribution) over short-term period.


The size of tree individuals was combined with vital rates using various modeling approaches based on demographic data from three annual censuses. The integral projection model (IPM) was constructed and used to conduct comparative demographic analyses.


Logging negatively affected the population growth rate: from a slight expansion before logging to a moderate decline after logging. This study found a significant reduction in seedling recruitment after logging, and plant growth and mortality were slightly enhanced. The survival of seedlings greatly contributes to population growth rate compared to other life stages for both periods (before and after logging) while its relative importance decreases after logging. Seedling growth is also important to population growth, and its relative importance increased after logging. Shrinkage and fecundity have a minimal contribution effect on the population growth rate.


Growing plants in a nursery with a similar demography to P. massoniana could be beneficial for pioneer species regeneration in that this will improve the survival rate and growth of small individuals after logging.

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