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矮败小麦创制与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翟虎渠  刘秉华 《中国农业科学》2009,42(12):4127-4131
 阐明矮败小麦创制的过程和其在小麦育种上应用前景,提出矮败小麦育种应用的理论和方法,探讨小麦雄性不育在杂种优势育种上应用的思路。  相似文献   

【目的】对两个玉米群体桂综3号和桂苏综进行两轮相互轮回选择改良后的遗传效益进行评估,为其利用提供理论依据。【方法】以黄早4、掖478、丹340、M0174个测验种作母本,以两个玉米群体桂综3号和桂苏综不同改良群体作父本,按NCU遗传交配设计组配测交种,对各轮群体、群体间杂交组合和测交种进行田间鉴定,调查产量、株高、穗位高、穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、秃尖度、出籽率和千粒重并分析配合力等。【结果】桂综3号、桂苏综及其杂交组合产量平均每轮增益分别为83kg/ha(0.85%)、645kg/ha(12.45%)和390kg/ha(5.90%);群体间杂交组合超亲优势从5.7%提高N13.5%。桂综3号的产量一般配合力效应从-5.32增加到-1.55,桂苏综的一般配合力效应从0.10增加到6.55。桂综3号、桂苏综均与掖478、丹340的特殊配合力都得到一定提高。出籽率和干粒重朝逐轮增加方向发展,秃尖度呈逐轮减少趋势,其他性状变化不明显。【结论】桂综3号和桂苏综经两轮相互轮回选择后,群体问杂交组合产量和杂种优势都逐轮增加,易与掖478、丹340等Reid、旅大红骨种质形成杂种优势模式,可继续进行相互轮回选择改良,利于在玉米育种上改良利用。  相似文献   

The maize population Csyn 4 was improved for three cycles with three recurrent selection methods MS1, MS1-HS, and MHSRRS in northern China. A total of 40 NC Ⅱ testcrosses were made by four testers with Csyn 4 and 10 improved populations, which were evaluated in four environments in the cropping season of 2005. Analysis of variance indicated a significant progress (P〈 0.05) in yield and other chief agronomic traits in the improved populations and testcrosses, demonstrating that the three recurrent selection methods were effective for increasing grain yield of testcrosses and improvement of general combining ability in maize population. The average grain yield increase of population Csyn 4 in MS1, MS1-HS, and MHSRRS recurrent selections was 266.7 kg ha^-1 (5.3%), 288.0 kg ha^-1 (5.7%), and 231.3 kg ha^-1 (4.6%) per cycle, while the grain yield of S 1 progeny of population for Csyn 4 was increased by 420.0 kg ha^-1 (10.9%), 376.0 kg ha^-1 (9.8%), and 414.7 kg ha^-1 (10.8%) per cycle in MS1, MS1-HS, and MHSRRS recurrent selections, respectively. Linear responses (b) in the MS1, MS1-HS, and MHSRRS recurrent selections were the same as the realized responses of the selection (G) for grain yield increase of Csyn 4 and S1 progeny of the populations. The grain yield of testcrosses increased by 3.3-5.2% on average per cycle. The value of heterosis did not display any differences amongst the different cycles of selections. The GCA for yield component traits of population Csyn 4 was improved significantly by means of three selection methods, whereas the GCA for plant height, ear height, days to silking, and days to pollen did not show significant increase in the recurrent selections. GCA for the number of tassel branches were decreased in the selections, while GCA for the number of plant leaves were increased, but the difference was not significant.  相似文献   

两系杂交粳稻的优势潜力和应用前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王守海  李成荃 《安徽农业科学》1996,24(4):291-293,305
两系杂交粳稻与籼杂一样,同样有强大的杂种优势,一般比三系粳杂增产8%,比常规粳稻增产10%以上。在长江流域双季稻北缘地区,双晚前期的持续高温和9、10月份连绵低温阴雨天气是影响两系杂交粳稻产量潜力发挥的主要限制因素。为此,提出趋利避害,采取秧田超稀播种,加强后期管理等高产栽培配套技术,达到增穗、增粒、增重、增产的目的。利用粳爪交或粳籼交来选育分蘖期耐高温、穗期耐低温的亚种组合,可使产量得到进一步提高  相似文献   

豫综5号玉米群体产量性状轮回选择改良效果分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以半姊妹和相互半姊妹轮回选择改良的豫综5号5个轮次群体为材料,通过2点产量比较试验,对豫综5号群体产量及穗部性状的改良效果进行了比较研究.结果表明,随着改良轮次的增加,豫综5号群体的单株产量逐轮提高,平均每轮提高6.36%,其中,半姊妹轮回选择改良的3轮群体平均每轮提高6.30%,相互半姊妹轮回选择的改良群体提高5.51%,群体产量的变异系数从15.4%下降到12.8%,基本符合选择预期效果,群体内仍有较丰富的变异,说明2种选择方法对群体单株产量的改良是有效的.对改良群体穗部性状的比较发现,穗长和行粒数分别提高5.27%和9.96%.说明穗长和行粒数的改良效果明显,它们的提高是群体单株产量提高的主要因素.本研究还对相互轮回选择的方法和豫综5号群体改良利用等问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

综述了玉米群体改良中轮回选择的目的、程序以及当选后代重组的方法,并着重介绍了国外在这方面的选择效果以及应用这些方法的实例。  相似文献   

【目的】评价豫综5号玉米群体淀粉含量的改良效果,为创制高淀粉玉米种质资源、选育高淀粉玉米杂交种和继续改良豫综5号的淀粉含量提供依据。【方法】以提高玉米群体淀粉含量为目标,利用近红外技术对豫综5号群体完成了4轮的群体改良。以改良群体为父本,以黄早4、丹340、齐319、掖478和Mo17为测验种,采用NC-II遗传交配设计组配成20个测交组合。通过对不同轮次改良群体和20个测交组合在2个环境中的评价试验,对豫综5号群体淀粉含量轮回选择的改良效果进行了比较研究。【结果】豫综5号群体的淀粉含量随着改良轮次的增加呈逐渐提高的趋势,由C0的69.39%增加到C4的72.31%,4轮选择后淀粉含量实际增益为2.92%。同时蛋白质和赖氨酸含量呈逐轮下降趋势。随着改良轮次的增加,各测验种与各轮改良群体测交组合的淀粉含量逐轮提高,说明非破坏性单粒淀粉含量的轮回选择对豫综5号淀粉含量的改良是有效的;就一般配合力而言,随着改良轮次的增加,淀粉含量的一般配合力呈逐轮提高的趋势;从特殊配合力分析结果表明,黄早4与各轮群体间特殊配合力效应值逐轮提高,其它4个测验种与群体特殊配合力效应值呈现一定的波动。【结论】利用非破坏性单粒淀粉含量的轮回选择改良豫综5号淀粉含量是有效的,随着改良轮次的增加,豫综5号的淀粉含量逐渐提高。  相似文献   

杉木无性系对比测定与选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对从广东、贵州、湖南等地引进及广西本地转化培育的182个杉木无性系进行对比试验。结果显示:参试无性系存在显著的遗传差异,大部分生长量不如广西本地对照,尤其是从广西区外引进的无性系;各无性系造林表现早晚相关性显著,最高系数达0.988;广西本地转化培育的无性系遗传稳定性比区外引进的波动大,决选所需时间也较长;早期选择存在更大的错选、漏选风险。其机率分别为44.44%和29.63%;以材积作为主要性状指标对各无性系作Q型样本聚类,经综合判别分析,从参试无性系中选出广运5、柳327、湖南46等27个生长量比较突出的无性系.  相似文献   

国内外大豆杂种优势利用研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文中从已授权的专利、不育系研究、杂种优势和传粉研究4个方面阐述了国内外大豆杂种优势利用研究的现状.从现状分析中可以看出,我国大豆不育系研究虽然起步晚,但进展快,不仅首先发现了最有利用价值的细胞质雄性不育系,并很快转向实用化研究.同时,在制种技术等研究上获得突破.  相似文献   

冬小麦农艺性状杂种优势与利用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用综合性状好的 6个品种 (系 )为材料进行双列杂交 ,对 6个农艺性状的杂种优势进行研究。结果表明 :①小麦杂种优势主要来源于穗粒数和百粒重 ,辅之以较高的成穗率 ,临汾麦区最佳强优势组配模式是重穗型 (均衡型 )×多穗型 ;②大部分组合正反交杂种优势差异不显著 ,但有个别组合正反交的优势差异达显著或极显著水平 ;③同一亲本与不同亲本杂交 ,其杂种优势也有差异。在综合分析的基础上 ,评选出优势较强的 5个组合 :即晋麦 65号×晋麦 61号 ,临远 315 8×晋麦 61号 ,邯 4 5 89×晋麦 60号 ,晋麦 60号×晋麦 65号 ,邯 4 5 89×晋麦 5 4号  相似文献   

To solve the problem that soybean has narrow genetic base, we constructed a series of male sterile recurrent selection populations, and studied the effects of quality improvement and practical value. An LD-base population, which fits to our ecology type was constructed by 6 years' gene enrichment through the introduction of new genes from 23 local varieties and recurrent selection. The LD-base populations were then improved by making crosses with high protein and high oil genotypes. As a result we obtained a high protein sub-population (db) and a high oil sub-population (gy), For the db sub-population, the protein content is 1.18% higher than the base population, 22.38% of the individuals contain 45% or more of protein, which is 10.99% higher than the base population. For the gy sub-population, oil content is 0.24% higher than the base population. Individuals with oil content of 20% or more are 11.05% higher than the base population. The quantitative characters such as flowering date, mature date, pod habit, and hilum color, etc., all showed wide range of separation, and the segregation ratio approached balance. The c.v. of branch number of ms1 recurrent population (72.8%) is higher than general cross-population (57.3%), and the c.v. of 100 seed weight of ms1 (18.1%) is higher than general cross population (16.5%), the coefficient of variation of plant height, pods per plant, and seeds per pod were not significantly different. It was demonstrated in this paper that the quality character of ms 1 male sterile recurrent selection population was improved by adding new genes. And the segregation of other characters widened, making the populations suitable for the objective of soybean breeding. In this paper, we also discussed the breeding method, key technology, and selection effect of soybean ms 1 population.  相似文献   

以纸浆材示范林和种子园子代测定林为基础材料,兼顾扦插生根率、造林成活率、采穗母株的生长量及材性性状(木材密度)等综合指标,经过初选和复选,最终筛选出纸浆材优良无性系39个 这批无性系6年生林分材积、胸径、树高生长量均超过实生林分的226%、75%、42%,生根率超过初选无性系28%,木材比重的选择增益平均达到8 7% 可为建立马尾松采穗圃首选材料  相似文献   

本文采用半姊妹与全姊妹轮回选择方法对玉米“沈综”群体实施了三轮次改良。结果表明,两种改良方案对“沈综”群体改良皆有显著效果,半姊妹方案取得产量每轮遗传增益为12.91%,明显大于全姊妹方案对农艺性状所取得的遗传进度也较大。三轮选择后,群体大多数农艺性状的遗传变异度没有下降。半姊妹方案实施过程中,更换测验种可扩大对被改良群体不同基因位点的选择压力。  相似文献   

水稻远缘杂交及杂种优势利用现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前,世界上水稻育种主要是利用栽培稻同一基因组型(AA)内优良基因的重组以及少数野生稻和禾本科中部分非稻属物种优良基因。充分利用野生稻及远缘物种的杂种优势或有利基因的聚合,是实现水稻高产、优质、多抗等超高产育种的有效途径之一。概述了水稻远缘杂交研究现状及其特点、作用、分类以及远缘杂种优势利用的主要途径,为水稻远缘杂交育种提供参考。  相似文献   

杂交棉F2代利用研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对杂交棉F2代的产量、品质、抗虫性等方面的利用进行了综述:F2代的产量优势在10%~15%,增产的主要原因是铃数的增加;F2代与F1代相比,纤维品质基本相同,无显著差异;杂交抗虫棉F2代虽然存在抗性分离,但采取一些防治措施可避免棉铃虫的为害.由于F2代在产量、品质和抗虫性方面与其亲本比较具有一定的优势,因此,可以考虑利用。  相似文献   

标记辅助改良热带粳稻利用水稻亚种间杂种优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培育亚种间杂交水稻品种是开发水稻产量潜力的一个重要研究内容。本研究通过复合杂交结合分子标记辅助选择(MAS)培育出新型的籼稻基因渗入热带粳稻品系。这些基因渗入系表现出良好的农艺性状,经RAPD标记检测,遗传上更相似于热带粳稻,大部分品系具有广亲和特性。进一步用SSR和SSR-RAPD分子标记分析这些籼稻渗入系热带粳稻与3个温敏核雄性不育系间的遗传差异性,利用具有较大的分子标记多态性的组合亲本配制杂交稻种子,鉴定获得了多个具有强杂种优势的组合。结果表明,MAS是亚种问杂交水稻育种中辅助选择杂交亲本、鉴定广亲和位点、育种品系的遗传多样性和遗传距离分析和杂交稻组合选配的有效技术手段。  相似文献   

以“金花苔48A”为不育材料,用本省优良品种“浙大长”等为转育亲本,经回交四代转育,获得不育株率为100%的不育系“浙3A”。利用其配制组合“浙3A×翘头青”。该一代杂种的肉质根产量表现超亲优势,比对照品种“浙大长”增产31.97~36.71%,其维生素C、干物质、总糖和不空心株率等品质指标也明显优于“浙大长”。  相似文献   

Cultivated potato with high level of horizontal resistance against late blight is one of the most important goals of potato breeding.The recurrent selection has been adopted to increase the level of potato horizontal resistance and a B3C1 population without R1-R11 dominant genes has been released by the International Potato Center at the short-day condition of Peru.The present research was carried out to further improve the resistance and the agronomic traits of B3C1 population under long-day condition of Hubei,China,with maximized retention of its genetic diversity.Twenty-seven individual clones of B3C1 were used to generate population B3C2 by in-population crossing with the bulk pollens aiming to elevate the frequency of late blight resistance genotypes and to improve the adaptation to local long-day conditions.The late blight resistance and the main agronomic traits including the maturity,the plant characters and the tuber traits were evaluated for the foreground selection in three years,by which 130 pedigrees were maintained as the basic population of B3C2 for further selection.A total of 312 polymorphic loci detected by 9 AFLP marker combinations were used to monitor the genetic diversity of the populations for the background selection.The B3C2 population of 51 clones was finally selected,of which the frequency of resistant genotypes increased by 23.8% points and the genetic diversity was maintained by about 96% as referred to B3C1.Our results strongly suggested that combination of the foreground selection for target traits and the background selection for the genetic diversity is an efficient strategy in the recurrent selection of tetraploid potato to improve quantitative traits.  相似文献   

为了提高甜荞单产水平,参照玉米杂种优势利用的技术路线,育成了甜荞‘矮B近交系’和‘野生自交系Ⅰ’‘、野生自交系Ⅱ’3个亲本系,配制成2个组合进行杂交制种及生产利用。对田间花朵雌蕊花粉载量、正交、反交杂种率进行了观察统计,其结果是:在盛花期午后2点采样,显微镜观察,每朵花三列柱头载花粉粒量15~55粒不等,平均23粒;正交(矮B系×野生系),杂交率60%~65%;反交(野生系×矮B系),杂交率30%;生产表现:在穴播生产田中,一穴中既有F1植株,也有亲本植株,二者差别明显,F1植株强壮、繁茂,产量是亲本3倍以上,表明F1代杂种优势强,区试结果比亲本增产11.7%,比其他品种平均增产29%。本研究认为,野生近缘种是珍贵的种质资源;甜荞与野生近缘种杂种优势强,有望提高甜荞的单产水平;还存在花期不遇等原因,造成杂交率远未达到2/3的理论数值。  相似文献   

我国粳稻杂种优势利用的现状与发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国杂粳研究北方快于南方,南北近期皆有突破。粳稻杂优生产应用滞后,地区间极不平衡。发展中主要存在产量优势不明显,栽培措施不配套,米质不优,两段灌浆,综合抗性和生态适应性不强以及制种环节和推广体制方面的问题。发展策略:加强部门配合,增强种子和推广应用体系建设,加大宣传和示范力度,并组织科研攻关,大力选配高产、优质、多抗和熟期适宜的新组合。  相似文献   

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