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OBJECTIVE: To describe the use of a vaginal mucosal pedicle flap for repair of rectovaginal fistulae (RVF) in mares. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical case report. ANIMALS: Three mares with RVF. METHODS: After debriding the RVF, a dorsally based U-shaped mucosal and submucosal pedicle flap (2-4 mm thick) was dissected from the vaginal wall, rotated approximately 90 degrees angle to close the ventral aspect of the fistula and sutured in position with 10-13 single sutures that did not penetrate the rectal mucosa. This positioned the vaginal mucosa so that it was continuous with the rectal mucosa. RESULTS: Two RVF healed by 1st intention whereas for the 3rd RVF, 2 additional single sutures were required to repair partial dehiscence after 10 days. At 6 weeks and 6 months all RVF were healed. One mare subsequently foaled without complications. CONCLUSIONS: RVF can be closed by use of a rotation flap of vaginal tissue. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Tension-free closure of RVF can be achieved by rotating a pedicle flap of vaginal mucosal tissue without undue wound tension, and should be considered as an alternative to conventional appositional techniques.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old gelding used for showing was presented for surgical repair of a full-thickness 15 mm diameter defect in the right pinna, which had occurred as a delayed complication following laser excision of a sarcoid. The defect had resulted in progressive deformity of the ear, and the horse was considered at risk of further injury if the defect became entrapped on a fixed object. Two artificial dermis meshes were inserted to encourage the formation of granulation tissue across the defect, and a commercially available skin expander was implanted adjacent to the site. Eighteen days later, a second surgery was performed to remove the skin expander and to mobilise a local rotational skin flap to close the defect. Both surgeries were performed under standing sedation and local anaesthesia. The site healed well, avoiding further potential trauma to the ear and deformity due to tissue contracture at the site, although some deformation of the lateral aspect of the cartilage remained.  相似文献   

A ventrally displaced incisive bone fracture was diagnosed in a 3-year-old Andalusian stallion. Symptoms included swelling of the lips, dysphagia and ptyalism. External manipulation revealed pain and crepitus in the gingival region of the rostral maxilla. An intraoral examination revealed upper gingival haematomas, misalignment and malocclusion of the incisors (prognathism). A radiograph of the rostral maxilla confirmed ventrally displaced bilateral fractures of the incisive portion of the maxilla rostral to the canine teeth (Triadan 104/204). The fracture was reduced under general anaesthesia. A methylmethacrylate intraoral splint was used to stabilise the fracture. Post operative radiographs confirmed the fracture reduction. Post operative clinical control confirmed the correct position of the splint. No complications were encountered in the post operative period and good stabilisation was obtained. The splint was removed 60 days post operatively. The use of an acrylic intraoral splint successfully stabilised a bilateral, ventrally displaced incisive bone fracture. Normal occlusion was obtained. The use of an acrylic splint may represent a relatively simple, inexpensive and noninvasive technique for the repair of incisive bone fractures rostral to canine teeth in horses.  相似文献   

A 6-year-old Cleveland Bay mare was referred to the University of Liverpool Equine Hospital for repair of an iatrogenic nasocutaneous fistula. The fistula had developed following attempted ablation of an epidermal inclusion cyst located in the right nasal diverticulum with intra-lesional formalin 6 weeks previously. Subsequent tissue necrosis resulted in the formation of a full-thickness defect in the overlying tissues and the creation of a 5 × 5 cm nasocutaneous fistula. Surgical management consisted of initial debridement of the fistula and use of a commercial dermal regeneration mesh to bridge the defect, acting as a tissue scaffold. The levator labii superioris muscle was utilised to cover the scaffold by transecting it close to its proximal origin and reflecting it rostrally. Finally, a transposition skin flap was created adjacent to the site and was rotated to cover the defect. The mare made an excellent recovery, and follow-up confirmed complete healing of the surgical site with an excellent cosmetic outcome.  相似文献   

A 9-month-old, spayed female domestic shorthair was presented with a suspected traumatic oronasal fistula. Two surgical attempts using mucosal advancement flaps and single layer closure failed, likely due to inadequate blood supply that was potentially exacerbated by excess tension and trauma on the graft.  相似文献   

A two-year-old neutered/male mixed-breed dog had received partial maxillectomy for fibrosarcoma. An oronasal fistula occurred as a complication of the surgical procedure. An island palatal mucoperiosteal flap was developed and rotated to repair the oronasal fistula. Acute (1-month) and long-term (8-months) follow-up indicated appropriate healing of the transposed island palatal mucoperiosteal flap with resolution of clinical signs indicative of oronasal fistula.  相似文献   

A 13‐year‐old Quarter Horse gelding was presented for repair of a central tarsal bone fracture. Radiographs showed a single large nondisplaced sagittal slab fracture; however, computed tomography (CT) revealed an additional small, displaced central tarsal bone fragment. The complex fracture was repaired, under the same anaesthetic period as the CT examination, using the CT hard copies images, intraoperative fluoroscopy and radiographs. The horse recovered well and after rehabilitation showed no residual lameness at work. Computed tomography was instrumental in achieving precise screw placement and successful fracture repair.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Standardbred gelding (Case 1) and a 2-year-old Thoroughbred gelding (Case 2) were referred for surgical evaluation of a left radial carpal bone (RCB) fracture, sustained during training. Clinical findings at the time of initial examination included a palpable effusion within the left middle carpal joint in both horses and marked signs of pain and reduced range of motion on flexion of the affected carpus. In both horses, the RCB fracture was evident on the following radiographic views of the carpus: dorsolateral–palmaromedial oblique (30° off lateromedial) and flexed lateromedial. An additional loose wedge-shaped osteochondral fragment at the proximal articular surface of the RCB could be seen in Case 2. Both horses underwent surgical reduction and repair of the fracture between 1 and 2 days following the initial injury, which consisted of arthroscopic removal of any intra-articular osteochondral fragments, and arthroscopic assisted-interfragmentary compression via a standard dorsomedial and dorsolateral approach to the antebrachiocarpal joint (ACJ) and middle carpal joints (MCJ). The two horses returned to function as racehorses, 6 months (Case 1) and 16 months (Case 2) after surgery. The RCB is a relatively uncommon site for large carpal fractures in horses. The clinical presentation and findings from this report were similar to that of third carpal bone (C3) slab fractures, confirming that surgical repair is indicated in selected cases of RCB fractures.  相似文献   

Three horses with severely comminuted, open facial bone fractures and one horse with a comminuted, open orbital rim fracture were referred for treatment. Severe facial bone asymmetry and epistaxis were apparent in all cases and subcutaneous emphysema was present in two, however physical and neurological examinations were otherwise normal. Radiography and endoscopy were of some use in assessing the degree of damage, although the true extent of the damage was more apparent at surgery. Surgical reduction of the fractures was recommended to maximise cosmetic and functional outcome. After surgical debridement and reduction of the fractures the bone fragments remained unstable and were not amenable to stabilisation with interfragmentary wires alone, so 2 mm cuttable bone plates were used to maintain fracture alignment. Screw migration occurred in three horses and in one of these horses the plate had to be removed. Other complications were minor and in all horses the fractures healed with good cosmetic and functional outcome. The use of cuttable bone plates should be considered as a reasonable alternative to inter-fragmentary wiring for unstable, comminuted fractures of the facial bones, even where fractures are open.  相似文献   

A bronchopleural fistula (BPF) consists of a direct communication between the bronchial tree and the pleural space, which can develop secondary to (pleuro) pneumonia. Thoracotomy has been reported as a viable treatment option in cases of nonresponsive pleuropneumonia, pleural abscess formation and necrotising pneumonia. The presence of a BPF can delay and even prevent healing of the thoracotomy site, with clinical signs of coughing and putrid purulent nasal discharge often seen. In this case report, we describe the diagnosis and localisation of a bronchopleural fistula using retrograde instillation of methylene blue through the thoracotomy site, followed by the successful closure of the BPF using endoscopic application of acrylate co-monomer glue (Glubran 2®).  相似文献   

A 21‐year‐old Warmblood mare was referred to the Equine Department, Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich, because of recurrent unilateral nasal discharge 3 months after partial removal of a large cyst from the left maxillary and frontal sinuses. Endoscopic, radiographic and computed tomographic examinations showed that the remnant of the cyst, which originally had extended from the left maxillary and frontal sinuses into the left nasal cavity, had expanded and was obliterating the left middle nasal meatus. A direct surgical approach to the cyst through the left nasal and maxillary bones rostral to the facial crest was chosen, which allowed evaluation and removal of the entire cyst. Endoscopic examination 3 days post operatively showed no remnants of the cyst, and the mare was discharged in good health. Re‐examination one year later showed no recurrence of the cyst.  相似文献   

A 20-year-old Warmblood gelding presented for evaluation and treatment of ventral oedema and azotaemia of unknown aetiology. On presentation, a diastolic heart murmur was appreciated and echocardiography revealed moderate aortic insufficiency due to chronic degenerative valve disease. The horse was hospitalised and failed to respond to oral and i.v. fluids and diuretics. Following discontinuation of all fluid and diuretic therapy, the horse became acutely agitated and developed monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. The ventricular tachycardia spontaneously converted to normal sinus rhythm, however the heart murmur changed in timing to a right basilar continuous murmur and bounding jugular pulses were noted. Repeat echocardiogram revealed an aorto-cardiac fistula with dissection into the basilar interventricular septum and left-sided chamber volume overload that was not previously present. Attempts at stabilisation were unsuccessful and euthanasia was elected. Post-mortem examination confirmed chronic renal disease of unknown aetiology in addition to an aorto-cardiac fistula originating from the right sinus of Valsalva with subsequent dissection into the basilar interventricular septum.  相似文献   

Sepsis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) of the horse is rare. This case report describes the use of radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography to diagnose sepsis of the TMJ in a 2‐year‐old Thoroughbred filly. The mandibular condyle and temporal bone were partially resected to successfully remove necrotic tissue within and surrounding the TMJ. Sepsis resolved and the horse returned to race training. Follow‐up computed tomography examination showed generation of a mandibular ‘pseudocondyle’ at 8 months post operatively.  相似文献   

Avulsion fractures from the distal border of the navicular bone are relatively common, but normally of little clinical significance. Other fractures are uncommon and have a poor prognosis. Surgical fixation of parasagittal fractures (lag screw) is technically quite difficult, but potentially improves the prognosis for return to work to about 80%. If surgical fixation is not possible, then farriery to raise the heels of the foot may be of benefit.  相似文献   

Fractures of the proximal sesamoid bones (PSBs) range in severity from simple to complex and comminuted and can be articular or nonarticular. The majority of PSB fractures are diagnosed in racehorses, but PSB fractures, especially simple ones, do occur in sport horses undertaking various disciplines. For simple apical, basilar and abaxial articular PSB fractures, surgical removal via arthroscopy carries the best prognosis for return to athletic performance. Removal of apical and abaxial PSB fractures generally result in a favourable prognosis for return to racing but are dependent on the amount of suspensory ligament injury. Removal of basilar PSB fracture fragments results in a less favourable or fair prognosis for return to racing. Mid‐body PSB fractures typically require (lag screw) surgical fixation preferably with arthroscopic guidance and carry a fair to guarded prognosis for return to racing.  相似文献   

A 24-year-old, Thoroughbred gelding presented with difficulty breathing for a few days and intermittent nose bleeding before dying. At necropsy, the bronchoesophageal artery and the bronchial artery that flowed into the left anterior lobe were tortuous and dilated, and it was found that dilated tortuous branches of the bronchial artery ran over the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the left anterior lobe. Histopathologically, an anastomosis between a muscular artery and an elastic artery were demonstrated, which were identified as bronchial and pulmonary arteries, respectively. Based on the gross and histopathological findings, a bronchopulmonary artery fistula was diagnosed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of a pulmonary vascular anastomosis in a horse.  相似文献   

This article reports a case of a one-year-old Quarter Horse filly with an enterocutaneous fistula resulting from an umbilical hernia since birth, treated successfully by en bloc resection of the hernial sac with the fistula and closure of the ileum with a modified Heineke-Mikulicz technique. This consisted of closing the intestinal wound transversely to the long axis after excision of the fistula to help preserve a sufficient intestinal lumen and prevent potential stricture formation after longitudinal closure. Umbilical hernias are reported to have an incidence of 0.5–2.0% usually resolve spontaneously. Reducible hernias do not represent a surgical emergency whereas incarcerations should always undergo surgery as soon as possible. Enterocutaneous fistulae occur uncommonly as a result of congenital umbilical herniae that developed spontaneously into Richter's herniae or Littré herniae or they are induced traumatically or iatrogenically after therapeutic attempts. In most cases, enterocutaneous fistulae do not require immediate surgery. However, the excision of the fistula should be scheduled within a few days after diagnosis. In the current case, the owner reported a healthy development of the filly after 1 year without any functional problems. This case represents an example of successful use of the Heineke-Mikulicz technique to establish an alternative to standard end-to-end anastomosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report an unusual 2nd carpal bone (C2) slab fracture and its treatment, using an ultrasonographically assisted, minimally invasive arthrotomy technique, for fragment removal. STUDY DESIGN: Case report. ANIMALS: An 11-year-old crossbred Warmblood gelding. METHODS: A bone fragment, spanning the height of C2, identified on the palmaromedial aspect of C2 was demarcated intraoperatively using ultrasonographically guided needles and removed by arthrotomy. RESULTS: Fracture fragment removal was achieved using a small, ultrasonographically guided arthrotomy. The horse has become sound after treatment and returned to the previous level of pleasure riding activity. CONCLUSIONS: Perioperative ultrasonography was used to delineate and facilitate removal of an unusual slab fragment of C2, through a minimally sized arthrotomy. Despite the presence of pancarpal osteoarthritis and partial involvement of the medial collateral ligament, the prognosis appeared to be satisfactory for this pleasure riding horse. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Ultrasonographic guidance may be used to optimize the approach to C2 articular bony fragments that may not be observed using arthroscopy.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old Hanoverian gelding with acute moderate right forelimb lameness underwent nuclear scintigraphy, which identified marked increase in radiopharmaceutical uptake of the proximomedial aspect of the right metacarpus. Ultrasonography and radiography identified sclerosis and exostosis of the proximomedial aspect of the metacarpal bone III in-between the suspensory ligament and the second metacarpal bone, and presence of a suspected fracture. The owner requested euthanasia of the gelding, and post-mortem computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging identified marked bone sclerosis and thickening of the palmar cortex of the metacarpal III (McIII), presence of an incomplete fracture in the palmar cortex of McIII and expansive exostosis from McIII extending in a palmar direction between the suspensory ligament and the second metacarpal bone. Histopathological examination confirmed the imaging findings of sclerosis and led to final diagnosis of a fracture of the palmar cortex of the McIII associated with an exostosis encroaching the medial aspect of the suspensory ligament. No abnormalities were present in the suspensory ligament or metacarpal bone II (McII).  相似文献   

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