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A 21‐year‐old pony gelding presented for a 5 week history of diarrhoea, inappetance, progressive weight loss and lethargy. Differential diagnoses for chronic diarrhoea and weight loss in horses include: chronic salmonellosis, sand enteropathy, enterolith, parasitism (strongylosis, cyathostomiasis), NSAID induced ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (granulomatous, lymphocytic‐plasmacytic or eosinophilic enterocolitis), gastrointestinal neoplasia (lymphosarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma), antibiotic associated clostridial overgrowth, altered diet or bacterial fermentation, peritonitis, Strongylus vulgaris induced arteriopathy (now quite rare) and abdominal mass or abscess. In this gelding, ante mortem diagnosis of CD3+ intestinal large granular lymphoma was made via cytology of abdominal fluid and immunohistochemistry of a rectal muscle biopsy. This report details the clinical, cytological and immunophenotypic findings of a case of large granular lymphoma in a horse.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the clinical findings of 12 cases of splenic abscessation in horses presented to Texas A&M University Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from 1993 to 2015. The objective of this study was to describe the signalment, clinical and laboratory findings, diagnostics, treatment and outcome of horses affected with splenic abscessation. Only horses in which a splenic abscess was confirmed by microbiological or cytological confirmation from a percutaneous, surgical, or necropsy sample were included in this study. No apparent breed or sex predilection was identified. The mean age of presentation was 9 years, with a range of 1–21 years of age. The most common presenting clinical signs were nonspecific signs including fever, anorexia and lethargy. A variety of bacterial organisms were identified and treatment with antimicrobial agents or surgical exploration was attempted in several of the cases. None of the cases survived to discharge from the hospital.  相似文献   

Twenty horses with pemphigus foliaceus were seen over a period of 15 years in a veterinary medical teaching hospital. Breeds seen were seven quarterhorses, five thoroughbreds, three cross-bred horses, two Arabians and one of each of the following: standardbred, Tennessee walker and warmblood. There was no breed, age or sex predisposition. Nine were mares, ten were geldings and one was a stallion. Ages ranged from 2.5 months to 25 years, with a mean of 8.6 years. Sixteen (80%) of the pemphigus foliaceus horses first exhibited signs between September and February. There was a statistically significant more common occurrence of pemphigus foliaceus during those months. Signs in the four other horses were first noted in March, May or June. Three of those horses were < 13 months of age. Oedema (14/20) and crusts (13/20) were the most common lesions. Pain was present in 9/20 horses, pruritus in 7/20 and pyrexia in 7/20. Follow-up was available for 13 horses. Five of these horses were euthanased. In three horses the reason for euthanasia was laminitis secondary to treatment. Four horses remained lesion-free after medication was discontinued. Two horses required maintenance medication and are doing well at the time of writing.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: It has been suggested that the rate of post operative abdominal adhesions in miniature horses is higher than that for other breeds. However, few reports exist in the veterinary literature describing complications and long-term survival following surgical treatment of colic in these horses. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of surgical lesions in miniature horses with acute abdominal disease in terms of clinical signs, surgical management, post operative treatment and complications, as well as short- and long-term survival. METHODS: Medical records of 57 American Miniature Horses undergoing surgical treatment for acute abdominal pain at the Michigan State University Large Animal Veterinary Teaching Hospital 1993-2006 were evaluated for clinical information. Owners and trainers were contacted to gain information regarding long-term survival. RESULTS: The most common surgical lesion was a faecalith (38/57 cases) located primarily within the descending colon and most frequently diagnosed in horses age <6 months (19/38 cases). Short-term survival to hospital discharge for horses recovered from anaesthesia was 98% (55/56) with the most common post operative complications being diarrhoea and inappetance. Intra-abdominal adhesions were identified in 2/8 horses requiring a second celiotomy. Long-term follow-up was available for 45 horses and 87% (39/45) were alive at least 12 months after surgery. CONCLUSIONS: As previously reported, faecalith obstruction is a frequent surgical lesion in the miniature horse and is most common in miniature horses age <6 months. The incidence of adhesion formation may be lower than previously reported.  相似文献   

This case report discusses a successful partial splenectomy for treatment of a splenic abscess in a horse. A 2-year-old Thoroughbred colt was hospitalised 5 weeks after an episode of severe colic that was followed by gradual weight loss and anorexia, pyrexia for 5 days and dehydration on the day of referral. A large splenic abscess was identified ultrasonographically. Following initial medical treatment, an exploratory laparotomy was performed. Multiple adhesions were released and a partial splenectomy conducted to remove the abscess. Migrant metallic wires penetrating from the small intestine into the splenic parenchyma were found to be the cause for the adhesions and the abscess. This paper summarises the potential advantages of utilising a partial vs. a total splenectomy and highlights the potential complications of these surgical procedure in equines.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Preputial and penile tumours are more common in horses than in other domestic animals, but no large surveys of male horses with tumours of the external genitalia are available. OBJECTIVE: To present a retrospective analysis of male horses with neoplasms of the external genitalia. METHODS: The penile and preputial tumours of 114 horses were evaluated. Data recorded included age, gelding or stallion and breed; type and site of lesion; involvement of regional lymph nodes; histopathology (including grading of squamous cell carcinoma); and results of radiographic examination of the thorax. RESULTS: Mean age of horses was 19.5 years with no apparent breed predilection. Common presenting clinical signs were irregularities (e.g. the presence of a mass and/or ulceration) on the integument of the penis and prepuce, and purulent or sanguineous discharge from preputial orifice. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) was the most prevalent neoplasm followed by papillomas and melanomas. A basal cell carcinoma, neurofibrosarcoma, adenocarcinoma or fibrosarcoma were each found on single horses. Squamous cell carcinomas with poor differentiation had a higher tendency to metastasise than did more differentiated tumours. CONCLUSIONS: Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common urogenital tumour of the male horse and occurs primarily in old horses. Horses with poorly differentiated SCCs tend to have a higher incidence of regional metastases. Pathology of lymph nodes, even when not palpably enlarged, is a valuable diagnostic exercise. Radiology of the thorax to detect lung metastases is of little value.  相似文献   

Out of approximately 16,000 horses referred for clinical examination, nine had amyloidosis. Six of these horses had localised amyloid deposits in the wall of the nasal meatus and ventral turbinates associated with epistaxis. Horse 1 also developed malignant histiolymphocytic lymphosarcomas. The amyloid deposits were potassium permanganate-resistant and tryptophan-positive. Gel filtration of solubilised amyloid fibrils from Horse 1 revealed a major retarded fraction with an apparent molecular weight of 20 kD. This protein had an amino acid composition similar to human AL-amyloid proteins and horse immunoglobulin light chains. On Western blot a strong cross-reaction was observed between horse 1gG2a light chains and the Horse 1 amyloid. Horses 7 to 9 had suppurative verminous aneurysm, tuberculosis and an adrenal cortical adenoma, respectively, and had generalised amyloid deposits in liver and spleen. These amyloid deposits were found to be potassium permanganate-sensitive and positive for tryptophan. Gel filtration of solubilised amyloid fibrils from Horse 8 revealed a major retarded fraction (protein AA) with an apparent molecular weight of 10 kD. Immunoperoxidase-antiperoxidase staining showed the localised deposits to be negative or only weakly positive with antisera against bovine, hamster, dog and human protein AA and to be positive with anti-horse-one amyloid protein. The generalised deposits were found to be positive with the antisera against allogenic protein AA. The results of the potassium permanganate incubation, biochemistry, immunoblotting and immunochemistry, indicate that the localised amyloid of Horse 1 and most likely the amyloid of Horses 2 to 6, is of the AL-type. The generalised amyloid deposits were found to be of the AA type.  相似文献   

The case records, radiographs and treatment results of 47 consecutive equine radius fractures presented to The Ohio State University Veterinary Hospital from 1975 to 1985 were examined retrospectively. Chip fractures and incomplete fractures were not considered. Both diaphyseal fractures and fractures involving the physes were included. Diaphyseal fractures were placed into three major categories: comminuted, oblique and transverse; and subclassified as proximal, mid-diaphyseal, or distal. Fractures involving a physis were classified using the Salter-Harris classification system. The horses ranged in age from one day to 19 years old. Nineteen of the patients were destroyed humanely on presentation, and 28 were treated. Twenty-four of the 28 fractures treated were repaired by open reduction and internal fixation. Success rate was related to the age of the horse and the type of fracture. Adult radius fractures have a poor prognosis. Most fractures in foals are either physeal fractures or transverse or oblique diaphyseal fractures and have an excellent to good prognosis when repaired adequately.  相似文献   

This reports discusses a perforating metallic wire that was suspected of causing chronic weight loss, inappetance and pyrexia in a 15‐year‐old Standardbred gelding, due to the fact that during the previous 18 months, 6 horses coming from the same yard were referred for recurrent or acute colic related to the ingestion of metallic wires. Splenomegaly was detected ultrasonographically and confirmed during surgery. During necropsy, 2 metallic wires 0.2 mm in diameter and 3–4 cm long were found in a markedly enlarged spleen with several nonencapsulated abscesses. Metallic wire perforation and migration through the lower alimentary tract may involve different abdominal quadrants (intestine, abdominal wall, spleen, liver) and lead to different clinical syndromes as acute or recurrent colic and weight loss. A clinical diagnosis is challenging as the clinical signs are often nonspecific and prognosis is generally considered poor.  相似文献   

Thirty-five cases of disseminated hemangiosarcoma (21 clinical cases and 14 previously reported cases) were reviewed to describe the disease in horses. Hemangiosarcoma occurred in mature, particularly middle-aged horses, with no apparent sex predilection. Thoroughbreds seemed to be overrepresented (13 cases) but a true breed predilection could not be established. The respiratory and musculoskeletal systems were most commonly affected and presenting complaints included dyspnea (26%), subcutaneous or muscular swelling (24%), epistaxis (17%), and lameness (12%). Heart and respiratory rates were usually increased and mucous membrane color was frequently pale or icteric. Capillary refill time and rectal temperature were often normal. Anemia (88%), neutrophilic leukocytosis (62%), and thrombocytopenia (48%) were common. Examination of tissue samples collected by fine-needle aspirate or biopsy established an antemortem diagnosis in 4 horses. The diagnosis was made during postmortem examination in the remaining 31 horses. The lung and pleura (77%), skeletal muscle (46%), and spleen (43%) were most commonly affected. A primary site of tumor involvement could be identified in 22 horses. Hemangiosarcoma should be included as a differential diagnosis for horses with evidence of hemorrhage into body cavities, skeletal muscle, or subcutaneous locations.  相似文献   

The priority in treating the equine patient with acute diarrhoea is to stabilise the haemodynamic aberrations secondary to the fluid and electrolyte losses. Once this has been initiated and the patient is stabilised ancillary treatments may be beneficial. Besides the well established effects of NSAIDs and polymixin B on systemic inflammation, recent studies suggest that the use of DTOS to bind bacterial toxins and Saccharomyces boulardii to reduce the severity and duration of diarrhoea may be beneficial. The justification for using probiotic products is scant. There is no evidence to suggest that systemic use of antimicrobials benefits equine patients with colitis, with the exception of metronidazole in cases of clostridial diarrhoea. In light of their potentially detrimental effects, their use can, in the opinion of the authors, not be advocated. Better understanding of the pathways of systemic inflammation and more selective anti‐inflammatory drugs may be of great benefit in the future.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Arthropathy of the caudal cervical articular process joints (APJs) in the horse is documented as a cause of ataxia and paresis secondary to spinal cord compression. Enlargement of the caudal APJs is reported to increase with age, but there are no known associations of any other factors. No association of the degree of APJ enlargement with neurological signs seen has been documented. This study investigated the associations of cervical APJ enlargement at the C5‐C6 and C6‐C7 articulations with case subject details (breed, age, sex, usage) and clinical signs. Objectives: To ascertain if there are of any associations between: the subject details and enlargement of the caudal cervical APJs; and the degree of APJ enlargement and the presence and type of clinical signs. Hypotheses: There would be an effect of age, breed and usage on APJ grade, with no effect of sex. Association between grade and clinical signs seen was also investigated. Materials and methods: The radiographs of 122 horses qualified for inclusion. Horses were excluded if they were known to have a neck lesion cranial to C5‐C6, or if the radiographs were rotated or of poor quality. In order to standardise the interpretation of APJ enlargement, a novel grading system was developed and used. Results: An association was found between age and APJ grade at C5‐C6 but not C6‐C7. There was no association between grade, breed, sex and usage, or clinical signs seen. Data also showed a trend for increasing enlargement the more caudal the APJ. Conclusion and potential relevance: The data in this study support that the size of the caudal cervical APJ at the level of C5‐C6, appear to increase with age, but this enlargement may not be significant. Enlargement cannot be associated with breed, sex or discipline of the horse at present, and specific grades and therefore degree of enlargement, cannot necessarily be assumed to be the cause of neurological deficits.  相似文献   

The aim of our retrospective study was to produce and analyse epidemiological data on gastrointestinal (GI) disorders of Austrian leisure horses. Case records of horses referred to the Equine Clinic of the Veterinary University of Vienna were collected from an electronic hospital information system using its search options. All cases reported to have suffered a GI disorder between March 2003 and February 2015 were selected. In this period of 4314 days, data of 1833 GI cases, mostly accompanied by colic signs, were analysed. The vast majority of our GI cases appeared in the abdominal parts of the GI tract 96% (1760/1833) while just 1.3% (24/1833) could be definitively attributed to oesophageal disorders, whereas in 2.7% (49/1833) of the cases a definitive diagnosis could not be made. The highest prevalence of GI disorders was seen in July and October/November. A breakdown of figures for cases clustered under the colic syndrome showed that colon impactions in left ventral large and/or pelvic flexure (35%) were the major problem followed by gastric disorders (18%), spasmodic colic (9%), enteritis (7%), caecal tympany (6%); caecal impaction (4%), colitis (3%), abnormal anatomical positions of large colon including complete and partial strangulation/volvulus, nephrosplenic entrapment of the left ventral and dorsal colon and right dorsal displacement of the large colon (3%) and small intestinal volvulus (2.7%). In 12% of the cases, the cause of the abdominal discomfort was likely idiopathic paralytic ileus. The searching tool of the electronic patient data also brought up cases with malabsorbtion/IBD syndrome and GI ruptures, both these contributed less than 1% of the referred GI cases. Results suggested that the causes of colic are diverse, but the major reasons for referred cases of colic in the east Austrian horse population are large colon impaction or displacements. Seasonal distribution and specific causes of gastrointestinal disorders should be considered essential components of the initial clinical assessment of horses presenting with colic.  相似文献   

This article reports a Przewalski's horse from the Kalamaili Nature Reserve (KNR) in China transported to our institute to determine the cause of death. The animal had been subjected to necropsy before being transported to our institute; the entire digestive tract was removed but not opened to reduce the possible loss of parasites. During examination, ascarids in the intestines and bots in the oral cavity and stomach were observed. The parasites were identified according to an identification key and enumerated. The ascarids were identified as Parascaris spp. and were associated with a volvulus, resulting in intestinal obstruction. A total of two (stomach), one (duodenum) and 106 (intestines) Parascaris spp. were counted. Bots in the digestive tract were identified as third stage larvae of Gasterophilus pecorum (G. pecorum), Gasterophilus nigricornis (G. nigricornis) and Gasterophilus nasalis (G. nasalis), which may have been associated with stomach ulcers suffered by the horse. Attached to the lining of the oral cavity and stomach were 331 and 2014, respectively, larvae of G. pecorum, while in the duodenum there were 23 third stage larvae of G. nigricornis and 20 third stage larvae of G. nasalis. Therefore, the possibility of the presence of these parasites should not be overlooked in Przewalski horses as these parasites may be responsible for severe clinical signs in infected animals.  相似文献   

Dysautonomia of domestic animals is pathologically characterized by chromatolytic degeneration of the neurons in the autonomic nervous ganglia that results in clinical signs related to dysfunction or failure of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The exact cause is unknown. It has a poor prognosis among all species reported and no definitive treatment is available currently. To date, most reported feline cases have occurred in the United Kingdom and Scandinavia. The cases reported here highlight the clinical signs, physical examination findings, and results of autonomic nervous system function testing in nine cats with dysautonomia in the US. Feline dysautonomia is uncommon in the US, but may have a regional prevalence, as is seen in dogs with most cases reported in Missouri and Kansas.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The most common penile and preputial neoplasm in the horse is the squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), but no large surveys of treatment and effects of the grade of the tumour, based on the degree of differentiation, on outcome of affected horses are available. Objectives: Analysis of treatment of male horses affected with SCC of the external genitalia and long‐term results of treatment. Methods: Seventy‐seven cases of SCC were evaluated. Data recorded included treatment, outcome, post operative histopathology and retrospective tumour grading. Results: Treatments included: cryosurgery, excision, partial phallectomy, partial phallectomy and sheath ablation, and en bloc penile and preputial resection with penile retroversion and removal of inguinal lymph nodes. The incidence of recurrence after partial phallectomy was 25.6% (10/39) and following incomplete removal was 17.9% (7/39). The incidence of recurrence after en bloc resection with retroversion was 12.5% (1/8). In horses with confirmed inguinal lymph node metastasis, the incidence of recurrence was 25.0% (1/4). Poorly differentiated SCCs were more likely to metastasise than well differentiated SCCs, and there was a greater chance that the treatment would be unsuccessful. The success of treatment, complete removal and in preventing recurrence of the tumour, of male horses with SCC of the external genitalia was 55.7%. Conclusions: Horses that receive only partial phallectomy for treatment for SCC of the external genitalia have a high incidence of recurrence in contrast to horses that receive an en bloc resection. Tumour grading of SCC can help predict prognosis and guide selection of treatment.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial associated diarrhoea (AAD) is the most commonly recognised adverse effect of antimicrobial treatment in horses, although its incidence is probably low given the frequency of antimicrobial administration. Clinical signs vary from transient self‐limiting diarrhoea to rapidly fatal toxic enterocolitis. AAD prolongs the duration of hospitalisation, increases diagnostic and therapeutic costs, and was associated with a lower case survival rate than other types of acute diarrhoea in one study. Virtually all antimicrobials have been implicated in AAD, but some pose a greater risk than others.  相似文献   

Case records of horses with muscle disorders presenting to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of California, Davis, over a nine year period were evaluated. The objectives of the review were to identify the common myogenic muscle problems and their clinical features. Muscle disease of idiopathic aetiology following exercise was by far the most common condition noted. Other causes of myogenic muscle disorders included congenital, infectious, immune-mediated and nutritional factors.  相似文献   

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