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风险评估是对转基因鱼环境释放依法管理的一项重要内容,也是转基因鱼安全研究的核心内容之一。文章在分析和比较国内外有关转基因生物风险评估方法的基础上,对转基因鱼环境释放风险评估的基本原则和一般模式进行了全面的描述。 相似文献
转基因鱼研究及商品化展望 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
目前,转基因技术是农业和医药行业的研究热门。自1985年,世界上第一批转基因鱼诞生后,鱼类基因转移技术很快应用到培育高产、优质和抗逆的经济鱼类新品种,并在解决分子生物学、发育生物学和基因转移等方面的难题中发挥着重要作用。近几年,“全鱼”生长激素(GH)基因的克隆与应用,使快速生长转GH基因鱼的研究取得了突破性进展,但仍需要解决转移基因的定位整合、稳定表达和遗传,以及转基因鱼释放的生态和食品安全性等问题。 相似文献
<正> 自从体外重组DNA技术出现以来,分子生物学取得了飞速的发展,并且已经发展到了实用的阶段。转基因鱼就是分子生物学技术在水产育种方面应用的产物。 相似文献
转基因鱼是借助生物技术的手段,将外源基因转入鱼体,通过外源基因的定点整合,使其优良性状在鱼体上得以表达,并经过人工选育而培育出的一类性状优良、遗传稳定、且具有较高经济价值的鱼类。自1985年世界首例转基因鱼在我国诞生之际,距今已有17年。这一全新的生物技术产物,带给人们的不仅仅是对转基因技术的关心,而是有其他许许多多的因素。作为养殖品种,一方面我们要考虑其作为优良物种所带来 相似文献
随着转基因技术的发展,各种转基因动物及转基因植物相继出现并应用于生产实践,给人们带来了巨大的利益。自1985年,世界上第一批转基因鱼诞生后,鱼类基因转移技术很快应用到鱼类育种中。20年来国内外主要进行了快速生长、抗寒(耐寒)、抗病等方面的转基因鱼的研究。本文主要介绍了几种常用的鱼类的基因转移技术和检测方法,转基因鱼的研究现状,并对其的食用安全性进行了讨论。 相似文献
B. Glencross J. Curnow W. Hawkins G. W. M. Kissil D Peterson 《Aquaculture Nutrition》2003,9(3):197-206
This study assessed the nutritional and biological value of a noncommercial, transgenic line of the Australian sweet lupin, Lupinus angustifolius, (cv. Warrah), produced to increase the methionine content of the seed. An initial experiment demonstrated that differences in the methionine content of the transgenic and nontransgenic control lupins had no apparent influence on the growth of juvenile red seabream fed practical diets. Re‐evaluation of the nutritional characteristics of the lupin meals with subsequent digestibility studies allowed the determination of the digestible value of the protein and energy content of each of the varieties. The digestible protein content of either variety was similar, however significant differences in the digestible energy value of each variety existed (56.3% cf. 64.0%). This re‐evaluation of the nutritional value of the genetically manipulated (GM) and non‐GM lupin varieties enabled the reformulation of diets on a digestible protein and energy basis. A second growth trial was undertaken using sub‐satietal pair‐feeding regimes, with the experiment also involving protein‐restrictive diets to allow expression of the differences in the methionine content of the transgenic and nontransgenic lupin meals. A significant benefit of the enhanced methionine level in the transgenic lupin was observed. It is argued that in the high‐protein fish diets used, the importance of amino acid composition is relatively limited. Economic modelling of the potential value of the increased methionine in the transgenic lupin suggests that this will have limited benefit for aquaculture industries, and that greater value would be attributable to higher protein and energy levels in ingredients. 相似文献
取含有小鼠重金属螯合蛋白(mMT)基因启动子及人生长激素(hGH)基因的鱼样品,以Qiagene核酸纯化技术对鱼组织DNA进行纯化。常规PCR检测显示,mMT启动基因和hGH基因的PCR产物分别为240bp和130bp,与设计相符。PCR产物的核酸测序结果证实其扩增产物具特异性。地高辛-PCR(Dig-PCR)标记反应显示,2个基因均产生1条Dig标记的特异产物带。Dig-PCR-ELISA检测敏感性试验显示,对mMT启动子和hGH基因的检测敏感性可达10^-3,与常规PCR结合琼脂糖胶电泳检测方法相比,检测敏感性可提高至100-1000倍。试验证明,针对mMT和hGH基因所建立的Dig-PCR-ELISA技术特异可靠。 相似文献
为客观评价转基因鲤的生态风险,构建了转基因鲤生态安全研究人工湖泊生态系统。于2007年10月至2010年12月对试验湖泊中的游动物群落进行连续监测,研究其种类组成、密度、生物量和群落多样性的变化。调查结果显示,试验湖泊中的浮游动物有104种,其中原生动物30种,占总种数28.8%;轮虫52种,占50.0%;枝角类13种,占12.5%;桡足类9种,占8.7%。浮游动物密度在4年间呈下降趋势,2007年下半年最高,平均密度为17239.1个/L;2010年最低,平均密度为3547.4个/L;浮游动物生物量的变化则有所差异,呈先上升、后下降的趋势,2008年的平均生物量最高,为3.17mg/L,2010年最低,为1.45mg/L。浮游动物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H’)在1.30~2.14,其中2007年冬季最低,为1.30,Margalef多样性指数(d)为0.63;2010年秋季最高,H’为2.14,d为2.86;均匀度指数(E)的变化范围较小,为0.49~0.68。研究表明,转基因鱼对浮游动物群落产生了一定的影响,但随时间推移,该影响在逐渐减弱;浮游动物群落多样性随时间的延续而增加,湖泊水质有变好的趋势。 相似文献
Choy L. Hew 《Fish physiology and biochemistry》1989,7(1-6):409-413
Successful production of transgenic fish by gene transfer technology is a very important breakthrough in the techniques of
genetic manipulation in animals. This will have an impact of an unprecedented scale in fish biology, aquaculture and mariculture.
This is a summary of the workshop on the Transgenic Fish presented at this Symposium. The Workshop discussed the current knowledge,
experimental difficulties and related topics of the transgenic fish. It recommended further research on better gene constructs,
methods development, safety containment and the closer collaboration of researchers of different disciplines. 相似文献
Transgenic fish: an evaluation of benefits and risks 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Transgenic fish have many potential applications in aquaculture, but also raise concerns regarding the possible deleterious effects of escaped or released transgenic fish on natural ecosystems. In this review the potential applications of transgenic fish are considered, the probable benefits reviewed, the possible risks to the environment identified and the measures which might be taken to minimize these risks are evaluated. Growth trials of transgenic fish have already been carried out in outdoor facilities and some of these are discussed in the light of possible risks and benefits. Regarding the hazards associated with release or escape, whilst there is some evidence to suggest that transgenic fish may be less fit compared to their wild counterparts, there is insufficient evidence to say that this will be true in all cases. Using mathematical models, we have attempted to predict the magnitude of the genetic effects in a range of different scenarios. A number of possible containment techniques are considered, amongst which containment by sterility is probably the most promising. This can be engineered either by triploidy or by transgenic methods. The conclusions include a tabulated balance sheet of likely benefits and risks, with appropriate weighting. 相似文献
采用脂质体法成功地使gfp基因转入鲫囊胚细胞株CAB细胞基因组,获得了具有G418抗性的细胞。以转化细胞为供体,银鲫卵为受体,核移植得到了转基因的囊胚和原肠胚;并发现4℃处理细胞24h能显著改善核移植胚胎的发育。 相似文献