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Anatomical, behavioral, histological, endocrinological, and cytogenetic characteristics were determined in a horned intersex goat. Histology of the gonads confirmed that the goat was a true hermaphrodite. Cytogenetic analysis showed that it was a chimera (60XX/60XY). Use of laparoscopy allowed determination of characteristics of the internal gonads.  相似文献   

XX/XY chimerism and freemartinism in a female llama co-twin to a male.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A 20-month-old female llama was examined because at the time of mating, the male llama was apparently unable to achieve intromission. The female llama had been born co-twin to a male. On physical examination, the vaginal vestibule appeared to end in a blind pouch, and the uterus, cervix, and ovaries could not be identified during transrectal palpation or ultrasonography. Karyotyping was done, and 43% of blood lymphocytes had 2 X chromosomes, and 57% had 1 X and 1 Y chromosome. All skin fibroblasts had 2 X chromosomes. A diagnosis of freemartinism and XX/XY chimerism was made. Because conception of twins may be more common in llamas than birth of twins, it is possible that freemartinism could develop in singleton females, if, for instance, a male twin was conceived and died after the placentas had anastomosed. More widespread use of karyotyping in llamas with congenital defects of the reproductive tract will help to define the incidence of freemartinism.  相似文献   

Sir. — Cultural confirmation of venereal campylobacteriosis in cattle can only be achieved if samples arc cultured on the day of collection or a suitable transport medium is used. Clark et al.(3) have developed a selective enrichment medium for Campylobacter fetus venerealis which is also an effective transport medium (8). However, this transport medium is very cumbersome to prepare in that it requires a special gas mixture and large quantities of fresh bovine serum. This letter reports on the evaluation of Clark’s (8), cooked meat medium with antibiotics (CMMA), Weybridge (4), modified EMJH (5), Stuart’s (Oxford) and Cairy Blair (Oxoid) media, as transport media for C. fetus veneralis.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis and microsatellite genotyping were conducted on a pair of phenotypically normal dizygotic heterosexual equine twins of the American Bashkir Curly breed. The animals had a mixture of 64,XX and 64,XY cells in blood lymphocytes, with their own cells being predominant. Therefore, the 64,XX cells comprised 81% of the lymphocyte population in the female twin and 64,XY comprised 79% in the male twin. Blood chimerism was confirmed by genotyping 30 microsatellite markers. Of these, 15 microsatellites showed the presence of three alleles and all four parental alleles in the blood lymphocytes for both animals. No chimerism was detected in the genomic deoxyribonucleic acid isolated from hair follicles. These results are in agreement with earlier observations that vascular anastomoses can infrequently occur during equine multiple pregnancies resulting in blood lymphocyte chimerism without significant effect on the phenotype.  相似文献   

Inherited disorders of sexual development (DSD) cause sterility and infertility in horses. Mutations causing such disorders have been identified in other mammals, but there is little information on the molecular causes in horses. While the equine genome sequence has made it possible to identify candidate genes, additional tools are needed to routinely screen them for causative mutations. In this study, we designed a screening panel of polymerase chain reaction primer pairs for 15 equine genes. These are the candidate genes for testicular or ovotesticular XX DSD and XY DSD, the latter of which includes gonadal dysgenesis, androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS), persistent Mullerian duct syndrome and isolated cryptorchidism. Six horses with testicular or ovotesticular XX DSD and controls were screened. In addition, candidate genes for androgen insensitivity syndrome, persistent Mullerian duct syndrome and isolated cryptorchidism were screened in normal horses. While no sequence variants were uniquely associated with XX DSD, the 38 sequence variants identified can serve as intragenic markers in genome-wide association studies or linkage studies to hasten mutation identification in equine XX DSD and XY DSD.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on a yearling Holstein with external genitalia resembling those of a freemartin whose birth and developmental history was unknown. Dissection following slaughter showed testes close to the external inguinal rings, an underdeveloped penis coiled up subcutaneously in the perineum and terminating in a deep fossa at the level of the ischial arch and no evidence of a female genital tract. Chromosome analyses showed 60,XY cells in the blood and 60,XX and 61,XX,+cen cells in other tissues. It is postulated that the animal had a basic 60,XX/61,XX+cen mixoploid chromosome constitution, that the centric fragment functioned as a Y chromosome or as an autosomal modifier of the X chromosome in sex determination which accounted for the animal's Klinefelter syndrome-like abnormalities, and that animal was also twin to a bull which accounted for the presence of 60,XY cells in the blood.  相似文献   

Inhalt: Während Herschler & Fechheimer (1967) bei der Untersuchung von 13 Rinderzwicken (Alter 2 1/2 bis 28 Monate) eine positive Korrelation zwischen dem Grad der Maskulinisierung der Geschlechtsorgane des weiblichen Zwillingspartners und dem Prozentsatz der in Leukozytenkulturen gefundenen männlichen (XY) Zellen fanden, konnten wir an 34 Zwicken im geschlechtsreifen Alter derartige Zusammenhänge nicht feststellen. Die Ursache der unterschiedlichen Befunde ist darin zu suchen, daß die genannten Autoren eine Anzahl noch nicht geschlechtsreifer Tiere in ihre Untersuchungen mit einbezogen haben, da der Maskulinisierungsprozeß nach unseren Untersuchungen erst mit Eintritt in das geschlechtsreife Alter abgeschlossen ist. Außerdem scheint es als ob sich mit zunehmendem Alter der prozentuale Anteil von XY: XX-Zellen im peripheren Bht ändert. Contents: Whereas Herschler & Fechheimer (1967) found in an investigation of 13 freemartins a positive correlation between the degree of masculinization of sexual organs of the female co-twin und the percentage of XY cells in leukocyte cultures, we could not confirm this in 34 adult freemartins. The reason for the different findings may be due to the fact that the cite authors included in their investigation a number of animals, which had not reached adulthood, since, in our investigations, the process of masculinization, is not completed until the animals become sexually mature. Furthermore it seems that the proportion of XY to XX cells in the peripheral blood changes with advancing age.  相似文献   

The GMM sheep is a carrier of Booroola fecundity (FecB) gene, which produces the twins and triplets in one lambing. The homozygous carrier GMM (FecBBB), non‐carrier GMM and Malpura (FecB++) ewes were synchronized by progesterone sponges, and the plasma progesterone concentration was measured by RIA. The results showed that the progesterone concentration did not differ significantly (p > .05) in homozygous carrier GMM (5.74 ± 1.2 ng/ml), non‐carrier GMM (5.42 ± 1.4 ng/ml) and non‐carrier Malpura ewes (5.67 ± 1.5 ng/ml). Further, quantitative expression of BMP factors/receptors and SMAD signalling genes were analysed in the ovaries of sheep by qRT‐PCR. The study showed that the expression of BMP2 was slightly higher (p > .05) in carrier GMM than that of non‐carrier GMM, but it was almost similar to Malpura ewes. Expression of BMP4 and BMP7 was significantly higher (p < .001; p < .05) in carrier GMM than that of non‐carrier GMM and Malpura ewes. Although BMP6 expression was higher (p > .05) in carrier GMM than that of non‐carrier GMM, but lower (p > .05) than the Malpura ewes. Expression of BMP15 (p < .05), GDF5 (p < .01) and GDF9 (p < .05) was significantly higher in carrier GMM than non‐carrier GMM ewes. Surprisingly, BMPR1B expression was significantly higher (p < .001) in non‐carrier GMM and Malpura than the carrier GMM ewes, while TGFβRI did not differ significantly (p > .05) among both GMM genotypes. On the other hand, expression of BMPR1A (p > .05) and BMPRII (p < .05) was higher in carrier GMM than the non‐carrier GMM, but significantly lower (p < .001) than the Malpura ewes. It was interesting to note that the expression of SMAD1 (p > .05), SMAD2 (p < .001), SMAD3 (p < .05), SMAD4 (p < .001), SMAD5 (p < .001) and SMAD8 (p < .001) was lower in the carrier GMM than that of non‐carrier GMM ewes. It is concluded that the FecB mutation alters the expression of BMPR1B and SMAD signalling genes in the ovaries of homozygous carrier GMM ewes.  相似文献   

A 1‐year‐old Shih Tzu dog was presented for examination because of abnormal external genitalia. A residual penis with a prepuce was located in a position typical of a male. The dog had no palpable testicles or scrotum. The ultrasound examination revealed the presence of the prostate, but the gonads remained undetectable. Cytogenetic analysis performed on chromosome preparations obtained from lymphocyte culture showed two cell lines – 78,XX and 78,XY. Molecular analysis of 14 polymorphic microsatellite markers allowed us to distinguish leucocyte chimerism from whole body chimerism. The presence of 3 or 4 alleles was confirmed in DNA isolated from blood, while in DNA isolated from hair follicles only 1 or 2 alleles were detected. The case was classified as leucocyte 78,XX/78,XY chimerism. Our study showed that XX/XY leucocyte chimerism might be associated with disorder of sexual development in dogs. Furthermore, it is emphasized that the use of cytogenetic study, in combination with analysis of polymorphic markers in DNA isolated from different somatic cells, facilitates distinguishing between leucocyte and whole body chimerism.  相似文献   

A computerised information retrieval system of abattoir pathology and meteorological data has been used to investigate the effect of prevailing weather conditions on the occurrence of pleurisy and pneumonia in the sheep population of Northern Ireland. Significant correlation coefficients were found between the percentage condemnations due to pleurisy and pneumonia in sheep and rainfall, windspeed, temperature and humidity. The most significant correlation was found with windspeed. The paper describes the calculation of a new meteorological variable, the rain/windchill factor. Very highly significant correlation coefficients were found between the percentage lung condemnations in sheep and the rain/windchill factor prevailing during the same month and both one and two months previously. The paper discusses the practical implications of these findings for sheep production and highlights the desirability of protecting sheep from adverse climatic conditions during the winter months.  相似文献   

Inhalt: In den Ovarien von Schafen kommen während des Brunstzyklus in den Folli-kelwandungen Hypotaurin und Inositol in Konzentrationen von 0–7 mg % bzw. 40 mg % vor. Hypotaurin wurde auβerdem in den Eileitern von Schaf, Pferd, Rind, Schwein und Kaninchen gefunden; in zwei Fällen gelang auch der Nachweis von Hypotaurin in der Fimbrienplatte der Hündin. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, daβ bei mit Progesteron bebandelten Tieren das Fehlen von Hypotaurin möglicherweise die Entwicklung und den Transport der Eier ungünstig beeinfluβt.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old infertile Hutsul mare was subjected to cytogenetic analysis. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) using the equine Xp and Xq chromosome painting probes was carried out on chromosome preparations obtained after blood lymphocyte culture. These probes were generated by chromosome microdissection and a large number of spreads was analysed (525). The karyotype formula of the analysed mare was 64,XX/65,XX+Xp with the ratio of the two lines being 99.4 and 0.6, respectively. The goal of the study was to apply chromosome microdissection and the FISH technique for cytogenetic diagnostics.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Although some studies in sheep have indicated leptospire colonization of the genital tract, further studies are needed to clarify the role of genital...  相似文献   

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